#include "AvHAIHelper.h" #include "AvHAIMath.h" #include "AvHAIPlayerUtil.h" #include "AvHAITactical.h" #include "AvHAINavigation.h" #include "AvHGamerules.h" #include int m_spriteTexture; std::unordered_map LocalizedLocationsMap; bool UTIL_CommanderTrace(const edict_t* pEdict, const Vector& start, const Vector& end) { TraceResult hit; edict_t* IgnoreEdict = (!FNullEnt(pEdict)) ? pEdict->v.pContainingEntity : NULL; UTIL_TraceLine(start, end, ignore_monsters, ignore_glass, IgnoreEdict, &hit); return (hit.flFraction >= 1.0f); } bool UTIL_QuickTrace(const edict_t* pEdict, const Vector& start, const Vector& end, bool bAllowStartSolid) { TraceResult hit; edict_t* IgnoreEdict = (!FNullEnt(pEdict)) ? pEdict->v.pContainingEntity : NULL; UTIL_TraceLine(start, end, ignore_monsters, ignore_glass, IgnoreEdict, &hit); return (hit.flFraction >= 1.0f && !hit.fAllSolid && (bAllowStartSolid || !hit.fStartSolid)); } bool UTIL_QuickHullTrace(const edict_t* pEdict, const Vector& start, const Vector& end, bool bAllowStartSolid) { int hullNum = (!FNullEnt(pEdict)) ? GetPlayerHullIndex(pEdict) : point_hull; edict_t* IgnoreEdict = (!FNullEnt(pEdict)) ? pEdict->v.pContainingEntity : NULL; TraceResult hit; UTIL_TraceHull(start, end, ignore_monsters, hullNum, IgnoreEdict, &hit); return (hit.flFraction >= 1.0f && !hit.fAllSolid && (bAllowStartSolid || !hit.fStartSolid)); } bool UTIL_QuickHullTrace(const edict_t* pEdict, const Vector& start, const Vector& end, int hullNum, bool bAllowStartSolid) { TraceResult hit; edict_t* IgnoreEdict = (!FNullEnt(pEdict)) ? pEdict->v.pContainingEntity : NULL; UTIL_TraceHull(start, end, ignore_monsters, hullNum, IgnoreEdict, &hit); return (hit.flFraction >= 1.0f && !hit.fAllSolid && (bAllowStartSolid || !hit.fStartSolid)); } edict_t* UTIL_TraceEntity(const edict_t* pEdict, const Vector& start, const Vector& end) { TraceResult hit; edict_t* IgnoreEdict = (!FNullEnt(pEdict)) ? pEdict->v.pContainingEntity : NULL; UTIL_TraceLine(start, end, dont_ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, IgnoreEdict, &hit); return hit.pHit; } Vector UTIL_GetTraceHitLocation(const Vector Start, const Vector End) { TraceResult hit; UTIL_TraceHull(Start, End, ignore_monsters, point_hull, NULL, &hit); if (hit.flFraction < 1.0f && !hit.fAllSolid) { return hit.vecEndPos; } return Start; } Vector UTIL_GetHullTraceHitLocation(const Vector Start, const Vector End, int HullNum) { TraceResult hit; UTIL_TraceHull(Start, End, ignore_monsters, HullNum, NULL, &hit); if (hit.flFraction < 1.0f && !hit.fAllSolid) { return hit.vecEndPos; } return Start; } Vector UTIL_GetGroundLocation(const Vector CheckLocation) { if (vIsZero(CheckLocation)) { return g_vecZero; } TraceResult hit; UTIL_TraceHull(CheckLocation, (CheckLocation - Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f)), ignore_monsters, head_hull, nullptr, &hit); if (hit.flFraction < 1.0f) { return hit.vecEndPos; } return CheckLocation; } Vector UTIL_GetEntityGroundLocation(const edict_t* pEntity) { if (FNullEnt(pEntity)) { return g_vecZero; } bool bIsPlayer = IsEdictPlayer(pEntity); if (bIsPlayer) { if (IsPlayerOnLadder(pEntity)) { return UTIL_GetFloorUnderEntity(pEntity); } if (pEntity->v.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { if (FNullEnt(pEntity->v.groundentity)) { return GetPlayerBottomOfCollisionHull(pEntity); } if (!IsEdictPlayer(pEntity->v.groundentity) && GetDeployableObjectTypeFromEdict(pEntity->v.groundentity) == STRUCTURE_NONE) { return GetPlayerBottomOfCollisionHull(pEntity); } } return UTIL_GetFloorUnderEntity(pEntity); } if (GetDeployableObjectTypeFromEdict(pEntity) == STRUCTURE_ALIEN_HIVE) { return UTIL_GetFloorUnderEntity(pEntity); const AvHAIHiveDefinition* Hive = AITAC_GetHiveFromEdict(pEntity); if (Hive) { return Hive->FloorLocation; } else { return UTIL_GetFloorUnderEntity(pEntity); } } Vector Centre = UTIL_GetCentreOfEntity(pEntity); Centre.z = pEntity->v.absmin.z + 1.0f; return Centre; } Vector UTIL_GetCentreOfEntity(const edict_t* Entity) { if (!Entity) { return g_vecZero; } return (Entity->v.absmin + (Entity->v.size * 0.5f)); } Vector UTIL_GetFloorUnderEntity(const edict_t* Edict) { if (FNullEnt(Edict)) { return g_vecZero; } TraceResult hit; Vector