' avh particle systems

start pSystemName ShotgunSmoke
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 20

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 3
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/lightsmoke.spr

	' particle max alpha
	pMaxAlpha = .6

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (fade in, fade out)
	pSpawnFlags = 12

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -2,-2,0,2,2,10,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.0

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName WelderLightSmoke
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 8

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 11

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = .2 .2 .2

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
   pScale = 3
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/weldsmoke.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -5,-5,5,5,5,40,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .2

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -2,-2,-2,2,2,2,0,0

start pSystemName WelderHeavySmoke
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 8

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 16

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .8
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/steam1.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -8,-8,5,8,8,40,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .2

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .8

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

' This plasma just stays still to give that hot blue magma look
start pSystemName WelderBluePlasma
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 8

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 11

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .5
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/xspark1.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -2,-2,-2,2,2,2,0,0

start pSystemName WelderBluePlasmaDrops
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 4

	' size
	pSize = 6

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .5
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/welddrip.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -20,-20,0,20,20,-10,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName HeavyMGSmoke
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 20

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = .5 .5 .5

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 1
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/lightsmoke.spr

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .4

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (fade in, fade out)
	pSpawnFlags = 12

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -2,-2,0,2,2,3,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .5

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName TeleportEffect
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 60

	' size
	pSize = 14

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .25
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/nsteleport.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
    pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
    pVelParams = 0,0,150,0,0,-150,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	'128: "constrain pitch"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
    pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 800

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
    pGenShapeParams = -20,-20,-10,20,20,45,0,0

start pSystemName CommandHack

	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 30

	' size
	pSize = 15

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .03
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/blueball.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -10,-10,-10,0,10,10,10,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 800

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -12,-12,-25,12,12,25,0,0

start pSystemName PhaseInEffect2
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 30

	' size
	pSize = 10

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 11

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 1
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/xspark4.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -15,-15,0,15,15,20,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 800

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -15,-15,-25,15,15,25,0,0

start pSystemName SpitHit
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 12

	' size
	pSize = 5

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 3

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 3

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .3
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/bigspit.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .3

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Point
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,50,0,0,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 2

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .8

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 200

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -20,-5,-5,5,20,16,0,0

start pSystemName SpitShoot
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 10

	' size
	pSize = 2

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 3

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 3

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 2
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/bigspit.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .3

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -10,-10,0,10,10,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 2

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .8

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 200

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName SpikeHit
	' Max number of particles
	'pNumParticles = 8
	pNumParticles = 4

	' size
	pSize = 16

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 11

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 2.5
	' Particle sprite
	'pSprite = sprites/spithit.spr
	pSprite = sprites/spikehit.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .3

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Point
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .2

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	'pSpawnFlags = 24
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .4

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 200

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -10,-10,-15,10,10,10,0,0

start pSystemName SporeShoot
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 10

	' size
	pSize = 2

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 3

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 9

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 2
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/spore.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .3

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -10,-10,0,10,10,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .8

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 200

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName SporeCloud
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 20

	' size
	pSize = 45

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 6

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 17

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 3
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/spore.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 1.0

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -5,-5,-5,5,5,5,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 8

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 30

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -125,-125,-125,125,125,125,0,0

start pSystemName MeleeDamage
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 8

	' size
	pSize = 3

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 1
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/meleehit.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -50,-50,-50,50,50,60,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .4

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName PhaseGateIdle
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 40

	' size
	pSize = 20

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 2

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 20

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .2
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/flare6.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 1.0

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,20,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = 1

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 12

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 20

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -20,-20,-20,20,20,40,0,0

start pSystemName ResourceEmission
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 100

	' size
	pSize = 6

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 5.0
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/flare3.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = -1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -5,-5,20,5,5,80,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .4

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out)
	pSpawnFlags = 9

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.5

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 20

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Point

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName UmbraCloud
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 20

	' size
	pSize = 40

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 6

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 17

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 3
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/umbra.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 1.0

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -5,-5,-5,5,5,5,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime (same as umbra cloud duration)
	pLifetime = 3

