Kharaa Data :: Species :: Skulk: Name

Summary: The most common species encountered. They are capable of blurring speed and leaps of near limitless height. The Skulk is a light, wiry creature around the size of a very large dog. Lacking any projectile attacks, it specializes in melee. It moves on all fours – each leg terminates in a long, sharp, bladed bone. It can attack with these, and its powerful jaws. If it cannot be stopped before reaching its target, its target is in serious trouble.        [Name]


The Skulk cannot attack most targets directly, at least not without evolving new abilities. It tends to remain at the edges of marine activity, looking for opportunities or ambushes. It only keeps a low profile so it can get close to its target - then mayhem ensues. Commanders were constantly reporting something "skulking" at the edges of sensor range, or through the shadows, and the name stuck.