#ifndef TEAMFORTRESSVIEWPORT_H #define TEAMFORTRESSVIEWPORT_H #include<VGUI_Panel.h> #include<VGUI_Frame.h> #include<VGUI_TextPanel.h> #include<VGUI_Label.h> #include<VGUI_Button.h> #include<VGUI_ActionSignal.h> #include<VGUI_InputSignal.h> #include<VGUI_Scheme.h> #include<VGUI_Image.h> #include<VGUI_FileInputStream.h> #include<VGUI_BitmapTGA.h> #include<VGUI_DesktopIcon.h> #include<VGUI_App.h> #include<VGUI_MiniApp.h> #include<VGUI_LineBorder.h> #include<VGUI_String.h> #include<VGUI_ScrollPanel.h> #include<VGUI_ScrollBar.h> #include<VGUI_Slider.h> #include<VGUI_TextEntry.h> #include "CLabelHeader.h" #include "vgui_listbox.h" #include "vgui_grid.h" // custom scheme handling #include "vgui_SchemeManager.h" #define TF_DEFS_ONLY #include "tf_defs.h" using namespace vgui; class ScorePanel; class SpectatorPanel; class CCommandMenu; class CommandLabel; class CommandButton; class BuildButton; class ClassButton; class CMenuPanel; class ServerBrowser; class DragNDropPanel; class CTransparentPanel; class CClassMenuPanel; class CTeamMenuPanel; class ChatPanel; char* GetVGUITGAName(const char *pszName); BitmapTGA *LoadTGAForRes(const char* pImageName); void ScaleColors( int &r, int &g, int &b, int a ); extern char *sTFClassSelection[]; extern int sTFValidClassInts[]; extern char *sLocalisedClasses[]; #define MAX_SERVERNAME_LENGTH 32 #define MAX_MAPNAME_LENGTH 32 // Command Menu positions #define MAX_MENUS 80 #define MAX_BUTTONS 100 #define BUTTON_SIZE_Y YRES(30) #define CMENU_SIZE_X XRES(160) #define SUBMENU_SIZE_X (CMENU_SIZE_X / 8) #define SUBMENU_SIZE_Y (BUTTON_SIZE_Y / 6) #define CMENU_TOP (BUTTON_SIZE_Y * 4) #define MAX_TEAMNAME_SIZE 64 #define MAX_BUTTON_SIZE 32 // Map Briefing Window #define MAPBRIEF_INDENT 30 // Team Menu #define TMENU_INDENT_X (30 * ((float)ScreenHeight / 640)) #define TMENU_HEADER 100 #define TMENU_SIZE_X (ScreenWidth - (TMENU_INDENT_X * 2)) #define TMENU_SIZE_Y (TMENU_HEADER + BUTTON_SIZE_Y * 7) #define TMENU_PLAYER_INDENT (((float)TMENU_SIZE_X / 3) * 2) #define TMENU_INDENT_Y (((float)ScreenHeight - TMENU_SIZE_Y) / 2) // Class Menu #define CLMENU_INDENT_X (30 * ((float)ScreenHeight / 640)) #define CLMENU_HEADER 100 #define CLMENU_SIZE_X (ScreenWidth - (CLMENU_INDENT_X * 2)) #define CLMENU_SIZE_Y (CLMENU_HEADER + BUTTON_SIZE_Y * 11) #define CLMENU_PLAYER_INDENT (((float)CLMENU_SIZE_X / 3) * 2) #define CLMENU_INDENT_Y (((float)ScreenHeight - CLMENU_SIZE_Y) / 2) // Arrows enum { ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, ARROW_LEFT, ARROW_RIGHT, }; //============================================================================== // VIEWPORT PIECES //============================================================ // Wrapper for an Image Label without a background class CImageLabel : public Label { public: BitmapTGA *m_pTGA; public: void LoadImage(const char * pImageName); CImageLabel( const char* pImageName,int x,int y ); CImageLabel( const char* pImageName,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ); virtual int getImageTall(); virtual int getImageWide(); virtual void paintBackground() { // Do nothing, so the background's left transparent. } }; // Command Label // Overridden label so we can darken it when submenus open class CommandLabel : public Label { private: int m_iState; public: CommandLabel(const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall) : Label(text,x,y,wide,tall) { m_iState = false; } void PushUp() { m_iState = false; repaint(); } void PushDown() { m_iState = true; repaint(); } }; //============================================================ // Command Buttons class CommandButton : public Button { private: int m_iPlayerClass; bool m_bFlat; // Submenus under this button CCommandMenu *m_pSubMenu; CCommandMenu *m_pParentMenu; CommandLabel *m_pSubLabel; char m_sMainText[MAX_BUTTON_SIZE]; char m_cBoundKey; SchemeHandle_t m_hTextScheme; void RecalculateText( void ); public: bool m_bNoHighlight; public: CommandButton(const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool bNoHighlight, bool bFlat); // Constructors CommandButton( const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool bNoHighlight = false); CommandButton( int iPlayerClass, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool bFlat ); void Init( void ); // Menu Handling void AddSubMenu( CCommandMenu *pNewMenu ); void AddSubLabel( CommandLabel *pSubLabel ) { m_pSubLabel = pSubLabel; } virtual int IsNotValid( void ) { return false; } void UpdateSubMenus( int iAdjustment ); int GetPlayerClass() { return m_iPlayerClass; }; CCommandMenu *GetSubMenu() { return m_pSubMenu; }; CCommandMenu *getParentMenu( void ); void setParentMenu( CCommandMenu *pParentMenu ); // Overloaded vgui functions