#include "../util/nowarnings.h" #ifdef AVH_SERVER #include "../dlls/extdll.h" #include "../dlls/util.h" #include "../types.h" #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #endif #include "AvHSelectionHelper.h" #include "AvHConstants.h" #ifdef AVH_SERVER #include "AvHPlayer.h" #include "AvHServerUtil.h" #include "AvHEntities.h" #include "AvHGamerules.h" #endif #include "../pm_shared/pm_defs.h" #include "../pm_shared/pm_shared.h" #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "../pm_shared/pm_debug.h" //extern DebugPointListType gTriDebugLocations; #endif #include "../util/MathUtil.h" extern playermove_t *pmove; #include "AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "../common/vector_util.h" #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "cl_dll/eventscripts.h" #include "../common/r_efx.h" #include "../common/event_api.h" #include "../common/event_args.h" #include "cl_dll/in_defs.h" #endif #include "AvHSpecials.h" AvHSelectionHelper::AvHSelectionHelper() { this->mQueuedTeamNumber = TEAM_IND; this->mQueuedSelectionWaiting = false; this->mSelectionResultsWaiting = false; } void AvHSelectionHelper::ClearSelection() { ASSERT(this->mSelectionResults.size() == 0); this->mSelectionResults.clear(); this->mSelectionResultsWaiting = true; } void AvHSelectionHelper::GetAndClearSelection(EntityListType& outSelectedList) { ASSERT(this->mSelectionResultsWaiting); outSelectedList = this->mSelectionResults; this->mSelectionResults.clear(); this->mSelectionResultsWaiting = false; } void AvHSelectionHelper::ProcessPendingSelections() { if(this->mQueuedSelectionWaiting) { this->mSelectionResultsWaiting = this->SelectUnits(this->mQueuedPointOfView, this->mQueuedRayOne, this->mQueuedRayTwo, this->mQueuedTeamNumber, this->mSelectionResults); this->mQueuedSelectionWaiting = false; } } void AvHSelectionHelper::QueueSelection(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inStartRay, const Vector& inEndRay, AvHTeamNumber inTeamNumber) { this->mQueuedPointOfView = inPointOfView; this->mQueuedRayOne = inStartRay; this->mQueuedRayTwo = inEndRay; this->mQueuedTeamNumber = inTeamNumber; this->mQueuedSelectionWaiting = true; } bool AvHSelectionHelper::SelectionResultsWaiting() { return this->mSelectionResultsWaiting; } //#ifdef AVH_SERVER //void AvHSelectionHelper::SelectLocation(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, Vector& outVector) //{ // TraceResult tr; // Vector theStartPos; // Vector theEndPos; // bool theSuccess = false; // bool theDone = false; // // VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionStartRange, inNormRay, theStartPos); // VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionEndRange, inNormRay, theEndPos); // // CBaseEntity* theEntityHit = NULL; // edict_t* theEdictToIgnore = NULL; // // do // { // UTIL_TraceLine(theStartPos, theEndPos, ignore_monsters, theEdictToIgnore, &tr); // //UTIL_TraceLine(theStartPos, theEndPos, dont_ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, theEdictToIgnore, &tr); // //// theEntityHit = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); //// AvHWaypoint* theGround = dynamic_cast<AvHWaypoint*>(theEntityHit); //// if(theGround) //// { //// VectorCopy(tr.vecEndPos, outVector); //// theSuccess = true; //// theDone = true; //// } // // if((tr.flFraction >= 1.0f) || (tr.flFraction < kFloatTolerance)) // { // theDone = true; // } // else // { // if(theEntityHit) // { // theEdictToIgnore = ENT(theEntityHit->pev); // } // VectorCopy(tr.vecEndPos, theStartPos); // } // } while(!theDone); //} //#endif //#ifdef AVH_CLIENT //void AvHSelectionHelper::SelectLocation(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, Vector& outVector) //{ // // TODO: Change this to only return location when proper entity hit // pmtrace_t tr; // Vector theStartPos = inPointOfView; // Vector theEndPos = theStartPos + kSelectionEndRange*inNormRay; // Vector theResult; // // tr = *pmove->PM_TraceLine( (float *)&theStartPos, (float *)&theEndPos, PM_TRACELINE_ANYVISIBLE, 2 /*point sized hull*/, -1 ); // outVector = tr.endpos; //} //#endif bool AvHSelectionHelper::IsPositionInRegion(const Vector& inPosition, const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRayOne, const Vector& inNormRayTwo) { bool theSuccess = false; // Build normalized vector from eye to entity Vector theEyeToEntity; VectorSubtract(inPosition, inPointOfView, theEyeToEntity); VectorNormalize(theEyeToEntity); // Is vector between two other vectors? //if(IsVectorBetweenBoundingVectors(theEyeToEntity, inNormRayOne, inNormRayTwo)) //if(IsVectorBetweenBoundingVectors(inPosition, theEyeToEntity, inNormRayOne, inNormRayTwo, thePlaneABCD)) if(IsVectorBetweenBoundingVectors(inPosition, theEyeToEntity, inNormRayOne, inNormRayTwo)) { theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } void AvHSelectionHelper::ProcessEntityForSelection(const Vector& inOrigin, const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRayOne, const Vector& inNormRayTwo, int inIndex, bool inIsPlayer, bool inIsMarkedSelectable, bool inSameTeam, bool inIsVisible) { if(this->IsPositionInRegion(inOrigin, inPointOfView, inNormRayOne, inNormRayTwo)) { if(inIsPlayer || inIsMarkedSelectable) { bool theIsFriendly = inSameTeam; if(inIsPlayer) { if(theIsFriendly) { this->mFriendlyPlayers.push_back(inIndex); } else if(inIsVisible) { //this->mNonFriendlyPlayers.push_back(inIndex); } } else { if(theIsFriendly) { this->mFriendlyBuildings.push_back(inIndex); } else if(inIsVisible) { //this->mNonFriendlyBuildings.push_back(inIndex); } } } // else if(inIsSelectableWorldObject) // { // this->mWorldObjects.push_back(inIndex); // } } } bool AvHSelectionHelper::SelectUnitsInRegion(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRayOne, const Vector& inNormRayTwo, AvHTeamNumber inTeamNumber, EntityListType& outEntIndexList) { #ifdef AVH_SERVER // Assumes that entities won't be too far away float theRadius = GetGameRules()->GetMapExtents().GetTopDownCullDistance()*4; CBaseEntity* theBaseEntity = NULL; while((theBaseEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere(theBaseEntity, inPointOfView, theRadius)) != NULL) { const char* theClassName = STRING(theBaseEntity->pev->classname); if(!AvHSUGetIsExternalClassName(theClassName)) { // Check for EF_NODRAW so that recycled command stations cannot be selected. if(!GetHasUpgrade(theBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_TOPDOWN) && !(theBaseEntity->pev->effects & EF_NODRAW) ) { AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(theBaseEntity); bool theIsPlayer = (thePlayer && thePlayer->GetIsRelevant() && (thePlayer->GetUser3() != AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER)); bool theIsMarkedSelectable = GetHasUpgrade(theBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_SELECTABLE); bool theSameTeam = (theBaseEntity->pev->team == inTeamNumber); bool theIsVisible = (theSameTeam || GetHasUpgrade(theBaseEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_VIS_SIGHTED)); Vector thePosition = theBaseEntity->pev->origin; if((thePosition.x == thePosition.y) && (thePosition.y == thePosition.z) && (thePosition.z == 0.0f)) { thePosition.x = (theBaseEntity->pev->mins.x + theBaseEntity->pev->maxs.x)/2.0f; thePosition.y = (theBaseEntity->pev->mins.y + theBaseEntity->pev->maxs.y)/2.0f; thePosition.z = (theBaseEntity->pev->mins.z + theBaseEntity->pev->maxs.z)/2.0f; } int theEntityIndex = theBaseEntity->entindex(); AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(theEntityIndex, thePosition); this->ProcessEntityForSelection(thePosition, inPointOfView, inNormRayOne, inNormRayTwo, theEntityIndex, theIsPlayer, theIsMarkedSelectable, theSameTeam, theIsVisible); } } } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); // Store