//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHBaseBuildable.cpp$ // $Date: 2002/11/22 21:28:15 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHBaseBuildable.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.19 2002/11/22 21:28:15 Flayra // - mp_consistency changes // // Revision 1.18 2002/11/15 04:47:11 Flayra // - Regenerate now returns bool if healed or not, for def chamber tweak // // Revision 1.17 2002/11/12 02:22:35 Flayra // - Removed draw damage from public build // - Don't allow +use to speed research // // Revision 1.16 2002/11/06 01:38:24 Flayra // - Added ability for buildings to be enabled and disabled, for turrets to be shut down // - Damage refactoring (TakeDamage assumes caller has already adjusted for friendly fire, etc.) // // Revision 1.15 2002/10/24 21:21:49 Flayra // - Added code to award attacker a frag when destroying a building but thought better of it // // Revision 1.14 2002/10/16 00:49:35 Flayra // - Reworked build times so they are real numbers // // Revision 1.13 2002/10/03 18:38:56 Flayra // - Fixed problem where regenerating builders via healing spray wasn't updating health ring // - Allow buildings to play custom damage alerts (for towers) // // Revision 1.12 2002/09/23 22:10:14 Flayra // - Removed progress bar when building // - Removed vestiges of fading building as building // - Changed point costs // // Revision 1.11 2002/09/09 19:49:09 Flayra // - Buildables now play animations better, without interrupting previous anims // // Revision 1.10 2002/08/31 18:01:00 Flayra // - Work at VALVe // // Revision 1.9 2002/08/16 02:32:45 Flayra // - Added damage types // - Added visual health for commander and marines // // Revision 1.8 2002/08/02 22:02:09 Flayra // - New alert system // // Revision 1.7 2002/07/26 23:03:56 Flayra // - Don't play "hurt/wound" sounds when we don't actually take damage (GetCanEntityDoDamageTo) // - Generate numerical feedback for damage events // // Revision 1.6 2002/07/23 16:58:38 Flayra // - Auto-build can't happen before game starts // // Revision 1.5 2002/07/01 21:15:46 Flayra // - Added auto-build capability // // Revision 1.4 2002/06/25 17:31:24 Flayra // - Regular update, don't assume anything about player building, renamed arsenal to armory // // Revision 1.3 2002/06/03 16:27:59 Flayra // - Allow alien buildings to regenerate, renamed weapons factory and armory // // Revision 1.2 2002/05/28 17:37:27 Flayra // - Added building recycling, mark mapper placed buildables so they aren't destroyed at the end of the round // // Revision 1.1 2002/05/23 02:34:00 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #include "AvHBaseBuildable.h" #include "AvHGamerules.h" #include "AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "AvHServerUtil.h" #include "AvHServerVariables.h" #include "AvHParticleConstants.h" #include "AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h" #include "AvHSoundListManager.h" #include "AvHAlienEquipmentConstants.h" #include "AvHPlayerUpgrade.h" #include "../dlls/animation.h" #include "AvHMovementUtil.h" const int kBaseBuildableSpawnAnimation = 0; const int kBaseBuildableDeployAnimation = 1; const int kBaseBuildableIdle1Animation = 2; const int kBaseBuildableIdle2Animation = 3; const int kBaseBuildableResearchingAnimation = 4; const int kBaseBuildableActiveAnimation = 5; const int kBaseBuildableFireAnimation = 6; const int kBaseBuildableTakeDamageAnimation = 7; const int kBaseBuildableDieForwardAnimation = 8; const int kBaseBuildableDieLeftAnimation = 9; const int kBaseBuildableDieBackwardAnimation = 10; const int kBaseBuildableDieRightAnimation = 11; const int kBaseBuildableSpecialAnimation = 12; extern int gRegenerationEventID; extern AvHSoundListManager gSoundListManager; AvHBaseBuildable::AvHBaseBuildable(AvHTechID inTechID, AvHMessageID inMessageID, char* inClassName, int inUser3) : AvHBuildable(inTechID), kStartAlpha(128), mAverageUseSoundLength(.5f) { this->mClassName = inClassName; this->mMessageID = inMessageID; this->mBaseHealth = GetGameRules()->GetBaseHealthForMessageID(inMessageID); char* theModelName = AvHSHUGetBuildTechModelName(inMessageID); ASSERT(theModelName); this->mModelName = theModelName; this->mSelectID = inUser3; this->mTimeToConstruct = GetGameRules()->GetBuildTimeForMessageID(inMessageID); // Very important that this doesn't go in Init(), else mapper-placed structures disappear on map-reset this->mPersistent = false; this->Init(); } void AvHBaseBuildable::Init() { if(this->pev) { InitializeBuildable(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, this->mSelectID); } this->mTimeAnimationDone = 0; this->mLastAnimationPlayed = -1; this->mIsResearching = false; this->mTimeOfLastAutoHeal = -1; this->mInternalSetConstructionComplete = false; this->mKilled = false; this->mTimeOfLastDamageEffect = -1; this->mTimeOfLastDamageUpdate = -1; this->mTimeRecycleStarted = -1; this->mTimeRecycleDone = -1; this->mTimeOfLastDCRegeneration = -1; SetThink(NULL); } const float kAnimateThinkTime = .1f; void AvHBaseBuildable::AnimateThink() { int theSequence = this->GetResearchAnimation(); if(!this->mIsResearching) { // Play a random idle animation theSequence = this->GetIdleAnimation(); } else { int a = 0; } this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(theSequence); // Set