//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHCommanderModeHandler.cpp$ // $Date: 2002/10/24 21:22:19 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHCommanderModeHandler.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.25 2002/10/24 21:22:19 Flayra // - Remove resource tower upgrade icon // // Revision 1.24 2002/10/16 20:51:27 Flayra // - Phase gates are now recyclable // // Revision 1.23 2002/10/16 00:50:17 Flayra // - Phase gates can be recycled now // // Revision 1.22 2002/09/23 22:11:28 Flayra // - Command UI is now a 4x4 matrix // - Updated for new droppable jetpacks and heavy armor // // Revision 1.21 2002/08/31 18:01:01 Flayra // - Work at VALVe // // Revision 1.20 2002/08/09 00:55:56 Flayra // - Fixed bug where pressing the equip menu button sometimes caused menu to reset (bug still exists when selecting some things) // // Revision 1.19 2002/07/23 17:00:40 Flayra // - Lots of UI changes, new upgrades, selectable siege // // Revision 1.18 2002/06/25 17:45:07 Flayra // - Renamed some buildings, armory is now upgraded // // Revision 1.17 2002/06/10 19:51:06 Flayra // - New commander UI // // Revision 1.16 2002/06/03 16:40:24 Flayra // - Renamed weapons factory and armory // // Revision 1.15 2002/05/28 17:37:43 Flayra // - Added recycling, added fix for occasional crash when selecting command station with some lag // // Revision 1.14 2002/05/23 02:34:00 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #include "util/nowarnings.h" #include "VGUI_Panel.h" #include "cl_dll/chud.h" #include "engine/cdll_int.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #include "mod/AvHCommanderModeHandler.h" #include "mod/AvHConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHLogoutComponent.h" #include "mod/AvHSpecials.h" #include "mod/AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHTitles.h" #include "mod/AvHTechImpulsePanel.h" #include "mod/AvHCommandConstants.h" #include "util/STLUtil.h" AvHCommanderModeHandler::AvHCommanderModeHandler() { this->Init(); } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::Init() { this->mTechNodePressed = false; this->mMoveToWorldX = this->mMoveToWorldY = 0; this->mHasMoveToPosition = false; this->mDefaultOrderWorldX = this->mDefaultOrderWorldY = 0; this->mHasDefaultOrderPosition = false; this->mMouseOneDown = false; this->mMouseTwoDown = false; this->mMouseOneDownOnActionButtons = false; this->mMouseOneDownOnLogoutButton = false; this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD; this->mDisplayMenuMessageID = MENU_BUILD; this->mSelected.clear(); this->mTechHelpText = ""; this->mBuildResearchText = ""; } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::CancelHit() { // this->SetBaseMenu(); } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::ClearDefaultOrderPosition() { this->mHasDefaultOrderPosition = false; } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::ClearMoveToPosition() { this->mHasMoveToPosition = false; } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetAndClearTechNodePressed(AvHMessageID& outMessageID, bool inClear) { bool theSuccess = false; if(this->mTechNodePressed) { outMessageID = this->mLastTechPressed; theSuccess = true; if(inClear) { this->mTechNodePressed = false; } } return theSuccess; } AvHMessageID AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetDisplayMenuMessageID() const { return this->mDisplayMenuMessageID; } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetDefaultOrderPosition(float& outWorldX, float& outWorldY) const { bool theSuccess = false; if(this->mHasDefaultOrderPosition) { outWorldX = this->mDefaultOrderWorldX; outWorldY = this->mDefaultOrderWorldY; theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetMoveToWorldPosition(float& outWorldX, float& outWorldY) const { bool theSuccess = false; if(this->mHasMoveToPosition) { outWorldX = this->mMoveToWorldX; outWorldY = this->mMoveToWorldY; theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetMouseOneDown() const { return this->mMouseOneDown; } string AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetBuildResearchText() const { return this->mBuildResearchText; } string AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetTechHelpText() const { return this->mTechHelpText; } AvHMessageID AvHCommanderModeHandler::HotKeyHit(char inChar) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = MESSAGE_NULL; // Map hotkey to index int theCol, theRow; if(AvHActionButtons::HotKeyToButtonIndex(inChar, theCol, theRow)) { AvHActionButtons* theActionButtons = NULL; if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kActionButtonsComponents, theActionButtons)) { //ActionButton* theActionButton = theActionButtons->GetActionButtonWithHotKey(inChar); ActionButton* theActionButton = theActionButtons->GetActionButtonAtPos(theCol, theRow); if(theActionButton) { this->ActionButtonActivated(theActionButton); theMessageID = theActionButton->GetMessageID(); } } } return theMessageID; } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::DefaultOrderToLastMousePosition(AvHTeamHierarchy* inHierarchy) { ASSERT(inHierarchy); inHierarchy->GetWorldPosFromMouse(this->mLastMouseX, this->mLastMouseY, this->mDefaultOrderWorldX, this->mDefaultOrderWorldY); this->mHasDefaultOrderPosition = true; } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::MoveToLastMousePosition(AvHTeamHierarchy* inHierarchy) { ASSERT(inHierarchy); inHierarchy->GetWorldPosFromMouse(this->mLastMouseX, this->mLastMouseY, this->mMoveToWorldX, this->mMoveToWorldY); gHUD.GetOverviewMap().SetWorldPosition(this->mMoveToWorldX, this->mMoveToWorldY); this->mHasMoveToPosition = true; } // Look at currently selected units and set our help text. This is only used for research currently void AvHCommanderModeHandler::RecalculateBuildResearchText() { this->mBuildResearchText = ""; if(this->mSelected.size() == 1) { // Get entity int theEntityIndex = *this->mSelected.begin(); cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theEntityIndex); if(theEntity) { bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching; float thePercentage; string theHelpPrefix; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(theEntity->curstate.iuser3, theEntity->curstate.iuser4, theEntity->curstate.fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); // Special-case for energy if(theIsBuilding && theIsResearching && (thePercentage > 0.0f)) { LocalizeString(kEnergyPrefix, theHelpPrefix); // Read energy int theEnergy = thePercentage*kMarineStructureMaxEnergy; this->mBuildResearchText = theHelpPrefix + string(" ") + MakeStringFromInt(theEnergy); } // Check if it's recycling else if(!theIsBuilding && theIsResearching && GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->curstate.iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { LocalizeString("Recycling", this->mBuildResearchText); } // Check to see if it's being built else if((theIsBuilding || theIsResearching) && (thePercentage < 1.0f)) { if(theIsBuilding) { // Set help text to "Building: <tech name>" LocalizeString(kBuildingPrefix, theHelpPrefix); } else if(theIsResearching) { // Set help text to "Researching: <tech name>" LocalizeString(kResearchingPrefix, theHelpPrefix); } string theHelpText; AvHMessageID theResearchID = (AvHMessageID)(theEntity->curstate.iuser2); if(theResearchID != MESSAGE_NULL) { if(ActionButton::GetLabelForMessage(theResearchID, theHelpText)) { string theFinalMessage = theHelpPrefix + theHelpText; this->mBuildResearchText = theFinalMessage; } } } else { if(GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->curstate.iuser4, MASK_BUILDABLE)) { // Look up name for entity and show it AvHMessageID theResearchID = (AvHMessageID)(theEntity->curstate.iuser2); if(theResearchID != MESSAGE_NULL) { ActionButton::GetLabelForMessage(theResearchID, this->mBuildResearchText); } } // If we have a resource selected, set the resource level else if(theEntity->curstate.iuser3 == AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE) { int theResources = (int)(theEntity->curstate.fuser1/kNormalizationNetworkFactor); if(theResources > 0) { if(LocalizeString(kResourcesTitle, this->mBuildResearchText)) { char theResourceMessage[64]; sprintf(theResourceMessage, "%d", theResources); this->mBuildResearchText += string(theResourceMessage); } } else { LocalizeString(kResourcesDepletedTitle, this->mBuildResearchText); } } else if(theEntity->curstate.iuser3 == AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL) { // int the = (int)(theEntity->curstate.fuser1/kNormalizationNetworkFactor); // if(theResources > 0) // { if(LocalizeString(kReinforcementsTitle, this->mBuildResearchText)) { // TODO: Read this number correctly //char theMessage[64]; //sprintf(theMessage, "%d", 100); //this->mBuildResearchText += string(theMessage); } // } // else // { // LocalizeString(kResourcesDepletedTitle, this->mBuildResearchText); // } } } } } } // Player isn't commanding, make sure UI is reset void AvHCommanderModeHandler::Reset() { //EntityListType theEmptySelection; //this->SetSelectedUnits(theEmptySelection); this->Init(); this->RecalculateMenus(); } // Look at currently selected units and set up our