//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHConsoleCommands.cpp$ // $Date: 2002/11/22 21:28:16 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHConsoleCommands.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.31 2002/11/22 21:28:16 Flayra // - mp_consistency changes // // Revision 1.30 2002/11/15 04:46:53 Flayra // - Utility command // // Revision 1.29 2002/11/03 04:49:56 Flayra // - Team balance fixes // // Revision 1.28 2002/10/28 20:33:55 Flayra // - Added confirmation to auth command // // Revision 1.27 2002/10/24 21:22:40 Flayra // - Commented out adjust score cheat for release (even with cheats on, this is abusive) // // Revision 1.26 2002/10/20 16:45:19 Flayra // - Linux update // // Revision 1.25 2002/10/20 16:35:46 Flayra // - Added hack code to create a fake client to test profiling // // Revision 1.24 2002/10/18 22:17:12 Flayra // - Added redeem cheat // // Revision 1.23 2002/10/16 00:51:33 Flayra // - Added auth command and setauth cheat // - Require cheats for some dev commands (oops) // // Revision 1.22 2002/10/03 18:41:35 Flayra // - Allow setskin to work without chets, for testing // // Revision 1.21 2002/09/23 22:11:46 Flayra // - Regular update // // Revision 1.20 2002/09/09 19:49:25 Flayra // - Added deathmessage cheat // // Revision 1.19 2002/08/16 02:33:32 Flayra // - Added endgame cheat to end game for either team (to test endgame music) // // Revision 1.18 2002/08/09 00:56:11 Flayra // - Added "adjustscore" cheat for testing new scoreboard // // Revision 1.17 2002/08/02 22:01:27 Flayra // - Added some new cheats, refactored cheat names, changes for new alert system // // Revision 1.16 2002/07/10 14:39:24 Flayra // - Added "overflow" cheat for debugging // // Revision 1.15 2002/07/08 16:49:34 Flayra // - Unhacked this to fix some random bug // // Revision 1.14 2002/06/03 16:41:19 Flayra // - Added "invul" cheat // // Revision 1.13 2002/05/23 02:34:00 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #include "build.h" #include "util/nowarnings.h" #include "extdll.h" #include "dlls/util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "player.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "mod/AvHGamerules.h" #include "mod/AvHConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHEntities.h" #include "mod/AvHParticleTemplateServer.h" #include "mod/AvHPlayer.h" #include "dlls/client.h" #include "dlls/game.h" #include "dlls/util.h" #include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHServerVariables.h" #include "mod/AvHMessage.h" #include "mod/AvHSoundListManager.h" #include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHTitles.h" #include "mod/AvHParticleSystemManager.h" #include "mod/AvHMarineEquipment.h" #include "mod/AvHMovementUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "textrep/TRFactory.h" #include "mod/AvHEntities.h" #include "mod/AvHScriptManager.h" #include "mod/AvHCommandConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHPlayerUpgrade.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "voice_gamemgr.h" #include "mod/UPPUtil.h" extern AvHParticleTemplateListServer gParticleTemplateList; extern int gmsgEditPS; extern int gmsgListPS; //extern int gmsgNetScreenShot; extern int gmsgDeathMsg; extern int gmsgShowMenu; extern CVoiceGameMgr g_VoiceGameMgr; extern int gCommanderPointsAwardedEventID; extern cvar_t allow_spectators; extern cvar_t avh_tournamentmode; #ifdef USE_UPP extern cvar_t avh_uplink; #endif extern int kNumEntsProcessedForPlayerOne; #ifdef WIN32 // this is the LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS function that creates a player (bot) HINSTANCE h_Library = NULL; typedef void (*LINK_ENTITY_FUNC)(entvars_t *); void player( entvars_t *pev ) { if(!h_Library) { string libName = string(getModDirectory()) + "\\dlls\\ns.dll"; h_Library = LoadLibrary(libName.c_str()); } static LINK_ENTITY_FUNC otherClassName = NULL; if (otherClassName == NULL) otherClassName = (LINK_ENTITY_FUNC)GetProcAddress(h_Library, "player"); if (otherClassName != NULL) { (*otherClassName)(pev); } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ // begin future MapUtils.h / MapUtils.cpp //------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef std::pair<string,int> EntityInfoNodeType; typedef std::map<string,int> EntityInfoMapType; typedef std::vector<EntityInfoNodeType> EntityInfoVectorType; bool EntityInfoSortFunction(const EntityInfoNodeType& left,const EntityInfoNodeType& right) { if(left.second > right.second) { return true; } if(left.first.compare(right.first) < 0) { return true; } return false; } bool EntityInfoShouldCount(const string& inClassName) { bool theShouldCount = true; if(inClassName.empty()) // unassigned player slot { theShouldCount = false; } else if(inClassName.compare(0,7,"weapon_") == 0) { theShouldCount = false; } else if(inClassName.compare("bodyque") == 0) { theShouldCount = false; } else if(inClassName.compare("player") == 0) { theShouldCount = false; } return theShouldCount; } EntityInfoVectorType EntityInfoGetVector(void) { EntityInfoMapType theMap; const char* theClassName; string theClassNameString; for(int index = 0; index < gpGlobals->maxEntities; ++index) { edict_t* theEdict = INDEXENT(index); if(!FNullEnt(theEdict)) { theClassName = STRING(theEdict->v.classname); if(theClassName) { ++theMap[string(theClassName)]; } } } EntityInfoVectorType