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[API function]


Allocates IOP Ram

void * F_API FSOUND_IOP_Alloc(
int length


length Length in bytes of IOP RAM to be allocated.

Return Value

The IOP address of the data allocated. This is not directly addressable. The only way to get data to this value is to DMA it.
FSOUND_SendData will DMA data from the EE to the IOP.


The memory allocated is taken from FMOD's memory pool using FMOD's internal memory manager.
The pool of memory this is taken from is specified with FSOUND_SetMemorySystem.
Supported on the following platforms : PlayStation 2

See Also

FSOUND_IOP_Free , FSOUND_SendData , FSOUND_SetMemorySystem

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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:30 2005 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.