/*** * * Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // // text_message.cpp // // implementation of CHudTextMessage class // // this class routes messages through titles.txt for localisation // #include "hud.h" #include "cl_util.h" #include #include #include "mod/AvHNetworkMessages.h" #include "vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h" DECLARE_MESSAGE( m_TextMessage, TextMsg ); int CHudTextMessage::Init(void) { HOOK_MESSAGE( TextMsg ); gHUD.AddHudElem( this ); Reset(); return 1; }; // Searches through the string for any msg names (indicated by a '#') // any found are looked up in titles.txt and the new message substituted // the new value is pushed into dst_buffer char *CHudTextMessage::LocaliseTextString( const char *msg, char *dst_buffer, int buffer_size ) { char *dst = dst_buffer; for ( char *src = (char*)msg; *src != 0 && buffer_size > 0; buffer_size-- ) { if ( *src == '#' ) { // cut msg name out of string static char word_buf[255]; char *wdst = word_buf, *word_start = src; for ( ++src ; (*src >= 'A' && *src <= 'z') || (*src >= '0' && *src <= '9'); wdst++, src++ ) { *wdst = *src; } *wdst = 0; // lookup msg name in titles.txt client_textmessage_t *clmsg = TextMessageGet( word_buf ); if ( !clmsg || !(clmsg->pMessage) ) { src = word_start; *dst = *src; dst++, src++; continue; } // copy string into message over the msg name for ( char *wsrc = (char*)clmsg->pMessage; *wsrc != 0; wsrc++, dst++ ) { *dst = *wsrc; } *dst = 0; } else { *dst = *src; dst++, src++; *dst = 0; } } dst_buffer[buffer_size-1] = 0; // ensure null termination return dst_buffer; } // As above, but with a local static buffer char *CHudTextMessage::BufferedLocaliseTextString( const char *msg ) { static char dst_buffer[1024]; LocaliseTextString( msg, dst_buffer, 1024 ); return dst_buffer; } // Simplified version of LocaliseTextString; assumes string is only one word char *CHudTextMessage::LookupString( const char *msg, int *msg_dest ) { if ( !msg ) return ""; // '#' character indicates this is a reference to a string in titles.txt, and not the string itself if ( msg[0] == '#' ) { // this is a message name, so look up the real message client_textmessage_t *clmsg = TextMessageGet( msg+1 ); if ( !clmsg || !(clmsg->pMessage) ) return (char*)msg; // lookup failed, so return the original string if ( msg_dest ) { // check to see if titles.txt info overrides msg destination // if clmsg->effect is less than 0, then clmsg->effect holds -1 * message_destination if ( clmsg->effect < 0 ) // *msg_dest = -clmsg->effect; } return (char*)clmsg->pMessage; } else { // nothing special about this message, so just return the same string return (char*)msg; } } void StripEndNewlineFromString( char *str ) { int s = (int)strlen( str ) - 1; if ( str[s] == '\n' || str[s] == '\r' ) str[s] = 0; } // converts all '\r' characters to '\n', so that the engine can deal with the properly // returns a pointer to str char* ConvertCRtoNL( char *str ) { for ( char *ch = str; *ch != 0; ch++ ) if ( *ch == '\r' ) *ch = '\n'; return str; } // Message handler for text messages // displays a string, looking them up from the titles.txt file, which can be localised // parameters: // byte: message direction ( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, HUD_PRINTCENTER, HUD_PRINTTALK ) // string: message // optional parameters: // string: message parameter 1 // string: message parameter 2 // string: message parameter 3 // string: message parameter 4 // any string that starts with the character '#' is a message name, and is used to look up the real message in titles.txt // the next (optional) one to four strings are parameters for that string (which can also be message names if they begin with '#') int CHudTextMessage::MsgFunc_TextMsg( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { int destination; StringList message; NetMsg_TextMsg( pbuf, iSize, destination, message ); if ( gViewPort && gViewPort->AllowedToPrintText() == FALSE ) return 1; while( message.size() < 5 ) { message.push_back( string("") ); } char psz[1024]; char* origin = psz; if( destination == HUD_PRINTNOTIFY ) { psz[0] = 1; origin = psz + 1; } // Ensure that message[0] does not contain exessive %'s, max 4x%s, all other %'s removed. int lastpos = 0; int pos; int count = 0; while(true) { pos = message[0].find("%", lastpos); if (pos == string::npos) break; if ((message[0].substr(pos + 1, 1) == "s") && (count < 4)) count++; else message[0].replace(pos, 1, " "); lastpos = pos + 1; } sprintf( origin, message[0].c_str(), message[1].c_str(), message[2].c_str(), message[3].c_str(), message[4].c_str() ); ConvertCRtoNL(psz); switch ( destination ) { case HUD_PRINTNOTIFY: case HUD_PRINTCONSOLE: ConsolePrint(psz); break; case HUD_PRINTCENTER: CenterPrint(psz); break; case HUD_PRINTTALK: gHUD.m_SayText.SayTextPrint(psz, 1024); break; } return 1; }