theVector; EntityInfoMapType::iterator end = theMap.end(); for(EntityInfoMapType::iterator current = theMap.begin(); current != end; ++current) { if(EntityInfoShouldCount(current->first)) { theVector.push_back(EntityInfoNodeType(current->first,current->second)); } } //sort it sort(theVector.begin(),theVector.end(),EntityInfoSortFunction); return theVector; } int EntityInfoGetCount() { int theCount = 0; EntityInfoVectorType theVector = EntityInfoGetVector(); EntityInfoVectorType::iterator end = theVector.end(); for(EntityInfoVectorType::iterator current = theVector.begin(); current != end; ++current) { theCount += current->second; } return theCount; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // end future MapUtils.h / MapUtils.cpp //------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReportPlayer(CBasePlayer* inPlayer, const char* inCommand) { #ifdef AVH_PLAYTEST_BUILD // Tell the server that this player executed x message char* theMessage = UTIL_VarArgs("%s initiated command \"%s\"\n", STRING(inPlayer->pev->netname), inCommand); UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, theMessage); UTIL_LogPrintf(theMessage); #endif } BOOL AvHGamerules::ClientCommand( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *pcmd ) { AvHPlayer* theAvHPlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(pPlayer); AvHTeam* theTeam = NULL; bool theSuccess = false; bool theIsDeveloper = false; bool theIsGuide = false; bool theIsServerOp = false; bool theIsPlaytester = false; bool theIsPlayerHelper = false; bool theIsPlaytest = false; bool theReportPlayer = false; bool theIsDedicatedServer = false; bool theIsDebug = false; #ifdef DEBUG theIsDebug = true; #endif if(theAvHPlayer) { theTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(); theIsDeveloper = (theAvHPlayer->GetAuthenticationMask() & PLAYERAUTH_DEVELOPER); theIsGuide = theAvHPlayer->GetAuthenticationMask() & PLAYERAUTH_GUIDE; theIsPlaytester = theAvHPlayer->GetAuthenticationMask() & PLAYERAUTH_PLAYTESTER; theIsPlayerHelper = theIsDeveloper || theIsGuide || theIsPlaytester; #ifdef AVH_PLAYTEST_BUILD theIsPlaytest = (theAvHPlayer->GetAuthenticationMask() & PLAYERAUTH_PLAYTESTER) || (theAvHPlayer->GetAuthenticationMask() & PLAYERAUTH_VETERAN) || theIsDeveloper; #endif #ifdef AVH_LAN_PLAYTEST_BUILD theIsPlaytest = true; #endif #ifdef DEBUG #ifndef AVH_EXTERNAL_BUILD theIsDeveloper = true; theIsServerOp = true; #endif #endif } else { theIsDedicatedServer = true; } if(!theAvHPlayer || (theAvHPlayer->GetAuthenticationMask() & PLAYERAUTH_SERVEROP)) { theIsServerOp = true; } if(g_VoiceGameMgr.ClientCommand(pPlayer, pcmd)) { theSuccess = true; } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcJoinTeamOne ) ) { if(theAvHPlayer) { this->AttemptToJoinTeam(theAvHPlayer, TEAM_ONE, true); theSuccess = true; } } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcJoinTeamTwo ) ) { if(theAvHPlayer) { this->AttemptToJoinTeam(theAvHPlayer, TEAM_TWO, true); theSuccess = true; } } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcAutoAssign ) ) { if(theAvHPlayer) { this->AutoAssignPlayer(theAvHPlayer); theSuccess = true; } } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcReadyRoom ) ) { if(theAvHPlayer) { if(!(theAvHPlayer->pev->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)) { if(!theAvHPlayer->GetIsBeingDigested()) { theAvHPlayer->SetPlayMode(PLAYMODE_READYROOM, true); } theSuccess = true; } } theSuccess = true; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcStartGame)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { this->SetGameStarted(true); } theSuccess = true; } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcSwitch)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() || theIsPlaytest) { AvHTeamNumber thePlayerTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeam(); if(thePlayerTeam != TEAM_IND) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, kcSwitch); // Get other team AvHTeamNumber theOtherTeamNumber = (thePlayerTeam == TEAM_ONE) ? TEAM_TWO : TEAM_ONE; // Remember current position, add a little for good measure Vector theCurrentPosition = theAvHPlayer->pev->origin; theCurrentPosition.z += 30; Vector theCurrentAngles = theAvHPlayer->pev->angles; // Switch teams theAvHPlayer->SetPlayMode(PLAYMODE_READYROOM, true); this->AttemptToJoinTeam(theAvHPlayer, theOtherTeamNumber, false); // Set our position again theAvHPlayer->pev->origin = theCurrentPosition; theAvHPlayer->pev->angles = theCurrentAngles; theAvHPlayer->pev->fixangle = 1; } theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "givexp")) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(theAvHPlayer->GetSpectatingEntity()); if(!thePlayer) { thePlayer = theAvHPlayer; } if(thePlayer && thePlayer->GetIsRelevant()) { int theTargetLevel = 1; int theNumArgs = CMD_ARGC(); if(theNumArgs == 2) { sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theTargetLevel); } GetGameRules()->AwardExperience(thePlayer, theTargetLevel); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcRestartRound) || FStrEq(pcmd, kcRestart)) { if(!theAvHPlayer || theIsServerOp || theIsPlaytest || theIsDedicatedServer || theIsDebug || this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { if(theAvHPlayer) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); } // Reset game world this->ResetGame(true); } theSuccess = true; } #ifdef USE_UPP