virtual void paint(); virtual void setText( const char *text ); virtual void paintBackground(); void cursorEntered( void ); void cursorExited( void ); void setBoundKey( char boundKey ); char getBoundKey( void ); }; class ColorButton : public CommandButton { private: Color *ArmedColor; Color *UnArmedColor; Color *ArmedBorderColor; Color *UnArmedBorderColor; public: ColorButton( const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool bNoHighlight, bool bFlat ) : CommandButton( text, x, y, wide, tall, bNoHighlight, bFlat ) { ArmedColor = NULL; UnArmedColor = NULL; ArmedBorderColor = NULL; UnArmedBorderColor = NULL; } virtual void paintBackground() { int r, g, b, a; Color bgcolor; if ( isArmed() ) { // Highlight background /* getBgColor(bgcolor); bgcolor.getColor(r, g, b, a); drawSetColor( r,g,b,a ); drawFilledRect(0,0,_size[0],_size[1]);*/ if ( ArmedBorderColor ) { ArmedBorderColor->getColor( r, g, b, a); drawSetColor( r, g, b, a ); drawOutlinedRect(0,0,_size[0],_size[1]); } } else { if ( UnArmedBorderColor ) { UnArmedBorderColor->getColor( r, g, b, a); drawSetColor( r, g, b, a ); drawOutlinedRect(0,0,_size[0],_size[1]); } } } void paint() { int r, g, b, a; if ( isArmed() ) { if (ArmedColor) { ArmedColor->getColor(r, g, b, a); setFgColor(r, g, b, a); } else setFgColor( Scheme::sc_secondary2 ); } else { if (UnArmedColor) { UnArmedColor->getColor(r, g, b, a); setFgColor(r, g, b, a); } else setFgColor( Scheme::sc_primary1 ); } Button::paint(); } void setArmedColor ( int r, int g, int b, int a ) { ArmedColor = new Color( r, g, b, a ); } void setUnArmedColor ( int r, int g, int b, int a ) { UnArmedColor = new Color( r, g, b, a ); } void setArmedBorderColor ( int r, int g, int b, int a ) { ArmedBorderColor = new Color( r, g, b, a ); } void setUnArmedBorderColor ( int r, int g, int b, int a ) { UnArmedBorderColor = new Color( r, g, b, a ); } }; class SpectButton : public CommandButton { private: public: SpectButton( int iPlayerClass, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text, x, y, wide, tall, false) { Init(); setText( text ); } virtual void paintBackground() { if ( isArmed()) { drawSetColor( 143,143, 54, 125 ); drawFilledRect( 5, 0,_size[0] - 5,_size[1]); } } virtual void paint() { if ( isArmed() ) { setFgColor( 194, 202, 54, 0 ); } else { setFgColor( 143, 143, 54, 15 ); } Button::paint(); } }; //============================================================ // Command Menus class CCommandMenu : public Panel { private: CCommandMenu *m_pParentMenu; int m_iXOffset; int m_iYOffset; // Buttons in this menu CommandButton *m_aButtons[ MAX_BUTTONS ]; int m_iButtons; // opens menu from top to bottom (0 = default), or from bottom to top (1)? int m_iDirection; public: CCommandMenu( CCommandMenu *pParentMenu, int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : Panel(x,y,wide,tall) { m_pParentMenu = pParentMenu; m_iXOffset = x; m_iYOffset = y; m_iButtons = 0; m_iDirection = 0; } CCommandMenu( CCommandMenu *pParentMenu, int direction, int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : Panel(x,y,wide,tall) { m_pParentMenu = pParentMenu; m_iXOffset = x; m_iYOffset = y; m_iButtons = 0; m_iDirection = direction; } float m_flButtonSizeY; int m_iSpectCmdMenu; void AddButton( CommandButton *pButton ); bool RecalculateVisibles( int iNewYPos, bool bHideAll ); void RecalculatePositions( int iYOffset ); void MakeVisible( CCommandMenu *pChildMenu ); CCommandMenu *GetParentMenu() { return m_pParentMenu; }; int GetXOffset() { return m_iXOffset; }; int GetYOffset() { return m_iYOffset; }; int GetDirection() { return m_iDirection; }; int GetNumButtons() { return m_iButtons; }; CommandButton *FindButtonWithSubmenu( CCommandMenu *pSubMenu ); void ClearButtonsOfArmedState( void ); void RemoveAllButtons(void); bool KeyInput( int keyNum ); virtual void paintBackground(); }; class SmartLabel : public vgui::Label { public: virtual void setText(int inTextBufferLen, const char* inText) { Label::setText(inTextBufferLen, inText); this->mString = string(inText); } virtual string getText() const { return this->mString; } private: string mString; }; //============================================================================== class TeamFortressViewport : public Panel { private: vgui::Cursor* _cursorNone; vgui::Cursor* _cursorArrow; int m_iInitialized; CCommandMenu *m_pCommandMenus[ MAX_MENUS ]; CCommandMenu *m_pCurrentCommandMenu; float m_flMenuOpenTime; float m_flScoreBoardLastUpdated; float m_flSpectatorPanelLastUpdated; int m_iNumMenus; int m_iCurrentTeamNumber; int m_iCurrentPlayerClass; int m_iUser1; int m_iUser2; int m_iUser3; // VGUI Menus void CreateTeamMenu( void ); CMenuPanel* ShowTeamMenu( void ); void CreateClassMenu( void ); CMenuPanel* ShowClassMenu( void ); void CreateSpectatorMenu( void ); // Scheme handler CSchemeManager m_SchemeManager; // MOTD int m_iGotAllMOTD; char m_szMOTD[ MAX_MOTD_LENGTH ]; // Command Menu Team buttons CommandButton *m_pTeamButtons[6]; CommandButton *m_pDisguiseButtons[5]; BuildButton *m_pBuildButtons[3]; BuildButton *m_pBuildActiveButtons[3]; // Server Browser ServerBrowser *m_pServerBrowser; // Spectator "menu" CTransparentPanel *m_pSpectatorMenu; Label *m_pSpectatorLabel; Label *m_pSpectatorHelpLabel; int m_iAllowSpectators; ChatPanel* m_chatPanel; // Data for specific sections of the Command Menu int m_iValidClasses[5]; int m_iIsFeigning; int m_iIsSettingDetpack; int m_iNumberOfTeams; int m_iBuildState; int m_iRandomPC; char m_sTeamNames[5][MAX_TEAMNAME_SIZE]; // Localisation strings char m_sDetpackStrings[3][MAX_BUTTON_SIZE]; char m_sMapName[MAX_MAPNAME_LENGTH]; public: TeamFortressViewport(int x,int y,int wide,int tall); void Initialize( void ); int CreateCommandMenu( char * menuFile, int direction, int yOffset, bool flatDesign, float flButtonSizeX, float flButtonSizeY, int xOffset ); void CreateScoreBoard( void ); void CreateOptionsMenu(); void CreatePlayerMenu(); void UpdatePlayerMenu(); void CreateServerBrowser( void ); CommandButton * CreateCustomButton( char *pButtonText, char * pButtonName, int iYOffset ); CCommandMenu * CreateDisguiseSubmenu( CommandButton *pButton, CCommandMenu *pParentMenu, const char *commandText, int iYOffset, int iXOffset = 0 ); void UpdateCursorState( void ); void UpdateCommandMenu(int menuIndex); void UpdateOnPlayerInfo( void ); void UpdateHighlights( void ); void UpdateSpectatorPanel( void ); int KeyInput( int down, int keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ); void GetAllPlayersInfo( void ); void DeathMsg( int killer, int victim ); ChatPanel* GetChatPanel(); void ShowCommandMenu(int menuIndex); void InputSignalHideCommandMenu( void ); void HideCommandMenu( void ); void SetCurrentCommandMenu( CCommandMenu *pNewMenu ); void SetCurrentMenu( CMenuPanel *pMenu ); void ShowScoreBoard( void ); void HideScoreBoard( void ); bool IsScoreBoardVisible( void ); void ShowOptionsMenu(); void HideOptionsMenu(); bool IsOptionsMenuVisible(); bool AllowedToPrintText( void ); void ShowVGUIMenu( int iMenu ); void HideVGUIMenu( void ); void HideTopMenu( void ); void ToggleServerBrowser( void ); CMenuPanel* CreateTextWindow( int iTextToShow ); CCommandMenu *CreateSubMenu( CommandButton *pButton, CCommandMenu *pParentMenu, int iYOffset, int iXOffset = 0 ); // Data Handlers int GetValidClasses(int iTeam) { return m_iValidClasses[iTeam]; }; int GetNumberOfTeams() { return m_iNumberOfTeams; }; int GetIsFeigning() { return m_iIsFeigning; }; int GetIsSettingDetpack() { return m_iIsSettingDetpack; }; int GetBuildState() { return m_iBuildState; }; int IsRandomPC() { return m_iRandomPC; }; char *GetTeamName( int iTeam ); int GetAllowSpectators() { return m_iAllowSpectators; }; // Message Handlers int MsgFunc_TeamNames(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_MOTD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_ServerName( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_ScoreInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamScore( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); // Input bool SlotInput( int iSlot ); virtual void paintBackground(); CSchemeManager *GetSchemeManager( void ) { return &m_SchemeManager; } ScorePanel *GetScoreBoard( void ) { return m_pScoreBoard; } void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock ); public: // VGUI Menus CMenuPanel *m_pCurrentMenu; CTeamMenuPanel *m_pTeamMenu; int m_StandardMenu; // indexs in m_pCommandMenus int m_SpectatorOptionsMenu; int m_SpectatorCameraMenu; int m_SpectatorPlayerMenu; CClassMenuPanel *m_pClassMenu; ScorePanel *m_pScoreBoard; CTransparentPanel* mOptionsScreen; CommandButton** mOptionsButtons; SpectatorPanel *m_pSpectatorPanel; char m_szServerName[ MAX_SERVERNAME_LENGTH ]; }; //============================================================ // Command Menu Button Handlers #define MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 256 class CMenuHandler_StringCommand : public ActionSignal { protected: char m_pszCommand[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE]; int m_iCloseVGUIMenu; public: CMenuHandler_StringCommand( char *pszCommand ) { strncpy( m_pszCommand, pszCommand, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE); m_pszCommand[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE-1] = '\0'; m_iCloseVGUIMenu = false; } CMenuHandler_StringCommand( char *pszCommand, int iClose ) { strncpy( m_pszCommand, pszCommand, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE); m_pszCommand[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE-1] = '\0'; m_iCloseVGUIMenu = true; } virtual void actionPerformed(Panel* panel) { gEngfuncs.pfnClientCmd(m_pszCommand); if (m_iCloseVGUIMenu) gViewPort->HideTopMenu(); else gViewPort->HideCommandMenu(); } }; class COptionsScreen_StringCommand : public CMenuHandler_StringCommand { public: COptionsScreen_StringCommand( char *pszCommand ) : CMenuHandler_StringCommand(pszCommand) { } virtual void actionPerformed(Panel* panel) { CMenuHandler_StringCommand::actionPerformed(panel); gViewPort->HideOptionsMenu(); } }; // This works the same as CMenuHandler_StringCommand, except it watches the string command // for specific commands, and modifies client vars based upon them. class CMenuHandler_StringCommandWatch : public CMenuHandler_StringCommand { private: public: CMenuHandler_StringCommandWatch( char *pszCommand ) : CMenuHandler_StringCommand( pszCommand ) { } CMenuHandler_StringCommandWatch( char *pszCommand, int iClose ) : CMenuHandler_StringCommand( pszCommand, iClose ) { } virtual void actionPerformed(Panel* panel) { CMenuHandler_StringCommand::actionPerformed( panel ); // Try to guess the player's new team (it'll be corrected if it's wrong) if ( !strcmp( m_pszCommand, "jointeam 1" ) ) g_iTeamNumber = 1; else if ( !strcmp( m_pszCommand, "jointeam 2" ) ) g_iTeamNumber = 2; else if ( !strcmp( m_pszCommand, "jointeam 3" ) ) g_iTeamNumber = 3; else if ( !strcmp( m_pszCommand, "jointeam 4" ) ) g_iTeamNumber = 4; } }; // Used instead of CMenuHandler_StringCommand for Class Selection buttons. // Checks the state of hud_classautokill and kills the player if set class CMenuHandler_StringCommandClassSelect : public CMenuHandler_StringCommand { private: public: CMenuHandler_StringCommandClassSelect( char *pszCommand ) : CMenuHandler_StringCommand( pszCommand ) { } CMenuHandler_StringCommandClassSelect( char *pszCommand, int iClose ) : CMenuHandler_StringCommand( pszCommand, iClose ) { } virtual void actionPerformed(Panel* panel); }; class CMenuHandler_PopupSubMenuInput : public InputSignal { private: CCommandMenu *m_pSubMenu; Button *m_pButton; public: CMenuHandler_PopupSubMenuInput( Button *pButton, CCommandMenu *pSubMenu ) { m_pSubMenu = pSubMenu; m_pButton = pButton; } virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) { //gViewPort->SetCurrentCommandMenu( m_pSubMenu ); } virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel) { gViewPort->SetCurrentCommandMenu( m_pSubMenu ); if (m_pButton) m_pButton->setArmed(true); }; virtual void cursorExited(Panel* Panel) {}; virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; }; class CMenuHandler_LabelInput : public InputSignal { private: ActionSignal *m_pActionSignal; public: CMenuHandler_LabelInput( ActionSignal *pSignal ) { m_pActionSignal = pSignal; } virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) { m_pActionSignal->actionPerformed( panel ); } virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel) {}; virtual void cursorExited(Panel* Panel) {}; virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; }; #define HIDE_TEXTWINDOW 0 #define SHOW_MAPBRIEFING 1 #define SHOW_CLASSDESC 2 #define SHOW_MOTD 3 #define SHOW_SPECHELP 4 class CMenuHandler_TextWindow : public ActionSignal { private: int m_iState; public: CMenuHandler_TextWindow( int iState ) { m_iState = iState; } virtual void actionPerformed(Panel* panel) { if (m_iState == HIDE_TEXTWINDOW) { gViewPort->HideTopMenu(); } else { gViewPort->HideCommandMenu(); gViewPort->ShowVGUIMenu( m_iState ); } } }; class CMenuHandler_ToggleCvar : public ActionSignal { private: struct cvar_s * m_cvar; public: CMenuHandler_ToggleCvar( char * cvarname ) { m_cvar = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer( cvarname ); } virtual void actionPerformed(Panel* panel) { if ( m_cvar->value ) m_cvar->value = 0.0f; else m_cvar->value = 1.0f; gViewPort->UpdateSpectatorPanel(); } }; class CDragNDropHandler : public InputSignal { private: DragNDropPanel* m_pPanel; bool m_bDragging; int m_iaDragOrgPos[2]; int m_iaDragStart[2]; public: CDragNDropHandler(DragNDropPanel* pPanel) { m_pPanel = pPanel; m_bDragging = false; } void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel); void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel); void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel); void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void cursorEntered(Panel* panel) {}; void cursorExited(Panel* panel) {}; void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; }; class CHandler_MenuButtonOver : public InputSignal { private: int m_iButton; CMenuPanel *m_pMenuPanel; public: CHandler_MenuButtonOver( CMenuPanel *pPanel, int iButton ) { m_iButton = iButton; m_pMenuPanel = pPanel; } void cursorEntered(Panel *panel); void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) {}; void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void cursorExited(Panel* panel) {}; void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; }; class CHandler_ButtonHighlight : public InputSignal { private: Button *m_pButton; public: CHandler_ButtonHighlight( Button *pButton ) { m_pButton = pButton; } virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel) { m_pButton->setArmed(true); }; virtual void cursorExited(Panel* Panel) { m_pButton->setArmed(false); }; virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Special handler for highlighting of command menu buttons //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CHandler_CommandButtonHighlight : public CHandler_ButtonHighlight { private: CommandButton *m_pCommandButton; public: CHandler_CommandButtonHighlight( CommandButton *pButton ) : CHandler_ButtonHighlight( pButton ) { m_pCommandButton = pButton; } virtual void cursorEntered( Panel *panel ) { m_pCommandButton->cursorEntered(); } virtual void cursorExited( Panel *panel ) { m_pCommandButton->cursorExited(); } }; //================================================================ // Overidden Command Buttons for special visibilities class ClassButton : public CommandButton { protected: int m_iPlayerClass; public: ClassButton( int iClass, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool bNoHighlight ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall, bNoHighlight) { m_iPlayerClass = iClass; } virtual int IsNotValid(); }; class TeamButton : public CommandButton { private: int m_iTeamNumber; public: TeamButton( int iTeam, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall) { m_iTeamNumber = iTeam; } virtual int IsNotValid() { int iTeams = gViewPort->GetNumberOfTeams(); // Never valid if there's only 1 team if (iTeams == 1) return true; // Auto Team's always visible if (m_iTeamNumber == 5) return false; if (iTeams >= m_iTeamNumber && m_iTeamNumber != g_iTeamNumber) return false; return true; } }; class FeignButton : public CommandButton { private: int m_iFeignState; public: FeignButton( int iState, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall) { m_iFeignState = iState; } virtual int IsNotValid() { // Only visible for spies if (g_iPlayerClass != PC_SPY) return true; if (m_iFeignState == gViewPort->GetIsFeigning()) return false; return true; } }; class SpectateButton : public CommandButton { public: SpectateButton( const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool bNoHighlight ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall, bNoHighlight) { } virtual int IsNotValid() { // Only visible if the server allows it if ( gViewPort->GetAllowSpectators() != 0 ) return false; return true; } }; #define DISGUISE_TEAM1 (1<<0) #define DISGUISE_TEAM2 (1<<1) #define DISGUISE_TEAM3 (1<<2) #define DISGUISE_TEAM4 (1<<3) class DisguiseButton : public CommandButton { private: int m_iValidTeamsBits; int m_iThisTeam; public: DisguiseButton( int iValidTeamNumsBits, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall,false ) { m_iValidTeamsBits = iValidTeamNumsBits; } virtual int IsNotValid() { // Only visible for spies if ( g_iPlayerClass != PC_SPY ) return true; // if it's not tied to a specific team, then always show (for spies) if ( !m_iValidTeamsBits ) return false; // if we're tied to a team make sure we can change to that team int iTmp = 1 << (gViewPort->GetNumberOfTeams() - 1); if ( m_iValidTeamsBits & iTmp ) return false; return true; } }; class DetpackButton : public CommandButton { private: int m_iDetpackState; public: DetpackButton( int iState, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall) { m_iDetpackState = iState; } virtual int IsNotValid() { // Only visible for demomen if (g_iPlayerClass != PC_DEMOMAN) return true; if (m_iDetpackState == gViewPort->GetIsSettingDetpack()) return false; return true; } }; extern int iBuildingCosts[]; #define BUILDSTATE_HASBUILDING (1<<0) // Data is building ID (1 = Dispenser, 2 = Sentry) #define BUILDSTATE_BUILDING (1<<1) #define BUILDSTATE_BASE (1<<2) #define BUILDSTATE_CANBUILD (1<<3) // Data is building ID (0 = Dispenser, 1 = Sentry) class BuildButton : public CommandButton { private: int m_iBuildState; int m_iBuildData; public: enum Buildings { DISPENSER = 0, SENTRYGUN = 1, }; BuildButton( int iState, int iData, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall) { m_iBuildState = iState; m_iBuildData = iData; } virtual int IsNotValid() { // Only visible for engineers if (g_iPlayerClass != PC_ENGINEER) return true; // If this isn't set, it's only active when they're not building if (m_iBuildState & BUILDSTATE_BUILDING) { // Make sure the player's building if ( !