//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHWorldUpdate.cpp $ // 2015/12/02 fmoraw // - removed infinite detection range of the observatory on the z axis //=============================================================================== #include "../util/nowarnings.h" #include "../dlls/extdll.h" #include "../dlls/util.h" #include "../dlls/cbase.h" #include "../dlls/player.h" #include "../dlls/weapons.h" #include "AvHGamerules.h" #include "AvHMarineEquipment.h" #include "AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h" #include "AvHAlienEquipment.h" #include "AvHAlienEquipmentConstants.h" #include "AvHAlienWeapons.h" #include "AvHAlienWeaponConstants.h" #include "AvHServerUtil.h" #include "../util/MathUtil.h" typedef vector<AvHPlayer*> AvHPlayerListType; typedef vector<AvHObservatory*> AvHObservatoryListType; typedef vector<AvHScan*> AvHScanListType; typedef vector<AvHSensoryChamber*> AvHSensoryChamberListType; typedef vector<AvHUmbraCloud*> AvHUmbraCloudListType; BaseEntityListType gBaseEntityList; AvHPlayerListType gPlayerList; AvHPlayerListType gRelevantPlayerList; AvHObservatoryListType gObservatoryList; AvHScanListType gScanList; AvHSensoryChamberListType gSensoryChamberList; AvHUmbraCloudListType gUmbraCloudList; const float kMovementVisibilityThreshold = 10.0f; bool AvHSUGetInViewOfEnemy(CBaseEntity* inEntity, int& outSightedStatus) { bool theInViewOfEnemy = false; if(inEntity->pev->iuser4 & MASK_TOPDOWN) { // Top down players are never visible } else { if(GetGameRules()->GetDrawInvisibleEntities()) { outSightedStatus |= MASK_VIS_SIGHTED; theInViewOfEnemy = true; } else if(GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcDetectAll)) { outSightedStatus |= MASK_VIS_DETECTED; theInViewOfEnemy = true; } else { AvHPlayer* theInPlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(inEntity); AvHCloakable* theCloakable = dynamic_cast<AvHCloakable*>(inEntity); if(!theInPlayer || !theInPlayer->GetIsCloaked()) { if(!theCloakable || (theCloakable->GetOpacity() > 0.0f)) { // Loop through enemy players, check if we are in view of any of them for(AvHPlayerListType::iterator thePlayerIter = gPlayerList.begin(); thePlayerIter != gPlayerList.end(); thePlayerIter++) { if((*thePlayerIter)->GetTeam() != inEntity->pev->team) { // Commanders can't "see" enemies if(((*thePlayerIter)->GetUser3() != AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER) && ((*thePlayerIter)->GetIsRelevant())) { if((*thePlayerIter)->GetIsEntityInSight(inEntity)) { outSightedStatus |= MASK_VIS_SIGHTED; theInViewOfEnemy = true; break; } } } } } // Loop through observatories, uncloaking and detecting all enemy players in range for(AvHObservatoryListType::iterator theObservatoryIter = gObservatoryList.begin(); theObservatoryIter != gObservatoryList.end(); theObservatoryIter++) { if((*theObservatoryIter)->pev->team != inEntity->pev->team && ( inEntity->pev->team != TEAM_IND ) && !(*theObservatoryIter)->GetIsRecycling() ) { // Check that entity is in range of scan (only check XY distance, for commander's purposes) float theDistance = VectorDistance((*theObservatoryIter)->pev->origin, inEntity->pev->origin); if(theDistance < BALANCE_VAR(kObservatoryXYDetectionRadius)) { outSightedStatus |= MASK_VIS_DETECTED; theInViewOfEnemy = true; if(theCloakable) { theCloakable->Uncloak(); } break; } } } // Loop through all active scans on our team for(AvHScanListType::iterator theScanIter = gScanList.begin(); theScanIter != gScanList.end(); theScanIter++) { if((*theScanIter)->pev->team != inEntity->pev->team) { // Check that entity is in range of scan float theDistance = VectorDistance((*theScanIter)->pev->origin, inEntity->pev->origin); if(theDistance < BALANCE_VAR(kScanRadius)) { outSightedStatus |= MASK_VIS_SIGHTED; theInViewOfEnemy = true; break; } } } } } // If not in sight, check for motion-tracking if(!theInViewOfEnemy) { bool theEnemyTeamHasMotionTracking = false; AvHTeamNumber teamA = GetGameRules()->GetTeamA()->GetTeamNumber(); AvHTeamNumber teamB = GetGameRules()->GetTeamB()->GetTeamNumber(); if((inEntity->pev->team == teamA) || (inEntity->pev->team == teamB)) { AvHTeamNumber theEnemyTeamNumber = (inEntity->pev->team == teamA) ? teamB : teamA; AvHTeam* theEnemyTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(theEnemyTeamNumber); if(theEnemyTeam) { if(theEnemyTeam->GetResearchManager().GetTechNodes().GetIsTechResearched(TECH_RESEARCH_MOTIONTRACK) || GetGameRules()->GetIsCombatMode()) { // Motion-tracking doesn't pick up cloaked entities (players) bool theIsCloaked = false; AvHCloakable* theCloakable = dynamic_cast<AvHCloakable*>(inEntity); if(theCloakable && (theCloakable->GetOpacity() < 0.1f)) { theIsCloaked = true; } float theVelocity = inEntity->pev->velocity.Length(); //ELVEN - WE HAVE TO CHECK FOR EXISTANT OBSERVATORIES BEFORE WE CAN FLAG THIS. //: Fixed combat mode problems & slight perfoamance issue (no need to loop thru every obs). bool obsExists = false; if(!GetGameRules()->GetIsCombatMode()) { FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsObservatory, AvHObservatory*) if(theEntity->GetIsBuilt()) { obsExists = true; break; } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsObservatory) } else { obsExists = true; } if((theVelocity > kMovementVisibilityThreshold) && !theIsCloaked && obsExists) { outSightedStatus |= MASK_VIS_DETECTED; theInViewOfEnemy = true; } } } } } } return theInViewOfEnemy; } bool AvHSUGetInRangeOfFriendlyPrimalScream(CBaseEntity* inEntity) { bool inRangeOfPrimalScream = false; int theTeamNumber = inEntity->pev->team; if(theTeamNumber) { // If team is of type alien const AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(AvHTeamNumber(theTeamNumber)); if(theTeam && (theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN) && inEntity->IsAlive()) { // Loop through all players on our team for(AvHPlayerListType::iterator theIter = gPlayerList.begin(); theIter != gPlayerList.end(); theIter++) { AvHPlayer* thePlayer = *theIter; // See if any of them are screaming if(thePlayer && (thePlayer->pev->team == theTeamNumber) && (thePlayer->GetIsScreaming())) { // Are they in range of us? float theDistance = VectorDistance(inEntity->pev->origin, thePlayer->pev->origin); if(theDistance < BALANCE_VAR(kPrimalScreamRange)) { inRangeOfPrimalScream = true; break; } } } } } return inRangeOfPrimalScream; } bool AvHSUGetInRangeOfFriendlySensoryChamber(CBaseEntity* inEntity) { bool inRangeOfSensoryChamber = false; int theTeamNumber = inEntity->pev->team; if(theTeamNumber) { // If team is of type alien const AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(AvHTeamNumber(theTeamNumber)); if(theTeam && (theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN) && inEntity->IsAlive()) { // Loop through all SensoryChamber clouds on our team for(AvHSensoryChamberListType::const_iterator theIter = gSensoryChamberList.begin(); theIter != gSensoryChamberList.end(); theIter++) { AvHSensoryChamber* theChamber = *theIter; if(theChamber && (theChamber->pev->team == theTeamNumber)) { // Are we in range? float theDistance = VectorDistance(inEntity->pev->origin, theChamber->pev->origin); if(theDistance < BALANCE_VAR(kSensoryChamberRange)) { AvHBaseBuildable* theBuildable = dynamic_cast<AvHBaseBuildable*>(theChamber); if(theBuildable && theBuildable->GetIsBuilt()) { inRangeOfSensoryChamber = true; break; } } } } } } return inRangeOfSensoryChamber; } bool AvHSUGetInRangeOfEnemySensoryChamber(CBaseEntity* inEntity) { bool inRangeOfSensoryChamber = false; int theTeamNumber = inEntity->pev->team; if(theTeamNumber) { // If team is of type marine const AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(AvHTeamNumber(theTeamNumber)); if(theTeam && (theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_MARINE) && inEntity->IsAlive()) { // Loop through all SensoryChamber clouds on our team for(AvHSensoryChamberListType::const_iterator theIter = gSensoryChamberList.begin(); theIter != gSensoryChamberList.end(); theIter++) { AvHSensoryChamber* theChamber = *theIter; if(theChamber && (theChamber->pev->team != theTeamNumber)) { // Are we in range? float theDistance = VectorDistance(inEntity->pev->origin, theChamber->pev->origin); if(theDistance < BALANCE_VAR(kSensoryChamberRange)) { AvHBaseBuildable* theBuildable = dynamic_cast<AvHBaseBuildable*>(theChamber); if(theBuildable && theBuildable->GetIsBuilt()) { inRangeOfSensoryChamber = true; break; } } } } } } return inRangeOfSensoryChamber; } bool AvHSUGetInRangeOfFriendlyUmbra(CBaseEntity* inEntity) { bool inRangeOfUmbra = false; int theTeamNumber = inEntity->pev->team; if(theTeamNumber) { // If team is of type alien const AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(AvHTeamNumber(theTeamNumber)); if(theTeam && (theTeam->GetTeamType() == AVH_CLASS_TYPE_ALIEN) && inEntity->IsAlive()) { // Loop through all umbra clouds on our team for(AvHUmbraCloudListType::iterator theIter = gUmbraCloudList.begin(); theIter != gUmbraCloudList.end(); theIter++) { AvHUmbraCloud* theUmbraCloud = *theIter; if(theUmbraCloud && (theUmbraCloud->pev->team == theTeamNumber)) { // Are we in range? float theDistance = VectorDistance(inEntity->pev->origin, theUmbraCloud->pev->origin); if(theDistance < BALANCE_VAR(kUmbraCloudRadius)) { inRangeOfUmbra = true; break; } } } } } return inRangeOfUmbra; } void UpdateWorldEntity(CBaseEntity* inBaseEntity) { // Visibility inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 &= ~MASK_VIS_SIGHTED; inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 &= ~MASK_VIS_DETECTED; if(AvHSUGetIsSubjectToVisibilityRules(inBaseEntity)) { int theSightedStatus = 0; if(AvHSUGetInViewOfEnemy(inBaseEntity, theSightedStatus)) { inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 |= theSightedStatus; // if(inBaseEntity->pev->classname == MAKE_STRING(kesParticlesCustom)) // { // int a = 0; // } } } // Don't clear buff flag on marines, as it means catalysts for them and they expire in AvHPlayer::InternalMarineThink AvHUser3 theUser3 = AvHUser3(inBaseEntity->pev->iuser3); if(theUser3 != AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) { inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 &= ~MASK_BUFFED; } // Primal scream bonuses if(AvHSUGetInRangeOfFriendlyPrimalScream(inBaseEntity)) { inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 |= MASK_BUFFED; } // Deteted by sensory chambers if(theUser3 == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER ) { if(AvHSUGetInRangeOfEnemySensoryChamber(inBaseEntity)) { SetUpgradeMask(&inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_SENSORY_NEARBY, true); } else { SetUpgradeMask(&inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_SENSORY_NEARBY, false); } } // Cloaking near sensory chambers AvHCloakable* theCloakable = dynamic_cast<AvHCloakable*>(inBaseEntity); if(theCloakable ) { if ( theUser3 != AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER ) { if(AvHSUGetInRangeOfFriendlySensoryChamber(inBaseEntity)) { theCloakable->SetSpeeds(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); theCloakable->Cloak(); SetUpgradeMask(&inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_SENSORY_NEARBY, true); } else { // Don't uncloak if we are cloaking via the upgrade int theCloakingLevel = AvHGetAlienUpgradeLevel(inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_7); if(theCloakingLevel == 0) { theCloakable->Uncloak(); } SetUpgradeMask(&inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_SENSORY_NEARBY, false); } } else { theCloakable->Uncloak(); } } // Umbra defense inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 &= ~MASK_UMBRA; if(AvHSUGetInRangeOfFriendlyUmbra(inBaseEntity)) { inBaseEntity->pev->iuser4 |= MASK_UMBRA; } // Update tech slots periodically so UI shows what's available AvHBaseBuildable* theBaseBuildable = dynamic_cast<AvHBaseBuildable*>(inBaseEntity); if(theBaseBuildable) { theBaseBuildable->WorldUpdate(); } } void