// system.cpp // // Copyright 1998 by David K. McAllister. // // This file implements the API calls that are not particle actions. #include "general.h" #include <memory.h> // XXX #include <iostream> // using namespace std; // <<< cgc >>> removed DllMain() because I'm linking statically // For Windows DLL. //#ifdef WIN32 //BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, // DWORD ul_reason_for_call, // LPVOID lpReserved // ) //{ // switch (ul_reason_for_call) // { // case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: // case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: // case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // break; // } // return TRUE; //} //#endif // <<< cgc >>> added this pre-declaration extern void _pSendAction(ParticleAction *S, PActionEnum type, int size); float ParticleAction::dt; ParticleGroup **_ParticleState::group_list; PAHeader **_ParticleState::alist_list; int _ParticleState::group_count; int _ParticleState::alist_count; // This AutoCall struct allows for static initialization of the above shared variables. struct AutoCall { AutoCall(); }; AutoCall::AutoCall() { // The list of groups, etc. _ParticleState::group_list = new ParticleGroup *[16]; _ParticleState::group_count = 16; _ParticleState::alist_list = new PAHeader *[16]; _ParticleState::alist_count = 16; for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { _ParticleState::group_list[i] = NULL; _ParticleState::alist_list[i] = NULL; } } #ifdef PARTICLE_MP // This code is defined if we are compiling the library to be used on // multiple threads. We need to have each API call figure out which // _ParticleState belongs to it. We hash pointers to contexts in // _CtxHash. Whenever a TID is asked for but doesn't exist we create // it. #include <mpc.h> // XXX This hard limit should get fixed. int _CtxCount = 151; _ParticleState **_CtxHash = NULL; inline int _HashTID(int tid) { return ((tid << 13) ^ ((tid >> 11) ^ tid)) % _CtxCount; } // Returns a reference to the appropriate particle state. _ParticleState &_GetPStateWithTID() { int tid = mp_my_threadnum(); int ind = _HashTID(tid); // cerr << tid << "->" << ind << endl; // Check through the hash table and find it. for(int i=ind; i<_CtxCount; i++) if(_CtxHash[i] && _CtxHash[i]->tid == tid) { //#pragma critical //cerr << tid << " => " << i << endl; return *_CtxHash[i]; } for(i=0; i<ind; i++) if(_CtxHash[i] && _CtxHash[i]->tid == tid) return *_CtxHash[i]; // It didn't exist. It's a new context, so create it. _ParticleState *psp = new _ParticleState(); psp->tid = tid; // Find a place to put it. for(i=ind; i<_CtxCount; i++) if(_CtxHash[i] == NULL) { // #pragma critical // cerr << "Stored " << tid << " at " << i << endl; _CtxHash[i] = psp; return *psp; } for(i=0; i<ind; i++) if(_CtxHash[i] == NULL) { _CtxHash[i] = psp; return *psp; } // We should never get here. The hash table got full. exit(1); // To appease warnings. return *_CtxHash[0]; } inline void _PLock() { // XXX This implementation is specific to the #pragma parallel directives. // cerr << "Getting lock.\n"; // mp_setlock(); // cerr << "Got lock.\n"; } inline void _PUnLock() { // XXX This implementation is specific to the #pragma parallel directives. // cerr << "Giving lock.\n"; // mp_unsetlock(); // cerr << "Gave lock.\n"; } #else // This is the global state. _ParticleState __ps; inline void _PLock() { } inline void _PUnLock() { } #endif _ParticleState::_ParticleState() { in_call_list = false; in_new_list = false; vertexB_tracks = true; dt = 1.0f; group_id = -1; list_id = -1; pgrp = NULL; pact = NULL; tid = 0; // This will be filled in above if we're MP. Size = pDomain(PDPoint, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Vel = pDomain(PDPoint, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); VertexB = pDomain(PDPoint, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Color = pDomain(PDPoint, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Alpha = 1.0f; Age = 0.0f; AgeSigma = 0.0f; } ParticleGroup *_ParticleState::GetGroupPtr(int p_group_num) { if(p_group_num < 0) return NULL; // IERROR if(p_group_num >= group_count) return NULL; // IERROR return group_list[p_group_num]; } PAHeader *_ParticleState::GetListPtr(int a_list_num) { if(a_list_num < 0) return NULL; // IERROR if(a_list_num >= alist_count) return NULL; // IERROR return alist_list[a_list_num]; } // Return an index into the list of particle groups where // p_group_count groups can be added. int _ParticleState::GenerateGroups(int p_group_count) { int num_empty = 0; int first_empty = -1; for(int