*	Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
*	This product contains software technology licensed from Id 
*	Software, Inc. ("Id Technology").  Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. 
*	All Rights Reserved.
*   Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
*   object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
*   Valve LLC.  All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
*   without written permission from Valve LLC.
//  ammohistory.cpp

#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "ammohistory.h"

HistoryResource gHR;

#define AMMO_PICKUP_GAP (gHR.iHistoryGap+5)
#define AMMO_PICKUP_PICK_HEIGHT		(32 + (gHR.iHistoryGap * 2))
#define AMMO_PICKUP_HEIGHT_MAX		(ScreenHeight() - 100)

#define MAX_ITEM_NAME	32

// keep a list of items
struct ITEM_INFO
	char szName[MAX_ITEM_NAME];
	wrect_t rect;

void HistoryResource :: AddToHistory( int iType, int iId, int iCount )
	if ( iType == HISTSLOT_AMMO && !iCount )
		return;  // no amount, so don't add

	if ( (((AMMO_PICKUP_GAP * iCurrentHistorySlot) + AMMO_PICKUP_PICK_HEIGHT) > AMMO_PICKUP_HEIGHT_MAX) || (iCurrentHistorySlot >= MAX_HISTORY) )
	{	// the pic would have to be drawn too high
		// so start from the bottom
		iCurrentHistorySlot = 0;
	HIST_ITEM *freeslot = &rgAmmoHistory[iCurrentHistorySlot++];  // default to just writing to the first slot
	HISTORY_DRAW_TIME = CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "hud_drawhistory_time" );

	freeslot->type = iType;
	freeslot->iId = iId;
	freeslot->iCount = iCount;
	freeslot->DisplayTime = gHUD.m_flTime + HISTORY_DRAW_TIME;

void HistoryResource :: AddToHistory( int iType, const char *szName, int iCount )
	if ( iType != HISTSLOT_ITEM )

	int i = gHUD.GetSpriteIndex( szName );
	if ( i == -1 )
		return;  // unknown sprite name, don't add it to history

	return this->AddToHistory( iType, i, iCount );

void HistoryResource :: CheckClearHistory( void )
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_HISTORY; i++ )
		if ( rgAmmoHistory[i].type )

	iCurrentHistorySlot = 0;

// Draw Ammo pickup history
int HistoryResource :: DrawAmmoHistory( float flTime )
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_HISTORY; i++ )
		if ( rgAmmoHistory[i].type )
			rgAmmoHistory[i].DisplayTime = min( rgAmmoHistory[i].DisplayTime, gHUD.m_flTime + HISTORY_DRAW_TIME );

			if ( rgAmmoHistory[i].DisplayTime <= flTime )
			{  // pic drawing time has expired
				memset( &rgAmmoHistory[i], 0, sizeof(HIST_ITEM) );
			else if ( rgAmmoHistory[i].type == HISTSLOT_AMMO )
				wrect_t rcPic;
				AVHHSPRITE *spr = gWR.GetAmmoPicFromWeapon( rgAmmoHistory[i].iId, rcPic );

				int r, g, b;
				gHUD.GetPrimaryHudColor(r, g, b);
				float scale = (rgAmmoHistory[i].DisplayTime - flTime) * 80;
				ScaleColors(r, g, b, min(scale, 255) );

				// Draw the pic
				int ypos = ScreenHeight() - (AMMO_PICKUP_PICK_HEIGHT + (AMMO_PICKUP_GAP * i));
				int xpos = ScreenWidth() - 24;
				if ( spr && *spr )    // weapon isn't loaded yet so just don't draw the pic
				{ // the dll has to make sure it has sent info the weapons you need
					SPR_Set( *spr, r, g, b );
					SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, xpos, ypos, &rcPic );

				// Draw the number
				gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos - 10, ypos, xpos - 100, rgAmmoHistory[i].iCount, r, g, b );
			else if ( rgAmmoHistory[i].type == HISTSLOT_WEAP )
				WEAPON *weap = gWR.GetWeapon( rgAmmoHistory[i].iId );

				if ( !weap )
					return 1;  // we don't know about the weapon yet, so don't draw anything

				int r, g, b;
				gHUD.GetPrimaryHudColor(r, g, b);
				if ( !gWR.HasAmmo( weap ) )
					UnpackRGB(r,g,b, RGB_REDISH);	// if the weapon doesn't have ammo, display it as red

				float scale = (rgAmmoHistory[i].DisplayTime - flTime) * 80;
				ScaleColors(r, g, b, min(scale, 255) );

				int ypos = ScreenHeight() - (AMMO_PICKUP_PICK_HEIGHT + (AMMO_PICKUP_GAP * i));
				int xpos = ScreenWidth() - (weap->rcInactive.right - weap->rcInactive.left);
				SPR_Set( weap->hInactive, r, g, b );
				SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, xpos, ypos, &weap->rcInactive );
			else if ( rgAmmoHistory[i].type == HISTSLOT_ITEM )
				int r, g, b;

				if ( !rgAmmoHistory[i].iId )
					continue;  // sprite not loaded

				wrect_t rect = gHUD.GetSpriteRect( rgAmmoHistory[i].iId );

				gHUD.GetPrimaryHudColor(r, g, b);
				float scale = (rgAmmoHistory[i].DisplayTime - flTime) * 80;
				ScaleColors(r, g, b, min(scale, 255) );

				int ypos = ScreenHeight() - (AMMO_PICKUP_PICK_HEIGHT + (AMMO_PICKUP_GAP * i));
				int xpos = ScreenWidth() - (rect.right - rect.left) - 10;

				SPR_Set( gHUD.GetSprite( rgAmmoHistory[i].iId ), r, g, b );
				SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, xpos, ypos, &rect );

	return 1;