AvHGamerules::UpdateWorldEntities() { // Prepare for many calls to AvHSUGetInViewOfEnemy ASSERT(gPlayerList.size() == 0); ASSERT(gRelevantPlayerList.size() == 0); ASSERT(gObservatoryList.size() == 0); ASSERT(gScanList.size() == 0); ASSERT(gSensoryChamberList.size() == 0); ASSERT(gUmbraCloudList.size() == 0); ASSERT(gBaseEntityList.size() == 0); PROFILE_START() FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*) gPlayerList.push_back(theEntity); if(theEntity->GetIsRelevant(true)) { gRelevantPlayerList.push_back(theEntity); } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName) FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsObservatory, AvHObservatory*) if(theEntity->GetIsBuilt()) { gObservatoryList.push_back(theEntity); } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsObservatory) FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsScan, AvHScan*) gScanList.push_back(theEntity); END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsScan) FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsSensoryChamber, AvHSensoryChamber*) gSensoryChamberList.push_back(theEntity); END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsSensoryChamber) FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsUmbraCloud, AvHUmbraCloud*) gUmbraCloudList.push_back(theEntity); END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kwsUmbraCloud) PROFILE_END(kUpdateWorldEntitiesBuildLists) //AvHSUPrintDevMessage("FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES: AvHGamerules::UpdateWorldEntities\n"); if(GET_RUN_CODE(2048)) { PROFILE_START() FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES() UpdateWorldEntity(theBaseEntity); gBaseEntityList.push_back(theBaseEntity); END_FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES() PROFILE_END(kUpdateWorldEntitiesUpdateWorldEntities) } // Rebuild this->mTeamAEntityHierarchy and this->mTeamBEntityHierarchy if changed PROFILE_START() this->mTeamAEntityHierarchy.BuildFromTeam(&this->mTeamA, gBaseEntityList); this->mTeamBEntityHierarchy.BuildFromTeam(&this->mTeamB, gBaseEntityList); this->mSpecEntityHierarchy.BuildForSpec(gBaseEntityList); PROFILE_END(kUpdateWorldEntitiesBuildEntityHierarchies) // Update blips if(GET_RUN_CODE(1024)) { PROFILE_START() for(AvHPlayerListType::iterator theIter = gPlayerList.begin(); theIter != gPlayerList.end(); theIter++) { // Reset their blips (*theIter)->ClearBlips(); } // For all entities in the world for(BaseEntityListType::iterator theBaseIter = gBaseEntityList.begin(); theBaseIter != gBaseEntityList.end(); theBaseIter++) { CBaseEntity* theBaseEntity = *theBaseIter; // If entity has a team (allow hives so aliens can find hive locations) bool theIsHive = (theBaseEntity->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_HIVE); if((theBaseEntity->pev->team != 0) || theIsHive) { // Only process players, parasited entities and hives, as they are the only things that ever show up as blips int theEntIndex = theBaseEntity->entindex(); bool theIsParasited = GetHasUpgrade(theBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_PARASITED); bool theIsNearSensory = GetHasUpgrade(theBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_SENSORY_NEARBY); bool theIsBuildable = dynamic_cast<AvHBaseBuildable*>(theBaseEntity); if(((theEntIndex > 0) && (theEntIndex <= kMaxPlayers)) || theIsNearSensory || theIsHive || theIsParasited || theIsBuildable) { // For all relevant players in list for(AvHPlayerListType::iterator thePlayerIterator = gRelevantPlayerList.begin(); thePlayerIterator != gRelevantPlayerList.end(); thePlayerIterator++) { // Call ProcessEntityBlip (*thePlayerIterator)->ProcessEntityBlip(theBaseEntity); } } } } PROFILE_END(kUpdateWorldEntitiesUpdateBlips) } // End after many calls to AvHSUGetInViewOfEnemy gPlayerList.clear(); gRelevantPlayerList.clear(); gObservatoryList.clear(); gScanList.clear(); gSensoryChamberList.clear(); gUmbraCloudList.clear(); gBaseEntityList.clear(); }