Kharaa Data :: Species: Skulk

Summary: The most common species encountered. They are capable of blurring speed and leaps of near limitless height. The Skulk is a light, wiry creature around the size of a very large dog. Lacking any projectile attacks, it specializes in melee. It moves on all fours – each leg terminates in a long, sharp, bladed bone. It can attack with these, and its powerful jaws. If it cannot be stopped before reaching its target, its target is in serious trouble.        [Name]

Health: 70               Armor: 10 pts. armor (30% damage absorbed)

Abilities: = zero hives =one hive =two hives =three hives =damage vs. structures

can move on any surface

75 damage

"stains" target

# of "touches" on target x 4

400/800(), reduces outwards

"I don't know if I blinked, or there's some vent we missed…"