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[API function]


Tells FMOD that the user is accessing the disk, so that FMOD will wait until it is finished with it.
This is essential for optimal game file access in cooperation with FMOD.

void F_API FSOUND_SetDiskBusy(
signed char diskbusy


diskbusy TRUE to tell FMOD the caller is about to access the disk. FALSE to tell FMOD it has finished with the disk.

Return Value


It is recommended to wrap FSOUND_SetDiskBusy(TRUE) and FSOUND_SetDiskBusy(FALSE) around all game file
access functions.
Note if the user halts the disk access for longer than the buffersize set by FSOUND_Stream_SetBufferSize.
Even less than this can cause skipping or corrupted sound, due to seeking and the actual time it takes to
do the audio stream read in the stream subsystem.
To avoid this it is recommended to split game reads up into chunks, to allow FMOD access to the disk periodically.
This function will block until FMOD is not using the disk any more.
Supported on the following platforms : PlayStation 2

See Also

FSOUND_IsDiskBusy , FSOUND_SetDiskBusy , FSOUND_Stream_SetBufferSize

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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:33 2005 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.