Frontiersmen Data :: Marine :: Weaponry: Welders

Trip Mine
Jet Pack
Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Armor
Light Machine Gun
Grenade Launcher
Siege Turret

Desc.: portable welder, plastic/ceramic construction, closes when not in use.

Use: can open or seal weldable areas, repair structures, and repair regular or heavy armor. Also destroys webs. Replaces the pistol.

Data: taken almost directly from industrial designs, the N-Welder is half "traditional" welder (self-combusting nanites create a metal melting hot point), and half nano-tool (sending a stream of construction nanites into the softened metal). It is designed to repair structures in the field, saving resources and strengthening defenses between attacks. It is also the only way to repair damaged armor, so is especially useful in squads using heavy armor. The N-Welder can safely destroy webs, without triggering them. As an authorized maintenance tool it has one final, incredibly useful function – it can seal or unseal certain doors and vents, or open or close control panels that may allow all manner of actions. Weldable objects are marked by special icons on the marine HUD.



heals armor and structures




can weld certain areas