EntityCentre = UTIL_GetCentreOfEntity(Edict) + Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Vector TraceEnd = (EntityCentre - Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f)); UTIL_TraceHull(EntityCentre, TraceEnd, ignore_monsters, head_hull, Edict->v.pContainingEntity, &hit); if (hit.flFraction < 1.0f) { return (hit.vecEndPos + Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); } return Edict->v.origin; } Vector UTIL_GetClosestPointOnEntityToLocation(const Vector Location, const edict_t* Entity) { return Vector(clampf(Location.x, Entity->v.absmin.x, Entity->v.absmax.x), clampf(Location.y, Entity->v.absmin.y, Entity->v.absmax.y), clampf(Location.z, Entity->v.absmin.z, Entity->v.absmax.z)); } Vector UTIL_GetClosestPointOnEntityToLocation(const Vector Location, const edict_t* Entity, const Vector EntityLocation) { Vector MinVec = EntityLocation - (Entity->v.size * 0.5f); Vector MaxVec = EntityLocation + (Entity->v.size * 0.5f); return Vector(clampf(Location.x, MinVec.x, MaxVec.x), clampf(Location.y, MinVec.y, MaxVec.y), clampf(Location.z, MinVec.z, MaxVec.z)); } AvHAIDeployableStructureType IUSER3ToStructureType(const int inIUSER3) { if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_COMMCHAIR; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_RESTOWER) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_RESTOWER; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_INFANTRYPORTAL; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_ARMORY) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_ARMOURY; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_ADVARMOURY; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_TURRETFACTORY; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_ADVTURRETFACTORY; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_TURRET) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_TURRET; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_SIEGETURRET; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_ARMSLAB) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_ARMSLAB; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_PROTOTYPELAB; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_OBSERVATORY; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_PHASEGATE) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_PHASEGATE; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_MINE) { return STRUCTURE_MARINE_DEPLOYEDMINE; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_HIVE) { return STRUCTURE_ALIEN_HIVE; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_ALIENRESTOWER) { return STRUCTURE_ALIEN_RESTOWER; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_DEFENSE_CHAMBER) { return STRUCTURE_ALIEN_DEFENCECHAMBER; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_SENSORY_CHAMBER) { return STRUCTURE_ALIEN_SENSORYCHAMBER; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER) { return STRUCTURE_ALIEN_MOVEMENTCHAMBER; } if (inIUSER3 == AVH_USER3_OFFENSE_CHAMBER) { return STRUCTURE_ALIEN_OFFENCECHAMBER; } return STRUCTURE_NONE; } AvHAIDeployableStructureType GetDeployableObjectTypeFromEdict(const edict_t* StructureEdict) { if (FNullEnt(StructureEdict)) { return STRUCTURE_NONE; } return IUSER3ToStructureType(StructureEdict->v.iuser3); } bool IsEdictStructure(const edict_t* edict) { return (GetDeployableObjectTypeFromEdict(edict) != STRUCTURE_NONE); } bool IsEdictHive(const edict_t* edict) { if (FNullEnt(edict)) { return false; } return (edict->v.iuser3 == AVH_USER3_HIVE); } bool IsDamagingStructure(const edict_t* StructureEdict) { return IsDamagingStructure(GetStructureTypeFromEdict(StructureEdict)); } bool IsDamagingStructure(AvHAIDeployableStructureType StructureType) { switch (StructureType) { case STRUCTURE_ALIEN_OFFENCECHAMBER: case STRUCTURE_MARINE_TURRET: return true; default: return false; } return false; } AvHAIDeployableStructureType GetStructureTypeFromEdict(const edict_t* StructureEdict) { if (FNullEnt(StructureEdict)) { return STRUCTURE_NONE; } return IUSER3ToStructureType(StructureEdict->v.iuser3); } bool GetNearestMapLocationAtPoint(vec3_t SearchLocation, string& outLocation) { bool theSuccess = false; const AvHBaseInfoLocationListType& inLocations = GetGameRules()->GetInfoLocations(); bool bFoundNearest = false; float MinDist = 0.0f; // Look at our current position, and see if we lie within of the map locations for (AvHBaseInfoLocationListType::const_iterator theIter = inLocations.begin(); theIter != inLocations.end(); theIter++) { if (theIter->GetIsPointInRegion(SearchLocation)) { outLocation = theIter->GetLocationName(); return true; } float NearestX = clampf(SearchLocation.x, theIter->GetMinExtent().x, theIter->GetMaxExtent().x); float NearestY = clampf(SearchLocation.y, theIter->GetMinExtent().y, theIter->GetMaxExtent().y); float ThisDist = vDist2DSq(SearchLocation, Vector(NearestX, NearestY, 0.0f)); if (!bFoundNearest || ThisDist < MinDist) { outLocation = theIter->GetLocationName(); bFoundNearest = true; theSuccess = true; MinDist = ThisDist; } } return theSuccess; } void AIDEBUG_DrawBotPath(AvHAIPlayer* pBot, float DrawTime) { AIDEBUG_DrawPath(pBot->BotNavInfo.CurrentPath, DrawTime); } void AIDEBUG_DrawPath(vector& path, float DrawTime) { if (path.size() == 0) { return; } for (auto it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); it++) { Vector FromLoc = it->FromLocation; Vector ToLoc = it->Location; switch (it->flag) { case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WELD: case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime, 255, 0, 0); break; case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP: case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DUCKJUMP: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime, 255, 255, 0); break; case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_LADDER: case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_LIFT: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime, 0, 0, 255); break; case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALLCLIMB: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime, 0, 128, 0); break; case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_BLOCKED: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime, 128, 128, 128); break; case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_TEAM1PHASEGATE: case SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_TEAM2PHASEGATE: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime, 255, 128, 128); break; default: UTIL_DrawLine(INDEXENT(1), FromLoc, ToLoc, DrawTime); break; } } } void UTIL_DrawLine(edict_t* pEntity, Vector start, Vector end) { if (FNullEnt(pEntity) || pEntity->free) { return; } MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, pEntity); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMPOINTS); WRITE_COORD(start.x); WRITE_COORD(start.y); WRITE_COORD(start.z); WRITE_COORD(end.x); WRITE_COORD(end.y); WRITE_COORD(end.z); WRITE_SHORT(m_spriteTexture); WRITE_BYTE(1); // framestart WRITE_BYTE(10); // framerate WRITE_BYTE(1); // life in 0.1's WRITE_BYTE(5); // width WRITE_BYTE(0); // noise WRITE_BYTE(255); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(255); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(255); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(250); // brightness WRITE_BYTE(5); // speed MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_DrawLine(edict_t* pEntity, Vector start, Vector end, float drawTimeSeconds) { if (FNullEnt(pEntity) || pEntity->free) { return; } int timeTenthSeconds = (int)floorf(drawTimeSeconds * 10.0f); timeTenthSeconds = fmaxf(timeTenthSeconds, 1); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, pEntity); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMPOINTS); WRITE_COORD(start.x); WRITE_COORD(start.y); WRITE_COORD(start.z); WRITE_COORD(end.x); WRITE_COORD(end.y); WRITE_COORD(end.z); WRITE_SHORT(m_spriteTexture); WRITE_BYTE(1); // framestart WRITE_BYTE(10); // framerate WRITE_BYTE(timeTenthSeconds); // life in 0.1's WRITE_BYTE(5); // width WRITE_BYTE(0); // noise WRITE_BYTE(255); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(255); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(255); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(250); // brightness WRITE_BYTE(5); // speed MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_DrawLine(edict_t* pEntity, Vector