// String patches

// #define IDS_MAIN_PREVIEWSHELP           400
// #define IDS_MAIN_CUSTOMHELP             530
// #define IDS_MAIN_RETURNHELP             188
// #define IDS_MAIN_NEWGAMEHELP            189
// #define IDS_MAIN_TRAININGHELP           190
// #define IDS_MAIN_LOADHELP               191
// #define IDS_MAIN_LOADSAVEHELP           192
// #define IDS_MAIN_CONFIGUREHELP          193
// #define IDS_MAIN_READMEHELP             194
// #define IDS_MAIN_ORDERHELP              195
// #define IDS_MAIN_QUITHELP               196
// #define IDS_MAIN_QUICKHELP              197
// #define IDS_MAIN_MULTIPLAYERHELP        198
// #define IDS_MAIN_QUITPROMPTINGAME       235
// #define IDS_MAIN_QUITPROMPT             236

402 "www.natural-selection.org"
400 "Find out more about Natural Selection."
530 "Play a different game."
188 "Resume your current game."
189 " "
190 "Training.  For best results, do this before playing online."
191 " "
192 " "
193 "Edit your Configuration."
194 "View the release notes."
196 "Quit."
198 "Multiplayer.  Begin your journey."
235 "Are you sure you want to quit?"
236 "Leaving? The hive mind awaits..."
234 "Training? At a time like this?"
338 "Could not validate Natural Selection"
340 "Please insert your Half-life CD"