/*** * * Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // // util.cpp // // implementation of class-less helper functions // #include "STDIO.H" #include "STDLIB.H" #include "MATH.H" #include "hud.h" #include "cl_util.h" #include "common/cl_entity.h" #include <string.h> #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 // matches value in gcc v2 math.h #endif #include "pm_shared/pm_defs.h" #include "pm_shared/pm_shared.h" #include "pm_shared/pm_movevars.h" extern playermove_t *pmove; extern float HUD_GetFOV( void ); vec3_t vec3_origin( 0, 0, 0 ); extern vec3_t v_angles; //double sqrt(double x); // //float Length(const float *v) //{ // int i; // float length; // // length = 0; // for (i=0 ; i< 3 ; i++) // length += v[i]*v[i]; // length = sqrt (length); // FIXME // // return length; //} // //void VectorAngles( const float *forward, float *angles ) //{ // float tmp, yaw, pitch; // // if (forward[1] == 0 && forward[0] == 0) // { // yaw = 0; // if (forward[2] > 0) // pitch = 90; // else // pitch = 270; // } // else // { // yaw = (atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 180 / M_PI); // if (yaw < 0) // yaw += 360; // // tmp = sqrt (forward[0]*forward[0] + forward[1]*forward[1]); // pitch = (atan2(forward[2], tmp) * 180 / M_PI); // if (pitch < 0) // pitch += 360; // } // // angles[0] = pitch; // angles[1] = yaw; // angles[2] = 0; //} // //float VectorNormalize (float *v) //{ // float length, ilength; // // length = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]; // length = sqrt (length); // FIXME // // if (length) // { // ilength = 1/length; // v[0] *= ilength; // v[1] *= ilength; // v[2] *= ilength; // } // // return length; // //} // //void VectorInverse ( float *v ) //{ // v[0] = -v[0]; // v[1] = -v[1]; // v[2] = -v[2]; //} // //void VectorScale (const float *in, float scale, float *out) //{ // out[0] = in[0]*scale; // out[1] = in[1]*scale; // out[2] = in[2]*scale; //} // //void VectorMA (const float *veca, float scale, const float *vecb, float *vecc) //{ // vecc[0] = veca[0] + scale*vecb[0]; // vecc[1] = veca[1] + scale*vecb[1]; // vecc[2] = veca[2] + scale*vecb[2]; //} int ScreenHeight() { // CGC: Replace code when ready to fix overview map //int theViewport[4]; //gHUD.GetViewport(theViewport); //return theViewport[3]; return gHUD.m_scrinfo.iHeight; } // ScreenWidth returns the width of the screen, in pixels //#define ScreenWidth ( int theViewport[4]; gHUD.GetViewport(theViewport); return theViewport[2]; ) int ScreenWidth() { //int theViewport[4]; //gHUD.GetViewport(theViewport); //return theViewport[2]; return gHUD.m_scrinfo.iWidth; } HSPRITE Safe_SPR_Load(const char* inSpriteName) { HSPRITE theSpriteHandle = gEngfuncs.pfnSPR_Load(inSpriteName); // Check for "Can't allocate 128 HUD sprites" crash ASSERT(theSpriteHandle < 128); return theSpriteHandle; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Given a field of view and mouse/screen positions as well as the current // render origin and angles, returns a unit vector through the mouse position // that can be used to trace into the world under the mouse click pixel. // Input : fov - // mousex - // mousey - // screenwidth - // screenheight - // vecRenderAngles - // c_x - // vpn - // vup - // 360.0 - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CreatePickingRay( int mousex, int mousey, Vector& outVecPickingRay ) { float dx, dy; float c_x, c_y; float dist; Vector vpn, vup, vright; // char gDebugMessage[256]; float fovDegrees = gHUD.m_iFOV; //cl_entity_s* theLocalEntity = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); //Vector vecRenderOrigin = theLocalEntity->origin; //Vector vecRenderAngles = theLocalEntity->angles; //Vector vecRenderAngles; vec3_t vecRenderAngles; //gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles((float*)vecRenderAngles); VectorCopy(v_angles, vecRenderAngles); //vec3_t theForward, theRight, theUp; //AngleVectors(v_angles, theForward, theRight, theUp); //ASSERT(v_angles.x == vecRenderAngles.x); //ASSERT(v_angles.y == vecRenderAngles.y); //ASSERT(v_angles.z == vecRenderAngles.z); c_x = ScreenWidth() / 2; c_y = ScreenHeight() / 2; dx = (float)mousex - c_x; // Invert Y dy = c_y - (float)mousey; // sprintf(gDebugMessage, "inMouseX/Y: %d/%d, dx/dy = %d/%d", (int)mousex, (int)mousey, (int)dx, (int)dy); // CenterPrint(gDebugMessage); // Convert view plane distance dist = c_x / tan( M_PI * fovDegrees / 360.0 ); // Decompose view angles AngleVectors( vecRenderAngles, vpn, vright, vup ); // Offset forward by view plane distance, and then by pixel offsets outVecPickingRay = vpn * dist + vright * ( dx ) + vup * ( dy ); //sprintf(gDebugMessage, "outVecPickingRay: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f", outVecPickingRay.x, outVecPickingRay.y, outVecPickingRay.z); //CenterPrint(gDebugMessage); // Convert to unit vector VectorNormalize( outVecPickingRay ); } void FillRGBAClipped(vgui::Panel* inPanel, int inStartX, int inStartY, int inWidth, int inHeight, int r, int g, int b, int a) { int thePanelXPos, thePanelYPos; inPanel->getPos(thePanelXPos, thePanelYPos); int thePanelWidth, thePanelHeight; inPanel->getSize(thePanelWidth, thePanelHeight); // Clip starting point inStartX = min(max(0, inStartX), thePanelWidth-1); inStartY = min(max(0, inStartY), thePanelHeight-1); // Clip width if it goes too far ASSERT(inWidth >= 0); ASSERT(inHeight >= 0); if(inStartX + inWidth >= thePanelWidth) { inWidth = max(0, thePanelWidth - inStartX); } if(inStartY + inHeight >= thePanelHeight) { inHeight = max(0, thePanelHeight - inStartY); } // Now we can draw FillRGBA(inStartX, inStartY, inWidth, inHeight, r, g, b, a); } HSPRITE LoadSprite(const char *pszName) { int i; char sz[256]; if (ScreenWidth() < 640) i = 320; else i = 640; sprintf(sz, pszName, i); return Safe_SPR_Load(sz); } bool LocalizeString(const char* inMessage, string& outputString) { #define kMaxLocalizedStringLength 1024 bool theSuccess = false; char theInputString[kMaxLocalizedStringLength]; char theOutputString[kMaxLocalizedStringLength]; // Don't localize empty strings if(strcmp(inMessage, "")) { if(*inMessage != '#') { sprintf(theInputString, "#%s", inMessage); } else { sprintf(theInputString, "%s", inMessage); } if((CHudTextMessage::LocaliseTextString(theInputString, theOutputString, kMaxLocalizedStringLength) != NULL)) { outputString = theOutputString; if(theOutputString[0] != '#') { theSuccess = true; } else { string theTempString = theOutputString; theTempString = theTempString.substr(1, theTempString.length()); outputString = theTempString; } } else { outputString = string("err: ") + theInputString; } } return theSuccess; }