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 50

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -100,-100,-100,100,100,100,0,0

start pSystemName AcidHit
    ' Max number of particles
    pNumParticles = 50

    ' size
    pSize = 25

    ' number of times to loop through an animated texture
    pAnimationSpeed = 1

    ' num frames in sprite
    pSpriteNumFrames = 12

    ' Particle base color
    pBaseColor = 1 1 1

    ' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 3
    ' Particle sprite
    pSprite = sprites/acidsplash.spr

    ' system lifetime
    pSystemLifetime = .3

    ' starting velocity
    pVelShape = Box
    ' starting velocity parms
    pVelParams = 200,200,250,-200,-200,-20,0,0

    ' render mode
    ' 0 = kRenderNormal
    ' 1 = kRenderTransColor,        // c*a+dest*(1-a)
    ' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,    // src*a+dest*(1-a)
    ' 3 = kRenderGlow,            // src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
    ' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,        // src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
    ' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,        // src*a+dest
    pRenderMode = 5

    '1 : "start on"
    '2 : "particle density"
    '4 : "fade in"
    '8 : "fade out"
    '16 : "use world gravity"
    '32 : "tri, not quads"
    '64 : "minimize edges"
    ' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
    'pSpawnFlags = 24
    pSpawnFlags = 24

    ' particle lifetime
    pLifetime = .8

    ' Gen rate
    pGenRate = 600

    ' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
    pGenShape = Box

    ' Gen params
    pGenShapeParams = -8,-8,-8,8,8,8,0,0

start pSystemName BacteriaSpray
    ' Max number of particles
    pNumParticles = 6

    ' size
    pSize = 20

    ' number of times to loop through an animated texture
    pAnimationSpeed = 1

    ' num frames in sprite
    pSpriteNumFrames = 6

    ' Particle base color
    pBaseColor = 1 1 1

    ' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 4
    ' Particle sprite
    pSprite = sprites/bacteria.spr

    ' system lifetime
    pSystemLifetime = 1

    ' starting velocity
    pVelShape = Box
    ' starting velocity parms
    pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

    ' render mode
    ' 0 = kRenderNormal
    ' 1 = kRenderTransColor,        // c*a+dest*(1-a)
    ' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,    // src*a+dest*(1-a)
    ' 3 = kRenderGlow,            // src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
    ' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,        // src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
    ' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,        // src*a+dest
    pRenderMode = 5

    '1 : "start on"
    '2 : "particle density"
    '4 : "fade in"
    '8 : "fade out"
    '16 : "use world gravity"
    '32 : "tri, not quads"
    '64 : "minimize edges"
    ' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
    'pSpawnFlags = 24
    pSpawnFlags = 12

    ' particle lifetime
    pLifetime = .8

    ' Gen rate
    pGenRate = 4

    ' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
    pGenShape = Box

    ' Gen params
    pGenShapeParams = -30,-30,-20,30,30,20,0,0

start pSystemName Xenocide
    ' Max number of particles
    pNumParticles = 50

    ' size
    pSize = 15

    ' number of times to loop through an animated texture
    pAnimationSpeed = 1

    ' num frames in sprite
    pSpriteNumFrames = 25

    ' Particle base color
    pBaseColor = 1 1 1

    ' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 5
    ' Particle sprite
    pSprite = sprites/eexplo.spr

    ' system lifetime
    pSystemLifetime = .3

    ' starting velocity
    pVelShape = Box
    ' starting velocity parms
    pVelParams = 240,240,30,-240,-240,-20,0,0

    ' render mode
    ' 0 = kRenderNormal
    ' 1 = kRenderTransColor,        // c*a+dest*(1-a)
    ' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,    // src*a+dest*(1-a)
    ' 3 = kRenderGlow,            // src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
    ' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,        // src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
    ' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,        // src*a+dest
    pRenderMode = 5

    '1 : "start on"
    '2 : "particle density"
    '4 : "fade in"
    '8 : "fade out"
    '16 : "use world gravity"
    '32 : "tri, not quads"
    '64 : "minimize edges"
    ' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
    'pSpawnFlags = 24
    pSpawnFlags = 8

    ' particle lifetime
    pLifetime = .7

    ' Gen rate
    pGenRate = 800

    ' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
    pGenShape = Box

    ' Gen params
    pGenShapeParams = -12,-12,-8,12,12,8,0,0

start pSystemName BileBomb
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 50

