//========= Copyright © 1996-2001, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifndef BITVEC_H
#define BITVEC_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include <assert.h>

class CBitVecAccessor
				CBitVecAccessor(unsigned long *pDWords, int iBit);

	void		operator=(int val);
				operator unsigned long();

	unsigned long	*m_pDWords;
	int				m_iBit;

// CBitVec allows you to store a list of bits and do operations on them like they were 
// an atomic type.
template<int NUM_BITS>
class CBitVec

	// Set all values to the specified value (0 or 1..)
	void			Init(int val = 0);

	// Access the bits like an array.
	CBitVecAccessor	operator[](int i);

	// Operations on other bit vectors.
	CBitVec&		operator=(CBitVec<NUM_BITS> const &other);
	bool			operator==(CBitVec<NUM_BITS> const &other);
	bool			operator!=(CBitVec<NUM_BITS> const &other);

	// Get underlying dword representations of the bits.
	int				GetNumDWords();
	unsigned long	GetDWord(int i);
	void			SetDWord(int i, unsigned long val);

	int				GetNumBits();


	enum {NUM_DWORDS = NUM_BITS/32 + !!(NUM_BITS & 31)};
	unsigned long	m_DWords[NUM_DWORDS];

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CBitVecAccessor inlines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

inline CBitVecAccessor::CBitVecAccessor(unsigned long *pDWords, int iBit)
	m_pDWords = pDWords;
	m_iBit = iBit;

inline void CBitVecAccessor::operator=(int val)
		m_pDWords[m_iBit >> 5] |= (1 << (m_iBit & 31));
		m_pDWords[m_iBit >> 5] &= ~(unsigned long)(1 << (m_iBit & 31));

inline CBitVecAccessor::operator unsigned long()
	return m_pDWords[m_iBit >> 5] & (1 << (m_iBit & 31));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CBitVec inlines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline int CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::GetNumBits()
	return NUM_BITS;

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::CBitVec()
	for(int i=0; i < NUM_DWORDS; i++)
		m_DWords[i] = 0;

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline void CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::Init(int val)
	for(int i=0; i < GetNumBits(); i++)
		(*this)[i] = val;

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline CBitVec<NUM_BITS>& CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::operator=(CBitVec<NUM_BITS> const &other)
	memcpy(m_DWords, other.m_DWords, sizeof(m_DWords));
	return *this;

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline CBitVecAccessor CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::operator[](int i)	
	assert(i >= 0 && i < GetNumBits());
	return CBitVecAccessor(m_DWords, i);

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline bool CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::operator==(CBitVec<NUM_BITS> const &other)
	for(int i=0; i < NUM_DWORDS; i++)
		if(m_DWords[i] != other.m_DWords[i])
			return false;

	return true;

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline bool CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::operator!=(CBitVec<NUM_BITS> const &other)
	return !(*this == other);

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline int CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::GetNumDWords()
	return NUM_DWORDS;

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline unsigned long CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::GetDWord(int i)
	assert(i >= 0 && i < NUM_DWORDS);
	return m_DWords[i];

template<int NUM_BITS>
inline void CBitVec<NUM_BITS>::SetDWord(int i, unsigned long val)
	assert(i >= 0 && i < NUM_DWORDS);
	m_DWords[i] = val;

#endif // BITVEC_H