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[API function]


Callback used with user streams.

void *buff,
int len,
void *userdata


stream Pointer to the stream in question.
buff from FSOUND_Stream_Create - Pointer to the stream data buffer to write to
from FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback - NULL
from FSOUND_Stream_SetSyncCallback - Pointer to a string
len from FSOUND_Stream_Create - Length of buffer specified in BYTES.
from FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback - 0
from FSOUND_Stream_SetSyncCallback - 0
param A user data value specified from FSOUND_Stream_Create,

Return Value

If created by FSOUND_Stream_Create -
To allow the stream to continue, TRUE is returned.
To stop the stream, FALSE is returned.
The return value is ignored if created by FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback or FSOUND_Stream_SetSyncCallback
PlayStation 2 IMPORTANT! For user created streams only.
The address for 'buff' is an IOP based address, you cannot directly access it.
You have to use FSOUND_SendData to DMA your data from the EE to the IOP.
if FSOUND_SendData is NOT called from this callback the IOP will hang because it is waiting for this command to be executed before it can unlock its buffer and send it to the SPU.


Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube

See Also

FSOUND_SendData , FSOUND_Stream_Create , FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback , FSOUND_Stream_SetSyncCallback

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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:37 2005 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.