// opengl.cpp // // Copyright 1998 by David K. McAllister // // This file implements the API calls that draw particle groups in OpenGL. #include "general.h" #ifdef WIN32 // This is for something in gl.h. #include <windows.h> #endif #include <GL/gl.h> // XXX #include <iostream.h> // Emit OpenGL calls to draw the particles. These are drawn with // whatever primitive type the user specified(GL_POINTS, for // example). The color and radius are set per primitive, by default. // For GL_LINES, the other vertex of the line is the velocity vector. // XXX const_size is ignored. PARTICLEDLL_API void pDrawGroupp(int primitive, bool const_size, bool const_color) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); // Get a pointer to the particles in gp memory ParticleGroup *pg = _ps.pgrp; if(pg == NULL) return; // ERROR if(pg->p_count < 1) return; if(primitive == GL_POINTS) { glPushClientAttrib(GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if(!const_color) { glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Particle), &pg->list[0].color); } glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Particle), &pg->list[0].pos); glDrawArrays((GLenum)primitive, 0, pg->p_count); glPopClientAttrib(); // XXX For E&S glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } else { // Assume GL_LINES glBegin((GLenum)primitive); if(!const_color) { for(int i = 0; i < pg->p_count; i++) { Particle &m = pg->list[i]; // Warning: this depends on alpha following color in the Particle struct. glColor4fv((GLfloat *)&m.color); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)&m.pos); // For lines, make a tail with the velocity vector's direction and // a length of radius. pVector tail = m.pos - m.vel; glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)&tail); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < pg->p_count; i++) { Particle &m = pg->list[i]; glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)&m.pos); // For lines, make a tail with the velocity vector's direction and // a length of radius. pVector tail = m.pos - m.vel; glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)&tail); } } glEnd(); } } PARTICLEDLL_API void pDrawGroupl(int dlist, bool const_size, bool const_color, bool const_rotation) { _ParticleState &_ps = _GetPState(); // Get a pointer to the particles in gp memory ParticleGroup *pg = _ps.pgrp; if(pg == NULL) return; // ERROR if(pg->p_count < 1) return; //if(const_color) // glColor4fv((GLfloat *)&pg->list[0].color); for(int i = 0; i < pg->p_count; i++) { Particle &m = pg->list[i]; glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(m.pos.x, m.pos.y, m.pos.z); if(!const_size) glScalef(m.size.x, m.size.y, m.size.z); else glScalef(pg->list[i].size.x, pg->list[i].size.y, pg->list[i].size.z); // Expensive! A sqrt, cross prod and acos. Yow. if(!const_rotation) { pVector vN(m.vel); vN.normalize(); pVector voN(m.velB); voN.normalize(); pVector biN; if(voN.x == vN.x && voN.y == vN.y && voN.z == vN.z) biN = pVector(0, 1, 0); else biN = vN ^ voN; biN.normalize(); pVector N(vN ^ biN); double M[16]; M[0] = vN.x; M[4] = biN.x; M[8] = N.x; M[12] = 0; M[1] = vN.y; M[5] = biN.y; M[9] = N.y; M[13] = 0; M[2] = vN.z; M[6] = biN.z; M[10] = N.z; M[14] = 0; M[3] = 0; M[7] = 0; M[11] = 0; M[15] = 1; glMultMatrixd(M); } // Warning: this depends on alpha following color in the Particle struct. if(!const_color) glColor4fv((GLfloat *)&m.color); glCallList(dlist); glPopMatrix(); } }