else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcUPPPing)) { if(theIsDeveloper) { UPP::requestConnectionSpeedTest(); } theSuccess = true; } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcUPPToggleProfiling)) { if(theIsDeveloper) { UPP::setGeneratePerformanceData(!UPP::getGeneratePerformanceData()); if(UPP::getGeneratePerformanceData()) { UTIL_SayText("UPP Profiling is now ON", theAvHPlayer); } else { UTIL_SayText("UPP Profiling is now OFF", theAvHPlayer); } } theSuccess = true; } #endif #ifdef AVH_PLAYTEST_BUILD # ifndef USE_UPP else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcForceUplink)) { if(theIsDeveloper || theIsDedicatedServer) { this->InitializeAuthentication(); UTIL_SayText("Initialized authentication.", theAvHPlayer); } theSuccess = true; } # endif else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcTournyMode)) { if(theIsPlaytest) { char theCommand[128]; sprintf(theCommand, "%s %d\n", kvTournamentMode, !((int)avh_tournamentmode.value)); SERVER_COMMAND(theCommand); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcSetBalanceVar)) { if(theIsDeveloper) { bool theChangedValue = false; // Read variable name then value char theVariableName[1024]; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%s", theVariableName) == 1) { float theNewValue = 0.0f; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(2), "%f", &theNewValue) == 1) { float theOldValue; bool theMadeFloatChange = false; // Search through ints then floats for(BalanceIntListType::iterator theIter = this->mBalanceInts.begin(); theIter != this->mBalanceInts.end(); theIter++) { string theComparison(theIter->first); if(theComparison == string(theVariableName)) { theOldValue = theIter->second; theNewValue = (int)theNewValue; theIter->second = theNewValue; theChangedValue = true; break; } } if(!theChangedValue) { for(BalanceFloatListType::iterator theIter = this->mBalanceFloats.begin(); theIter != this->mBalanceFloats.end(); theIter++) { if(theIter->first == string(theVariableName)) { theOldValue = theIter->second; theIter->second = theNewValue; theChangedValue = true; theMadeFloatChange = true; break; } } } if(theChangedValue) { string theTimeDateString = AvHSHUGetTimeDateString(); string theVerb = (theNewValue > theOldValue) ? "increased" : "lowered"; const char* theNumberFormat = theMadeFloatChange ? "%.2f" : "%d"; const char* thePlayerCStrName = STRING(theAvHPlayer->pev->netname); string theFormatString = string("Balance change: \"%s\" %s from ") + string(theNumberFormat) + string(" to ") + string(theNumberFormat) + string(" by %s <") + theTimeDateString + string(">.\n"); char theMessage[1024]; if(theMadeFloatChange) { sprintf(theMessage, theFormatString.c_str(), theVariableName, theVerb.c_str(), theOldValue, theNewValue, thePlayerCStrName); } else { sprintf(theMessage, theFormatString.c_str(), theVariableName, theVerb.c_str(), (int)theOldValue, (int)theNewValue, thePlayerCStrName); } UTIL_SayTextAll(theMessage, theAvHPlayer); // Log balance change ALERT(at_logged, theMessage); this->BalanceChanged(); // Save data this->RecordBalanceData(); } } } if(!theChangedValue) { char theMessage[1024]; sprintf(theMessage, "SetBalanceVar command not understood.\n"); UTIL_SayTextAll(theMessage, theAvHPlayer); } theSuccess = true; } } #endif else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcNSChangeLevel)) { if(theIsServerOp || theIsPlaytest) { char theLevelName[1024]; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%s", theLevelName) == 1) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); CHANGE_LEVEL(theLevelName, NULL ); } else { UTIL_SayText("Usage: changelevel <mapname>", theAvHPlayer); } } else { UTIL_SayText("You're not authorized to changelevel.", theAvHPlayer); } theSuccess = true; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcTestEvent)) { if(theAvHPlayer && this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { vec3_t theOrigin = theAvHPlayer->pev->origin; theOrigin.z -= 500; int theFlags = 0;//FEV_GLOBAL;// | FEV_HOSTONLY; PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL(theFlags, theAvHPlayer->edict(), gCommanderPointsAwardedEventID, 0, theOrigin, (float *)&g_vecZero, 0.0, 0.0, /*theWeaponIndex*/ 0, 0, 0, 0 ); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcGetNumPlayers)) { if(theAvHPlayer && this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theNumPlayers = GetGameRules()->GetNumberOfPlayers(); char theMessage[128]; sprintf(theMessage, "Num players: %d\n", theNumPlayers); UTIL_SayText(theMessage, theAvHPlayer); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcAddCat)) { if(theAvHPlayer && (this->GetCheatsEnabled() || theIsPlaytest)) { AvHTeam* theTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(); if(theTeam && (theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN)) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); int theCategory = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theCategory); AvHAlienUpgradeCategory theUpgradeCategory = AvHAlienUpgradeCategory(theCategory); theTeam->AddTeamUpgrade(theUpgradeCategory); theSuccess = true; } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcSendMessage)) { if(theAvHPlayer) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { if(CMD_ARGC() >= 3) { char theTooltipText[512]; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%s", theTooltipText); int theMode = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(2), "%d", &theMode); if(theMode == 0) { UTIL_ShowMessage(theTooltipText, theAvHPlayer); } else if(theMode == 1) { UTIL_Error(theAvHPlayer, theTooltipText); } else { bool theIsToolTip = (theMode == 2); theAvHPlayer->SendMessage(theTooltipText, theIsToolTip); } theSuccess = true; } } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcTooltip)) { if(theAvHPlayer && theIsPlayerHelper) { char thePlayerName[512]; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%s", thePlayerName); // Read first word as target player AvHPlayer* theTargetPlayer = NULL; FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*) const char* thePlayerCStrName = STRING(theEntity->pev->netname); if(!strcmp(thePlayerCStrName, thePlayerName)) { theTargetPlayer = theEntity; } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName) if(theTargetPlayer) { string theToolTip; theToolTip = string(STRING(theAvHPlayer->pev->netname)); theToolTip += ":"; int theNumArgs = CMD_ARGC(); for(int i=0; i < theNumArgs - 2; i++) { theToolTip += string(" "); char theTooltipText[512]; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(i+2), "%s ", theTooltipText); theToolTip += string(theTooltipText); // For some reason, some punctuation comes through as separate arguments //if(strcmp(theTooltipText, ",")) //{ // theToolTip += string(" "); //} } theTargetPlayer->SendMessage(theToolTip.c_str(), true); theSuccess = true; } else { char theErrorMessage[1024]; sprintf(theErrorMessage, "Player \"%s\" not found. Usage: %s CaseSensitivePlayerName Message goes here.\n", thePlayerName, kcTooltip); UTIL_SayText(theErrorMessage, theAvHPlayer); } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcRemoveCat)) { if(theAvHPlayer) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() || theIsPlaytest) { AvHTeam* theTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(); if(theTeam && (theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN)) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); int theCategory = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theCategory); AvHAlienUpgradeCategory theUpgradeCategory = AvHAlienUpgradeCategory(theCategory); theTeam->RemoveAlienUpgradeCategory(theUpgradeCategory); theSuccess = true; } } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcEndGame)) { // Put this back in when doing larger scale playtesting if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() || theIsServerOp || theIsPlaytest) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); string theCheat = kcEndGame1; int theTeam = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theTeam); if(theTeam == 2) { theCheat = kcEndGame2; } this->SetCheatEnabled(theCheat); //this->mVictoryTeam = theTeamNumber; //this->mVictoryTime = gpGlobals->time; ////this->mVictoryDraw = true; } theSuccess = true; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcStartCommandMode)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { //theAvHPlayer->StartTopDownMode(); this->AttemptToJoinTeam(theAvHPlayer, TEAM_ONE); // Find position of command station FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsTeamCommand, AvHCommandStation*) //if(theEntity->pev->team == theAvHPlayer->pev->team) //{ // Get command station point Vector theCommandStationOrigin; theCommandStationOrigin.x = (theEntity->pev->absmax.x + theEntity->pev->absmin.x)/2.0f; theCommandStationOrigin.y = (theEntity->pev->absmax.y + theEntity->pev->absmin.y)/2.0f; theCommandStationOrigin.z = (theEntity->pev->absmax.z + theEntity->pev->absmin.z)/2.0f; // Circle the station, trying points around it to see if there's room for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { const int kDistance = 100; Vector theOffset; float theAngle = (i/(float)360)*2*M_PI; theOffset.x = cos(theAngle)*kDistance; theOffset.y = sin(theAngle)*kDistance; theOffset.z = 20; Vector thePosition = theCommandStationOrigin + theOffset; if(AvHSUGetIsEnoughRoomForHull(thePosition, AvHMUGetHull(false, theAvHPlayer->pev->iuser3), NULL)) { // Teleport to this place theAvHPlayer->pev->origin = thePosition; theSuccess = true; break; } } //} END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsTeamCommand) } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcHurt)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { theAvHPlayer->TakeDamage(theAvHPlayer->pev, theAvHPlayer->pev, 100, DMG_GENERIC); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcSetCullDistance)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { float theCullDistance = 0.0f; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%f", &theCullDistance) == 1) { this->mMapExtents.SetTopDownCullDistance(theCullDistance); theSuccess = true; } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcSetGamma)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%f", &this->mMapGamma); } theSuccess = true; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcStopCommandMode)) { // Fixes problem where players can bind "stopcommandermode" and execute in ready room or maybe as spectator to get weapon if(theAvHPlayer && theAvHPlayer->GetIsInTopDownMode()) { theAvHPlayer->SetUser3(AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER); // Cheesy way to make sure player class change is sent to everyone theAvHPlayer->EffectivePlayerClassChanged(); theSuccess = true; } else { int a = 0; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcBigDig)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { bool theNewState = !GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcBigDig); GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcBigDig, theNewState); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcLowCost)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { bool theNewState = !GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcLowCost); GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcLowCost, theNewState); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcHighDamage)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcHighDamage); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcHighTech)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcHighTech); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcSlowResearch)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcSlowResearch); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcDetectAll)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcDetectAll); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcNumInfos)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theNumInfos = this->mInfoLocations.size(); char theNumInfosString[128]; sprintf(theNumInfosString, "Num infos: %d\n", theNumInfos); UTIL_SayText(theNumInfosString, theAvHPlayer); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcNumSpawns)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theNumSpawns = this->mSpawnList.size(); char theNumSpawnsString[128]; sprintf(theNumSpawnsString, "Num spawns: %d\n", theNumSpawns); UTIL_SayText(theNumSpawnsString, theAvHPlayer); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcEntityInfo) || FStrEq(pcmd, kcMapUtilEntityInfo)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { EntityInfoVectorType theEntityInfo = EntityInfoGetVector(); ALERT(at_console, "------------------------------------------------------\n"); ALERT(at_logged, "------------------------------------------------------\nEntityInfo Report:\n------------------------------------------------------\n"); char theEntityMessage[1024]; EntityInfoVectorType::iterator end = theEntityInfo.end(); for(EntityInfoVectorType::iterator current = theEntityInfo.begin(); current != end; ++current) { sprintf(theEntityMessage, "\t%3d \"%s\" entities\n", current->second, current->first.c_str()); ALERT(at_console, theEntityMessage); ALERT(at_logged, theEntityMessage); } ALERT(at_console, "------------------------------------------------------\n"); ALERT(at_logged, "------------------------------------------------------\n"); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcInvul)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { if(theAvHPlayer->pev->takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM) { theAvHPlayer->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; UTIL_SayText("Invul ON", theAvHPlayer); } else { theAvHPlayer->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; UTIL_SayText("Invul OFF", theAvHPlayer); } theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcEditPS)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { const char* theName = CMD_ARGV(1); uint32 theParticleIndex; if(gParticleTemplateList.GetTemplateIndexWithName(theName, theParticleIndex)) { theAvHPlayer->SendMessage(kEditingParticleSystem, true); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgEditPS, NULL, theAvHPlayer->pev); WRITE_SHORT(theParticleIndex); MESSAGE_END(); } else { theAvHPlayer->SendMessage(kNoParticleSystem, true); } theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcListPS)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { int theNumTemplates = gParticleTemplateList.GetNumberTemplates(); // Send num templates //WRITE_SHORT(theNumTemplates); // For each one, send the name for(int i = 0; i < theNumTemplates; i++) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgListPS, NULL, theAvHPlayer->pev); string theTemplateName("<system not found>"); const AvHParticleTemplate* theTemplate = gParticleTemplateList.GetTemplateAtIndex(i); if(theTemplate) { theTemplateName = theTemplate->GetName(); } theTemplateName += "\n"; WRITE_STRING(theTemplateName.c_str()); MESSAGE_END(); } theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcRedeem)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { theAvHPlayer->Redeem(); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcBuildMiniMap)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { const char* theCStrLevelName = STRING(gpGlobals->mapname); if(theCStrLevelName && !FStrEq(theCStrLevelName, "")) { GetGameRules()->BuildMiniMap(theAvHPlayer); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "votemap")) { if(theAvHPlayer) { // If map number passed int theMapNumber = 0; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theMapNumber) == 1) { // Add vote to this map. Server might change maps immediately. GetGameRules()->VoteMap(theAvHPlayer->entindex(), theMapNumber); } else { // Print the list of maps and votes to the player StringList theMapVoteList; GetGameRules()->GetMapVoteStrings(theMapVoteList); for(StringList::iterator theIter = theMapVoteList.begin(); theIter != theMapVoteList.end(); theIter++) { ClientPrint(theAvHPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, theIter->c_str()); } } theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "weapondebug")) { // ClientPrint(theAvHPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, theIter->c_str()); if(theAvHPlayer) { ClientPrint(theAvHPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "weapondebug\n"); FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*) theEntity->PrintWeaponListToClient(theAvHPlayer); END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName) theSuccess = true; } } #ifdef DEBUG else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcSetAuth)) { int theAuth = 0; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theAuth) == 1) { theAvHPlayer->SetAuthCheatMask(theAuth); theAvHPlayer->EffectivePlayerClassChanged(); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "catalyst")) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { if(AvHCatalyst::GiveCatalyst(theAvHPlayer)) { theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "showmenu")) { short theSlots = 0x1f; char theDisplayTime = -1; bool theNeedMore = false; char* theString = NULL; char theMenuText[1024]; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%s", theMenuText) == 1) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgShowMenu, NULL, theAvHPlayer->edict()); WRITE_SHORT(theSlots); WRITE_CHAR(theDisplayTime); WRITE_BYTE(theNeedMore); WRITE_STRING(theMenuText); MESSAGE_END(); } theSuccess = true; } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "calcxp")) { if(theAvHPlayer) { char theString[512]; sprintf(theString, "Experience for levels:\n"); for(int i=1; i <= 10; i++) { float theExperienceForLevel = AvHPlayerUpgrade::GetExperienceForLevel(i); char theExpString[128]; sprintf(theExpString, "\t%d/%d\n", i, (int)theExperienceForLevel); strcat(theString, theExpString); } ALERT(at_logged, theString); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "calcspawn")) { if(theAvHPlayer) { char theString[512]; sprintf(theString, "Spawn times (marines):\n"); char theResult[128]; sprintf(theResult, "1v1 -> low: %f high: %f\n", AvHSUCalcCombatSpawnTime(AVH_CLASS_TYPE_MARINE, 1, 1, 0), AvHSUCalcCombatSpawnTime(AVH_CLASS_TYPE_MARINE, 1, 1, 9)); strcat(theString, theResult); sprintf(theResult, "16v16 -> low: %f high: %f\n", AvHSUCalcCombatSpawnTime(AVH_CLASS_TYPE_MARINE, 16, 1, 0), AvHSUCalcCombatSpawnTime(AVH_CLASS_TYPE_MARINE, 16, 16, 9)); strcat(theString, theResult); ALERT(at_logged, theString); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "testscores")) { PlayerListType thePlayerList; FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*) if(UTIL_IsValidEntity(theEntity->edict())) { thePlayerList.push_back(theEntity); } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName); // Find random player if(thePlayerList.size() > 0) { AvHPlayer* thePlayer = thePlayerList[RANDOM_LONG(0, thePlayerList.size() - 1)]; ASSERT(thePlayer); // Changes scores int theChangeType = RANDOM_LONG(0, 2); int theSign = RANDOM_LONG(0, 1) ? 1 : -1; int theAmount = RANDOM_LONG(0, 5); switch(theChangeType) { case 0: thePlayer->SetScore(thePlayer->GetScore() + theSign*theAmount); break; case 1: thePlayer->pev->frags += theSign*theAmount; break; case 2: thePlayer->m_iDeaths += theSign*theAmount; break; } thePlayer->EffectivePlayerClassChanged(); theSuccess = true; } } #endif else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcOrderSelf)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcOrderSelf); theSuccess = true; } } #ifdef DEBUG else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcAdjustScore)) { if(theAvHPlayer) { AvHTeam* theTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(); if(theTeam) { int theAmount = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theAmount); theAvHPlayer->AddPoints(theAmount, TRUE); theAvHPlayer->EffectivePlayerClassChanged(); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcAttackCS)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsTeamCommand, AvHCommandStation*) if(theEntity->pev->team == theAvHPlayer->pev->team) { GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert((AvHTeamNumber)theAvHPlayer->pev->team, ALERT_UNDER_ATTACK, theEntity->entindex()); theSuccess = true; break; } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsTeamCommand); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcPlayHUDSound)) { if(theAvHPlayer && GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled()) { AvHHUDSound theHUDSound = HUD_SOUND_INVALID; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theHUDSound) == 1) { theSuccess = theAvHPlayer->PlayHUDSound(theHUDSound); } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcHighSpeed)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { // Toggle hispeed cheat bool theHiSpeedEnabled = GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcHighSpeed); GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcHighSpeed, !theHiSpeedEnabled); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcCrash)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { char* theCrashString = NULL; *theCrashString = 1; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcAssert)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { ASSERT(false); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcRun)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() /*|| theIsDeveloper*/) { const char* theScriptName = CMD_ARGV(1); if(theScriptName) { AvHScriptManager::Instance()->RunScript(theScriptName); theSuccess = true; } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcClientRun)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() /*|| theIsDeveloper*/) { const char* theScriptName = CMD_ARGV(1); if(theAvHPlayer && theScriptName) { theAvHPlayer->RunClientScript(theScriptName); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcParasite)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { SetUpgradeMask(&theAvHPlayer->pev->iuser4, MASK_PARASITED); } } else if(FStrEq( pcmd, kcStun) ) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { theAvHPlayer->SetIsStunned(true, 4.0f); theSuccess = true; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, kcWeb)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { theAvHPlayer->SetEnsnareState(true); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcDigest)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theDevourerIndex = 0; int theDevoureeIndex = 0; if((sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theDevourerIndex) == 1) && (sscanf(CMD_ARGV(2), "%d", &theDevoureeIndex) == 1)) { AvHPlayer* theDevourerPlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(CBaseEntity::Instance(g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex(theDevourerIndex))); AvHPlayer* theDevoureePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(CBaseEntity::Instance(g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex(theDevoureeIndex))); if(theDevourerPlayer && theDevoureePlayer) { if(!theDevoureePlayer->GetIsBeingDigested()) { theDevourerPlayer->StartDigestion(theDevoureePlayer->entindex()); } else { theDevourerPlayer->StopDigestion(false); } } } theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcBoxes)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES() AvHBaseBuildable* theBuildable = dynamic_cast<AvHBaseBuildable*>(theBaseEntity); if(theBuildable) { vec3_t theMinPosition = theBuildable->pev->origin + theBuildable->pev->mins; vec3_t theMaxPosition = theBuildable->pev->origin + theBuildable->pev->maxs; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BOX); WRITE_COORD(theMinPosition.x); WRITE_COORD(theMinPosition.y); WRITE_COORD(theMinPosition.x); WRITE_COORD(theMaxPosition.x); WRITE_COORD(theMaxPosition.y); WRITE_COORD(theMaxPosition.z); WRITE_SHORT(100); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(255); WRITE_BYTE(0); MESSAGE_END(); } END_FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES(); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcOverflow)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { // Force an overflow for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { theAvHPlayer->ForceClientDllUpdate(); } theSuccess = true; } } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcViewAll) ) { // Allow even with cheats off right now, put this back in for first beta if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcViewAll); theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcDeathMessage)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { const char* theWeaponName = CMD_ARGV(1); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgDeathMsg); WRITE_BYTE(theAvHPlayer->entindex()); // Killer WRITE_BYTE(theAvHPlayer->entindex()); // Victim WRITE_STRING(theWeaponName); MESSAGE_END(); } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcSetSkin)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theSkin = 0; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theSkin) == 1) { theAvHPlayer->SetSkin(theSkin); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcElectric)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { bool theNewValue = !GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcElectric); GetGameRules()->SetCheatEnabled(kcElectric, theNewValue); } } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcRoomType)) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theRoomType = 0; if(sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theRoomType) == 1) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, SVC_ROOMTYPE, NULL, theAvHPlayer->pev); WRITE_SHORT( (short)theRoomType ); MESSAGE_END(); char theString[128]; sprintf(theString, "Set room type to %d.\n", theRoomType); UTIL_SayText(theString, theAvHPlayer); theSuccess = true; } } } #ifdef WIN32 else if(FStrEq(pcmd, "createfake")) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { char theFakeClientName[256]; sprintf(theFakeClientName, "Bot%d", RANDOM_LONG(0, 2000)); edict_t* BotEnt = (*g_engfuncs.pfnCreateFakeClient)(theFakeClientName); // create the player entity by calling MOD's player function // (from LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS for player object) player( VARS(BotEnt) ); char ptr[128]; // allocate space for message from ClientConnect ClientConnect( BotEnt, theFakeClientName, "", ptr ); // Pieter van Dijk - use instead of DispatchSpawn() - Hip Hip Hurray! ClientPutInServer( BotEnt ); BotEnt->v.flags |= FL_FAKECLIENT; } } #endif #endif else if( FStrEq( pcmd, kcGiveUpgrade) ) { // Allow even with cheats off right now, put this back in for first beta if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); int theUpgrade = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theUpgrade); AvHMessageID theNewUpgrade = AvHMessageID(theUpgrade); AvHTeam* theVisibleTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(true); if(theVisibleTeam) { theVisibleTeam->GetTechNodes().SetResearchDone(theNewUpgrade); this->ProcessTeamUpgrade(theNewUpgrade, theAvHPlayer->GetTeam(true), 