//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHTechNode.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/09/23 22:36:08 $ // //=============================================================================== #include "mod/AvHTechNode.h" //for use in operator== #define CHECK_EQUAL(x) (this->##x == other.##x) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // AvHTechNode //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHTechNode::AvHTechNode(const AvHMessageID id) : mMessageID(id), mCost(-1), mBuildTime(-1), mResearchable(true), mResearched(false), mAllowMultiples(false), mTechID(TECH_NULL), mPrereqID1(TECH_NULL), mPrereqID2(TECH_NULL) {} AvHTechNode::AvHTechNode(const AvHTechNode& other) : mMessageID(other.mMessageID), mTechID(other.mTechID), mCost(other.mCost), mPrereqID1(other.mPrereqID1), mPrereqID2(other.mPrereqID2), mBuildTime(other.mBuildTime), mResearchable(other.mResearchable), mResearched(other.mResearched), mAllowMultiples(other.mAllowMultiples) {} AvHTechNode::AvHTechNode(AvHMessageID inMessageID, AvHTechID inID, AvHTechID inPrereq1, AvHTechID inPrereq2, int inCost, int inBuildTime, bool inResearched) : mMessageID(inMessageID), mTechID(inID), mPrereqID1(inPrereq1), mPrereqID2(inPrereq2), mCost(inCost), mBuildTime(inBuildTime), mResearchable(true), mResearched(inResearched), mAllowMultiples(false) {} AvHTechNode::~AvHTechNode(void) {} AvHTechNode* AvHTechNode::clone(void) const { return new AvHTechNode(*this); } void AvHTechNode::swap(AvHTechNode& other) { AvHTechID tempTech = mTechID; mTechID = other.mTechID; other.mTechID = tempTech; tempTech = mPrereqID1; mPrereqID1 = other.mPrereqID1; other.mPrereqID1 = tempTech; tempTech = mPrereqID2; mPrereqID2 = other.mPrereqID2; other.mPrereqID2 = tempTech; int temp = mCost; mCost = other.mCost; other.mCost = temp; temp = mBuildTime; mBuildTime = other.mBuildTime; other.mBuildTime = temp; bool btemp = mResearchable; mResearchable = other.mResearchable; other.mResearchable = btemp; btemp = mResearched; mResearched = other.mResearched; other.mResearched = btemp; btemp = mAllowMultiples; mAllowMultiples = other.mAllowMultiples; other.mAllowMultiples = btemp; } AvHMessageID AvHTechNode::getMessageID(void) const { return mMessageID; } AvHTechID AvHTechNode::getTechID(void) const { return mTechID; } AvHTechID AvHTechNode::getPrereqTechID1(void) const { return mPrereqID1; } AvHTechID AvHTechNode::getPrereqTechID2(void) const { return mPrereqID2; } int AvHTechNode::getBuildTime(void) const { return mBuildTime; } int AvHTechNode::getCost(void) const { return mCost; } bool AvHTechNode::getIsResearchable(void) const { return mResearchable; } bool AvHTechNode::getIsResearched(void) const { return mResearched; } bool AvHTechNode::getAllowMultiples(void) const { return mAllowMultiples; } void AvHTechNode::setTechID(const AvHTechID inTechID) { mTechID = inTechID; } void AvHTechNode::setPrereqTechID1(const AvHTechID inTechID) { mPrereqID1 = inTechID; } void AvHTechNode::setPrereqTechID2(const AvHTechID inTechID) { mPrereqID2 = inTechID; } void AvHTechNode::setBuildTime(const int inBuildTime) { mBuildTime = inBuildTime; } void AvHTechNode::setCost(const int inCost) { mCost = inCost; } void AvHTechNode::setResearchable(bool inState) { mResearchable = inState; } void AvHTechNode::setResearchState(bool inState) { mResearched = inState; if(!mAllowMultiples) { mResearchable = !mResearched; } } bool AvHTechNode::operator==(const AvHTechNode& other) const { bool theIsEqual = CHECK_EQUAL(mMessageID) && CHECK_EQUAL(mTechID) && CHECK_EQUAL(mPrereqID1) && CHECK_EQUAL(mPrereqID2) && CHECK_EQUAL(mCost) && CHECK_EQUAL(mBuildTime) && CHECK_EQUAL(mResearchable) && CHECK_EQUAL(mResearched) && CHECK_EQUAL(mAllowMultiples); return theIsEqual; } bool AvHTechNode::operator!=(const AvHTechNode& other) const { return !this->operator==(other); } AvHTechNode& AvHTechNode::operator=(const AvHTechNode& inTechNode) { AvHTechNode node(inTechNode); swap(node); return *this; } void AvHTechNode::setAllowMultiples(const bool inAllow){ mAllowMultiples = inAllow; }