our next think float theUpdateTime = this->GetTimeForAnimation(theSequence); this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + theUpdateTime; } int AvHBaseBuildable::BloodColor( void ) { int theBloodColor = DONT_BLEED; if(this->GetIsOrganic()) { theBloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN; } return theBloodColor; } void AvHBaseBuildable::BuildableTouch(CBaseEntity* inEntity) { if(inEntity->pev->team != this->pev->team) { this->Uncloak(); // GHOSTBUILDING: Destroy and return res. if (this->mGhost && inEntity->IsAlive() && inEntity->IsPlayer()) { this->TakeDamage(inEntity->pev, this->pev, 80000, DMG_GENERIC); AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(AvHTeamNumber(this->pev->team)); if (theTeam) { float thePercentage = .8f; float thePointsBack = GetGameRules()->GetCostForMessageID(this->mMessageID) * thePercentage; theTeam->SetTeamResources(theTeam->GetTeamResources() + thePointsBack); AvHSUPlayNumericEventAboveStructure(thePointsBack, this); } // Uncloak the player AvHCloakable *theCloakable=dynamic_cast<AvHCloakable *>(inEntity); if ( theCloakable ) { theCloakable->Uncloak(); } } } } void AvHBaseBuildable::CheckEnabledState() { } void AvHBaseBuildable::ConstructUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { bool theSuccess = false; bool theIsBuilding = false; bool theIsResearching = false; float thePercentage = 0.0f; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); // Only allow players to help along building, not researching if(theIsBuilding) { // Only allow users from same team as turret deployer float thePercentage = this->GetNormalizedBuildPercentage(); if(pActivator->pev->team == this->pev->team && (thePercentage < 1.0f)) { AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(pActivator); ASSERT(thePlayer); // Only soldiers and builders can build if(thePlayer->GetIsAbleToAct() && ((thePlayer->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) || (thePlayer->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2))) { AvHBasePlayerWeapon* theWeapon = dynamic_cast<AvHBasePlayerWeapon*>(thePlayer->m_pActiveItem); if(!theWeapon || theWeapon->CanHolster()) { thePlayer->PlayerConstructUse(); bool thePlaySound = false; // Ensure that buildings are never absolutely painful to create int theBuildTime = max(GetGameRules()->GetBuildTimeForMessageID(this->mMessageID), 1); if((GetGameRules()->GetIsTesting() || GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled()) && !GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcSlowResearch)) { theBuildTime = 2; } // Make non-frame-rate dependent const float kDefaultInterval = .1f; float theTimeOfLastConstructUse = thePlayer->GetTimeOfLastConstructUse(); float theInterval = min(max(gpGlobals->time - theTimeOfLastConstructUse, 0.0f), kDefaultInterval); thePercentage += (theInterval/(float)theBuildTime); thePlayer->SetTimeOfLastConstructUse(gpGlobals->time); if(gpGlobals->time > (this->mLastTimePlayedSound + this->mAverageUseSoundLength)) { AvHSUPlayRandomConstructionEffect(thePlayer, this); this->mLastTimePlayedSound = gpGlobals->time; } // Given the number of constructors, what's chance of starting a new sound? float theChanceForNewSound = (gpGlobals->frametime/(this->mAverageUseSoundLength));// /2.0f)); float theRandomFloat = RANDOM_FLOAT(0.0f, 1.0f); if(theRandomFloat < theChanceForNewSound) { AvHSUPlayRandomConstructionEffect(thePlayer, this); } //if(RANDOM_LONG(0, 20) == 0) //{ // char theMessage[128]; // sprintf(theMessage, "Time passed: %f, ticks: %d, rate: %f\n", theTimePassed, this->mPreThinkTicks, this->mPreThinkFrameRate); // UTIL_SayText(theMessage, this); //} this->SetNormalizedBuildPercentage(thePercentage); theSuccess = true; // GHOSTBUILD: Manifest structure. pev->renderamt = 255; pev->rendermode = kRenderNormal; pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; this->mGhost = false; } } } } // Clear out +use sound when ineffective if(!theSuccess) { EMIT_SOUND(pActivator->edict(), CHAN_ITEM, "common/null.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM); } } bool AvHBaseBuildable::Energize(float inEnergyAmount) { return false; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetBaseHealth() const { return this->mBaseHealth; } char* AvHBaseBuildable::GetClassName() const { return this->mClassName; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetIdleAnimation() const { int theAnimation = this->GetIdle1Animation(); if(RANDOM_LONG(0, 1)) { theAnimation = this->GetIdle2Animation(); } return theAnimation; } char* AvHBaseBuildable::GetDeploySound() const { return NULL; } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetIsBuilt() const { return this->mInternalSetConstructionComplete; } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetIsOrganic() const { return false; } char* AvHBaseBuildable::GetKilledSound() const { return NULL; } float AvHBaseBuildable::GetNormalizedBuildPercentage() const { //return this->pev->fuser1/kNormalizationNetworkFactor; bool theIsBuilding; bool theIsResearching; float thePercentage; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); // Check for energy special case if(theIsBuilding && theIsResearching) { thePercentage = 1.0f; } return thePercentage; } float AvHBaseBuildable::GetTimeForAnimation(int