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            Data</a></span><span class="sectiontext">: <font color="#FF6600">Nanotech</font></span></td>
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                              <p><img src="images/images/10_data.gif" width="13" height="10"> 
                                The cornerstone of scientific advancement and 
                                technology in the last century has been nanotech: 
                                the use of molecular machines to manipulate the 
                                very atoms of matter. This technology has allowed 
                                humanity to construct objects that are lighter, 
                                stronger, and more perfectly assembled than ever 
                                before &#150; one molecule at a time. It also means 
                                that if we have the &quot;blueprints&quot; of 
                                any device, we can construct it perfectly, over 
                                and over. </p>
                              <p>There are two types of nanotech (also called 
                                &quot;nanites&quot;) currently in use &#150; replicating, 
                                and fixed. Fixed nanotech are molecular machines 
                                that perform one function only, running off an 
                                internal energy supply, and expiring when their 
                                work is done. An example would be the medical 
                                nanos in medkits. They enter the body, locate 
                                damage, and repair it. Once their energy is used 
                                up, they &quot;die&quot;, entering the bloodstream 
                                to be filtered out naturally. Each medkit can 
                                only repair so much damage (and good thing &#150; 
                                medical nanites with no energy limit might continue 
                                to &quot;repair&quot; even after the damage was 
                                fixed). Replicating nanotech, on the other hand, 
                                draw energy from their environment (usually a 
                                single type of matter) and some even have the 
                                ability to reproduce, creating new versions of 
                                themselves that can in turn replicate, ad infinitum. 
                                An example would be the biotech patrolling every 
                                Frontiersman's body, looking for foreign biotech 
                                or nanotech attack. These machines convert iron 
                                in the blood into the minimal charge needed to 
                                continue functioning. Replicating nanotech is 
                                extremely dangerous and nearly non-existent today. 
                                The dangers of a machine that never stops, or 
                                can reproduce itself into infinity, are too great. 
                                Early mistakes destroyed entire planets, and created 
                                &quot;hot zones&quot; that will be off limits 
                                for many generations. The destructive potential 
                                of this technology dwarfs anything man has encountered 
                                or imagined.</p>
                              <p>For this reason, there are strict limits on the 
                                use of nanotech in civilian or industrial applications. 
                                These limits are relaxed slightly on ships, where 
                                accidents can be contained, or in military situations, 
                                where it seems any advantage will be exploited 
                                sooner or later, no matter the risk.</p>
                              <p>Most ships or bases have carefully contained 
                                stores of &quot;raw&quot; nano-sludge, a mineral 
                                rich slop that can serve as the base material 
                                for any desired object. Nanotech assemblers are 
                                designed to accept this sludge, and this sludge 
                                only, as their fuel, and the building blocks for 
                                nano-construction. This helps limit the dangers 
                                of nanotech, and also allows the Trans-Govs to 
                                police its use (by controlling the nano-sludge 
                                supply). There are few greater crimes than the 
                                unsanctioned development or use of nanotech.</p>
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                                    <p>Stores of nano-sludge on ships or bases 
                                      are called Resource Nodes. They are only 
                                      accessed under supervised conditions, requiring 
                                      the oversight of a ship's captain. Frontiersmen 
                                      can tap them using <a href="structures_restower.html">Resource 
                                      Towers</a>. See <a href="items_main.html">Resources 
                                      and Equipment</a> for more information. 
                                  <td width="5%"><img src="images/images/resourcenode.gif" width="128" height="64"></td>
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