General Data: What are the Frontiersmen?


With the failure of corporate and government forces to contain the spread of the Kharaa, the opinion (among those in power) was humanity should just quarantine the entire Ariadne Arm (the string of solar systems where the Kharaa were encountered). The TSA found this intolerable, both for the people trapped in the Arm, and for the future of human expansion (the economic blow of losing all those ships and bases could threaten the tenuous peace of the Charter). The TSA volunteered to mount a response to the Kharaa – effectively creating a new army, with a new mandate. The resolution passed, and the new force was called the Frontiersmen: "standing on the edge of the unknown, between all of humanity and whatever would threaten it." The Frontiersmen have clearance to travel anywhere, and board any craft. They have rapid-response outposts scattered throughout the Ariadne Arm, with teams of marines ready to deploy. The Frontiersmen initiative is a huge opportunity for the TSA. It's also a risk: if the Frontiersmen fail, on such a public and historic stage, the Ariadne Arm will be signed off as a loss and the trans-govs may have the excuse they've been looking for to "re-organize" TSA leadership – replacing the Admiral and her staff with corporate lackeys. If that happens, dark days are sure to follow.

Reading Material
For more detailed information on topics related to the history of the TSA and Frontiersmen, we recommend the Techtrope article "Gather Frontiersmen!"
Click here to read
For further insight into the war, and the Kharaa, your best bet is the eyewitness accounts and journals of the soldiers who have fought them.
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