// STLport regression testsuite component. // To compile as a separate example, please #define MAIN. #include #include #ifdef MAIN #define mmap1_test main #endif #if !defined (STLPORT) || defined(__STL_USE_NAMESPACES) using namespace std; #endif int mmap1_test(int, char**) { cout<<"Results of mmap1_test:"< > mmap; mmap m; cout << "count('X') = " << m.count('X') << endl; m.insert(pair('X', 10)); // Standard way. cout << "count('X') = " << m.count('X') << endl; // m.insert('X', 20); // Non-standard, but very convenient! m.insert(pair('X', 20)); // jbuck: standard way cout << "count('X') = " << m.count('X') << endl; // m.insert('Y', 32); m.insert(pair('Y', 32)); // jbuck: standard way mmap::iterator i = m.find('X'); // Find first match. while(i != m.end()) // Loop until end is reached. { cout <<(*i).first << " -> " <<(*i).second << endl; i++; } int count = m.erase('X'); cout << "Erased " << count << " items" << endl; return 0; }