//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHGrenade.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/11/22 21:28:16 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHGrenade.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.6 2002/11/22 21:28:16 Flayra // - mp_consistency changes // // Revision 1.5 2002/07/24 19:09:16 Flayra // - Linux issues // // Revision 1.4 2002/06/03 16:37:56 Flayra // - Added different deploy times (this should be refactored a bit more), refactored grenades // // Revision 1.3 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #include "AvHMarineWeapons.h" #include "AvHPlayer.h" #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "cl_dll/eventscripts.h" #include "cl_dll/in_defs.h" #include "cl_dll/wrect.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_dll.h" #endif #include "common/hldm.h" #include "common/event_api.h" #include "common/event_args.h" #include "common/vector_util.h" #include "AvHMarineWeapons.h" #ifdef AVH_SERVER #include "AvHGamerules.h" #include "AvHServerUtil.h" #endif #include "../dlls/util.h" LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(kwGrenade, AvHGrenade); const int kGrenadeVelocity = 800; const int kGrenadeRollVelocity = 350; const float kGrenadeParentVelocityScalar = .4f; const float kGrenadeGravity = .8f; const float kGrenadeElasticity = 0.6f; const float kGrenadePrimeAnimationLength = 0.0f; //2.3f; const float kGrenadeThrowTimeBeforeRelease = .3f; const float kGrenadeThrowAnimationLength = 1.5f; BOOL AvHGrenade::Deploy() { // This has three values: // 0 means inactive // 1 means trigger throw // -1 means throw has been recently triggered m_flStartThrow = 0; // -1 means inactive // UTIL_TimeBase or higher means time to throw (>= 0) m_flReleaseThrow = -1; return AvHMarineWeapon::Deploy(); } int AvHGrenade::GetBarrelLength() const { return kGRBarrelLength; } float AvHGrenade::GetRateOfFire() const { return kGrenadePrimeAnimationLength + kGrenadeThrowTimeBeforeRelease; } bool AvHGrenade::GetCanBeResupplied() const { return false; } void AvHGrenade::Init() { this->mRange = kGGRange; this->mDamage = BALANCE_VAR(kHandGrenadeDamage); } int AvHGrenade::GetDeployAnimation() const { return 5; } char* AvHGrenade::GetDeploySound() const { return kGRDeploySound; } float AvHGrenade::GetDeployTime() const { return AvHBasePlayerWeapon::GetDeployTime(); } bool AvHGrenade::GetFiresUnderwater() const { return true; } char* AvHGrenade::GetHeavyViewModel() const { return kGRHVVModel; } int AvHGrenade::GetIdleAnimation() const { int theAnim = -1; if( m_flStartThrow == 0 && m_flReleaseThrow == -1) { theAnim = UTIL_SharedRandomLong(this->m_pPlayer->random_seed, 0, 2); } return theAnim; } bool AvHGrenade::GetIsDroppable() const { return false; } BOOL AvHGrenade::GetIsWeaponPrimed() const { return false; } BOOL AvHGrenade::GetIsWeaponPriming() const { return false; } bool AvHGrenade::GetMustPressTriggerForEachShot() const { return false; } bool AvHGrenade::ShouldRollGrenade(void) const { // If player is crouched, roll grenade instead return (this->m_pPlayer && FBitSet(this->m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING)); } int AvHGrenade::GetShootAnimation() const { int theAnimation = 4; // If player is crouched, play roll animation if(this->ShouldRollGrenade()) { theAnimation = 7; } return theAnimation; } char* AvHGrenade::GetPlayerModel() const { return kGRPModel; } int AvHGrenade::GetPrimeAnimation() const { int theAnimation = 3; // If player is crouched, play roll animation if(this->m_pPlayer && FBitSet(this->m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING)) { theAnimation = 6; } return theAnimation; } char* AvHGrenade::GetPrimeSound() const { return kGRPrimeSound; } char* AvHGrenade::GetViewModel() const { return kGRVModel; } char* AvHGrenade::GetWorldModel() const { return kGRWModel; } void AvHGrenade::Holster(int skiplocal) { // Important that this goes first to avoid infinite recursion when removing // the item from the player. AvHMarineWeapon::Holster(skiplocal); m_flStartThrow = 0; m_flReleaseThrow = -1; if(!this->m_iClip) { SetThink(&AvHGrenade::DestroyItem); this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1f; } EMIT_SOUND(ENT(m_pPlayer->pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM); } BOOL AvHGrenade::IsUseable(void) { // TODO: return TRUE; } void AvHGrenade::PrimaryAttack(void) { if (this->ProcessValidAttack()) { if (!this->mAttackButtonDownLastFrame) { this->PlaybackEvent(this->mStartEvent); this->mAttackButtonDownLastFrame = true; } if (m_flStartThrow == 0) { m_flStartThrow = 1; this->PlaybackEvent(this->mEvent, this->GetPrimeAnimation()); // Set the animation and sound. this->m_pPlayer->m_iWeaponVolume = NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME; this->m_pPlayer->m_iWeaponFlash = NORMAL_GUN_FLASH; this->m_pPlayer->SetAnimation(PLAYER_PRIME); // Don't idle/fire until we've finished prime