i=0; i<group_count; i++) { if(group_list[i]) { num_empty = 0; first_empty = -1; } else { if(first_empty < 0) first_empty = i; num_empty++; if(num_empty >= p_group_count) return first_empty; } } // Couldn't find a big enough gap. Reallocate. int new_count = 16 + group_count + p_group_count; ParticleGroup **glist = new ParticleGroup *[new_count]; memcpy(glist, group_list, group_count * sizeof(void*)); for(int i=group_count; i<new_count; i++) glist[i] = NULL; delete [] group_list; group_list = glist; group_count = new_count; return GenerateGroups(p_group_count); } // Return an index into the list of action lists where // list_count lists can be added. int _ParticleState::GenerateLists(int list_count) { int num_empty = 0; int first_empty = -1; for(int i=0; i<alist_count; i++) { if(alist_list[i]) { num_empty = 0; first_empty = -1; } else { if(first_empty < 0) first_empty = i; num_empty++; if(num_empty >= list_count) return first_empty; } } // Couldn't find a big enough gap. Reallocate. int new_count = 16 + alist_count + list_count; PAHeader **new_list = new PAHeader *[new_count]; memcpy(new_list, alist_list, alist_count * sizeof(void*)); for(int i=list_count; i<new_count; i++) new_list[i] = NULL; delete [] alist_list; alist_list = new_list; alist_count = new_count; return GenerateLists(list_count); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Auxiliary calls void _pCallActionList(ParticleAction *apa, int num_actions, ParticleGroup *pg) { // All these require a particle group, so check for it. if(pg == NULL) return; PAHeader *pa = (PAHeader *)apa; // Step through all the actions in the action list. for(int action = 0; action < num_actions; action++, pa++) { switch(pa->type) { case PAAvoidID: ((PAAvoid *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PABounceID: ((PABounce *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PACallActionListID: ((PACallActionList *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PACopyVertexBID: ((PACopyVertexB *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PADampingID: ((PADamping *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAExplosionID: ((PAExplosion *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAFollowID: ((PAFollow *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAGravitateID: ((PAGravitate *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAGravityID: ((PAGravity *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAJetID: ((PAJet *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAKillOldID: ((PAKillOld *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAMatchVelocityID: ((PAMatchVelocity *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAMoveID: ((PAMove *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAOrbitLineID: ((PAOrbitLine *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAOrbitPointID: ((PAOrbitPoint *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PARandomAccelID: ((PARandomAccel *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PARandomDisplaceID: ((PARandomDisplace *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PARandomVelocityID: ((PARandomVelocity *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PARestoreID: ((PARestore *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PASinkID: ((PASink *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PASinkVelocityID: ((PASinkVelocity *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PASourceID: ((PASource *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PASpeedLimitID: ((PASpeedLimit *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PATargetColorID: ((PATargetColor *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PATargetSizeID: ((PATargetSize *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PATargetVelocityID: ((PATargetVelocity *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; case PAVortexID: ((PAVortex *)pa)->Execute(pg); break; } } } // Add the incoming action to the end of the current action list. void _pAddActionToList(ParticleAction *S, int size) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(!