	' size
	pSize = 15

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 2

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 8
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/bilebomb.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 0.5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -200,-200,150,200,200,400,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 800

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -8,-8,-8,8,8,8,0,0

start pSystemName PhaseInEffect
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 40

	' size
	pSize = 35

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .2
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/hack.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 1.2

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -40,-40,-40,40,40,40,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	'pSpawnFlags = 24
	pSpawnFlags = 12

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 20

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -10,-10,-10,10,10,10,0,0

start pSystemName ScanEffect
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 10

	' size
	pSize = 10

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 100
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/scan.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 10

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	'128: "constrain pitch"
	'512: "high-detail only"
	'1024: "face up"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 1032

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.5

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 1

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,20,0,0,20,0,0

start pSystemName JetpackEffect
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 4

	' size
	pSize = 12

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 15

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = .2 .2 .2

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .5
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/blink2.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,-20,0,0,-30,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .1

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 1

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName SmokePuffs
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 5

	' size
	pSize = 7

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = .2 .2 .2

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
	pScale = 4
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/turretsmoke.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -1,-1,2,1,1,20,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .1

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	'512: "high-detail only"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 520

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 2

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -4,-4,-2,4,4,2,0,0

start pSystemName ChamberDeath
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 25

	' size
	pSize = 15

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 2

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 4
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/chamberdeath.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 0.5

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -100,-100,75,100,100,400,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .6

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 800

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -8,-8,-8,8,8,8,0,0

start pSystemName HiveDeath
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 50

	' size
	pSize = 15

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 2

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 4
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/chamberdeath.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = 0.8

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = -100,-100,75,100,100,400,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 24

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 1.2

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 800

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -64,-64,-64,64,64,64,0,0

start pSystemName StompEffect
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 2

	' size
	pSize = 10

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = 1 1 1

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = 20
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/stomp.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .2

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	'128: "constrain pitch"
	'512: "high-detail only"
	'1024: "face up"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 1032

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .5

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 50

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params (this is offset a bit because stomp originates at Onos center)
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName PheromoneEffect
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 30

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 1

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = .2 .2 .2

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
    pScale = .8
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/pheromone.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Point
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .1

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	' flags (start on, fade in, fade out, triangles)
	pSpawnFlags = 8

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = 10

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 10

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

start pSystemName StompSmoke
	' Max number of particles
	pNumParticles = 1

	' size
	pSize = 20

	' number of times to loop through an animated texture
	pAnimationSpeed = 1

	' num frames in sprite
	pSpriteNumFrames = 10

	' Particle base color
	pBaseColor = .2 .2 .2

	' Scale by the lifetime, so it will eventually be pScale*pSize right before it dies
	pScale = 4
	' Particle sprite
	pSprite = sprites/lightsmoke.spr

	' system lifetime
	pSystemLifetime = .1

	' starting velocity
	pVelShape = Box
	' starting velocity parms
	pVelParams = 0,0,5,0,0,10,0,0

	' render mode
	' 0 = kRenderNormal
	' 1 = kRenderTransColor,		// c*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 2 = kRenderTransTexture,	// src*a+dest*(1-a)
	' 3 = kRenderGlow,			// src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks
	' 4 = kRenderTransAlpha,		// src*srca+dest*(1-srca)
	' 5 = kRenderTransAdd,		// src*a+dest
	pRenderMode = 5

	' particle max alpha
	particleMaxAlpha = .1

	' particle lifetime
	pLifetime = .7

	'1 : "start on"
	'2 : "particle density"
	'4 : "fade in"
	'8 : "fade out"
	'16 : "use world gravity"
	'32 : "tri, not quads"
	'64 : "minimize edges"
	'128: "constrain pitch"
	'512: "high-detail only"
	'1024: "face up"
	' fade out, high detail
	pSpawnFlags = 520

	' Gen rate
	pGenRate = 40

	' Gen shape (one of: Point, Line, Triangle, Plane, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Blob, Disc, Rectangle, None)
	pGenShape = Box

	' Gen params
	pGenShapeParams = -40,-40,0,40,40,10,0,0