Observation: "I am not a noisy person.
I grew up doing black-op assassinations, and now
as an adult I am a goddam Frontiersman. So explain
to me how that [expletive] knew I was there."
Thesis: until we know how alien "hivesight"
actually works, the aliens themselves will remain
a mystery. If our current knowledge (all of it
unproven and untested) is correct, these aliens
have the equivalent of a larger radar dish
they can detect minute and distant disturbances
in the bacterial network. Because these aliens
have never been observed using the "Cloaking"
or "Scent of Fear" evolutions, it probably
involves their outermost skin layer. Perhaps microscopic
ridges form, increasing the alien's surface area,
and improving its "reception". In any
event, these creatures can pick out the threat
alert from the bacterial information stream with
extreme accuracy. At its highest level, this evolution
seems to make enemies near impossible to miss.