0, true); } theSuccess = true; } } else if( FStrEq( pcmd, kcRemoveUpgrade) ) { // Allow even with cheats off right now, put this back in for first beta if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); int theUpgrade = 0; sscanf(CMD_ARGV(1), "%d", &theUpgrade); AvHMessageID theNewUpgrade = AvHMessageID(theUpgrade); AvHTeam* theVisibleTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(true); if(theVisibleTeam) { theVisibleTeam->GetTechNodes().SetResearchDone(theNewUpgrade, false); this->ProcessTeamUpgrade(theNewUpgrade, theAvHPlayer->GetTeam(true), 0, false); } theSuccess = true; } } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcSpectate ) ) { if(theAvHPlayer) { #ifdef USE_UPP if(!theAvHPlayer->GetAuthorized()) { UPPUtil_HandleUnauthorizedJoinTeamAttempt(theAvHPlayer,TEAM_SPECT); } else if(allow_spectators.value) #else if(allow_spectators.value && GetGameRules()->PerformHardAuthorization(theAvHPlayer)) #endif { if(theAvHPlayer->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_READYROOM) { theAvHPlayer->SetPlayMode(PLAYMODE_OBSERVER); //this->PutPlayerIntoSpectateMode(theAvHPlayer); } } else { theAvHPlayer->SendMessage(kSpectatorsNotAllowed, true); } theSuccess = true; } } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, kcGivePoints) ) { // Allow even with cheats off right now, put this back in for first beta if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { int theAmount = 20; theAvHPlayer->SetResources(theAvHPlayer->GetResources() + theAmount, true); if(theTeam) { theTeam->AddResourcesGathered(theAmount); } theSuccess = true; } } else if(FStrEq( pcmd, kcKillCS) ) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { if(theTeam) { theTeam->KillCS(); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq( pcmd, kcKillHive) ) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() || theIsPlaytest) { if(theTeam) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); theTeam->KillHive(); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq( pcmd, kcSpawnHive) ) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() || theIsPlaytest) { AvHTeam* theHiveTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(TEAM_TWO); if(theHiveTeam) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); theHiveTeam->SpawnHive(); theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq( pcmd, kcAlert) ) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled() && theAvHPlayer) { AvHTeam* theTeam = theAvHPlayer->GetTeamPointer(true); if(theTeam) { if(theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN) { // Look for random hive, set it under attack AvHHive* theHive = AvHSUGetRandomActiveHive(theTeam->GetTeamNumber()); if(theHive) { AvHAlertType theRandomAlert = (RANDOM_LONG(0, 1) == 0) ? ALERT_HIVE_DYING : ALERT_UNDER_ATTACK; GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert(theTeam->GetTeamNumber(), theRandomAlert, theHive->entindex()); } } else { if(this->GetIsCombatMode()) { // Find Command station, trigger alert (to test for soldiers on ground) int theCCEntityIndex = 0; FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsTeamCommand, AvHCommandStation*) theCCEntityIndex = theEntity->entindex(); break; END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsTeamCommand); if(theCCEntityIndex > 0) { this->TriggerAlert(theTeam->GetTeamNumber(), ALERT_UNDER_ATTACK, theCCEntityIndex); } } else { int theRandomEntity = RANDOM_LONG(1, 500); AvHAlertType theRandomAlert = AvHAlertType(RANDOM_LONG(0, ALERT_MAX_ALERTS-1)); GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert(theTeam->GetTeamNumber(), theRandomAlert, theRandomEntity); } } theSuccess = true; } } } else if(FStrEq( pcmd, kcKillAll) ) { if(this->GetCheatsEnabled()) { FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*) theEntity->TakeDamage(theAvHPlayer->pev, theAvHPlayer->pev, 2000, DMG_GENERIC | DMG_ALWAYSGIB); END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName); theSuccess = true; } } #ifndef AVH_SECURE_PRERELEASE_BUILD else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcAuth)) { // Toggle auth mask bool theNewState = !theAvHPlayer->GetAllowAuth(); theAvHPlayer->SetAllowAuth(theNewState); if(theNewState) { UTIL_SayText("Authentication ON\n", theAvHPlayer); } else { UTIL_SayText("Authentication OFF\n", theAvHPlayer); } theSuccess = true; } #endif else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcNumEnts)) { bool theEnableNumEnts = GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled(); #ifdef AVH_SECURE_PRERELEASE_BUILD theEnableNumEnts = true; #endif if(theEnableNumEnts) { if(theAvHPlayer) { ReportPlayer(theAvHPlayer, pcmd); } int theEntityCount = this->GetNumEntities(); char theNumEntsString[1024]; sprintf(theNumEntsString, "Total entity count: %d\n", theEntityCount); ALERT(at_console, theNumEntsString); ALERT(at_logged, theNumEntsString); } theSuccess = true; } else if(FStrEq(pcmd, kcMapUtilNumEnts)) { if(GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled()) { int theEntityCount = EntityInfoGetCount(); char theNumEntsString[1024]; sprintf(theNumEntsString, "Total map related entity count: %d\n", theEntityCount); ALERT(at_console, theNumEntsString); ALERT(at_logged, theNumEntsString); } theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; }