#include "../util/nowarnings.h" #include "ui/SliderPlus.h" #include "ui/UIUtil.h" #include "VGUI_MouseCode.h" SliderPlus::SliderPlus(int inX, int inY,int inWidth, int inHeight, bool inIsVertical) : Panel(inX, inY, inWidth, inHeight) { this->mDragging = false; this->mNobDragStartPos[0] = this->mNobDragStartPos[1] = 0; this->mDragStartPos[0] = this->mDragStartPos[1] = 0; this->mNobPos[0] = this->mNobPos[1] = 0; this->mRange[0] = 0; this->mRange[1] = 10; this->mValue = 0; this->mRangeWindow = 10; this->mIsVertical = inIsVertical; this->mLastMouseX = this->mLastMouseY = 0; // Add ourselves as our own input signal...kinda strange sounding but useful this->addInputSignal(this); } /* void SliderPlus::addIntChangeSignal(IntChangeSignal* inChangeSignal) { // Add inChangeSignal to list }*/ void SliderPlus::computeNobBox(int& outStartX, int& outStartY, int& outEndX, int& outEndY) { int theWidth, theHeight; this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight); outStartX = this->mNobPos[0]; outStartY = this->mNobPos[1]; if(this->mIsVertical) { outEndX = outStartX + theWidth - 1; outEndY = outStartY + this->mRangeWindow; } else { outEndX = outStartX + this->mRangeWindow; outEndY = outStartY + theHeight - 1; } } void SliderPlus::fireIntChangeSignal() { // Run through list of change signals, calling intChanged() on each one } void SliderPlus::getNobPos(int& outMin, int& outMax) { // Return the upper left corner of the nob outMin = this->mNobPos[0]; outMax = this->mNobPos[1]; } void SliderPlus::getRange(int& outMinRange, int& outMaxRange) { // Return the min and max range outMinRange = this->mRange[0]; outMaxRange = this->mRange[1]; } int SliderPlus::getRangeWindow() { return this->mRangeWindow; } int SliderPlus::getValue() { return this->mValue; } bool SliderPlus::hasFullRange() { return false; } bool SliderPlus::isVertical() { return this->mIsVertical; } void SliderPlus::paintBackground() { int theStartX, theStartY; int theWidth, theHeight; int theEndX, theEndY; //this->getPos(theStartX, theStartY); theStartX = theStartY = 0; this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight); Color theColor; int theR, theG, theB, theA; this->getBgColor(theColor); theColor.getColor(theR, theG, theB, theA); // Draw rectangle the size of the slider in background color theEndX = theStartX + theWidth; theEndY = theStartY + theHeight; // Draw hollow box in bg color vguiSimpleBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX-1, theEndY-1, theR, theG, theB, theA); // Draw nob in foreground color, size of range window this->getFgColor(theColor); theColor.getColor(theR, theG, theB, theA); // Compute the nob position so we can draw a box for it, all numbers are in pixels relative to component this->computeNobBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX, theEndY); // Draw hollow box in fg color vguiSimpleBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX, theEndY, theR, theG, theB, theA); } void SliderPlus::cursorMoved(int inX, int inY, Panel* inPanel) { // Are we dragging the nub? if(this->mDragging) { // Look at inX, inY and set our new nob pos this->mNobPos[0] = this->mNobPos[1] = 0; if(this->mIsVertical) { this->mNobPos[1] = inY; } else { this->mNobPos[0] = inX; } // Recompute the value from it this->recomputeValueFromNobPos(); } this->mLastMouseX = inX; this->mLastMouseY = inY; } void SliderPlus::mousePressed(MouseCode inCode, Panel* inPanel) { int theStartX, theStartY, theEndX, theEndY; this->computeNobBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX, theEndY); // Was LMB was pressed? if(inCode == MOUSE_LEFT) { // Pressed while over the nob? if((this->mLastMouseX >= theStartX) && (this->mLastMouseX <= theEndX) && (this->mLastMouseY >= theStartY) && (this->mLastMouseY <= theEndY)) { // Remember this starting point and remember that we're dragging this->mDragStartPos[0] = this->mLastMouseX; this->mDragStartPos[1] = this->mLastMouseY; this->mDragging = true; } // Above or below nub? else { // TODO?: Remember this so we can start adjusting by big increments. For now, just adjust once. // Adjust value by major increment //this->recomputeNobPosFromValue(); } } // Was RMB pressed above or below the nub? else if(inCode == MOUSE_RIGHT) { // TODO?: Remember this so we can start adjusting by tiny increments. For now, just adjust once. // Adjust value by minor increment //this->recomputeNobPosFromValue(); } } void SliderPlus::mouseReleased(MouseCode inCode, Panel* inPanel) { // Forget that we are dragging or adjusting by big or small increments. if(inCode == MOUSE_LEFT) { this->mDragging = false; } } void SliderPlus::mouseWheeled(int delta, Panel* panel) { } void SliderPlus::recomputeNobPosFromValue() { // Look at current value and range and set the nob pos from it int theWidth, theHeight; this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight); float theNormalizedNobPos = (this->mValue - this->mRange[0])/(float)(this->mRange[1]); if(this->mIsVertical) { this->mNobPos[0] = 0; this->mNobPos[1] = (int)(theNormalizedNobPos*theHeight); } else { this->mNobPos[0] = (int)(theNormalizedNobPos*theWidth); this->mNobPos[1] = 0; } } void SliderPlus::recomputeValueFromNobPos() { // Look at nob pos and set new value int theWidth, theHeight; this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight); int theRelevantValue = this->mNobPos[0]; int theRelevantMaxPixels = theWidth; if(this->mIsVertical) { theRelevantValue = this->mNobPos[1]; theRelevantMaxPixels = theHeight; } float theNormalizedValue = (theRelevantValue/(float)theRelevantMaxPixels); int theNewValue = this->mRange[0] + (int)(theNormalizedValue*this->mRange[1]); this->setValue(theNewValue); } void SliderPlus::setRange(int inMinRange, int inMaxRange) { // Set the range ("value") this->mRange[0] = min(inMinRange, inMaxRange); this->mRange[1] = max(inMinRange, inMaxRange); } void SliderPlus::setRangeWindow(int inRangeWindow) { // Set the range window (in pixels) this->mRangeWindow = inRangeWindow; } void SliderPlus::setSize(int inWidth, int inHeight) { // Call parent setSize Panel::setSize(inWidth, inHeight); // Recompute something? } void SliderPlus::setValue(int inValue) { // Only allow setting the value within our specified range int theNewValue = inValue; theNewValue = max(theNewValue, this->mRange[0]); theNewValue = min(theNewValue, this->mRange[1]); this->mValue = theNewValue; this->recomputeNobPosFromValue(); }