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[API function]


Returns the volume of the channel based on all combinations of set volume, mastervolume and 3d position.
Works on software and hardware voices.

int F_API FSOUND_GetAmplitude(
int channel


channel The channel number/handle to get the amplitude from.

Return Value

On success, the following values are returned : 0 = silent to 255 = full volume.
On failure, 0 is returned. To quailfy if this is a real error, call FSOUND_GetError.


This is not the same as FSOUND_GetCurrentLevels, as that function takes the actual waveform data into account.
This function simply gives a final volume based on 3d position and volume settings.
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube

See Also

FSOUND_GetCurrentLevels , FSOUND_GetError , FSOUND_SetVolume

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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:29 2005 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.