menus void AvHCommanderModeHandler::RecalculateMenus() { bool theSuccess = false; int theUser4 = 0; float theFuser1 = 0; // If we have only one thing selected, it can be a building int theNumUnits = (int)this->mSelected.size(); if(theNumUnits > 0) { // Assumes all of selected is of same type int theIndex = *this->mSelected.begin(); cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theIndex); if(theEntity) { // Display icons for this type of structure AvHUser3 theUser3 = (AvHUser3)(theEntity->curstate.iuser3); if((theUser3 == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) || GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->curstate.iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { // Set to base marine menu if current isn't compatible with it switch(this->mDisplayMenu) { case AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD: case AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED: case AVH_USER3_MENU_ASSIST: case AVH_USER3_MENU_EQUIP: // Do nothing, keep current menu break; default: this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD; } theSuccess = true; } else { this->mDisplayMenu = theUser3; theUser4 = theEntity->curstate.iuser4; theFuser1 = theEntity->curstate.fuser1; theSuccess = true; } } } // Menu takes precedence over player selection, to allow ordering selected players to construct // else if(this->mDisplayMenu == AVH_USER3_NONE) // { // int theCommonUser4 = 0; // if(this->GetIsSelectionAllPlayers(&theCommonUser4)) // { // this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER; // theUser4 = theCommonUser4; // } // } if(this->mDisplayMenu == AVH_USER3_NONE) { this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD; } // Recalculate iuser4 for special menu options int theMenuTechSlots = gHUD.GetMenuTechSlots(); switch(this->mDisplayMenu) { case AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD: //case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER: theUser4 = theMenuTechSlots << 3; break; case AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED: theUser4 = theMenuTechSlots >> 5; break; case AVH_USER3_MENU_ASSIST: theUser4 = theMenuTechSlots >> 13; break; case AVH_USER3_MENU_EQUIP: theUser4 = theMenuTechSlots >> 21; break; } // Show menu according to our current mode and data this->SetMenuFromUserVariables(this->mDisplayMenu, theUser4, theFuser1); } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetIsSelectionAllPlayers(int* outCommonUser4) const { bool theSuccess = false; if(outCommonUser4) { *outCommonUser4 = 0xFFFFFFFF; } for(EntityListType::const_iterator theIter = this->mSelected.begin(); theIter != this->mSelected.end(); theIter++) { theSuccess = true; // Lookup class name for player // string theClassName; // if(this->LookupClassNameForEntity(*theIter, theClassName)) // { // if(theClassName != kAvHPlayerClassName) // { cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(*theIter); if(!theEntity || (((AvHUser3)theEntity->curstate.iuser3) != AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER)) { theSuccess = false; break; } // AND all the user4's together to see what actions are applicable to this group (may not be used) if(theEntity && outCommonUser4) { *outCommonUser4 &= theEntity->curstate.iuser4; } } return theSuccess; } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::SetSelectedUnits(const EntityListType& inUnits) { this->mSelected = inUnits; // if(this->mSelected.size() > 0) // { // this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_NONE; // } this->RecalculateMenus(); } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::SetResearchingMenu() { AvHActionButtons* theActionButtons = NULL; if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kActionButtonsComponents, theActionButtons)) { theActionButtons->ClearButtons(); theActionButtons->SetButton(0, MENU_BUILD); theActionButtons->SetButton(1, MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED); theActionButtons->SetButton(2, MENU_ASSIST); theActionButtons->SetButton(3, MENU_EQUIP); theActionButtons->SetButton(kNumTechSlots - 1, MESSAGE_CANCEL); theActionButtons->Localize(); } } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::SetMenuFromUserVariables(int inUser3, int inUser4, float inFuser1) { bool theSuccess = false; AvHTechSlots theTechSlots; if(gHUD.GetTechSlotManager().GetTechSlotList((AvHUser3)inUser3, theTechSlots)) { this->SetMenuFromTechSlots(theTechSlots, inUser3, inUser4, inFuser1); theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::SetMenuFromTechSlots(const AvHTechSlots& inTechSlots, int inUser3, int