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[API function]


This sets the reserved status of a channel. Reserving a channel is related to setting its
priority, but reserving a channel means it can NEVER be stolen by a channel request. It
could be thought of as an extra high priority, but is different in that reserved channels do
not steal from each other, whereas channels with equal priorities do (unless there are
channels with lower priorities that it can steal from). If all channels were reserved and
another request for came in for a channel, it would simply fail and the sound would not be

signed char F_API FSOUND_SetReserved(
int channel,
signed char reserved


channel The channel number/handle to change the priority for.
FSOUND_ALL can also be used (see remarks).
FSOUND_FREE is NOT accepted.
reserved Reserved flag. Values accepted are TRUE, to reserve a channel, and FALSE to
un-reserve a channel.

Return Value

On success, TRUE is returned.
On failure, FALSE is returned.


FSOUND_ALL is supported. Passing this will set ALL channels to be reserved/unreserved.
If FSOUND_ALL is used the last channel success flag will be returned. This return value is not useful in most circumstances.
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube

See Also

FSOUND_GetPriority , FSOUND_GetReserved , FSOUND_SetPriority

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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:34 2005 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.