/*=============================================================================================== SIMPLEST.EXE Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd, 1999,2000. This is the simplest way to play a song through FMOD. It is basically Init, Load, Play! ===============================================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WATCOMC__) #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #else #include "../../api/inc/wincompat.h" #endif #include "../../api/inc/fmod.h" #include "../../api/inc/fmod_errors.h" /* optional */ int main() { FMUSIC_MODULE *mod = NULL; if (FSOUND_GetVersion() < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error : You are using the wrong DLL version! You should be using FMOD %.02f\n", FMOD_VERSION); exit(1); } /* INITIALIZE */ if (!FSOUND_Init(32000, 64, 0)) { printf("%s\n", FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError())); exit(1); } /* LOAD SONG */ mod = FMUSIC_LoadSong("../../media/invtro94.s3m"); if (!mod) { printf("%s\n", FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError())); exit(1); } FMUSIC_PlaySong(mod); /* UPDATE INTERFACE */ printf("Press any key to quit\n"); printf("=========================================================================\n"); printf("Playing %s...\n", FMUSIC_GetName(mod)); do { printf("order = %d/%d, row = %d/%d channels playing = %d cpu usage = %.02f%% \r", FMUSIC_GetOrder(mod), FMUSIC_GetNumOrders(mod), FMUSIC_GetRow(mod), FMUSIC_GetPatternLength(mod, FMUSIC_GetOrder(mod)), FSOUND_GetChannelsPlaying(), FSOUND_GetCPUUsage()); Sleep(10); } while (!kbhit()); getch(); printf("\n"); /* FREE SONG AND SHUT DOWN */ FMUSIC_FreeSong(mod); FSOUND_Close(); return 0; }