inUser4, float inFuser1) { AvHActionButtons* theActionButtons = NULL; if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kActionButtonsComponents, theActionButtons)) { //string theNotFullyBuiltText; //if(LocalizeString(kNotFullyBuilt, theNotFullyBuiltText)) theActionButtons->ClearButtons(); bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching; float thePercentage; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(inUser3, inUser4, inFuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); bool theDisplayingSpecialMenu = false; switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD: case AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED: case AVH_USER3_MENU_ASSIST: case AVH_USER3_MENU_EQUIP: theDisplayingSpecialMenu = true; break; } // if recycling, draw nothing (check if something is selected, as otherwise inUser3 could be MENU_ something and MASK_RECYCLING won't make sense) if(!theDisplayingSpecialMenu && (this->mSelected.size() > 0) && GetHasUpgrade(inUser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { } // else if we're placing a building or researching, don't display anything but cancel else if((gHUD.GetGhostBuilding() != MESSAGE_NULL) || (theIsResearching && !theIsBuilding)) { // Set last button as cancel theActionButtons->SetButton(0, MENU_BUILD); theActionButtons->SetButton(1, MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED); theActionButtons->SetButton(2, MENU_ASSIST); theActionButtons->SetButton(3, MENU_EQUIP); theActionButtons->SetButton(kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols - 1, MESSAGE_CANCEL); } // else use the menu the server specifies else { // Set hard-coded top bar theActionButtons->SetButton(0, MENU_BUILD); theActionButtons->SetButton(1, MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED); theActionButtons->SetButton(2, MENU_ASSIST); theActionButtons->SetButton(3, MENU_EQUIP); const int kBaseButtonIndex = 4; // else, query for rest of state for(int i=0; i < kNumTechSlots; i++) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = inTechSlots.mTechSlots[i]; if(theMessageID != MESSAGE_NULL) { int theCurrentButtonIndex = kBaseButtonIndex + i; theActionButtons->SetButton(theCurrentButtonIndex, theMessageID); // Now set it's enabled state generically bool theEnabledState = AvHGetTechSlotEnabled(i, inUser4); theActionButtons->SetEnabledState(theCurrentButtonIndex, theEnabledState); } } } theActionButtons->Localize(); } } bool AvHCommanderModeHandler::GetIsPointInPanel(Panel* inPanel, int x, int y) const { int theWidth; int theHeight; inPanel->getSize(theWidth, theHeight); return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < theWidth && y < theHeight); } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::Update(const AvHTechTree& inTechNodes, int inNumPoints) { AvHActionButtons* theActionButtons = NULL; if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kActionButtonsComponents, theActionButtons)) { theActionButtons->SetTechNodes(inTechNodes); theActionButtons->SetResources(inNumPoints); int theEnergy = 0; if(this->mSelected.size() > 0) { int theEntityIndex = *this->mSelected.begin(); cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theEntityIndex); if(theEntity) { bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching; float thePercentage; string theHelpPrefix; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(theEntity->curstate.iuser3, theEntity->curstate.iuser4, theEntity->curstate.fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); // Special-case for energy if(theIsBuilding && theIsResearching && (thePercentage > 0.0f)) { // Read energy theEnergy = thePercentage*kMarineStructureMaxEnergy; } } } theActionButtons->SetEnergy(theEnergy); theActionButtons->UpdateEnabledState(); // Enable tech buttons theActionButtons->SetBusy(false); theActionButtons->UpdateEnabledAndResearchState(); // Update prereqs and things, they could've changed if research just completed theActionButtons->Localize(); this->RecalculateMenus(); } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::cursorMoved(int x, int y, Panel* inPanel) { bool theFoundTechNode = false; this->mLastMouseX = x; this->mLastMouseY = y; if (!gHUD.GetIsSelecting()) { ActionButton* theActionButton = dynamic_cast<ActionButton*>(inPanel); if(theActionButton) { // We don't get proper exit notification when we've got the mouse captured // so generate it every mouse move. if (GetIsPointInPanel(inPanel, x, y)) { theActionButton->cursorEntered(); } else { theActionButton->cursorExited(); } this->mTechHelpText = theActionButton->GetHelpText(); this->mLastTechNodeMouseX = x; this->mLastTechNodeMouseY = y; theFoundTechNode = true; } else { // Clear help text otherwise this->mTechHelpText = ""; } AvHTeamHierarchy* theHierarchy = dynamic_cast<AvHTeamHierarchy*>(inPanel); if(theHierarchy) { if(this->mMouseOneDown) { //theHierarchy->setAsMouseArena(true); this->MoveToLastMousePosition(theHierarchy); } } } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::cursorEntered(Panel* inPanel) { if (!gHUD.GetIsSelecting()) { ActionButton* theActionButton = dynamic_cast<ActionButton*>(inPanel); if(theActionButton) { theActionButton->cursorEntered(); } } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::cursorExited(Panel* inPanel) { if (!gHUD.GetIsSelecting()) { ActionButton* theActionButton = dynamic_cast<ActionButton*>(inPanel); if(theActionButton) { theActionButton->cursorExited(); } } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::mousePressed(MouseCode code, Panel* inPanel) { // Capture the mouse input so that we receive the mouseRelease event even // if the cursor is no longer on the panel. App::getInstance()->setMouseCapture(inPanel); if(code == MOUSE_LEFT) { this->mMouseOneDown = true; AvHTeamHierarchy* theHierarchy = dynamic_cast<AvHTeamHierarchy*>(inPanel); if(theHierarchy) { this->MoveToLastMousePosition(theHierarchy); } // Remember which component the mouse clicked so we don't allow any old mouse up if(dynamic_cast<ActionButton*>(inPanel) || dynamic_cast<AvHActionButtons*>(inPanel)) { this->mMouseOneDownOnActionButtons = true; } if(dynamic_cast<AvHLogoutComponent*>(inPanel)) { this->mMouseOneDownOnLogoutButton = true; } AvHTechImpulsePanel* theImpulsePanel = dynamic_cast<AvHTechImpulsePanel*>(inPanel); if(theImpulsePanel) { this->mLastTechPressed = theImpulsePanel->GetMessageID(); this->mTechNodePressed = true; } } else if(code == MOUSE_RIGHT) { this->mMouseTwoDown = true; AvHTeamHierarchy* theHierarchy = dynamic_cast<AvHTeamHierarchy*>(inPanel); if(theHierarchy) { //this->DefaultOrderToLastMousePosition(theHierarchy); } } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code, Panel* inPanel) { } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::ActionButtonActivated(ActionButton* inActionButton) { if(!inActionButton->GetBusy()) { gHUD.PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_SELECT); bool theSuccess = false; AvHMessageID theMessageID = inActionButton->GetMessageID(); switch(theMessageID) { case MENU_BUILD: this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD; theSuccess = true; break; case MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED: this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED; theSuccess = true; break; case MENU_ASSIST: this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_ASSIST; theSuccess = true; break; case MENU_EQUIP: this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_EQUIP; theSuccess = true; break; default: // See if they pressed a button if(inActionButton->GetTechEnabled()) { this->mLastTechPressed = theMessageID; this->mTechNodePressed = true; } break; } if(theSuccess) { this->mDisplayMenuMessageID = theMessageID; // If our selection isn't all players, remove the selection. if(!this->GetIsSelectionAllPlayers()) { gHUD.ClearSelection(); } } } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::mouseReleased(MouseCode code, Panel* inPanel) { App::getInstance()->setMouseCapture(NULL); if(code == MOUSE_LEFT) { if (GetIsPointInPanel(inPanel, mLastMouseX, mLastMouseY)) { ActionButton* theActionButton = dynamic_cast<ActionButton*>(inPanel); if(theActionButton && this->mMouseOneDownOnActionButtons) { this->ActionButtonActivated(theActionButton); } else if(dynamic_cast<AvHLogoutComponent*>(inPanel) && this->mMouseOneDownOnLogoutButton) { if(gHUD.GetUIMode() == MAIN_MODE) { ClientCmd(kcStopCommandMode); this->mDisplayMenu = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD; this->mDisplayMenuMessageID = MENU_BUILD; } } } this->mMouseOneDown = false; this->mMouseOneDownOnActionButtons = false; this->mMouseOneDownOnLogoutButton = false; } else if(code == MOUSE_RIGHT) { this->mMouseTwoDown = false; } } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::mouseWheeled(int delta, Panel* inPanel) { } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::keyPressed(KeyCode code, Panel* inPanel) { } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::keyTyped(KeyCode code, Panel* inPanel) { } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::keyReleased(KeyCode code, Panel* inPanel) { } void AvHCommanderModeHandler::keyFocusTicked(Panel* inPanel) { }