//=============================================================================================== // STREAM.EXE // Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd, 1999-2003. // // This example takes a command line parameter, a wav/mp2/mp3/ogg etc file, and uses the streamer // system to play it back. //=============================================================================================== #include #include #include #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WATCOMC__) #include #include #else #include "../../api/inc/wincompat.h" #endif #include "../../api/inc/fmod.h" #include "../../api/inc/fmod_errors.h" // optional int channel = -1; void *F_CALLBACKAPI myopen(const char *name) { return fopen(name, "rb"); } void F_CALLBACKAPI myclose(void *handle) { fclose((FILE *)handle); } int F_CALLBACKAPI myread(void *buffer, int size, void *handle) { return fread(buffer, 1, size, (FILE *)handle); } int F_CALLBACKAPI myseek(void *handle, int pos, signed char mode) { return fseek((FILE *)handle, pos, mode); } int F_CALLBACKAPI mytell(void *handle) { return ftell((FILE *)handle); } /* [ [DESCRIPTION] End of stream user callback, initialized with FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback or FSOUND_Stream_SetSynchCallback [PARAMETERS] 'stream' A pointer to the stream that ended. 'buff' This is NULL for end of stream callbacks, or a string for synch callbacks. 'len' This is reserved and is always 0 for end and synch callbacks. ignore. 'param' This is the value passed to FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback or FSOUND_Stream_SetSynchCallback as a user data value. [RETURN_VALUE] TRUE or FALSE, the value is ignored. [REMARKS] [SEE_ALSO] ] */ signed char F_CALLBACKAPI endcallback(FSOUND_STREAM *stream, void *buff, int len, void *param) { // end of stream callback doesnt have a 'buff' value, if it doesnt it could be a synch point. if (buff) { printf("\nSYNCHPOINT : \"%s\"\n", buff); } else { printf("\nSTREAM ENDED!!\n"); } return TRUE; } /* [ [DESCRIPTION] main entry point into streamer example. [PARAMETERS] 'argc' Number of command line parameters. 'argv' Parameter list [RETURN_VALUE] void [REMARKS] [SEE_ALSO] ] */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FSOUND_STREAM *stream; FSOUND_SAMPLE *sptr; char key; if (FSOUND_GetVersion() < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error : You are using the wrong DLL version! You should be using FMOD %.02f\n", FMOD_VERSION); return 1; } if (argc < 2) { printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("FMOD Streamer example.\n"); printf("Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd, 1999-2003.\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Syntax: stream infile.[mp2 mp3 wav ogg wma asf]\n\n"); return 1; } #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) FSOUND_SetOutput(FSOUND_OUTPUT_WINMM); #elif defined(__linux__) FSOUND_SetOutput(FSOUND_OUTPUT_OSS); #endif // Set custom file callbacks? This doesnt have to be done, its just here as an example. FSOUND_File_SetCallbacks(myopen, myclose, myread, myseek, mytell); // ========================================================================================== // SELECT DRIVER // ========================================================================================== { long i,driver=0; char key; // The following list are the drivers for the output method selected above. printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); switch (FSOUND_GetOutput()) { case FSOUND_OUTPUT_NOSOUND: printf("NoSound"); break; case FSOUND_OUTPUT_WINMM: printf("Windows Multimedia Waveout"); break; case FSOUND_OUTPUT_DSOUND: printf("Direct Sound"); break; case FSOUND_OUTPUT_A3D: printf("A3D"); break; case FSOUND_OUTPUT_OSS: printf("Open Sound System"); break; case FSOUND_OUTPUT_ESD: printf("Enlightenment Sound Daemon"); break; case FSOUND_OUTPUT_ALSA: printf("ALSA"); break; }; printf(" Driver list\n"); printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i=0; i < FSOUND_GetNumDrivers(); i++) { printf("%d - %s\n", i+1, FSOUND_GetDriverName(i)); // print driver names } printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); // print driver names printf("Press a corresponding number or ESC to quit\n"); do { key = getch(); if (key == 27) exit(0); driver = key - '1'; } while (driver < 0 || driver >= FSOUND_GetNumDrivers()); FSOUND_SetDriver(driver); // Select sound card (0 = default) } // ========================================================================================== // INITIALIZE // ========================================================================================== if (!FSOUND_Init(44100, 32, 0)) { printf("Error!\n"); printf("%s\n", FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError())); FSOUND_Close(); return 1; } FSOUND_Stream_SetBufferSize(500); // ========================================================================================== // OPEN STREAM (use #if 1 for streaming from memory) // ========================================================================================== #if 0 { FILE *fp; int length; char *data; fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (!fp) { printf("Error!\n"); printf("File Not Found\n"); FSOUND_Close(); return 1; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); data = (char *)malloc(length); fread(data, length, 1, fp); fclose(fp); stream = FSOUND_Stream_Open(data, FSOUND_NORMAL | FSOUND_MPEGACCURATE | FSOUND_LOADMEMORY, 0, length); } #else if (!strnicmp(argv[1], "http:", 5)) { printf("Connecting to %s, please wait (this may take some time)....\n", argv[1]); } stream = FSOUND_Stream_Open(argv[1], FSOUND_NORMAL | FSOUND_MPEGACCURATE, 0, 0); if (!stream) { printf("Error!\n"); printf("%s\n", FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError())); FSOUND_Close(); return 1; } #endif // ========================================================================================== // SET AN END OF STREAM CALLBACK AND RIFF SYNCH POINTS CALLBACK // ========================================================================================== FSOUND_Stream_SetEndCallback(stream, endcallback, 0); FSOUND_Stream_SetSyncCallback(stream, endcallback, 0); printf("=========================================================================\n"); printf("Press SPACE to pause/unpause\n"); printf("Press 'f' to fast forward 2 seconds\n"); printf("Press ESC to quit\n"); printf("=========================================================================\n"); printf("Playing stream...\n\n"); sptr = FSOUND_Stream_GetSample(stream); if (sptr) { int freq; FSOUND_Sample_GetDefaults(sptr, &freq, NULL, NULL, NULL); printf("Name : %s\n", FSOUND_Sample_GetName(sptr)); printf("Frequency : %d\n\n", freq); } key = 0; do { if (channel < 0) { // ========================================================================================== // PLAY STREAM // ========================================================================================== channel = FSOUND_Stream_PlayEx(FSOUND_FREE, stream, NULL, TRUE); FSOUND_SetPaused(channel, FALSE); } if (kbhit()) { key = getch(); if (key == 'p') { channel = FSOUND_Stream_PlayEx(FSOUND_FREE, stream, NULL, TRUE); FSOUND_SetPaused(channel, FALSE); } if (key == ' ') { FSOUND_SetPaused(channel, !FSOUND_GetPaused(channel)); } if (key == 'f') { FSOUND_Stream_SetTime(stream, FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(stream) + 2000); } } printf("pos %6d/%6d time %02d:%02d/%02d:%02d cpu %5.02f%% \r", FSOUND_Stream_GetPosition(stream), FSOUND_Stream_GetLength(stream), FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(stream) / 1000 / 60, FSOUND_Stream_GetTime(stream) / 1000, FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(stream) / 1000 / 60, FSOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs(stream) / 1000 % 60, FSOUND_GetCPUUsage()); Sleep(10); } while (key != 27); printf("\n"); FSOUND_Stream_Close(stream); FSOUND_Close(); return 0; }