//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: Data structure for keeping track of movement that occurs over multiple ticks. // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: 2002/05/23 02:33:20 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHSharedMovementInfo.h,v $ // Revision 1.1 2002/05/23 02:33:20 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #ifndef AVH_SHAREDMOVEMENTINFO_H #define AVH_SHAREDMOVEMENTINFO_H #include "../types.h" class AvHPlayerMovementInfo { public: AvHPlayerMovementInfo(); vec3_t mBlinkOrigin; vec3_t mBlinkDirection; float mBlinkStartTime; } ; class AvHSharedMovementInfo { public: static AvHSharedMovementInfo* Instance(); void GetBlinkStartInfo(int inPlayerIndex, float* inOrigin, float* inDirection, float& inStartTime); void SetBlinkStartInfo(int inPlayerIndex, const float* inOrigin, const float* inDirection, float inStartTime); private: static AvHSharedMovementInfo* sMovementInfo; typedef map<int, AvHPlayerMovementInfo> PlayerMovementInfoList; PlayerMovementInfoList mPlayerInfoList; }; #endif