//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHSharedUtil.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/11/12 22:39:25 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHSharedUtil.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.33 2002/11/12 22:39:25 Flayra // - Logging changes for Psychostats compatibility // // Revision 1.32 2002/10/24 21:42:32 Flayra // - Don't give waypoint to selected troops when scanning // // Revision 1.31 2002/10/19 21:19:49 Flayra // - Debugging info for linux // // Revision 1.30 2002/10/16 01:07:26 Flayra // - Added official sizes that HL supports (ugh) // - Added utility function for drawing range of ghost building, but it's unused // // Revision 1.29 2002/10/03 19:07:40 Flayra // - Hives can never be blocked by func_resources // // Revision 1.28 2002/09/25 20:50:58 Flayra // - Allow small items to be built on entities (health can be dropped right on players) // // Revision 1.27 2002/09/23 22:31:40 Flayra // - Updated team 0 colors so dictation can be read in readyroom // - Draw range for prototype lab, observatory and sensory chamber // - Alien building rings // - Don't allow non-resource buildings built too close to func_resources // - Added heavy armor and jetpacks // // Revision 1.26 2002/09/09 20:06:43 Flayra // - New observatory artwork // // Revision 1.25 2002/08/31 18:01:03 Flayra // - Work at VALVe // // Revision 1.24 2002/08/16 02:47:06 Flayra // - Fixed bug where not all the entities were iterated through // - Support for ring-drawing (but not for all entities) // // Revision 1.23 2002/08/09 00:51:11 Flayra // - Cleaned up useless special casing of tracetangible, fixed some problems where buildings could be built on players // // Revision 1.22 2002/08/02 21:50:05 Flayra // - Made more general, by detecting all entities, not just players // // Revision 1.21 2002/07/24 18:45:43 Flayra // - Linux and scripting changes // // Revision 1.20 2002/07/23 17:26:49 Flayra // - Siege don't require a nearby turret factory, only add built buildings for range detection, build problems on client (point contents failing on rough surfaces) // // Revision 1.19 2002/07/08 17:17:44 Flayra // - Reworked colors, moved functions into server util // // Revision 1.18 2002/07/01 21:46:39 Flayra // - Added support for generic building ranges, fixed morphing problems // // Revision 1.17 2002/06/25 18:18:00 Flayra // - Renamed buildings, better is-area-free detection // // Revision 1.16 2002/06/03 16:58:13 Flayra // - Renamed weapons factory and armory, hive is now a buildable // // Revision 1.15 2002/05/28 18:13:43 Flayra // - Changed "entity blocked by whatever" message to be logged for PR/screenshot purposes // // Revision 1.14 2002/05/23 02:33:20 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #ifdef AVH_SERVER #include "dlls/extdll.h" #include "dlls/util.h" #include "types.h" #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #endif #include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHSelectionHelper.h" #include "mod/AvHConstants.h" #ifdef AVH_SERVER #include "mod/AvHPlayer.h" #include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHEntities.h" #include "mod/AvHWeldable.h" #include "mod/AvHGamerules.h" #include "dlls/cfuncwall.h" //#include "common/com_model.h" //int NS_PointContents(const hull_t *hull, int num, float p[3]); #endif #include "pm_shared/pm_defs.h" #include "pm_shared/pm_shared.h" #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "pm_shared/pm_debug.h" //extern DebugPointListType gTriDebugLocations; //extern DebugPointListType gSquareDebugLocations; #endif #include "util/MathUtil.h" #include "util/STLUtil.h" #include "common/vector_util.h" #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "cl_dll/eventscripts.h" #include "common/r_efx.h" #include "common/event_api.h" #include "common/event_args.h" #include "cl_dll/in_defs.h" #endif #include "common/com_model.h" #include "mod/AvHSpecials.h" #include "mod/AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h" #include "dlls/turretconst.h" #include "mod/AvHMarineWeaponConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHHulls.h" #include "mod/AvHAlienEquipmentConstants.h" #include "mod/CollisionUtil.h" /* bool NS_BoxesOverlap(float origin1[3], float size1[3], float origin2[3], float size2[3]); int NS_PointContents(const hull_t *hull, int num, float p[3]); int NS_BoxContents(const hull_t *hull, int num, float mins[3], float maxs[3]); int NS_GetValveHull(int inHull); void NS_TraceLine(const hull_t* hull, float srcPoint[3], float dstPoint[3], trace_t* trace); */ #include extern playermove_t* pmove; vec3_t AvHSHUGetRealLocation(const vec3_t& inLocation, const vec3_t& inMinBox, const vec3_t& inMaxBox); vec3_t gPMDebugPoint; int kTeamColors[iNumberOfTeamColors][3] = { { 255, 255, 255 }, // White (default) // { 125, 165, 210 }, // Blue (marine 1) { 0, 153, 255 }, // Blue (marine 1) // { 255, 170, 0 }, // HL orange (alien 1) { 255, 160, 0 }, // HL