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       curl_escape - URL encodes the given string

       <B>#include</B> <B>&lt;curl/curl.h&gt;</B>

       <B>char</B> <B>*curl_escape(</B> <B>char</B> <B>*</B><I>url</I><B>,</B> <B>int</B> <I>length</I> <B>);</B>

       This  function  will  convert the given input string to an
       URL encoded string and return  that  as  a  new  allocated
       string.  All input characters that are not a-z, A-Z or 0-9
       will be converted to  their  "URL  escaped"  version  (%NN
       where NN is a two-digit hexadecimal number).

       If  the  'length' argument is set to 0, curl_escape() will
       use strlen() on the input 'url' string  to  find  out  the

       You  must curl_free() the returned string when you're done
       with it.

       A pointer to a  zero  terminated  string  or  NULL  if  it

       <I>curl</I><B>_</B><I>unescape(),</I> <I>curl</I><B>_</B><I>free(),</I> <I>RFC</I> <I>2396</I>

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