Frontiersmen Data: The Marine

Though the commander's duties are complex and vital, they exist only to support his squad. The squad are the ones fighting and dying to accomplish the mission. By working closely together, the commander and squad can achieve victory, even against seemingly overwhelming odds.

Frontiersmen must pass rigorous physical and psychological exams before they can even enter training. The training process, though in many respects similar to militaries all over the galaxies and all throughout history, is unique in its emphasis on small squads, tactical flexibility, and the unprecedented nature of the enemy Frontiersmen train to confront. Frontiersmen are trained to enter a new environment in squads of 5 to 15 individuals, with very little equipment or support, and achieve definitive victory against a virulent and hostile xenoform foe. See The Hirshelm Doctrine of Tactical Flexibility for more information on Frontiersmen deployment philosophy.

Equipment and Provisions