animation m_flTimeWeaponIdle = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + kGrenadePrimeAnimationLength; } } else { int a = 0; } } void AvHGrenade::FireProjectiles(void) { } int AvHGrenade::GetEmptyShootAnimation() const { return -1; } float AvHGrenade::GetWeaponPrimeTime() const { return BALANCE_VAR(kHandGrenadePrimeTime); } BOOL AvHGrenade::PlayEmptySound() { // None return 0; } void AvHGrenade::Precache(void) { AvHMarineWeapon::Precache(); PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kGRFireSound1); PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kGRDeploySound); PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kGRExplodeSound); PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND(kGRHitSound); this->mEvent = PRECACHE_EVENT(1, kGREventName); } bool AvHGrenade::Resupply() { return false; } void AvHGrenade::SetNextIdle(void) { // Idle is treated specially for grenade if( m_flStartThrow == 0 && m_flReleaseThrow == -1) { AvHMarineWeapon::SetNextIdle(); } } void AvHGrenade::Spawn() { AvHMarineWeapon::Spawn(); Precache(); this->m_iId = AVH_WEAPON_GRENADE; this->m_iDefaultAmmo = BALANCE_VAR(kHandGrenadeMaxAmmo); // Set our class name this->pev->classname = MAKE_STRING(kwsGrenade); SET_MODEL(ENT(this->pev), kGRWModel); FallInit();// get ready to fall down. } bool AvHGrenade::UsesAmmo(void) const { return true; } BOOL AvHGrenade::UseDecrement(void) { return true; } void AvHGrenade::CreateProjectile() { #ifdef AVH_SERVER // Set position and velocity like we do in client event vec3_t theStartPosition; UTIL_MakeVectors(this->m_pPlayer->pev->v_angle + this->m_pPlayer->pev->punchangle); VectorMA(this->m_pPlayer->GetGunPosition(), kGRBarrelLength, gpGlobals->v_forward, theStartPosition); // Offset it to the right a bit, so it emanates from your hand instead of the center of your body VectorMA(theStartPosition, 5, gpGlobals->v_right, theStartPosition); VectorMA(theStartPosition, 8, gpGlobals->v_up, theStartPosition); // Inherit player velocity for extra skill and finesse Vector theVelocity; Vector theInheritedVelocity; VectorScale(this->m_pPlayer->pev->velocity, kGrenadeParentVelocityScalar, theInheritedVelocity); if(!this->ShouldRollGrenade()) { VectorMA(theInheritedVelocity, kGrenadeVelocity, gpGlobals->v_forward, theVelocity); } else { Vector theTossVelocity(0, 0, 40); VectorAdd(theInheritedVelocity, theTossVelocity, theInheritedVelocity); VectorMA(theInheritedVelocity, kGrenadeRollVelocity, gpGlobals->v_forward, theVelocity); } // How to handle this? Only generate entity on server, but we should do SOMETHING on the client, no? CGrenade* theGrenade = AvHSUShootServerGrenade(this->m_pPlayer->pev, theStartPosition, theVelocity, BALANCE_VAR(kHandGrenDetonateTime), true); ASSERT(theGrenade); theGrenade->pev->dmg = this->mDamage; // Make the grenade not very bouncy theGrenade->pev->gravity = kGrenadeGravity; theGrenade->pev->friction = 1 - kGrenadeElasticity; SET_MODEL(ENT(theGrenade->pev), this->GetWorldModel()); theGrenade->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_LONG(-300, -200); // Rotate the grenade to the orientation it would be if it was thrown. VectorCopy(m_pPlayer->pev->angles, theGrenade->pev->angles); theGrenade->pev->angles[1] += 100; #endif } void AvHGrenade::ItemPostFrame(void) { AvHMarineWeapon::ItemPostFrame(); float theTimeBase = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase(); if(this->m_flReleaseThrow > theTimeBase) { float theClientTimePassedThisTick = this->GetTimePassedThisTick(); this->m_flReleaseThrow = max(this->m_flReleaseThrow - theClientTimePassedThisTick, theTimeBase); } } void AvHGrenade::WeaponIdle() { if ( m_flTimeWeaponIdle > UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() ) { return; } if (m_flStartThrow == 1) { // Throw it this->PlaybackEvent(this->mEvent, GetShootAnimation()); // Set the animation and sound. this->m_pPlayer->m_iWeaponVolume = NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME; this->m_pPlayer->m_iWeaponFlash = NORMAL_GUN_FLASH; this->m_pPlayer->SetAnimation(PLAYER_ATTACK1); // Set time to shoot projectile, so it looks right with throw animation float theTimeToCreateGrenade = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + kGrenadeThrowTimeBeforeRelease; m_flReleaseThrow = theTimeToCreateGrenade; m_flStartThrow = -1; } else if ((m_flStartThrow == -1) && (m_flReleaseThrow == UTIL_WeaponTimeBase())) { this->CreateProjectile(); this->DeductCostForShot(); // Finish throw animation float theAnimationEnd = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + kGrenadeThrowAnimationLength; m_flNextSecondaryAttack = theAnimationEnd; m_flNextPrimaryAttack = theAnimationEnd; m_flTimeWeaponIdle = theAnimationEnd; // We've finished the throw, don't do it again (set both inactive) m_flStartThrow = 0; m_flReleaseThrow = -1; } else { AvHMarineWeapon::WeaponIdle(); if(!this->m_iClip) { this->m_pPlayer->SelectLastItem(); } } }