#include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #include "common/com_model.h" #include "cl_dll/demo.h" #include "cl_dll/r_studioint.h" #include "common/demo_api.h" #include "AvHSpriteAPI.h" extern vec3_t gPlaybackViewOrigin; extern engine_studio_api_t IEngineStudio; struct Vertex { float x; float y; float u; float v; }; // This is the amount that the depth is increased each time a sprite // is rendered. This eliminates z-fighting. const float kDepthIncrement = 0.001f; Vector gViewOrigin; Vector gViewXAxis; Vector gViewYAxis; Vector gViewZAxis; int gRenderMode; AvHSpriteDrawMode gDrawMode; float gTransform[2][3]; float gClipRectX1; float gClipRectY1; float gClipRectX2; float gClipRectY2; bool gClippingEnabled; float gDepth; float gDepthOffset; float gColor[4]; bool gVGUIEnabled = true; int gVGUIOffsetX = 0; int gVGUIOffsetY = 0; float gViewportXScale = 1; float gViewportYScale = 1; float gViewportXOffset = 0; float gViewportYOffset = 0; void AvHSpriteBeginFrame() { // Compute the camera parameters. Vector origin; if (gEngfuncs.pDemoAPI->IsPlayingback()) { VectorCopy(gPlaybackViewOrigin, origin); } else { VectorCopy(v_origin, origin); } float nearDistance = 12; float aspectRatio = (float)(ScreenHeight()) / ScreenWidth(); float w = nearDistance * tan(M_PI * gHUD.m_iFOV / 360); float h = nearDistance * tan(M_PI * gHUD.m_iFOV / 360) * aspectRatio; Vector forward; Vector right; Vector up; AngleVectors(v_angles, forward, right, up); gViewOrigin = origin + forward * nearDistance - right * w + up * h; gViewXAxis = 2 * w * right / ScreenWidth(); gViewYAxis = -2 * h * up / ScreenHeight(); gViewZAxis = -forward; gRenderMode = kRenderNormal; // Initialize the transform to an identity transform. gTransform[0][0] = 1; gTransform[0][1] = 0; gTransform[0][2] = 0; gTransform[1][0] = 0; gTransform[1][1] = 1; gTransform[1][2] = 0; // Initialize the clipping rectangle to the whole screen. gClipRectX1 = 0; gClipRectY1 = 0; gClipRectX2 = ScreenWidth(); gClipRectY2 = ScreenHeight(); gClippingEnabled = false; gDepth = 0; gDepthOffset = 0; gColor[0] = 1; gColor[1] = 1; gColor[2] = 1; gColor[3] = 1; gDrawMode = kSpriteDrawModeFilled; } void AvHSpriteEndFrame() { // Restore the state to something normal, otherwise weird things happen. gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4f(1, 1, 1, 1); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode(kRenderNormal); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->CullFace(TRI_NONE); } void AvHSpriteSetViewport(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { gViewportXScale = (x2 - x1) / ScreenWidth(); gViewportYScale = (y2 - y1) / ScreenHeight(); gViewportXOffset = x1; gViewportYOffset = y1; } void AvHSpriteClearViewport() { gViewportXScale = 1; gViewportYScale = 1; gViewportXOffset = 0; gViewportYOffset = 0; } void AvHSpriteEnableClippingRect(bool enable) { gClippingEnabled = enable; } void AvHSpriteSetClippingRect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { gClipRectX1 = x1; gClipRectY1 = y1; gClipRectX2 = x2; gClipRectY2 = y2; } void AvHSpriteSetRenderMode(int renderMode) { gRenderMode = renderMode; } void AvHSpriteSetDrawMode(AvHSpriteDrawMode drawMode) { gDrawMode = drawMode; } void AvHSpriteSetRotation(float degrees, float cx, float cy) { float radians = degrees * M_PI / 180; float sa = sinf(radians); float ca = cosf(radians); gTransform[0][0] = ca; gTransform[1][0] = sa; gTransform[0][1] = -sa; gTransform[1][1] = ca; gTransform[0][2] = -ca * cx + sa * cy + cx; gTransform[1][2] = -sa * cx - ca * cy + cy; } void AvHSpriteSetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { gColor[0] = r; gColor[1] = g; gColor[2] = b; gColor[3] = a; } void AvHSpriteSetDepthOffset(float depthOffset) { gDepthOffset = depthOffset; } /** * Clips the polygon against a hyper-plane of the form a * x + b * y + d = 0. * The resulting polyon is stored back in the input array. */ void ClipPolygon(Vertex vertex[8], int& numVertices, float a, float b, float d) { Vertex newVertex[8]; int newNumVertices = 0; int s = numVertices - 1; int e = 0; // Classify the start point. bool sInside = a * vertex[s].x + b * vertex[s].y + d >= 0; while (e != numVertices) { bool eInside = a * vertex[e].x + b * vertex[e].y + d >= 0; if (sInside && eInside) { // The edge is totally inside the rectangle. ASSERT(newNumVertices < 8); newVertex[newNumVertices] = vertex[e]; ++newNumVertices; } else if (sInside || eInside) { // Compute the intersection vertex. float dx = vertex[e].x - vertex[s].x; float dy = vertex[e].y - vertex[s].y; float du = vertex[e].u - vertex[s].u; float dv = vertex[e].v - vertex[s].v; float n = -(a * vertex[s].x + b * vertex[s].y + d); float d = a * dx + b * dy; float t = n / d; Vertex i; i.x = vertex[s].x + t * dx; i.y = vertex[s].y + t * dy; i.u = vertex[s].u + t * du; i.v = vertex[s].v + t * dv; if (sInside) { // The edge starts inside and goes outside. ASSERT(newNumVertices < 8); newVertex[newNumVertices] = i; ++newNumVertices; } else { // The edge starts outside and goes inside. ASSERT(newNumVertices < 8); newVertex[newNumVertices] = i; ++newNumVertices; ASSERT(newNumVertices < 8); newVertex[newNumVertices] = vertex[e]; ++newNumVertices; } } // Advance to the next edge. s = e; e = e + 1; sInside = eInside; } // Store the vertices back in the input array. memcpy(vertex, newVertex, newNumVertices * sizeof(Vertex)); numVertices = newNumVertices; } void AvHSpriteDraw(int spriteHandle, int frame, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode(gRenderMode); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->CullFace(TRI_NONE); struct model_s* spritePtr = (struct model_s*)(gEngfuncs.GetSpritePointer(spriteHandle)); ASSERT(spritePtr); if (!gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->SpriteTexture(spritePtr, frame)) { return; } Vertex vertex[8]; vertex[0].x = x1; vertex[0].y = y1; vertex[0].u = u1; vertex[0].v = v1; vertex[1].x = x2; vertex[1].y = y1; vertex[1].u = u2; vertex[1].v = v1; vertex[2].x = x2; vertex[2].y = y2; vertex[2].u = u2; vertex[2].v = v2; vertex[3].x = x1; vertex[3].y = y2; vertex[3].u = u1; vertex[3].v = v2; int numVertices = 4; float pw = SPR_Width(spriteHandle, frame); float ph = SPR_Height(spriteHandle, frame); float uOffset = 0; float vOffset = 0; if (IEngineStudio.IsHardware() == 2) { // Direct3D addresses textures differently than OpenGL so compensate // for that here. uOffset = 0.5 / pw; vOffset = 0.5 / ph; } // Apply the transformation to the vertices. for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { if (vertex[i].u < 0.25 / pw) { vertex[i].u = 0.25 / pw; } if (vertex[i].v < 0.25 / ph) { vertex[i].v = 0.25 / ph; } if (vertex[i].u > 1 - 0.25 / pw) { vertex[i].u = 1 - 0.25 / pw; } if (vertex[i].v > 1 - 0.25 / ph) { vertex[i].v = 1 - 0.25 / ph; } vertex[i].u += uOffset; vertex[i].v += vOffset; float x = vertex[i].x; float y = vertex[i].y; vertex[i].x = x * gTransform[0][0] + y * gTransform[0][1] + gTransform[0][2]; vertex[i].y = x * gTransform[1][0] + y * gTransform[1][1] + gTransform[1][2]; } if (gClippingEnabled) { // Clip the polygon to each side of the clipping rectangle. This isn't the // fastest way to clip a polygon against a rectangle, but it's probably the // simplest. ClipPolygon(vertex, numVertices, 1, 0, -gClipRectX1); ClipPolygon(vertex, numVertices, -1, 0, gClipRectX2); ClipPolygon(vertex, numVertices, 0, 1, -gClipRectY1); ClipPolygon(vertex, numVertices, 0, -1, gClipRectY2); } // Compensate for the overbrightening effect. float gammaScale = 1.0f / gHUD.GetGammaSlope(); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4f(gammaScale * gColor[0], gammaScale * gColor[1], gammaScale * gColor[2], gColor[3]); // Output the vertices. if (gDrawMode == kSpriteDrawModeFilled) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin(TRI_TRIANGLE_FAN); for (int j = 0; j < numVertices; ++j) { Vector worldPoint; if (gVGUIEnabled) { worldPoint.x = (vertex[j].x - gVGUIOffsetX) * gViewportXScale + gViewportXOffset; worldPoint.y = (vertex[j].y - gVGUIOffsetY) * gViewportYScale + gViewportYOffset; worldPoint.z = 1; } else { worldPoint = gViewOrigin + gViewXAxis * vertex[j].x + gViewYAxis * vertex[j].y + gViewZAxis * (gDepth + gDepthOffset); } gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f(vertex[j].u, vertex[j].v); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv((float*)&worldPoint); } gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->End(); } else if (gDrawMode == kSpriteDrawModeBorder) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin(TRI_LINES); for (int j = 0; j < numVertices; ++j) { int k = (j + 1) % numVertices; Vector worldPoint1; Vector worldPoint2; if (gVGUIEnabled) { worldPoint1.x = vertex[j].x - gVGUIOffsetX; worldPoint1.y = vertex[j].y - gVGUIOffsetY; worldPoint1.z = 1; worldPoint2.x = vertex[k].x - gVGUIOffsetX; worldPoint2.y = vertex[k].y - gVGUIOffsetY; worldPoint2.z = 1; } else { worldPoint1 = gViewOrigin + gViewXAxis * vertex[j].x + gViewYAxis * vertex[j].y + gViewZAxis * (gDepth + gDepthOffset); worldPoint2 = gViewOrigin + gViewXAxis * vertex[k].x + gViewYAxis * vertex[k].y + gViewZAxis * (gDepth + gDepthOffset); } gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f(vertex[j].u, vertex[j].v); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv((float*)&worldPoint1); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f(vertex[k].u, vertex[k].v); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3fv((float*)&worldPoint2); } gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->End(); } gDepth += kDepthIncrement; } void AvHSpriteDrawTiles(int spriteHandle, int numXFrames, int numYFrames, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2) { float dx = x2 - x1; float dy = y2 - y1; float oldDepth = gDepth; for (int frameY = 0; frameY < numYFrames; ++frameY) { for (int frameX = 0; frameX < numXFrames; ++frameX) { int frame = frameX + frameY * numXFrames; float pw = SPR_Width(spriteHandle, frame); float ph = SPR_Height(spriteHandle, frame); float fx1 = ((float)(frameX)) / numXFrames; float fy1 = ((float)(frameY)) / numYFrames; float fx2 = ((float)(frameX + 1)) / numXFrames; float fy2 = ((float)(frameY + 1)) / numYFrames; gDepth = oldDepth; AvHSpriteDraw(spriteHandle, frame, x1 + dx * fx1, y1 + dy * fy1, x1 + dx * fx2, y1 + dy * fy2, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } } void AvHSpriteEnableVGUI(bool enableVGUI) { gVGUIEnabled = enableVGUI; } void AvHSpriteSetVGUIOffset(int x, int y) { gVGUIOffsetX = x; gVGUIOffsetY = y; }