========== CO_NIVEUS ========== STANDARD INFORMATION -------------------- - Title: Niveus - Filename: co_niveus.bsp - First Release: June 2004 - LAtest Release: November 2004 - Author: Craig Bryson aka Drath - Email Address: cbryson@gmail.com MAP INFORMATION --------------- Game: Natural Selection (http://www.natural-selection.org) Status: RC5 Entities: 200 Editor: Valve Hammer Editor Compiler(s) used: ZHLT p13 Compile Hardware: P4 2.4Ghz, 512 MB RAM Compile Time: 1-2 hours CREDITS ----------------------------- - plant model by Psycho-Kinetic Hyper-Geek, animated by Ollj. - helix model by Aegis, animated by Drath - Sky Map "Arctic Night" by Crinity (taken from http://www.planethalflife.com/crinity). - Textures used from eclipse, ayumi and tanith. Much <3 to the creators of these textures SPECIAL THANKS -------------- - To WHC for their server for playtesting - To Ausns for file hosting, and use of their server for playtesting - Mendasp for help with env_sprites and .fgds - Lethy for help with .res files - Aegis for some secret texture work - [SuB] and Martigen for supr_pimpage - To all of stf and cbf