Kharaa Data :: Species: Onos

Summary: The dreadnaughts of the Kharaa, the Onos are tanks – highly armored and very powerful. They are so large they cannot use crawlspaces and many of the narrow passages found on human ships and bases. This does not limit their effectiveness very much – the Onos is the highest level response to any threat, requiring large amounts of resources to gestate, but paying off with truly awe-inspiring strength.        [Name]

Health: 500               Armor: 150 pts. armor (30% damage absorbed)

Abilities: = zero hives =one hive =two hives =three hives =damage vs. structures




Immobilizes for 6 seconds


number of "touches" x 10

Primal Scream

adrenaline rush (area effect)

"The grillwork - 'round 20' by 20' of 6" metal bars - blew off …"