name_or_data |
Name of song or pointer to data containing song to load (if loading from memory and not file). On PlayStation 2 data must be 16 byte aligned if loading from memory.
offset |
Optional. 0 by default. If > 0, this value is used to specify an offset in a file, so fmod will seek before opening.
length |
Optional. 0 by default. If > 0, this value is used to specify the length of a memory block when using FSOUND_LOADMEMORY, or it is the length of a file or file segment if the offset parameter is used. On PlayStation 2 this must be 16 byte aligned for memory loading.
mode |
Mode for opening song. With module files, only FSOUND_LOADMEMORY, FSOUND_NONBLOCKING, FSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL, or FSOUND_LOOP_OFF are supported. For FSB files, FSOUND_2D, FSOUND_HW3D, FSOUND_FORCEMONO also work.
samplelist |
Optional. Pointer to array of sample indicies to load. Leave as NULL if you want all samples to be loaded (default behaviour). See Remarks for more on this.
samplelistnum |
Optional. Number of entries in the samplelist array.