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[API function]


DMA's data from EE to IOP.
For DSP and stream callbacks use this function to get data to the IOP.

signed char F_API FSOUND_SendData(
void *iopaddr,
void *eeaddr,
int lenbytes,
signed char wait,
void (*callback)(void *param),
void *param


iopaddr destination IOP Address.
eeaddr source EE Address.
lenbytes Length of data block in bytes.
wait TRUE or FALSE value to determine wether to wait on the completion of DMA or not. Set to 0 from callbacks.
callback Callback for completion of DMA.
param User data that will get passed back to the end of DMA callback.

Return Value

src and lenbytes must be 16 byte aligned.


Usually only used with a user stream callback, to get your user data to the IOP address that FMOD provided.
You can also allocate some IOP memory with FSOUND_IOP_Alloc if so desired.
Supported on the following platforms : PlayStation 2

See Also


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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:33 2005 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.