inIndex) const { return GetSequenceDuration(GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)), this->pev); } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetStartAlpha() const { return kStartAlpha; } void AvHBaseBuildable::FireDeathTarget() const { if(this->mTargetOnDeath != "") { FireTargets(this->mTargetOnDeath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, USE_TOGGLE, 0.0f); } } void AvHBaseBuildable::FireSpawnTarget() const { if(this->mTargetOnSpawn != "") { FireTargets(this->mTargetOnSpawn.c_str(), NULL, NULL, USE_TOGGLE, 0.0f); } } void AvHBaseBuildable::KeyValue(KeyValueData* pkvd) { // Any entity placed by the mapper is persistent this->SetPersistent(); if(FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "targetonspawn")) { this->mTargetOnSpawn = pkvd->szValue; pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if(FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "targetondeath")) { this->mTargetOnDeath = pkvd->szValue; pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if(FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "teamchoice")) { //this->mTeam = (AvHTeamNumber)(atoi(pkvd->szValue)); this->pev->team = (AvHTeamNumber)(atoi(pkvd->szValue)); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if(FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "angles")) { // TODO: Insert code here //pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; int a = 0; } else { CBaseAnimating::KeyValue(pkvd); } } void AvHBaseBuildable::PlayAnimationAtIndex(int inIndex, bool inForce, float inFrameRate) { // Only play animations on buildings that we have artwork for bool thePlayAnim = false; if(inIndex >= 0) { switch(this->mMessageID) { case BUILD_RESOURCES: case BUILD_ARMSLAB: case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: case TURRET_FACTORY_UPGRADE: case BUILD_ARMORY: case ARMORY_UPGRADE: case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: case BUILD_TURRET: case BUILD_SIEGE: case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: case ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: thePlayAnim = true; } } // Make sure we're not interrupting another animation if(thePlayAnim) { // Allow forcing of new animation, but it's better to complete current animation then interrupt it and play it again float theCurrentTime = gpGlobals->time; if((theCurrentTime >= this->mTimeAnimationDone) || (inForce && (inIndex != this->mLastAnimationPlayed))) { this->pev->sequence = inIndex; this->pev->frame = 0; ResetSequenceInfo(); this->pev->framerate = inFrameRate; // Set to last frame to play backwards if(this->pev->framerate < 0) { this->pev->frame = 255; } this->mLastAnimationPlayed = inIndex; float theTimeForAnim = this->GetTimeForAnimation(inIndex); this->mTimeAnimationDone = theCurrentTime + theTimeForAnim; // Recalculate size //Vector theMinSize, theMaxSize; //this->ExtractBbox(this->pev->sequence, (float*)&theMinSize, (float*)&theMaxSize); //UTIL_SetSize(this->pev, theMinSize, theMaxSize); } } } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetNormalizedBuildPercentage(float inPercentage, bool inForceIfComplete) { // Get previous build percentage so we can add hitpoints as structure is building. This means that structures that are hurt while building finish hurt. bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching; float theNormalizedBuildPercentage = 0.0f; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, theNormalizedBuildPercentage); float theDiff = inPercentage - theNormalizedBuildPercentage; if(theDiff > 0) { this->pev->health += theDiff*(1.0f - kBaseHealthPercentage)*this->mBaseHealth; this->pev->health = min(max(0.0f, this->pev->health), (float)this->mBaseHealth); } else { int a = 0; } // Set new build state AvHSHUSetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, true, inPercentage); if(inPercentage >= 1.0f) { this->InternalSetConstructionComplete(inForceIfComplete); } this->HealthChanged(); } void AvHBaseBuildable::UpdateOnRecycle() { // empty, override to add events on recycle for buildings } Vector AvHBaseBuildable::EyePosition( ) { if ( this->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_HIVE ) return CBaseEntity::EyePosition(); vec3_t position=AvHSHUGetRealLocation(this->pev->origin, this->pev->mins, this->pev->maxs); position[2]+=10; return position; } void AvHBaseBuildable::StartRecycle() { if(!GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { int theRecycleTime = (GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled() && !GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcSlowResearch)) ? 