... :: Commander :: Command Duties :: Upgrades: Motion Tracking

Summary: upgrades affect all marines, providing permanent improvements to their weapons, armor, and sensors. Each upgrade requires a structure before it can be researched (see the tech tree).

There are currently three available upgrades -- Weapon, Armor and Motion Tracking.

Motion Tracking
Required structure: Observatory

: If the commander spends the resources to boost its detection field, the observatory is capable of detecting all movement in a very large radius – which tends to cover the whole of a ship or base, with plenty to spare. Marine movements are already known, so anything else is painted as a hostile. Kharaa locations are shown both on the command HUD and the marine HUD, appearing as rings that grow larger or smaller depending on how close they are. Knowing the location of the aliens lets the marines breath easier … but doesn't take the place of constant alertness. If the Kharaa stops moving, they cannot be tracked. And when they do move, they move fast. If you're not looking in their direction, you won't know they're coming. Keep your guard up at all times, and listen to your commander.