off the old count gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers (-1); physent_t* theEntity = NULL; int theNumEnts = pmove->numphysent; for (int i = 0; i < theNumEnts; i++) { theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(i); if(theEntity && !GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->iuser4, MASK_TOPDOWN)) { int theEntityIndex = theEntity->info; bool theIsPlayer = ((theEntityIndex >= 1) && (theEntityIndex <= gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients())); bool theIsMarkedSelectable = GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->iuser4, MASK_SELECTABLE); bool theSameTeam = (theEntity->team == inTeamNumber); bool theIsVisible = (theSameTeam || GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->iuser4, MASK_VIS_SIGHTED)); Vector thePosition = theEntity->origin; if((thePosition.x == thePosition.y) && (thePosition.y == thePosition.z) && (thePosition.z == 0.0f)) { thePosition.x = (theEntity->mins.x + theEntity->maxs.x)/2.0f; thePosition.y = (theEntity->mins.y + theEntity->maxs.y)/2.0f; thePosition.z = (theEntity->mins.z + theEntity->maxs.z)/2.0f; } this->ProcessEntityForSelection(thePosition, inPointOfView, inNormRayOne, inNormRayTwo, theEntityIndex, theIsPlayer, theIsMarkedSelectable, theSameTeam, theIsVisible); } } gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); #endif bool theSuccess = false; // Our own players if(this->mFriendlyPlayers.size() > 0) { outEntIndexList = this->mFriendlyPlayers; } // Our own buildings only one else if(this->mFriendlyBuildings.size() > 0) { outEntIndexList.push_back(*mFriendlyBuildings.begin()); } // Enemy players (only one) else if(this->mNonFriendlyPlayers.size() > 0) { outEntIndexList.push_back(*this->mNonFriendlyPlayers.begin()); } // Enemy buildings (only one) else if(this->mNonFriendlyBuildings.size() > 0) { outEntIndexList.push_back(*this->mNonFriendlyBuildings.begin()); } // World objects (only one) // else if(this->mWorldObjects.size() > 0) // { // outEntIndexList.push_back(*this->mWorldObjects.begin()); // } if(outEntIndexList.size() > 0) { theSuccess = true; } this->mFriendlyBuildings.clear(); this->mFriendlyPlayers.clear(); this->mNonFriendlyBuildings.clear(); this->mNonFriendlyPlayers.clear(); // this->mWorldObjects.clear(); return theSuccess; } bool AvHSelectionHelper::SelectUnits(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inStartRay, const Vector& inEndRay, AvHTeamNumber inTeamNumber, EntityListType& outEntIndexList) { bool theSuccess = false; // Select into new list EntityListType theNewSelection; Vector theStartRay = inStartRay; Vector theEndRay = inEndRay; // If inNormRayOne and inNormRayTwo are sufficiently close, just do a ray test const float theXTolerance = .1f; const float theYTolerance = .1f; if((fabs(theStartRay.x - theEndRay.x) < theXTolerance) && (fabs(theStartRay.y - theEndRay.y) < theYTolerance)) { // // Ignore team here, we're allowed to click select units on either team // int theEntIndex; // if(AvHSHUGetEntityAtRay(inPointOfView, inStartRay, theEntIndex)) // { // theNewSelection.push_back(theEntIndex); // theSuccess = true; // } // Select minimum around center Vector theCenter; theCenter.x = (inStartRay.x + inEndRay.x)/2.0f; theCenter.y = (inStartRay.y + inEndRay.y)/2.0f; // theCenter.z = (inStartRay.z + inEndRay.z)/2.0f; // Not perfect, but good enough theStartRay.x = theCenter.x - theXTolerance/2.0f; theStartRay.y = theCenter.y - theYTolerance/2.0f; VectorNormalize(theStartRay); theEndRay.x = theCenter.x + theXTolerance/2.0f; theEndRay.y = theCenter.y + theYTolerance/2.0f; VectorNormalize(theEndRay); } // else // { theSuccess = SelectUnitsInRegion(inPointOfView, theStartRay, theEndRay, inTeamNumber, theNewSelection); // } if(theSuccess) { // Set new selection outEntIndexList = theNewSelection; } return theSuccess; }