2 : BALANCE_VAR(kRecycleTime); // Play recycle animation in reverse (would like to play them slower according to recycle time, but it doesn't work for all structures, seems dependent on # of keyframes) int theAnimation = this->GetRecycleAnimation(); float theTimeForAnim = this->GetTimeForAnimation(theAnimation); float theFrameRate = -1;//-theTimeForAnim/theRecycleTime; this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(theAnimation, true, theFrameRate); // Schedule time to give points back SetThink(&AvHBaseBuildable::RecycleComplete); this->mTimeRecycleStarted = gpGlobals->time; this->mTimeRecycleDone = gpGlobals->time + theRecycleTime; this->pev->nextthink = this->mTimeRecycleDone; float theVolume = .5f; EMIT_SOUND(this->edict(), CHAN_AUTO, kBuildableRecycleSound, theVolume, ATTN_NORM); SetUpgradeMask(&this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING); // run any events for this class on recycling the structure this->UpdateOnRecycle(); // Remove tech immediately, so research or building isn't started using this tech this->TriggerRemoveTech(); } } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetIsRecycling() const { return GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING); } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetIsTechActive() const { bool theIsActive = false; if(this->GetIsBuilt() && (this->pev->health > 0) && !GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { theIsActive = true; } return theIsActive; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetActiveAnimation() const { return kBaseBuildableActiveAnimation; } CBaseEntity* AvHBaseBuildable::GetAttacker() { CBaseEntity* theAttacker = this; AvHBuildable* theBuildable = dynamic_cast<AvHBuildable*>(this); if(theBuildable) { int theBuilderIndex = theBuildable->GetBuilder(); CBaseEntity* theBuilderEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex(theBuilderIndex)); if(theBuilderEntity) { theAttacker = theBuilderEntity; } } return theAttacker; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetDeployAnimation() const { return kBaseBuildableDeployAnimation; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetIdle1Animation() const { return kBaseBuildableIdle1Animation; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetIdle2Animation() const { return kBaseBuildableIdle2Animation; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetKilledAnimation() const { return kBaseBuildableDieForwardAnimation; } AvHMessageID AvHBaseBuildable::GetMessageID() const { return this->mMessageID; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetMoveType() const { return MOVETYPE_TOSS; } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetTriggerAlertOnDamage() const { return true; } float AvHBaseBuildable::GetTimeAnimationDone() const { return this->mTimeAnimationDone; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetResearchAnimation() const { return kBaseBuildableResearchingAnimation; } // Play deploy animation backwards int AvHBaseBuildable::GetRecycleAnimation() const { int theAnimation = -1; if(this->GetIsBuilt()) { theAnimation = this->GetDeployAnimation(); } return theAnimation; } char* AvHBaseBuildable::GetModelName() const { return this->mModelName; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetSpawnAnimation() const { return kBaseBuildableSpawnAnimation; } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetTakeDamageAnimation() const { int theAnimation = -1; if(this->GetIsBuilt()) { theAnimation = kBaseBuildableTakeDamageAnimation; } return theAnimation; } AvHTeamNumber AvHBaseBuildable::GetTeamNumber() const { AvHTeamNumber ret=TEAM_IND; if ( this->pev ) ret=(AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team; return ret; } void AvHBaseBuildable::Killed(entvars_t* pevAttacker, int iGib) { bool theInReset = GetGameRules()->GetIsGameInReset(); AvHBaseBuildable::SetHasBeenKilled(); GetGameRules()->RemoveEntityUnderAttack( this->entindex() ); this->mKilled = true; this->mInternalSetConstructionComplete = false; this->mTimeOfLastAutoHeal = -1; if (!theInReset) { // : 980 // Less smoke for recycled buildings this->TriggerDeathAudioVisuals(iGib == GIB_RECYCLED); if(!this->GetIsOrganic()) { // More sparks for recycled buildings int numSparks = ( iGib == GIB_RECYCLED ) ? 7 : 3; for ( int i=0; i < numSparks; i++ ) { Vector vecSrc = Vector( (float)RANDOM_FLOAT( pev->absmin.x, pev->absmax.x ), (float)RANDOM_FLOAT( pev->absmin.y, pev->absmax.y ), (float)0 ); vecSrc = vecSrc + Vector( (float)0, (float)0, (float)RANDOM_FLOAT( pev->origin.z, pev->absmax.z ) ); UTIL_Sparks(vecSrc); } } // : } this->TriggerRemoveTech(); AvHSURemoveEntityFromHotgroupsAndSelection(this->entindex()); if(pevAttacker) { const char* theClassName = STRING(this->pev->classname); AvHPlayer* inPlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(CBaseEntity::Instance(ENT(pevAttacker))); if(inPlayer && theClassName) { inPlayer->LogPlayerAction("structure_destroyed", theClassName); GetGameRules()->RewardPlayerForKill(inPlayer, this); } } if(this->GetIsPersistent()) { this->SetInactive(); } else { CBaseAnimating::Killed(pevAttacker, iGib); } } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetActive() { this->pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetInactive() { this->pev->health = 0; this->pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; this->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; this->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; SetUpgradeMask(&this->pev->iuser4, MASK_PARASITED, false);//: remove parasite flag to prevent phantom parasites. //this->pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; SetThink(NULL); } int AvHBaseBuildable::ObjectCaps(void) { return FCAP_CONTINUOUS_USE; } void AvHBaseBuildable::Precache(void) { CBaseAnimating::Precache(); char* theDeploySound = this->GetDeploySound(); if(theDeploySound) { PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(theDeploySound); } char* theKilledSound = this->GetKilledSound(); if(theKilledSound) { PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(theKilledSound); } PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL(this->mModelName); PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kBuildableRecycleSound); //PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kBuildableHurt1Sound); //PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kBuildableHurt2Sound); this->mElectricalSprite = PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL(kElectricalSprite); } void AvHBaseBuildable::RecycleComplete() { // Look at whether it has been built and health to determine how many points to give back float thePercentage = BALANCE_VAR(kRecycleResourcePercentage); if(!this->GetIsBuilt()) { thePercentage = .8f; } // Make sure the building is still alive, can't get points back if it's dead if(this->pev->health <= 0) { thePercentage = 0.0f; } // Look up team AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team); if(theTeam) { bool theIsEnergyTech = AvHSHUGetDoesTechCostEnergy(this->mMessageID); ASSERT(!theIsEnergyTech); float thePointsBack = GetGameRules()->GetCostForMessageID(this->mMessageID)*thePercentage; theTeam->SetTeamResources(theTeam->GetTeamResources() + thePointsBack); // Play "+ resources" event AvHSUPlayNumericEventAboveStructure(thePointsBack, this); // : 980 // Less smoke and more sparks for recycled buildings this->Killed(this->pev, GIB_RECYCLED); // : } } // Sets the template iuser3 for this buildable. This is stored outside of the actual iuser3 because sometimes the pev isn't allocated yet. void AvHBaseBuildable::SetSelectID(int inSelectID) { this->mSelectID = inSelectID; } bool AvHBaseBuildable::Regenerate(float inRegenerationAmount, bool inPlaySound, bool dcHealing) { bool theDidHeal = false; if ( gpGlobals->time > this->mTimeOfLastDCRegeneration + BALANCE_VAR(kDefenseChamberThinkInterval) - 0.05f || (dcHealing == false)) { if ( dcHealing ) this->mTimeOfLastDCRegeneration = gpGlobals->time; float theMaxHealth = this->mBaseHealth; if(!this->GetIsBuilt()) { float theNormalizedBuildPercentage = this->GetNormalizedBuildPercentage(); theMaxHealth = (kBaseHealthPercentage + theNormalizedBuildPercentage*(1.0f - kBaseHealthPercentage))*this->mBaseHealth; } // If we aren't at full health, heal health if(this->pev->health < theMaxHealth) { this->pev->health = min(theMaxHealth, this->pev->health + inRegenerationAmount); this->HealthChanged(); theDidHeal = true; } // Play regen event if(theDidHeal) { if(inPlaySound) { // Play regeneration event PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL(0, this->edict(), gRegenerationEventID, 0, this->pev->origin, (float *)&g_vecZero, 1.0f, 0.0, /*theWeaponIndex*/ 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } } } return theDidHeal; } void AvHBaseBuildable::ResetEntity() { CBaseAnimating::ResetEntity(); this->Init(); this->Materialize(); this->pev->effects = 0; // Build it if marked as starting built if(this->pev->spawnflags & 1) this->SetConstructionComplete(true); this->mKilled = false; } void AvHBaseBuildable::InternalSetConstructionComplete(bool inForce) { if(!this->mInternalSetConstructionComplete || inForce) { // Fully built items are no longer marked as buildable SetUpgradeMask(&this->pev->iuser4, MASK_BUILDABLE, false); this->pev->rendermode = kRenderNormal; this->pev->renderamt = 255; // GHOSTBUILD: Ensure that finished buildings aren't ghosted. this->mGhost = false; this->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; this->SetHasBeenBuilt(); this->SetActive(); this->mInternalSetConstructionComplete = true; this->TriggerAddTech(); char* theDeploySound = this->GetDeploySound(); if(theDeploySound) { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_WEAPON, theDeploySound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } int theDeployAnimation = this->GetDeployAnimation(); this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(theDeployAnimation, true); } } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetConstructionComplete(bool inForce) { this->SetNormalizedBuildPercentage(1.0f, inForce); } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetAverageUseSoundLength(float inLength) { this->mAverageUseSoundLength = inLength; } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetResearching(bool inState) { int theSequence = this->GetResearchAnimation(); if(!inState) { theSequence = this->GetIdleAnimation(); } this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(theSequence, true); this->mIsResearching = inState; } // Requires mSelectID and mMessageID to be set // Sets the pev user variables, mBaseHealth, pev->health and pev->armorvalue void AvHBaseBuildable::InternalInitializeBuildable() { // Always buildable InitializeBuildable(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, this->mSelectID); this->mBaseHealth = GetGameRules()->GetBaseHealthForMessageID(this->mMessageID); this->pev->health = this->mBaseHealth*kBaseHealthPercentage; this->pev->max_health = this->mBaseHealth; // Store max health in armorvalue //this->pev->armorvalue = GetGameRules()->GetBaseHealthForMessageID(this->mMessageID); } const float kFallThinkInterval = .1f; void AvHBaseBuildable::Spawn() { this->Precache(); CBaseAnimating::Spawn(); // Get