orange (alien 1) { 145, 215, 140 }, // Green (marine 2) { 200, 90, 70 }, // Red (alien 2) { 255, 255, 255 } // White (spectator) }; float kFTeamColors[iNumberOfTeamColors][3] = { { kTeamColors[0][0] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[0][1] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[0][2] / 255.0f }, { kTeamColors[1][0] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[1][1] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[1][2] / 255.0f }, { kTeamColors[2][0] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[2][1] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[2][2] / 255.0f }, { kTeamColors[3][0] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[3][1] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[3][2] / 255.0f }, { kTeamColors[4][0] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[4][1] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[4][2] / 255.0f }, { kTeamColors[5][0] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[5][1] / 255.0f, kTeamColors[5][2] / 255.0f } }; // Official allowed sizes // {0, 0, 0 } { 0, 0, 0 } 0x0x0 // { -16, -16, -18 } { 16, 16, 18 } 32x32x36 // { -16, -16, -36 } { 16, 16, 36 } 32x32x72 // { -32, -32, -32 } { 32, 32, 32 } 64x64x64 //#define kBuilding1MinSize Vector(-14.33, -14.84, 0.02) ////#define kBuilding1MaxSize Vector(21.61, 14.86, 66.9686) //#define kBuilding1MaxSize Vector(14.33, 14.86, 66.9686) // //#define kBuilding2MinSize Vector(-25.0, -25.0, 0.02) //#define kBuilding2MaxSize Vector(25.0, 25.0, 66.9686) #define kResourceMinSize Vector(-16.0, -16.0, 0.0) #define kResourceMaxSize Vector(16.0, 16.0, 66.9486) // Tried 100, 110, still jitters. Shrink tower down a bit? #define kAlienResourceMinSize Vector(-16.0, -16.0, 0.0) #define kAlienResourceMaxSize Vector(16.0, 16.0, 100.0) // was Vector(16.0, 16.0, 80.7443) //physent_t* AvHSUGetEntity(int inPhysIndex) //{ // physent_t* theTarget = NULL; // int i = 0; // // if(inPhysIndex > 0) // { // #ifdef AVH_CLIENT // gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); // // // Store off the old count // //gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // // // Now add in all of the players. // gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers (-1); // // for (i = 0; i < MAX_PHYSENTS; i++) // //for (i = 0; i < pmove->numphysent; i++) // { // physent_t* thePotentialCandidate = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(i); // if ( thePotentialCandidate && (thePotentialCandidate->info == inPhysIndex)) // { // theTarget = &pmove->physents[i]; // break; // } // } // // //gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); // #endif // // // Check phys entities on server // #ifdef AVH_SERVER // for (i = 0; i < MAX_PHYSENTS; i++) // //for (i = 0; i < pmove->numphysent; i++) // { // if ( pmove->physents[i].info == inPhysIndex ) // { // theTarget = &pmove->physents[i]; // break; // } // } // // //CBaseEntity* theEntityHit = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); // #endif // } // // return theTarget; //} const char* AvHSHUGetClassNameFromUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3) { const char* theClassName = ""; switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER: theClassName = "soldier"; break; case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER: theClassName = "commander"; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: theClassName = "skulk"; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: theClassName = "gorge"; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: theClassName = "lerk"; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: theClassName = "fade"; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: theClassName = "onos"; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO: theClassName = "gestate"; break; } return theClassName; } // Pass in -1 to get all entities with a non-zero iuser3 void AvHSHUGetEntities(int inUser3, EntityListType& outEntities) { #ifdef AVH_SERVER FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES(); if((theBaseEntity->pev->iuser3 == inUser3) || ((inUser3 == -1) && (theBaseEntity->pev->iuser3 > 0))) { outEntities.push_back(theBaseEntity->entindex()); } END_FOR_ALL_BASEENTITIES(); #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); // Store off the old count gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers (-1); physent_t* theEntity = NULL; int theNumEnts = pmove->numphysent; for (int i = 0; i < theNumEnts; i++) { theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(i); if((theEntity->iuser3 == inUser3) || ((inUser3 == -1) && (theEntity->iuser3 > 0))) { outEntities.push_back(i); } } gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); #endif } bool AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(int inEntity, vec3_t& outLocation) { bool theSuccess = false; #ifdef AVH_SERVER edict_t* pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex(inEntity); if(pEdict && !pEdict->free) { CBaseEntity* theEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict); if(theEntity) { outLocation = AvHSHUGetRealLocation(theEntity->pev->origin, theEntity->pev->mins, theEntity->pev->maxs); theSuccess = true; } } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); // Store off the old count gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers (-1); physent_t* theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(inEntity); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); if(theEntity) { outLocation = AvHSHUGetRealLocation(theEntity->origin, theEntity->mins, theEntity->maxs); theSuccess = true; } #endif return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetEntityIUser3(int inEntity, AvHUser3& outIUser3) { bool theSuccess = false; #ifdef AVH_SERVER edict_t* pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex(inEntity); if(pEdict && !pEdict->free) { CBaseEntity* theEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict); if(theEntity) { outIUser3 = (AvHUser3)theEntity->pev->iuser3; theSuccess = true; } } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT // Store off the old count gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers (-1); physent_t* theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(inEntity); if(theEntity) { outIUser3 = (AvHUser3)theEntity->iuser3; theSuccess = true; } gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); #endif return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetEntityIUser4(int inEntity, int& outIUser4) { bool theSuccess = false; #ifdef AVH_SERVER edict_t* pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex(inEntity); if(pEdict && !pEdict->free) { CBaseEntity* theEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict); if(theEntity) { outIUser4 = theEntity->pev->iuser4; theSuccess = true; } } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT physent_t* theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(inEntity); if(theEntity) { outIUser4 = theEntity->iuser4; theSuccess = true; } #endif return theSuccess; } vec3_t AvHSHUGetRealLocation(const vec3_t& inLocation, const vec3_t& inMinBox, const vec3_t& inMaxBox) { vec3_t outLocation; VectorCopy(inLocation, outLocation); if((outLocation.x == outLocation.y) && (outLocation.y == outLocation.z) && (outLocation.z == 0.0f)) { outLocation.x = (inMinBox.x + inMaxBox.x)/2.0f; outLocation.y = (inMinBox.y + inMaxBox.y)/2.0f; outLocation.z = (inMinBox.z + inMaxBox.z)/2.0f; } return outLocation; } // Returns range of user3, whatever that means. Returns -1 for no meaningful range. int AvHSHUGetDrawRangeForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3) { int theRange = -1; switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kCommandStationBuildDistance); break; case AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kResourceTowerBuildDistanceTolerance); break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kTurretFactoryBuildDistance); break; case AVH_USER3_ARMORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kArmoryBuildDistance); break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kTurretRange); break; case AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET: // TODO: Figure out a way to return minimum range also? theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kSiegeTurretRange); break; case AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kArmorDropRange); break; case AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kObservatoryXYDetectionRadius); break; case AVH_USER3_SENSORY_CHAMBER: theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kSensoryChamberRange); break; } return theRange; } int AvHSHUGetDrawRangeForMessageID(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { AvHUser3 theUser3 = AVH_USER3_NONE; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION; break; case BUILD_TURRET: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_TURRET; break; case BUILD_SIEGE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET; break; case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY; break; case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY; break; case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB; break; case BUILD_ARMORY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ARMORY; break; } return AvHSHUGetDrawRangeForUser3(theUser3); } // Specify whether we draw rings for this entity or not, and draw them at different sizes for aesthetics. The scalar might go away when the // artwork all has the correct bounding boxes. bool AvHSHUGetDrawRingsForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, float& outScalar) { bool theDrawRings = false; float theScalar = 1.0f; switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER: theScalar = .9f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_RESTOWER: theScalar = 1.6f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL: theScalar = 