Kharaa Data :: Species :: Onos: Inherent Abilities

Summary: The dreadnaughts of the Kharaa, the Onos are tanks – highly armored and very powerful. They are so large they cannot use crawlspaces and many of the narrow passages found on human ships and bases. This does not limit their effectiveness very much – the Onos is the highest level response to any threat, requiring large amounts of resources to gestate, but paying off with truly awe-inspiring strength.        [Name]


Zero Hives (inherent) Abilities
Strength, Gore

Strength: Like the Fade, the Onos' natural strength and armor are the core of its deadliness. It is the most powerful species of the Kharaa. It can soak up incredible amounts of damage, and single-handedly destroy all but the best outfitted bases or squads.

Gore: The Onos' primary melee attack. Its long tusks, backed by its considerable bulk, tear through metal, flesh, and armor with ease.