#ifndef AVH_AI_PLAYER_MANAGER_H #define AVH_AI_PLAYER_MANAGER_H #include "AvHConstants.h" #include "AvHAIPlayer.h" // The rate at which the bot will call RunPlayerMove in, default is 100hz. WARNING: Increasing the rate past 100hz causes bots to move and turn slowly due to GoldSrc limits! static const double BOT_SERVER_UPDATE_RATE = (1.0 / 100.0); // The rate in hz (times per second) at which the bot will call AIPlayerThink, default is 10 times per second. static const int BOT_THINK_RATE_HZ = 10; // Once the first human player has joined the game, how long to wait before adding bots static const float AI_GRACE_PERIOD = 5.0f; // Max time to wait before spawning players if none connect (e.g. empty dedicated server) static const float AI_MAX_START_TIMEOUT = 20.0f; void AIMGR_BotPrecache(); // Called when the round restarts. Clears all tactical information but keeps navigation data. void AIMGR_ResetRound(); // Called when a new map is loaded. Clears all tactical information AND loads new navmesh. void AIMGR_NewMap(); // Called when the match begins (countdown finished). Populates initial tactical information. void AIMGR_RoundStarted(); // Adds a new AI player to a team (0 = Auto-assign, 1 = Team A, 2 = Team B) void AIMGR_AddAIPlayerToTeam(int Team); // Removed an AI player from the team (0 = Auto-select team, 1 = Team A, 2 = Team B) void AIMGR_RemoveAIPlayerFromTeam(int Team); // Run AI player logic void AIMGR_UpdateAIPlayers(); // Kicks all bots in the ready room (used at round end when everyone is booted back to the ready room) void AIMGR_RemoveBotsInReadyRoom(); // Called every 0.2s to determine if bots need to be added/removed. Calls UpdateTeamBalance or UpdateFillTeams depending on auto-mode void AIMGR_UpdateAIPlayerCounts(); // Called by UpdateAIPlayerCounts. If auto-mode is for balance only, will add/remove bots needed to keep teams even void AIMGR_UpdateTeamBalance(); // Called by UpdateAIPlayerCounts. If auto-mode is fill teams, will add/remove bots needed to maintain minimum player counts and balance void AIMGR_UpdateFillTeams(); vector AIMGR_GetAllPlayersOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); // Convenient helper function to get total number of players (human and AI) on a team int AIMGR_GetNumPlayersOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); // How many AI players are in the game (does NOT include third-party bots like RCBot/Whichbot) int AIMGR_GetNumAIPlayers(); // How many bot commanders we have (across both teams) int AIMGR_GetNumAICommanders(); // Returns true if an AI player is on the requested team (does NOT include third-party bots like RCBot/Whichbot) int AIMGR_AIPlayerExistsOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); void AIMGR_RegenBotIni(); void AIMGR_UpdateAIMapData(); bool AIMGR_ShouldStartPlayerBalancing(); AvHAICommanderMode AIMGR_GetCommanderMode(); void AIMGR_SetCommanderAllowedTime(AvHTeamNumber Team, float NewValue); float AIMGR_GetCommanderAllowedTime(AvHTeamNumber Team); Vector AIDEBUG_GetDebugVector1(); Vector AIDEBUG_GetDebugVector2(); void AIDEBUG_SetDebugVector1(const Vector NewVector); void AIDEBUG_SetDebugVector2(const Vector NewVector); void AIDEBUG_TestPathFind(); int AIMGR_GetNumAIPlayersOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); int AIMGR_GetNumHumanPlayersOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); int AIMGR_GetNumHumanPlayersOnServer(); int AIMGR_GetNumActiveHumanPlayers(); int AIMGR_GetNumAIPlayersWithRoleOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team, AvHAIBotRole Role, AvHAIPlayer* IgnoreAIPlayer); int AIMGR_GetNumHumansOfClassOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team, AvHUser3 PlayerType); bool AIMGR_IsNavmeshLoaded(); AvHAINavMeshStatus AIMGR_GetNavMeshStatus(); bool AIMGR_IsBotEnabled(); void AIMGR_LoadNavigationData(); void AIMGR_ReloadNavigationData(); AvHAIPlayer* AIMGR_GetAICommander(AvHTeamNumber Team); AvHAIPlayer* AIMGR_GetBotRefFromPlayer(AvHPlayer* PlayerRef); AvHTeamNumber AIMGR_GetEnemyTeam(const AvHTeamNumber FriendlyTeam); AvHClassType AIMGR_GetEnemyTeamType(const AvHTeamNumber FriendlyTeam); AvHClassType AIMGR_GetTeamType(const AvHTeamNumber Team); AvHTeamNumber AIMGR_GetTeamANumber(); AvHTeamNumber AIMGR_GetTeamBNumber(); AvHTeam* AIMGR_GetTeamRef(const AvHTeamNumber Team); // Returns all NS AI players. Does not include third-party bots vector AIMGR_GetAllAIPlayers(); // Returns all NS AI players on the requested team. Does not include third-party bots vector AIMGR_GetAIPlayersOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); // Returns all active players (i.e. not dead, commanding, spectating or in the ready room) vector AIMGR_GetAllActivePlayers(); // Returns all players on a team which are not an internal NS bot. Will still include third party bots such as Whichbot and RCBot vector AIMGR_GetNonAIPlayersOnTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team); void AIMGR_ClearBotData(); AvHAIPlayer* AIMGR_GetDebugAIPlayer(); void AIMGR_SetDebugAIPlayer(edict_t* AIPlayer); void AIMGR_ReceiveCommanderRequest(AvHTeamNumber Team, edict_t* Requestor, const char* Request); void AIMGR_ClientConnected(edict_t* NewClient); void AIMGR_PlayerSpawned(); // Called when mp_botsenabled changes from 0 to 1 void AIMGR_OnBotEnabled(); // Called when mp_botsenabled changes from 1 to 0 void AIMGR_OnBotDisabled(); void AIMGR_UpdateAISystem(); #endif