1.35f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ARMORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY: theScalar = 1.35f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION: theScalar = 1.4f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_PHASEGATE: theScalar = 2.0f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY: theScalar = .9f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY: theScalar = 1.6f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET: theScalar = .7f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_NUKEPLANT: theScalar = 1.5f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ARMSLAB: case AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB: case AVH_USER3_CHEMLAB: case AVH_USER3_MEDLAB: case AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET: theScalar = 1.3f; theDrawRings = true; break; // Alien buildings case AVH_USER3_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: case AVH_USER3_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: case AVH_USER3_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: case AVH_USER3_SENSORY_CHAMBER: case AVH_USER3_ALIENRESTOWER: theScalar = 1.3f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: theScalar = .6f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: theScalar = 1.0f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: theScalar = 1.0; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: theScalar = 1.3f; theDrawRings = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: theScalar = 1.2f; theDrawRings = true; break; } if(theDrawRings) { outScalar = theScalar; } return theDrawRings; } bool AvHSHUGetBuildRegions(AvHMessageID inMessageID, EntityListType& outEntities, IntList& outRanges, float& outZAdjustment, bool& outSnapToLocation) { bool theFoundTech = false; typedef vector User3ListType; User3ListType theUser3s; outZAdjustment = 0.0f; outSnapToLocation = false; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_RESOURCES: case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE); outZAdjustment = (kFuncResourceMaxSize.z - kFuncResourceMinSize.z); outSnapToLocation = true; break; case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION); break; case BUILD_TURRET: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY); theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY); break; case BUILD_SIEGE: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY); break; case BUILD_MINES: case BUILD_WELDER: case BUILD_SHOTGUN: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_ARMORY); theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY); break; case BUILD_HMG: case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY); break; case BUILD_HEAVY: case BUILD_JETPACK: theUser3s.push_back(AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB); break; } if(theUser3s.size() > 0) { for(User3ListType::iterator theUser3Iter = theUser3s.begin(); theUser3Iter != theUser3s.end(); theUser3Iter++) { EntityListType theEntities; AvHSHUGetEntities(*theUser3Iter, theEntities); for(EntityListType::iterator theEntityIter = theEntities.begin(); theEntityIter != theEntities.end(); theEntityIter++) { // Only add buildings that are fully built int theIuser4 = 0; if(AvHSHUGetEntityIUser4(*theEntityIter, theIuser4)) { if(!GetHasUpgrade(theIuser4, MASK_BUILDABLE)) { outEntities.push_back(*theEntityIter); outRanges.push_back(AvHSHUGetDrawRangeForUser3(*theUser3Iter)); } } } } theFoundTech = true; } return theFoundTech; } // tankefugl: 0000291 -- allows listed structures to be dropped on resource towers bool AvHSHUGetIsDroppableOnRTs(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { switch (inMessageID) { case BUILD_HEALTH: case BUILD_AMMO: case BUILD_MINES: case BUILD_WELDER: case BUILD_SHOTGUN: case BUILD_HMG: case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: case BUILD_CAT: case BUILD_HEAVY: case BUILD_JETPACK: case BUILD_RESOURCES: case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: return true; default: return false; } } // :tankefugl bool AvHSHUGetIsMarineStructure(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { switch (inMessageID) { case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: case BUILD_RESOURCES: case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: case BUILD_ARMSLAB: case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: case BUILD_ARMORY: case BUILD_NUKE_PLANT: case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: case BUILD_PHASEGATE: case BUILD_TURRET: case BUILD_SIEGE: case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: return true; default: return false; } } bool AvHSHUGetIsMarineStructure(AvHUser3 inUser3) { switch (inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION: case AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY: case AVH_USER3_ARMORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY: case AVH_USER3_ARMSLAB: case AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB: case AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY: