#ifndef UIMANAGER_H #define UIMANAGER_H // Main ideas: // 1) The full UI is specified from a text file // 2) Changing or adding UI components doesn't require changing the layout parser // 3) Globals aren't needed in the client code, it can look up components by name when it needs them. This makes // the code much neater and easier to maintain. // // Components are defined as a set of tags, many of them common for all components. A new UI component // can define its own custom tags if it so desires. // #include "textrep/TRTag.h" #include "textrep/TRDescription.h" #include "vgui_InputSignal.h" #include "ui/UIComponent.h" class CSchemeManager; using namespace vgui; class UIComponent; class UIFactory; // Singleton or global? class UIManager : public InputSignal { public: // Only one way to construct. Not meaningful to use until Initialize() is called. UIManager(UIFactory* inFactory); // Make destructor virtual just in case this is subclassed someday virtual ~UIManager(void); void AddInputSignal(InputSignal* inInputSignal); // Deletes all components that have been previously read in. Clients should not hold onto UI component // pointers, because this function invalidates them. This will typically be called from within VGUI_Shutdown. // It is also called at the beginning of Initialize(). Returns true if at least one component was deleted. bool Clear(void); // Find a component that has been created with the specified name. The text files lay out the components, this // is how the mod finds them after they have been created. The calling code shouldn't keep around the pointer // to the component, it should query it every tick in case it goes away. UIComponent* GetComponentNamed(const string& inName); const UIComponent* GetComponentNamed(const string& inName) const; // Quick way to fetch the vgui component you're looking for. Returns null if type is wrong or it doesn't exist. template <class T> bool GetVGUIComponentNamed(const string& inName, T& outValue) { bool theSuccess = false; T theReturnComponent = NULL; outValue = NULL; UIComponent* theComponent = this->GetComponentNamed(inName); if(theComponent) { outValue = dynamic_cast<T>(theComponent->GetComponentPointer()); if(outValue) { theSuccess = true; } } return theSuccess; } bool HideComponent(const string& inName); void HideComponents(); // Load up all UI components specified by the text description. Any components that have already been loaded // are cleared first. Returns false if the file couldn't be opened or no components could be built from the file. // Typically this will be called once when the mod is initialized and never again. bool Initialize(const TRDescriptionList& inDesc, CSchemeManager* inSchemeManager = NULL); bool InMouseMode(void) const; void NotifyGammaChange(float inGammaSlope); // Saves the current UI layout back out the file that it was read in from. This is only meaningful after // the layout has been edited by the player. Returns false if the file couldn't be opened, if a write fails. // or if the manager is currently in edit mode. bool Save(const string& outFilename, const string& outHeader); // Sets the left mouse button action to bool SetLMBActionAbsolute(const TRTag& inTag); bool SetLMBActionRelative(const TRTag& inTag); void SetMouseVisibility(bool inState); bool SetRMBActionAbsolute(const TRTag& inTag); bool SetRMBActionRelative(const TRTag& inTag); void SetUsingVGUI(bool inState); // Call to toggle editing current layout with the mouse. Starts in non-edit mode. // Returns true if we were in edit mode and just left. bool ToggleEditMode(void); void ToggleMouse(void); bool TranslateComponent(const string& inName, bool inAway); bool UnhideComponent(const string& inName); virtual void Update(float inCurrentTime); // Called every time the hud is re-inited virtual void VidInit(void); // Input signal functions for graphical editing virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel); virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel); virtual void cursorExited(Panel* panel); virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel); virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel); virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code,Panel* panel); virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel); virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel); virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel); virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel); virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel); private: UIManager(void); UIComponent* GetComponentFromPanel(Panel* inPanel); void GetScreenCoords(int& ioLocalX, int& ioLocalY); void SetEnabledState(bool inState); void SetPanelPosition(Panel* inPanel, int inX, int inY); void SetSchemeValues(const TRDescription& inDesc, UIComponent* inComponent, CSchemeManager* inManager); void TranslateComponents(bool inAway); void TranslateComponent(vgui::Panel* inPanel, bool inAway); bool mEditMode; bool mDraggingLMB; bool mUsingVGUI; int mLastMouseX, mLastMouseY; int mLMBDownX, mLMBDownY; Panel* mComponentMouseOver; Cursor* mBlankCursor; UIFactory* mFactory; float mGammaSlope; // List of text representations associated with UIComponents. // These are all currently loaded in the game. typedef vector<UIComponent*> UIComponentListType; UIComponentListType mComponentList; }; #endif