(gViewPort->GetBuildState() & BS_BUILDING) ) return true; } else { // Make sure the player's not building if ( gViewPort->GetBuildState() & BS_BUILDING ) return true; } if (m_iBuildState & BUILDSTATE_BASE) { // Only appear if we've got enough metal to build something, or something already built if ( gViewPort->GetBuildState() & (BS_HAS_SENTRYGUN | BS_HAS_DISPENSER | BS_CANB_SENTRYGUN | BS_CANB_DISPENSER) ) return false; return true; } // Must have a building if (m_iBuildState & BUILDSTATE_HASBUILDING) { if ( m_iBuildData == BuildButton::DISPENSER && !(gViewPort->GetBuildState() & BS_HAS_DISPENSER) ) return true; if ( m_iBuildData == BuildButton::SENTRYGUN && !(gViewPort->GetBuildState() & BS_HAS_SENTRYGUN) ) return true; } // Can build something if (m_iBuildState & BUILDSTATE_CANBUILD) { // Make sure they've got the ammo and don't have one already if ( m_iBuildData == BuildButton::DISPENSER && (gViewPort->GetBuildState() & BS_CANB_DISPENSER) ) return false; if ( m_iBuildData == BuildButton::SENTRYGUN && (gViewPort->GetBuildState() & BS_CANB_SENTRYGUN) ) return false; return true; } return false; } }; #define MAX_MAPNAME 256 class MapButton : public CommandButton { private: char m_szMapName[ MAX_MAPNAME ]; public: MapButton( const char *pMapName, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall ) : CommandButton( text,x,y,wide,tall) { sprintf( m_szMapName, "maps/%s.bsp", pMapName ); } virtual int IsNotValid() { const char *level = gEngfuncs.pfnGetLevelName(); if (!level) return true; // Does it match the current map name? if ( strcmp(m_szMapName, level) ) return true; return false; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: CommandButton which is only displayed if the player is on team X //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TeamOnlyCommandButton : public CommandButton { private: int m_iTeamNum; public: TeamOnlyCommandButton( int iTeamNum, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool flat ) : CommandButton( text, x, y, wide, tall, false, flat ), m_iTeamNum(iTeamNum) {} virtual int IsNotValid() { if ( g_iTeamNumber != m_iTeamNum ) return true; return CommandButton::IsNotValid(); } virtual void paintBackground() { if ( isArmed() ) { drawSetColor( 143,143, 54, 125 ); drawFilledRect( 5, 0,_size[0] - 5,_size[1]); } } virtual void paint( void ) { if ( isArmed() ) { setFgColor( 194, 202, 54, 0 ); } else { setFgColor( 143, 143, 54, 15 ); } Button::paint(); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: CommandButton which is only displayed if the player is on team X //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ToggleCommandButton : public CommandButton, public InputSignal { private: struct cvar_s * m_cvar; CImageLabel * pLabelOn; CImageLabel * pLabelOff; public: ToggleCommandButton( const char* cvarname, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool flat ) : CommandButton( text, x, y, wide, tall, false, flat ) { m_cvar = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer( cvarname ); // Put a > to show it's a submenu pLabelOn = new CImageLabel( "checked", 0, 0 ); pLabelOn->setParent(this); pLabelOn->addInputSignal(this); pLabelOff = new CImageLabel( "unchecked", 0, 0 ); pLabelOff->setParent(this); pLabelOff->setEnabled(true); pLabelOff->addInputSignal(this); int textwide, texttall; getTextSize( textwide, texttall); // Reposition pLabelOn->setPos( textwide, (tall - pLabelOn->getTall()) / 2 ); pLabelOff->setPos( textwide, (tall - pLabelOff->getTall()) / 2 ); // Set text color to orange setFgColor(Scheme::sc_primary1); } virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel) { CommandButton::cursorEntered(); } virtual void cursorExited(Panel* panel) { CommandButton::cursorExited(); } virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) { doClick(); }; virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; virtual void paint( void ) { if ( !m_cvar ) { pLabelOff->setVisible(false); pLabelOn->setVisible(false); } else if ( m_cvar->value ) { pLabelOff->setVisible(false); pLabelOn->setVisible(true); } else { pLabelOff->setVisible(true); pLabelOn->setVisible(false); } CommandButton::paint(); } }; class SpectToggleButton : public CommandButton, public InputSignal { private: struct cvar_s * m_cvar; CImageLabel * pLabelOn; public: SpectToggleButton( const char* cvarname, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool flat ) : CommandButton( text, x, y, wide, tall, false, flat ) { m_cvar = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer( cvarname ); // Put a > to show it's a submenu pLabelOn = new CImageLabel( "checked", 0, 0 ); pLabelOn->setParent(this); pLabelOn->addInputSignal(this); int textwide, texttall; getTextSize( textwide, texttall); // Reposition pLabelOn->setPos( textwide, (tall - pLabelOn->getTall()) / 2 ); } virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel) { CommandButton::cursorEntered(); } virtual void cursorExited(Panel* panel) { CommandButton::cursorExited(); } virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) { doClick(); }; virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) {}; virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) {}; virtual void paintBackground() { if ( isArmed() ) { drawSetColor( 143,143, 54, 125 ); drawFilledRect( 5, 0,_size[0] - 5,_size[1]); } } virtual void paint( void ) { if ( isArmed() ) { setFgColor( 194, 202, 54, 0 ); } else { setFgColor( 143, 143, 54, 15 ); } if ( !m_cvar ) { pLabelOn->setVisible(false); } else if ( m_cvar->value ) { pLabelOn->setVisible(true); } else { pLabelOn->setVisible(false); } Button::paint(); } }; /* class SpectToggleButton : public ToggleCommandButton { private: struct cvar_s * m_cvar; CImageLabel * pLabelOn; CImageLabel * pLabelOff; public: SpectToggleButton( const char* cvarname, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall, bool flat ) : ToggleCommandButton( cvarname, text, x, y, wide, tall, flat, TRUE ) { m_cvar = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer( cvarname ); // Put a > to show it's a submenu pLabelOn = new CImageLabel( "checked", 0, 0 ); pLabelOn->setParent(this); pLabelOn->addInputSignal(this); pLabelOff = new CImageLabel( "unchecked", 0, 0 ); pLabelOff->setParent(this); pLabelOff->setEnabled(true); pLabelOff->addInputSignal(this); int textwide, texttall; getTextSize( textwide, texttall); // Reposition pLabelOn->setPos( textwide, (tall - pLabelOn->getTall()) / 2 ); pLabelOff->setPos( textwide, (tall - pLabelOff->getTall()) / 2 ); // Set text color to orange setFgColor(Scheme::sc_primary1); } virtual void paintBackground() { if ( isArmed()) { drawSetColor( 143,143, 54, 125 ); drawFilledRect( 5, 0,_size[0] - 5,_size[1]); } } virtual void paint() { if ( isArmed() ) { setFgColor( 194, 202, 54, 0 ); } else { setFgColor( 143, 143, 54, 15 ); } if ( !m_cvar ) { pLabelOff->setVisible(false); pLabelOn->setVisible(false); } else if ( m_cvar->value ) { pLabelOff->setVisible(false); pLabelOn->setVisible(true); } else { pLabelOff->setVisible(true); pLabelOn->setVisible(false); } Button::paint(); } }; */ //============================================================ // Panel that can be dragged around class DragNDropPanel : public Panel { private: bool m_bBeingDragged; LineBorder *m_pBorder; public: DragNDropPanel(int x,int y,int wide,int tall) : Panel(x,y,wide,tall) { m_bBeingDragged = false; // Create the Drag Handler addInputSignal( new CDragNDropHandler(this) ); // Create the border (for dragging) m_pBorder = new LineBorder(); } virtual void setDragged( bool bState ) { m_bBeingDragged = bState; if (m_bBeingDragged) setBorder(m_pBorder); else setBorder(NULL); } }; //================================================================ // Panel that draws itself with a transparent black background class CTransparentPanel : public Panel { private: int m_iTransparency; public: CTransparentPanel(int iTrans, int x,int y,int wide,int tall) : Panel(x,y,wide,tall) { m_iTransparency = iTrans; } void SetTransparency(int inTransparency) { m_iTransparency = inTransparency; } virtual void paintBackground() { if (m_iTransparency) { // Transparent black background drawSetColor( 0,0,0, m_iTransparency ); drawFilledRect(0,0,_size[0],_size[1]); } } }; //================================================================ // Menu Panel that supports buffering of menus class CMenuPanel : public CTransparentPanel { private: CMenuPanel *m_pNextMenu; int m_iMenuID; int m_iRemoveMe; int m_iIsActive; float m_flOpenTime; public: CMenuPanel(int iRemoveMe, int x,int y,int wide,int tall) : CTransparentPanel(100, x,y,wide,tall) { Reset(); m_iRemoveMe = iRemoveMe; } CMenuPanel(int iTrans, int iRemoveMe, int x,int y,int wide,int tall) : CTransparentPanel(iTrans, x,y,wide,tall) { Reset(); m_iRemoveMe = iRemoveMe; } virtual void Reset( void ) { m_pNextMenu = NULL; m_iIsActive = false; m_flOpenTime = 0; } void SetNextMenu( CMenuPanel *pNextPanel ) { if (m_pNextMenu) m_pNextMenu->SetNextMenu( pNextPanel ); else m_pNextMenu = pNextPanel; } void SetMenuID( int iID ) { m_iMenuID = iID; } void SetActive( int iState ) { m_iIsActive = iState; } virtual void Open( void ) { setVisible( true ); // Note the open time, so we can delay input for a bit m_flOpenTime = gHUD.m_flTime; } virtual void Close( void ) { setVisible( false ); m_iIsActive = false; if ( m_iRemoveMe ) gViewPort->removeChild( this ); // This MenuPanel has now been deleted. Don't append code here. } int ShouldBeRemoved() { return m_iRemoveMe; }; CMenuPanel* GetNextMenu() { return m_pNextMenu; }; int GetMenuID() { return m_iMenuID; }; int IsActive() { return m_iIsActive; }; float GetOpenTime() { return m_flOpenTime; }; // Numeric input virtual bool SlotInput( int iSlot ) { return false; }; virtual void SetActiveInfo( int iInput ) {}; }; //================================================================ // Custom drawn scroll bars class CTFScrollButton : public CommandButton { private: BitmapTGA *m_pTGA; public: CTFScrollButton(int iArrow, const char* text,int x,int y,int wide,int tall); virtual void paint( void ); virtual void paintBackground( void ); }; // Custom drawn slider bar class CTFSlider : public Slider { public: CTFSlider(int x,int y,int wide,int tall,bool vertical) : Slider(x,y,wide,tall,vertical) { }; virtual void paintBackground( void ); }; // Custom drawn scrollpanel class CTFScrollPanel : public ScrollPanel { public: CTFScrollPanel(int x,int y,int wide,int tall); }; //================================================================ // Menu Panels that take key input //============================================================ class CClassMenuPanel : public CMenuPanel { private: CTransparentPanel *m_pClassInfoPanel[PC_LASTCLASS]; Label *m_pPlayers[PC_LASTCLASS]; ClassButton *m_pButtons[PC_LASTCLASS]; CommandButton *m_pCancelButton; ScrollPanel *m_pScrollPanel; CImageLabel *m_pClassImages[MAX_TEAMS][PC_LASTCLASS]; int m_iCurrentInfo; enum { STRLENMAX_PLAYERSONTEAM = 128 }; char m_sPlayersOnTeamString[STRLENMAX_PLAYERSONTEAM]; public: CClassMenuPanel(int iTrans, int iRemoveMe, int x,int y,int wide,int tall); virtual bool SlotInput( int iSlot ); virtual void Open( void ); virtual void Update( void ); virtual void SetActiveInfo( int iInput ); virtual void Initialize( void ); virtual void Reset( void ) { CMenuPanel::Reset(); m_iCurrentInfo = 0; } }; class CTeamMenuPanel : public CMenuPanel { public: ScrollPanel *m_pScrollPanel; CTransparentPanel *m_pTeamWindow; Label *m_pMapTitle; TextPanel *m_pBriefing; TextPanel *m_pTeamInfoPanel[6]; CommandButton *m_pButtons[6]; bool m_bUpdatedMapName; CommandButton *m_pCancelButton; CommandButton *m_pSpectateButton; int m_iCurrentInfo; public: CTeamMenuPanel(int iTrans, int iRemoveMe, int x,int y,int wide,int tall); virtual bool SlotInput( int iSlot ); virtual void Open( void ); virtual void Update( void ); virtual void SetActiveInfo( int iInput ); virtual void paintBackground( void ); virtual void Initialize( void ); virtual void Reset( void ) { CMenuPanel::Reset(); m_iCurrentInfo = 0; } }; //========================================================= // Specific Menus to handle old HUD sections class CHealthPanel : public DragNDropPanel { private: BitmapTGA *m_pHealthTGA; Label *m_pHealthLabel; public: CHealthPanel(int x,int y,int wide,int tall) : DragNDropPanel(x,y,wide,tall) { // Load the Health icon FileInputStream* fis = new FileInputStream( GetVGUITGAName("%d_hud_health"), false); m_pHealthTGA = new BitmapTGA(fis,true); fis->close(); // Create the Health Label int iXSize,iYSize; m_pHealthTGA->getSize(iXSize,iYSize); m_pHealthLabel = new Label("",0,0,iXSize,iYSize); m_pHealthLabel->setImage(m_pHealthTGA); m_pHealthLabel->setParent(this); // Set panel dimension // Shouldn't be needed once Billy's fized setImage not recalculating the size //setSize( iXSize + 100, gHUD.m_iFontHeight + 10 ); //m_pHealthLabel->setPos( 10, (getTall() - iYSize) / 2 ); } virtual void paintBackground() { } void paint() { // Get the paint color int r,g,b,a; // Has health changed? Flash the health # if (gHUD.m_Health.m_fFade) { gHUD.m_Health.m_fFade -= (gHUD.m_flTimeDelta * 20); if (gHUD.m_Health.m_fFade <= 0) { a = MIN_ALPHA; gHUD.m_Health.m_fFade = 0; } // Fade the health number back to dim a = MIN_ALPHA + (gHUD.m_Health.m_fFade/FADE_TIME) * 128; } else a = MIN_ALPHA; gHUD.m_Health.GetPainColor( r, g, b ); ScaleColors(r, g, b, a ); // If health is getting low, make it bright red if (gHUD.m_Health.m_iHealth <= 15) a = 255; int iXSize,iYSize, iXPos, iYPos; m_pHealthTGA->getSize(iXSize,iYSize); m_pHealthTGA->getPos(iXPos, iYPos); // Paint the player's health int x = gHUD.DrawHudNumber( iXPos + iXSize + 5, iYPos + 5, DHN_3DIGITS | DHN_DRAWZERO, gHUD.m_Health.m_iHealth, r, g, b); // Draw the vertical line int HealthWidth = gHUD.GetSpriteRect(gHUD.m_HUD_number_0).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(gHUD.m_HUD_number_0).left; x += HealthWidth / 2; FillRGBA(x, iYPos + 5, HealthWidth / 10, gHUD.m_iFontHeight, 255, 160, 0, a); } }; #endif