_ps.in_new_list) return; // ERROR if(_ps.pact == NULL) return; // ERROR if(_ps.list_id < 0) return; // ERROR PAHeader *alist = _ps.pact; if(alist->actions_allocated <= alist->count) { // Must reallocate. int new_alloc = 16 + alist->actions_allocated; PAHeader *new_alist = new PAHeader[new_alloc]; memcpy(new_alist, alist, alist->count * sizeof(PAHeader)); delete [] alist; _ps.alist_list[_ps.list_id] = _ps.pact = alist = new_alist; alist->actions_allocated = new_alloc; } // Now add it in. memcpy(&alist[alist->count], S, size); alist->count++; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // State setting calls PARTICLEDLL_API void pColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Alpha = alpha; _ps.Color = pDomain(PDPoint, red, green, blue); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pColorD(float alpha, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Alpha = alpha; _ps.Color = pDomain(dtype, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pVelocity(float x, float y, float z) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Vel = pDomain(PDPoint, x, y, z); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pVelocityD(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Vel = pDomain(dtype, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertexB(float x, float y, float z) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.VertexB = pDomain(PDPoint, x, y, z); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertexBD(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.VertexB = pDomain(dtype, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertexBTracks(bool trackVertex) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.vertexB_tracks = trackVertex; } PARTICLEDLL_API void pSize(float size_x, float size_y, float size_z) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Size = pDomain(PDPoint, size_x, size_y, size_z); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pSizeD(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Size = pDomain(dtype, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pStartingAge(float age, float sigma) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.Age = age; _ps.AgeSigma = sigma; } PARTICLEDLL_API void pTimeStep(float newDT) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); _ps.dt = newDT; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Action List Calls PARTICLEDLL_API int pGenActionLists(int action_list_count) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return -1; // ERROR _PLock(); int ind = _ps.GenerateLists(action_list_count); for(int i=ind; i<ind+action_list_count; i++) { _ps.alist_list[i] = new PAHeader[8]; _ps.alist_list[i]->actions_allocated = 8; _ps.alist_list[i]->type = PAHeaderID; _ps.alist_list[i]->count = 1; } _PUnLock(); return ind; } PARTICLEDLL_API void pNewActionList(int action_list_num) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return; // ERROR _ps.pact = _ps.GetListPtr(action_list_num); if(_ps.pact == NULL) return; // ERROR _ps.list_id = action_list_num; _ps.in_new_list = true; // Remove whatever used to be in the list. _ps.pact->count = 1; } PARTICLEDLL_API void pEndActionList() { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(!_ps.in_new_list) return; // ERROR _ps.in_new_list = false; _ps.pact = NULL; _ps.list_id = -1; } PARTICLEDLL_API void pDeleteActionLists(int action_list_num, int action_list_count) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return; // ERROR if(action_list_num < 0) return; // ERROR if(action_list_num + action_list_count > _ps.alist_count) return; // ERROR _PLock(); for(int i = action_list_num; i < action_list_num + action_list_count; i++) { if(_ps.alist_list[i]) { delete [] _ps.alist_list[i]; _ps.alist_list[i] = NULL; } else { _PUnLock(); return; // ERROR } } _PUnLock(); } PARTICLEDLL_API void pCallActionList(int action_list_num) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) { // Add this call as an action to the current list. // <<< cgc >>> commented out predeclaration //void _pSendAction(ParticleAction *S, PActionEnum type, int size); PACallActionList S; S.action_list_num = action_list_num; _pSendAction(&S, PACallActionListID, sizeof(PACallActionList)); } else { // Execute the specified action list. PAHeader *pa = _ps.GetListPtr(action_list_num); if(pa == NULL) return; // ERRROR // XXX A temporary hack. pa->dt = _ps.dt; _ps.in_call_list = true; _pCallActionList(pa+1, pa->count-1, _ps.pgrp); _ps.in_call_list = false; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Particle Group Calls // Create particle groups, each with max_particles allocated. PARTICLEDLL_API int pGenParticleGroups(int p_group_count, int max_particles) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return -1; // ERROR _PLock(); // cerr << "Generating pg " << _ps.tid << " cnt= " << max_particles << endl; int ind = _ps.GenerateGroups(p_group_count); for(int i=ind; i<ind+p_group_count; i++) { _ps.group_list[i] = (ParticleGroup *)new Particle[max_particles + 2]; _ps.group_list[i]->max_particles = max_particles; _ps.group_list[i]->particles_allocated = max_particles; _ps.group_list[i]->p_count = 0; } _PUnLock(); return ind; } PARTICLEDLL_API void pDeleteParticleGroups(int p_group_num, int p_group_count) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(p_group_num < 0) return; // ERROR if(p_group_num + p_group_count > _ps.group_count) return; // ERROR _PLock(); for(int i = p_group_num; i < p_group_num + p_group_count; i++) { if(_ps.group_list[i]) { delete [] _ps.group_list[i]; _ps.group_list[i] = NULL; } else { _PUnLock(); return; // ERROR } } _PUnLock(); } // Change which group is current. PARTICLEDLL_API void pCurrentGroup(int p_group_num) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return; // ERROR _ps.pgrp = _ps.GetGroupPtr(p_group_num); if(_ps.pgrp) _ps.group_id = p_group_num; else _ps.group_id = -1; } PARTICLEDLL_API ParticleGroup* pGetCurrentGroup(void) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); ParticleGroup *pg = _ps.pgrp; return pg; } // Change the maximum number of particles in the current group. PARTICLEDLL_API int pSetMaxParticles(int max_count) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return 0; // ERROR ParticleGroup *pg = _ps.pgrp; if(pg == NULL) return 0; // ERROR if(max_count < 0) return 0; // ERROR // Reducing max. if(pg->particles_allocated >= max_count) { pg->max_particles = max_count; // May have to kill particles. if(pg->p_count > pg->max_particles) pg->p_count = pg->max_particles; return max_count; } _PLock(); // Allocate particles. ParticleGroup *pg2 =(ParticleGroup *)new Particle[max_count + 2]; if(pg2 == NULL) { // Not enough memory. Just give all we've got. // ERROR pg->max_particles = pg->particles_allocated; _PUnLock(); return pg->max_particles; } memcpy(pg2, pg, (pg->p_count + 2) * sizeof(Particle)); delete [] pg; _ps.group_list[_ps.group_id] = _ps.pgrp = pg2; pg2->max_particles = max_count; pg2->particles_allocated = max_count; _PUnLock(); return max_count; } // Copy from the specified group to the current group. PARTICLEDLL_API void pCopyGroup(int p_src_group_num, int index, int copy_count) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return; // ERROR ParticleGroup *srcgrp = _ps.GetGroupPtr(p_src_group_num); if(srcgrp == NULL) return; // ERROR ParticleGroup *destgrp = _ps.pgrp; if(destgrp == NULL) return; // ERROR // Find out exactly how many to copy. int ccount = copy_count; if(ccount > srcgrp->p_count - index) ccount = srcgrp->p_count - index; if(ccount > destgrp->max_particles - destgrp->p_count) ccount = destgrp->max_particles - destgrp->p_count; // #pragma critical // cerr << p_src_group_num << ": " << ccount << " " << srcgrp->p_count << " " << index << endl; if(ccount<0) ccount = 0; // Directly copy the particles to the current list. for(int i=0; i<ccount; i++) { destgrp->list[destgrp->p_count+i] = srcgrp->list[index+i]; } destgrp->p_count += ccount; } PARTICLEDLL_API ParticleGroup* pGetParticleGroupRef(int p_group_num) { ParticleGroup* theGroup = NULL; _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(!_ps.in_new_list) { theGroup = _ps.GetGroupPtr(p_group_num); } return theGroup; } // Copy from the current group to application memory. PARTICLEDLL_API int pGetParticles(int index, int count, float *verts, float *color, float *vel, float *size, float *age) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); // XXX I should think about whether color means color3, color4, or what. // For now, it means color4. if(_ps.in_new_list) return -1; // ERROR ParticleGroup *pg = _ps.pgrp; if(pg == NULL) return -2; // ERROR if(index < 0 || count < 0) return -3; // ERROR if(index + count > pg->p_count) { count = pg->p_count - index; if(count <= 0) return -4; // ERROR index out of bounds. } int vi = 0, ci = 0, li = 0, si = 0, ai = 0; // This could be optimized. for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { Particle &m = pg->list[index + i]; if(verts) { verts[vi++] = m.pos.x; verts[vi++] = m.pos.y; verts[vi++] = m.pos.z; } if(color) { color[ci++] = m.color.x; color[ci++] = m.color.y; color[ci++] = m.color.z; color[ci++] = m.alpha; } if(vel) { vel[li++] = m.vel.x; vel[li++] = m.vel.y; vel[li++] = m.vel.z; } if(size) { size[si++] = m.size.x; size[si++] = m.size.y; size[si++] = m.size.z; } if(age) { age[ai++] = m.age; } } return count; } // Returns the number of particles currently in the group. PARTICLEDLL_API int pGetGroupCount() { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); if(_ps.in_new_list) return 0; // ERROR if(_ps.pgrp == NULL) return 0; // ERROR return _ps.pgrp->p_count; }