// papi.h // // Copyright 1997-1998 by David K. McAllister // http://www.cs.unc.edu/~davemc/Particle // // Include this file in all applications that use the Particle System API. #ifndef _particle_api_h #define _particle_api_h #include <stdlib.h> #include <p_vector.h> #include <general.h> // This is the major and minor version number of this release of the API. #define P_VERSION 120 #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #ifdef PARTICLEDLL_EXPORTS #define PARTICLEDLL_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define PARTICLEDLL_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #define PARTICLEDLL_API extern "C" #endif // Actually this must be < sqrt(MAXFLOAT) since we store this value squared. #define P_MAXFLOAT 1.0e16f #ifdef MAXINT #define P_MAXINT MAXINT #else #define P_MAXINT 0x7fffffff #endif #define P_EPS 1e-3f ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Type codes for domains PARTICLEDLL_API enum PDomainEnum { PDPoint = 0, // Single point PDLine = 1, // Line segment PDTriangle = 2, // Triangle PDPlane = 3, // Arbitrarily-oriented plane PDBox = 4, // Axis-aligned box PDSphere = 5, // Sphere PDCylinder = 6, // Cylinder PDCone = 7, // Cone PDBlob = 8, // Gaussian blob PDDisc = 9, // Arbitrarily-oriented disc PDRectangle = 10 // Rhombus-shaped planar region }; // A single particle struct Particle { pVector pos; pVector posB; pVector size; pVector vel; pVector velB; // Used to compute binormal, normal, etc. pVector color; // Color must be next to alpha so glColor4fv works. float alpha; // This is both cunning and scary. float age; }; // A group of particles - Info and an array of Particles struct ParticleGroup { int p_count; // Number of particles currently existing. int max_particles; // Max particles allowed in group. int particles_allocated; // Actual allocated size. Particle list[1]; // Actually, num_particles in size inline void Remove(int i) { list[i] = list[--p_count]; } inline bool Add(const pVector &pos, const pVector &posB, const pVector &size, const pVector &vel, const pVector &color, const float alpha = 1.0f, const float age = 0.0f) { if(p_count >= max_particles) return false; else { list[p_count].pos = pos; list[p_count].posB = posB; list[p_count].size = size; list[p_count].vel = vel; list[p_count].velB = vel; // XXX This should be fixed. list[p_count].color = color; list[p_count].alpha = alpha; list[p_count].age = age; p_count++; return true; } } }; // State setting calls PARTICLEDLL_API void pColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha = 1.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pColorD(float alpha, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pSize(float size_x, float size_y = 1.0f, float size_z = 1.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pSizeD(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pStartingAge(float age, float sigma = 1.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pTimeStep(float new_dt); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVelocity(float x, float y, float z); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVelocityD(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertexB(float x, float y, float z); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertexBD(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertexBTracks(bool track_vertex = true); // Action List Calls PARTICLEDLL_API void pCallActionList(int action_list_num); PARTICLEDLL_API void pDeleteActionLists(int action_list_num, int action_list_count = 1); PARTICLEDLL_API void pEndActionList(); PARTICLEDLL_API int pGenActionLists(int action_list_count = 1); PARTICLEDLL_API void pNewActionList(int action_list_num); // Particle Group Calls PARTICLEDLL_API ParticleGroup* pGetParticleGroupRef(int p_group_num); PARTICLEDLL_API void pCopyGroup(int p_src_group_num, int index = 0, int copy_count = P_MAXINT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pCurrentGroup(int p_group_num); PARTICLEDLL_API ParticleGroup* pGetCurrentGroup(void); PARTICLEDLL_API void pDeleteParticleGroups(int p_group_num, int p_group_count = 1); PARTICLEDLL_API void pDrawGroupl(int dlist, bool const_size = false, bool const_color = false, bool const_rotation = false); PARTICLEDLL_API void pDrawGroupp(int primitive, bool const_size = false, bool const_color = false); // Added <<< cgc >>> PARTICLEDLL_API void DrawGroupTriSplat(const pVector &view, const pVector &up, float size_scale = 1.0f, bool draw_tex=false, bool const_size=false, bool const_color=false); // end PARTICLEDLL_API int pGenParticleGroups(int p_group_count = 1, int max_particles = 0); PARTICLEDLL_API int pGetGroupCount(); PARTICLEDLL_API int pGetParticles(int index, int count, float *position = NULL, float *color = NULL, float *vel = NULL, float *size = NULL, float *age = NULL); PARTICLEDLL_API int pSetMaxParticles(int max_count); // Actions PARTICLEDLL_API void pAvoid(float magnitude, float epsilon, float look_ahead, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pBounce(float friction, float resilience, float cutoff, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pCopyVertexB(bool copy_pos = true, bool copy_vel = false); PARTICLEDLL_API void pDamping(float damping_x, float damping_y, float damping_z, float vlow = 0.0f, float vhigh = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pExplosion(float center_x, float center_y, float center_z, float velocity, float magnitude, float stdev, float epsilon = P_EPS, float age = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pFollow(float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pGravitate(float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pGravity(float dir_x, float dir_y, float dir_z); PARTICLEDLL_API void pJet(float center_x, float center_y, float center_z, float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pKillOld(float age_limit, bool kill_less_than = false); PARTICLEDLL_API void pMatchVelocity(float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pMove(); PARTICLEDLL_API void pOrbitLine(float p_x, float p_y, float p_z, float axis_x, float axis_y, float axis_z, float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pOrbitPoint(float center_x, float center_y, float center_z, float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pRandomAccel(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pRandomDisplace(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pRandomVelocity(PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pRestore(float time); PARTICLEDLL_API void pShade(float color_x, float color_y, float color_z, float alpha, float scale); PARTICLEDLL_API void pSink(bool kill_inside, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pSinkVelocity(bool kill_inside, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pSource(float particle_rate, PDomainEnum dtype, float a0 = 0.0f, float a1 = 0.0f, float a2 = 0.0f, float a3 = 0.0f, float a4 = 0.0f, float a5 = 0.0f, float a6 = 0.0f, float a7 = 0.0f, float a8 = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pSpeedLimit(float min_speed, float max_speed = P_MAXFLOAT); PARTICLEDLL_API void pTargetColor(float color_x, float color_y, float color_z, float alpha, float scale); PARTICLEDLL_API void pTargetSize(float size_x, float size_y, float size_z, float scale_x = 0.0f, float scale_y = 0.0f, float scale_z = 0.0f); PARTICLEDLL_API void pTargetVelocity(float vel_x, float vel_y, float vel_z, float scale); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVertex(float x, float y, float z); PARTICLEDLL_API void pVortex(float center_x, float center_y, float center_z, float axis_x, float axis_y, float axis_z, float magnitude = 1.0f, float epsilon = P_EPS, float max_radius = P_MAXFLOAT); #endif