building size in standard way SET_MODEL(ENT(this->pev), this->mModelName); pev->movetype = this->GetMoveType(); pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; UTIL_SetOrigin( pev, pev->origin ); this->Materialize(); SetTouch(&AvHBaseBuildable::BuildableTouch); if(this->pev->spawnflags & 1) this->SetConstructionComplete(true); // GHOSTBUILD: Mark as unmanifested if it's a marine structure. if (!this->GetIsOrganic()) { pev->renderamt = 170; pev->rendermode = kRenderTransTexture; this->mGhost = true; } } void AvHBaseBuildable::FallThink() { pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kFallThinkInterval; if ( pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND ) { this->Materialize(); // Start animating SetThink(&AvHBaseBuildable::AnimateThink); this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kAnimateThinkTime; } } int AvHBaseBuildable::GetSequenceForBoundingBox() const { return 0; } void AvHBaseBuildable::Materialize() { this->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; this->pev->movetype = this->GetMoveType(); this->pev->classname = MAKE_STRING(this->mClassName); this->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; SetBits(this->pev->flags, FL_MONSTER); // Always buildable this->InternalInitializeBuildable(); this->SetNormalizedBuildPercentage(0.0f); // NOTE: fuser2 is used for repairing structures Vector theMinSize, theMaxSize; //int theSequence = this->GetSequenceForBoundingBox(); // Get height needed for model //this->ExtractBbox(theSequence, (float*)&theMinSize, (float*)&theMaxSize); //float theHeight = theMaxSize.z - theMinSize.z; AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(this->GetMessageID(), theMinSize, theMaxSize); UTIL_SetSize(pev, theMinSize, theMaxSize); this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(this->GetSpawnAnimation(), true); SetUse(&AvHBaseBuildable::ConstructUse); } int AvHBaseBuildable::TakeDamage(entvars_t* inInflictor, entvars_t* inAttacker, float inDamage, int inBitsDamageType) { if(GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcHighDamage)) { inDamage *= 50; } if(!inAttacker) { inAttacker = inInflictor; } if(!inInflictor) { inInflictor = inAttacker; } // Take into account handicap AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(AvHTeamNumber(inAttacker->team)); if(theTeam) { float theHandicap = theTeam->GetHandicap(); inDamage *= theHandicap; } CBaseEntity* inInflictorEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(inInflictor); float theDamage = 0; // Take half damage from piercing if(inBitsDamageType & NS_DMG_PIERCING) { inDamage /= 2.0f; } // Take double damage from blast if(inBitsDamageType & NS_DMG_BLAST) { inDamage *= 2.0f; } if((inBitsDamageType & NS_DMG_ORGANIC) && !this->GetIsOrganic()) { inDamage = 0.0f; } theDamage = AvHPlayerUpgrade::CalculateDamageLessArmor((AvHUser3)this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, inDamage, this->pev->armorvalue, inBitsDamageType, GetGameRules()->GetNumActiveHives((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team)); if(theDamage > 0) { int theAnimationIndex = this->GetTakeDamageAnimation(); if(theAnimationIndex >= 0) { this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(theAnimationIndex, true); } // Award experience to attacker CBaseEntity* theEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(ENT(inAttacker)); AvHPlayer* inAttacker = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(theEntity); if(inAttacker && (inAttacker->pev->team != this->pev->team)) { inAttacker->AwardExperienceForObjective(theDamage, this->GetMessageID()); } } int theReturnValue = 0; if(theDamage > 0.0f) { if(this->GetTriggerAlertOnDamage()) GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team, ALERT_UNDER_ATTACK, this->entindex()); theDamage = CBaseAnimating::TakeDamage(inInflictor, inAttacker, inDamage, inBitsDamageType); bool theDrawDamage = (ns_cvar_float(&avh_drawdamage) > 0); if(theDrawDamage) { Vector theMinSize; Vector theMaxSize; AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(this->GetMessageID(), theMinSize, theMaxSize); Vector theStartPos = this->pev->origin; theStartPos.z += theMaxSize.z; // Draw for everyone (team is 0 after inDamage parameter) AvHSUPlayNumericEvent(-inDamage, this->edict(), theStartPos, 0, kNumericalInfoHealthEvent, 0); } } // Structures uncloak when damaged this->Uncloak(); this->HealthChanged(); return theDamage; } void AvHBaseBuildable::TechnologyBuilt(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { } void AvHBaseBuildable::WorldUpdate() { this->UpdateTechSlots(); // Organic buildings heal themselves if(this->GetIsOrganic()) { this->UpdateAutoHeal(); } else { //this->UpdateDamageEffects(); } // If we're electrified, set render mode if(GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_11)) { // Base marine building const int kElectrifyRenderMode = kRenderFxGlowShell; const int kElectrifyRenderAmount = 40; this->pev->renderfx = kElectrifyRenderMode; this->pev->renderamt = kElectrifyRenderAmount; this->pev->rendercolor.x = kTeamColors[this->pev->team][0]; this->pev->rendercolor.y = kTeamColors[this->pev->team][1]; this->pev->rendercolor.z = kTeamColors[this->pev->team][2]; // Check for enemy players/structures nearby CBaseEntity* theBaseEntity = NULL; int theNumEntsDamaged = 0; while(((theBaseEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere(theBaseEntity, this->pev->origin, BALANCE_VAR(kElectricalRange))) != NULL) && (theNumEntsDamaged < BALANCE_VAR(kElectricalMaxTargets))) { // When "electric" cheat is enabled, shock all non-self entities, else shock enemies if((GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcElectric) && (theBaseEntity != this)) || ((theBaseEntity->pev->team != this->pev->team) && theBaseEntity->IsAlive())) { // Make sure it's not blocked TraceResult theTraceResult; UTIL_TraceLine(this->pev->origin, theBaseEntity->pev->origin, ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, this->edict(), &theTraceResult); if(theTraceResult.flFraction == 1.0f) { CBaseEntity* theAttacker = this->GetAttacker(); ASSERT(theAttacker); if(theBaseEntity->TakeDamage(this->pev, theAttacker->pev, BALANCE_VAR(kElectricalDamage), DMG_GENERIC) > 0) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMENTPOINT); WRITE_SHORT(theBaseEntity->entindex()); WRITE_COORD( this->pev->origin.x); WRITE_COORD( this->pev->origin.y); WRITE_COORD( this->pev->origin.z); WRITE_SHORT( this->mElectricalSprite ); WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // framestart WRITE_BYTE( (int)15); // framerate WRITE_BYTE( (int)(2) ); // life WRITE_BYTE( 60 ); // width WRITE_BYTE( 15 ); // noise WRITE_BYTE( (int)this->pev->rendercolor.x ); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE( (int)this->pev->rendercolor.y ); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE( (int)this->pev->rendercolor.z ); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE( 200 ); // brightness WRITE_BYTE( 10 ); // speed MESSAGE_END(); gSoundListManager.PlaySoundInList(kElectricSparkSoundList, this, CHAN_AUTO, .7f); UTIL_Sparks(theBaseEntity->pev->origin); theNumEntsDamaged++; } } } } } } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetHasBeenKilled() const { return this->mKilled; } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetIsTechnologyAvailable(AvHMessageID inMessageID) const { bool theTechnologyAvailable = false; const AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team); if(theTeam) { // Don't allow electrical upgrade if we're already electrified if((inMessageID != RESEARCH_ELECTRICAL) || !GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_11)) { theTechnologyAvailable = (theTeam->GetIsTechnologyAvailable(inMessageID) && this->GetIsBuilt() && !GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING)); // Enable recycle button for unbuilt structures if(!this->GetIsBuilt() && (inMessageID == BUILD_RECYCLE)) { theTechnologyAvailable = true; } } } return theTechnologyAvailable; } void AvHBaseBuildable::UpdateTechSlots() { // Get tech slot for this structure AvHGamerules* theGameRules = GetGameRules(); const AvHTeam* theTeam = theGameRules->GetTeam((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team); if(theTeam) { // Update tech slots AvHTechSlots theTechSlots; if(theTeam->GetTechSlotManager().GetTechSlotList((AvHUser3)this->pev->iuser3, theTechSlots)) { // Clear the existing slots int theMasks[kNumTechSlots] = {MASK_UPGRADE_1, MASK_UPGRADE_2, MASK_UPGRADE_3, MASK_UPGRADE_4, MASK_UPGRADE_5, MASK_UPGRADE_6, MASK_UPGRADE_7, MASK_UPGRADE_8}; // Each slot if we technology is available for(int i = 0; i < kNumTechSlots; i++) { int theCurrentMask = theMasks[i]; this->pev->iuser4 &= ~theCurrentMask; AvHMessageID theMessage = theTechSlots.mTechSlots[i]; if(theMessage != MESSAGE_NULL) { if(this->GetIsTechnologyAvailable(theMessage)) { this->pev->iuser4 |= theCurrentMask; } } } } // Update recycling status bar if(GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { float theNormalizedRecyclingFactor = (gpGlobals->time - this->mTimeRecycleStarted)/(this->mTimeRecycleDone - this->mTimeRecycleStarted); theNormalizedRecyclingFactor = min(max(theNormalizedRecyclingFactor, 0.0f), 1.0f); //theResearchEntity->pev->fuser1 = (kResearchFuser1Base + theNormalizedResearchFactor)*kNormalizationNetworkFactor; AvHSHUSetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, false, theNormalizedRecyclingFactor); } } } void AvHBaseBuildable::TriggerDeathAudioVisuals(bool isRecycled) { AvHClassType theTeamType = AVH_CLASS_TYPE_UNDEFINED; AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team); if(theTeam) { theTeamType = theTeam->GetTeamType(); } switch(theTeamType) { case AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN: AvHSUPlayParticleEvent(kpsChamberDeath, this->edict(), this->pev->origin); break; case AVH_CLASS_TYPE_MARINE: // lots of smoke // : 980 // Less smoke for recycled buildings int smokeScale = isRecycled ? 