Kharaa Data :: Species :: Lerk: Primary Attacks

Summary: Wiry fast and fierce, Lerks excel at attacking from a distance, but also have a vicious bite. They are small and light - making them difficult targets, but less resistant to damage. If Skulks are hit and run artists, then Lerks are guerrilla fighters without peer, using their speed, mobility, and range to harass marine squads with impunity.        [Name]


One Hive (primary) Abilities

The spike attack is easily the equivalent of a conventional firearm. It allows the Lerk to attack from a distance, and is quiet and fast enough that it can take a moment to pin down where the attack is coming from. From our data, exo-biologists believe the Lerk has evolved separate lung tubes with thousands of tiny air sacs at their ends. Lengths of expendable, rapidly regenerating cartilage growing backwards off its jaw are parsed into pointed spikes around the size of a fist by two sets of reversed teeth. These spikes drop into the lung tubes, which seal and then expel them. By alternating tubes, the Lerk can launch these spikes at machine gun speed.