... :: Commander :: Command Duties :: Structures: Prototype Lab

Summary: all equipment, resources, and most marine activities, depend upon structures, selected and placed by the commander. Placed structures must be built by marines.

Most command networks were never intended for military use. In order to "teach" these networks to create new equipment – like guns, turrets, or upgrades to existing equipment – the commander must first build the following structures. These structures work together, allowing more and more powerful upgrades, weapons, and abilities. To get an overall picture, see the tech tree.

Prototype Lab

Function: allows the research and purchase of advanced, experimental equipment.

: Equipment that is cleared for field testing is programmed into the prototype lab. As of this manual, prototype equipment consists of heavy armor and jet pack technology. This equipment is powerful, and cutting edge. Whether its cost is justified is a matter of debate, and left to command strategy.

New Equipment: commander can purchase and drop heavy armor and jet packs.

      Prototype Lab


45 rps

Build time


Armor Pts.