15 : 25; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SMOKE ); WRITE_COORD( RANDOM_FLOAT( pev->absmin.x, pev->absmax.x ) ); WRITE_COORD( RANDOM_FLOAT( pev->absmin.y, pev->absmax.y ) ); WRITE_COORD( RANDOM_FLOAT( pev->absmin.z, pev->absmax.z ) ); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexSmoke ); WRITE_BYTE( smokeScale ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 10 ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); break; } char* theKilledSound = this->GetKilledSound(); if(theKilledSound) { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_AUTO, theKilledSound, 1.0, ATTN_IDLE); } } void AvHBaseBuildable::UpdateAutoBuild(float inTimePassed) { if(GetGameRules()->GetGameStarted()) { // TF2 snippet for making sure players don't get stuck in buildings if(this->pev->solid == SOLID_NOT) { //trace_t tr; //UTIL_TraceHull(this->pev->origin, this->pev->origin, this->pev->mins, this->pev->maxs, this->pev, &tr); //if(!tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid ) //if(AvHSHUGetIsAreaFree(this->pev->origin, this->pev->mins, this->pev->maxs, this->edict())) // Check point contents for corner points float theMinX = this->pev->origin.x + this->pev->mins.x; float theMinY = this->pev->origin.y + this->pev->mins.y; float theMinZ = this->pev->origin.z + this->pev->mins.z; float theMaxX = this->pev->origin.x + this->pev->maxs.x; float theMaxY = this->pev->origin.y + this->pev->maxs.y; float theMaxZ = this->pev->origin.z + this->pev->maxs.z; // Do tracelines between the corners, to make sure there's no geometry inside the box Vector theMinVector(theMinX, theMinY, theMinZ); Vector theMaxVector(theMaxX, theMaxY, theMaxZ); if(AvHSHUTraceLineIsAreaFree(theMinVector, theMaxVector, this->edict())) { theMinVector = Vector(theMaxX, theMinY, theMinZ); theMaxVector = Vector(theMinX, theMaxY, theMaxZ); if(AvHSHUTraceLineIsAreaFree(theMinVector, theMaxVector, this->edict())) { theMinVector = Vector(theMaxX, theMaxY, theMinZ); theMaxVector = Vector(theMinX, theMinY, theMaxZ); if(AvHSHUTraceLineIsAreaFree(theMinVector, theMaxVector, this->edict())) { this->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; // Relink into world (not sure if this is necessary) UTIL_SetOrigin(this->pev, this->pev->origin); } } } } else { // If it's not fully built, build more bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching; float thePercentage; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); float theBuildTime = GetGameRules()->GetBuildTimeForMessageID(this->GetMessageID()); float theBuildPercentage = inTimePassed/theBuildTime; float theNewPercentage = min(thePercentage + theBuildPercentage, 1.0f); this->SetNormalizedBuildPercentage(theNewPercentage); // // Increase built time if not fully built // if(!this->GetHasBeenBuilt() && (theNewPercentage >= 1.0f)) // { // this->SetConstructionComplete(); // } //// else //// { //// this->pev->rendermode = kRenderTransTexture; //// int theStartAlpha = this->GetStartAlpha(); //// this->pev->renderamt = theStartAlpha + theNewPercentage*(255 - theStartAlpha); //// } // // AvHSHUSetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, true, theNewPercentage); // TODO: Heal self? // TODO: Play ambient sounds? } } } void AvHBaseBuildable::UpdateAutoHeal() { if(GetGameRules()->GetGameStarted() && this->GetIsBuilt()) { if((this->mTimeOfLastAutoHeal != -1) && (gpGlobals->time > this->mTimeOfLastAutoHeal)) { float theMaxHealth = GetGameRules()->GetBaseHealthForMessageID(this->GetMessageID()); if(this->pev->health < theMaxHealth) { float theTimePassed = (gpGlobals->time - this->mTimeOfLastAutoHeal); float theHitPointsToGain = theTimePassed*BALANCE_VAR(kOrganicStructureHealRate); this->pev->health += theHitPointsToGain; this->pev->health = min(this->pev->health, theMaxHealth); this->HealthChanged(); } } this->mTimeOfLastAutoHeal = gpGlobals->time; } } void AvHBaseBuildable::UpdateDamageEffects() { if(GetGameRules()->GetGameStarted() && this->GetIsBuilt()) { // Add special effects for structures that are hurt or almost dead float theMaxHealth = GetGameRules()->GetBaseHealthForMessageID(this->GetMessageID()); float theHealthScalar = this->pev->health/theMaxHealth; float theTimeInterval = max(gpGlobals->time - this->mTimeOfLastDamageUpdate, .1f); const float kParticleSystemLifetime = 5.0f; int theAverageSoundInterval = -1; // If we're at 25% health or less, emit black smoke if(gpGlobals->time > (this->mTimeOfLastDamageEffect + kParticleSystemLifetime)) { if(theHealthScalar < .25f) { AvHSUPlayParticleEvent(kpsBuildableLightDamage, this->edict(), this->pev->origin); this->mTimeOfLastDamageEffect = gpGlobals->time; theAverageSoundInterval = 3; } // If we're at 50% health or less, emit light smoke else if(theHealthScalar < .5f) { AvHSUPlayParticleEvent(kpsBuildableLightDamage, this->edict(), this->pev->origin); this->mTimeOfLastDamageEffect = gpGlobals->time; theAverageSoundInterval = 5; } } // If we're at less then 75% health, spark occasionally if(theHealthScalar < .75f) { int theRandomChance = RANDOM_LONG(0, (float)8/theTimeInterval); if(theRandomChance == 0) { UTIL_Sparks(this->pev->origin); UTIL_Sparks(this->pev->origin); const char* theHurtSoundToPlay = kBuildableHurt1Sound; if(RANDOM_LONG(0, 1) == 1) { theHurtSoundToPlay = kBuildableHurt2Sound; } float theVolume = .3f; EMIT_SOUND(this->edict(), CHAN_AUTO, theHurtSoundToPlay, theVolume, ATTN_NORM); } } this->mTimeOfLastDamageUpdate = gpGlobals->time; } } void AvHBaseBuildable::HealthChanged() { int theMaxHealth = this->mBaseHealth;//this->pev->armorvalue; int theCurrentHealth = this->pev->health; float theNewHealthPercentage = (float)theCurrentHealth/theMaxHealth; this->pev->fuser2 = theNewHealthPercentage*kNormalizationNetworkFactor; } bool AvHBaseBuildable::GetIsPersistent() const { return this->mPersistent; } void AvHBaseBuildable::SetPersistent() { this->mPersistent = true; }