start, Vector end, float drawTimeSeconds, int r, int g, int b) { if (FNullEnt(pEntity) || pEntity->free) { return; } int timeTenthSeconds = (int)floorf(drawTimeSeconds * 10.0f); timeTenthSeconds = fmaxf(timeTenthSeconds, 1); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, pEntity); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMPOINTS); WRITE_COORD(start.x); WRITE_COORD(start.y); WRITE_COORD(start.z); WRITE_COORD(end.x); WRITE_COORD(end.y); WRITE_COORD(end.z); WRITE_SHORT(m_spriteTexture); WRITE_BYTE(1); // framestart WRITE_BYTE(10); // framerate WRITE_BYTE(timeTenthSeconds); // life in 0.1's WRITE_BYTE(5); // width WRITE_BYTE(0); // noise WRITE_BYTE(r); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(g); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(b); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(250); // brightness WRITE_BYTE(5); // speed MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_DrawLine(edict_t* pEntity, Vector start, Vector end, int r, int g, int b) { if (FNullEnt(pEntity) || pEntity->free) { return; } MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, pEntity); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BEAMPOINTS); WRITE_COORD(start.x); WRITE_COORD(start.y); WRITE_COORD(start.z); WRITE_COORD(end.x); WRITE_COORD(end.y); WRITE_COORD(end.z); WRITE_SHORT(m_spriteTexture); WRITE_BYTE(1); // framestart WRITE_BYTE(10); // framerate WRITE_BYTE(1); // life in 0.1's WRITE_BYTE(5); // width WRITE_BYTE(0); // noise WRITE_BYTE(r); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(g); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(b); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE(250); // brightness WRITE_BYTE(5); // speed MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_DrawBox(edict_t* pEntity, Vector bMin, Vector bMax, float drawTimeSeconds) { Vector LowerBottomLeftCorner = bMin; Vector LowerTopLeftCorner = Vector(bMin.x, bMax.y, bMin.z); Vector LowerTopRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMax.y, bMin.z); Vector LowerBottomRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMin.y, bMin.z); Vector UpperBottomLeftCorner = Vector(bMin.x, bMin.y, bMax.z); Vector UpperTopLeftCorner = Vector(bMin.x, bMax.y, bMax.z); Vector UpperTopRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMax.y, bMax.z); Vector UpperBottomRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMin.y, bMax.z); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopLeftCorner, LowerTopRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopRightCorner, LowerBottomRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerBottomRightCorner, LowerBottomLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperBottomLeftCorner, UpperTopLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperTopLeftCorner, UpperTopRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperTopRightCorner, UpperBottomRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperBottomRightCorner, UpperBottomLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerBottomLeftCorner, UpperBottomLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopLeftCorner, UpperTopLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopRightCorner, UpperTopRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerBottomRightCorner, UpperBottomRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, 255, 255, 255); } void UTIL_DrawBox(edict_t* pEntity, Vector bMin, Vector bMax, float drawTimeSeconds, int r, int g, int b) { Vector LowerBottomLeftCorner = bMin; Vector LowerTopLeftCorner = Vector(bMin.x, bMax.y, bMin.z); Vector LowerTopRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMax.y, bMin.z); Vector LowerBottomRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMin.y, bMin.z); Vector UpperBottomLeftCorner = Vector(bMin.x, bMin.y, bMax.z); Vector UpperTopLeftCorner = Vector(bMin.x, bMax.y, bMax.z); Vector UpperTopRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMax.y, bMax.z); Vector UpperBottomRightCorner = Vector(bMax.x, bMin.y, bMax.z); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopLeftCorner, LowerTopRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopRightCorner, LowerBottomRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerBottomRightCorner, LowerBottomLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperBottomLeftCorner, UpperTopLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperTopLeftCorner, UpperTopRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperTopRightCorner, UpperBottomRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, UpperBottomRightCorner, UpperBottomLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerBottomLeftCorner, UpperBottomLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopLeftCorner, UpperTopLeftCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerTopRightCorner, UpperTopRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); UTIL_DrawLine(pEntity, LowerBottomRightCorner, UpperBottomRightCorner, drawTimeSeconds, r, g, b); } void UTIL_DrawHUDText(edict_t* pEntity, char channel, float x, float y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, const char* string) { // higher level wrapper for hudtextparms TE_TEXTMESSAGEs. This function is meant to be called // every frame, since the duration of the display is roughly worth the duration of a video // frame. The X and Y coordinates are unary fractions which are bound to this rule: // 0: top of the screen (Y) or left of the screen (X), left aligned text // 1: bottom of the screen (Y) or right of the screen (X), right aligned text // -1(only one negative value possible): center of the screen (X and Y), centered text // Any value ranging from 0 to 1 will represent a valid position on the screen. //static short duration; if (FNullEnt(pEntity)) { return; } //duration = (int)GAME_GetServerMSecVal() * 256 / 750; // compute text message duration //if (duration < 5) // duration = 5; MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, pEntity); WRITE_BYTE(TE_TEXTMESSAGE); WRITE_BYTE(channel); // channel WRITE_SHORT((int)(x * 8192.0f)); // x coordinates * 8192 WRITE_SHORT((int)(y * 8192.0f)); // y coordinates * 8192 WRITE_BYTE(0); // effect (fade in/out) WRITE_BYTE(r); // initial RED WRITE_BYTE(g); // initial GREEN WRITE_BYTE(b); // initial BLUE WRITE_BYTE(1); // initial ALPHA WRITE_BYTE(r); // effect RED WRITE_BYTE(g); // effect GREEN WRITE_BYTE(b); // effect BLUE WRITE_BYTE(1); // effect ALPHA WRITE_SHORT(0); // fade-in time in seconds * 256 WRITE_SHORT(0); // fade-out time in seconds * 256 WRITE_SHORT(5); // hold time in seconds * 256 WRITE_STRING(string);//string); // send the string MESSAGE_END(); // end return; } void UTIL_ClearLocalizations() { LocalizedLocationsMap.clear(); } void UTIL_LocalizeText(const char* InputText, string& OutputText) { // Don't localize empty strings if (!strcmp(InputText, "")) { OutputText = ""; } char theInputString[1024]; sprintf(theInputString, "%s", InputText); std::unordered_map::const_iterator FoundLocalization = LocalizedLocationsMap.find(theInputString); if (FoundLocalization != LocalizedLocationsMap.end()) { OutputText = FoundLocalization->second; return; } char filename[256]; std::string localizedString(theInputString); string titlesPath = string(getModDirectory()) + "/titles.txt"; strcpy(filename, titlesPath.c_str()); std::ifstream cFile(filename); if (cFile.is_open()) { std::string line; while (getline(cFile, line)) { line.erase(std::remove_if(line.begin(), line.end(), ::isspace), line.end()); if (line[0] == '/' || line.empty()) continue; if (line.compare(theInputString) == 0) { getline(cFile, line); getline(cFile, localizedString); break; } } } char theOutputString[1024]; sprintf(theOutputString, "%s", localizedString.c_str()); string Delimiter = "Hive -"; auto delimiterPos = localizedString.find(Delimiter); if (delimiterPos == std::string::npos) { Delimiter = "Hive Location -"; delimiterPos = localizedString.find(Delimiter); } if (delimiterPos == std::string::npos) { Delimiter = "Hive Location -"; delimiterPos = localizedString.find("Hive Location -"); } if (delimiterPos != std::string::npos) { auto AreaName = localizedString.substr(delimiterPos + Delimiter.length()); AreaName.erase(0, AreaName.find_first_not_of(" \r\n\t\v\f")); sprintf(theOutputString, "%s", AreaName.c_str()); } OutputText = theOutputString; LocalizedLocationsMap[InputText] = OutputText; }