case AVH_USER3_CHEMLAB: case AVH_USER3_MEDLAB: case AVH_USER3_NUKEPLANT: case AVH_USER3_TURRET: case AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET: case AVH_USER3_RESTOWER: case AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL: case AVH_USER3_PHASEGATE: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY: return true; default: return false; } } void AvHSHUGetMinBuildRadiusViolations(AvHMessageID inMessageID, vec3_t& inLocation, EntityListType& outViolations) { // Enforce a minimum build radius for marine structures. if (AvHSHUGetIsMarineStructure(inMessageID)) { EntityListType theEntities; AvHSHUGetEntities(-1, theEntities); vec3_t theMinSize, theMaxSize; AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(inMessageID, theMinSize, theMaxSize); float theMaxRadius1 = max(-min(theMinSize.x, theMinSize.y), max(theMaxSize.x, theMaxSize.y)); for (EntityListType::iterator theIter = theEntities.begin(); theIter != theEntities.end(); theIter++) { AvHUser3 theUser3; AvHSHUGetEntityIUser3(*theIter, theUser3); bool theEntityCouldBlock = AvHSHUGetIsMarineStructure(theUser3); if(inMessageID != BUILD_RESOURCES) { theEntityCouldBlock |= (theUser3 == AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE); } bool theEntityIsSolid = false; #ifdef AVH_SERVER edict_t* theEntity = INDEXENT(*theIter); if(theEntity) theEntityIsSolid = (theEntity->v.solid == SOLID_BBOX); #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT physent_t* theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(*theIter); if(theEntity) theEntityIsSolid = (theEntity->solid == SOLID_BBOX); #endif // joev: 0000291 // It's possible to place "on" marines if you're offset a little from center. This code and // associated changes below and in AvHHudRender.cpp is to enforce a build distance around players // in the same way as buildings to prevent this exploit. if (theUser3 == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) { theEntityIsSolid = true; theEntityCouldBlock = true; } if (theEntityCouldBlock && theEntityIsSolid) { AvHSHUGetSizeForUser3(theUser3, theMinSize, theMaxSize); float theMaxRadius2 = max(max(theMinSize.x, theMaxSize.x), max(theMinSize.y, theMaxSize.y)); vec3_t theLocation; if(AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(*theIter, theLocation)) { vec3_t theXYInLocation = inLocation; vec3_t theXYTheLocation = theLocation; theXYInLocation.z = 0; theXYTheLocation.z = 0; float theDistance = VectorDistance((float*)&theXYInLocation, (float*)&theXYTheLocation); // joev: 0000291 // It's possible to place "on" marines if you're offset a little from center. This code and // associated changes above and in AvHHudRender.cpp is to enforce a build distance around players // in the same way as buildings to prevent this exploit. float theMinMarineBuildDistance; if (theUser3 == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) { theMinMarineBuildDistance = BALANCE_VAR(kMinMarinePlayerBuildDistance); } else { theMinMarineBuildDistance = BALANCE_VAR(kMinMarineBuildDistance); } // :joev if (theDistance < theMinMarineBuildDistance + theMaxRadius1 + theMaxRadius2) { outViolations.push_back(*theIter); } } } } } } bool AvHSHUGetAreSpecialBuildingRequirementsMet(AvHMessageID inMessageID, vec3_t& inLocation) { bool theRequirementsMet = false; EntityListType theEntities; IntList theDistanceRequirements; float theZAdjustment = 0.0f; bool theSnapToLocation = false; if(inMessageID == ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE) { // Look for inactive hives within radius EntityListType theEntities; // Look for a unoccupied hive spot within range AvHSHUGetEntities(AVH_USER3_HIVE, theEntities); for(EntityListType::iterator theIter = theEntities.begin(); theIter != theEntities.end(); theIter++) { vec3_t theLocation; if(AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(*theIter, theLocation)) { // Set z's equal to check 2D distance only inLocation.z = theLocation.z; float theDistance = VectorDistance((float*)&inLocation, (float*)&theLocation); if(theDistance <= kHiveXYDistanceTolerance) { // Make sure this hive isn't already active #ifdef AVH_SERVER CBaseEntity* theEntity = AvHSUGetEntityFromIndex(*theIter); ASSERT(theEntity); if(theEntity->pev->team == 0) { #endif theRequirementsMet = true; inLocation = theLocation; #ifdef AVH_SERVER } #endif break; } } } } else if(AvHSHUGetBuildRegions(inMessageID, theEntities, theDistanceRequirements, theZAdjustment, theSnapToLocation)) { ASSERT(theEntities.size() == theDistanceRequirements.size()); vec3_t theBestLocation; int i = 0; float theClosestDistance = kMaxMapDimension; for(EntityListType::iterator theIter = theEntities.begin(); theIter != theEntities.end(); theIter++, i++) { vec3_t theLocation; if(AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(*theIter, theLocation)) { // Only check xy distance vec3_t theXYInLocation = inLocation; vec3_t theXYTheLocation = theLocation; theXYInLocation.z = 0; theXYTheLocation.z = 0; float theDistance = VectorDistance((float*)&theXYInLocation, (float*)&theXYTheLocation); int theDistanceRequirement = theDistanceRequirements[i]; if((theDistance <= theDistanceRequirement) || (theDistanceRequirement == -1)) { // Pick the closest one, in case there are multiples in range if(theDistance < theClosestDistance) { theClosestDistance = theDistance; VectorCopy(theLocation,theBestLocation); theRequirementsMet = true; } } } } if(theRequirementsMet && theSnapToLocation) { inLocation = theBestLocation; inLocation.z += theZAdjustment; } } else { theRequirementsMet = true; } EntityListType theBuildRadiusViolations; AvHSHUGetMinBuildRadiusViolations(inMessageID, inLocation, theBuildRadiusViolations); if (theBuildRadiusViolations.size() > 0) { theRequirementsMet = false; } // Anti-llama/newbie tactic: don't allow non-resource buildings to be placed such that they block access to nozzles // Make sure generic building isn't being placed on top of resource nozzles // tankefugl: 0000291 // allow equipment, rts and hives to be dropped around nodes if(AvHSHUGetIsDroppableOnRTs(inMessageID) == false) { // :tankefugl // If building is too close to an empty nozzle, don't allow it float theResourceBuildingRadius, theTotalMinRadius; vec3_t theMinSize, theMaxSize, theMinRadius, theFlattenedInLocation, theLocation; theFlattenedInLocation[0] = inLocation[0]; theFlattenedInLocation[1] = inLocation[1]; theFlattenedInLocation[2] = 0; theResourceBuildingRadius = 60; EntityListType theEntities; AvHSHUGetEntities(AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE,theEntities); if(AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(inMessageID,theMinSize,theMaxSize)) { EntityListType::iterator end = theEntities.end(); for(EntityListType::iterator current = theEntities.begin(); current < end; ++current) { if(AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(*current,theLocation)) { //flatten to 2 dimensions theLocation[2] = 0; //space = radius of both buildings combined theTotalMinRadius = theResourceBuildingRadius; theTotalMinRadius += max(-min(theMinSize.x,theMinSize.y),max(theMaxSize.x,theMaxSize.y)); if(VectorDistance((float*)&theFlattenedInLocation,(float*)&theLocation) < theTotalMinRadius) { theRequirementsMet = false; break; } } } } } return theRequirementsMet; } bool AvHSHUGetBuildTechClassName(AvHMessageID inMessageID, char*& outClassName) { bool theSuccess = true; switch(inMessageID) { // Buildings case BUILD_RESOURCES: outClassName = kwsResourceTower; break; //case BUILD_REINFORCEMENTS: // outClassName = kwsInfantryPortal; // break; case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: outClassName = kwsInfantryPortal; break; case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: outClassName = kwsTeamCommand; break; case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: outClassName = kwsTurretFactory; break; case BUILD_ARMSLAB: outClassName = kwsArmsLab; break; case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: outClassName = kwsPrototypeLab; break; case BUILD_ARMORY: outClassName = kwsArmory; break; case ARMORY_UPGRADE: outClassName = kwsAdvancedArmory; break; case BUILD_NUKE_PLANT: outClassName = kwsNukePlant; break; case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: outClassName = kwsObservatory; break; case BUILD_SCAN: outClassName = kwsScan; break; case BUILD_PHASEGATE: outClassName = kwsPhaseGate; break; case BUILD_TURRET: outClassName = kwsDeployedTurret; break; case BUILD_SIEGE: outClassName = kwsSiegeTurret; break; // Equipment case BUILD_HEALTH: outClassName = kwsHealth; break; case BUILD_CAT: outClassName = kwsCatalyst; break; case BUILD_JETPACK: outClassName = kwsJetpack; break; case BUILD_HEAVY: outClassName = kwsHeavyArmor; break; case BUILD_AMMO: outClassName = kwsGenericAmmo; break; case BUILD_WELDER: outClassName = kwsWelder; break; case BUILD_MINES: outClassName = kwsMine; break; case BUILD_SHOTGUN: outClassName = kwsShotGun; break; case BUILD_HMG: outClassName = kwsHeavyMachineGun; break; case BUILD_NUKE: outClassName = kwsNuke; break; case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: outClassName = kwsGrenadeGun; break; //case BUILD_MEDKIT: // break; case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: outClassName = kwsAlienResourceTower; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: outClassName = kwsOffenseChamber; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: outClassName = kwsDefenseChamber; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER: outClassName = kwsSensoryChamber; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: outClassName = kwsMovementChamber; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: outClassName = kesTeamHive; break; default: theSuccess = false; break; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetResearchTechName(AvHMessageID inResearchID, char*& outResearchTechName) { bool theSuccess = true; switch(inResearchID) { case RESEARCH_ELECTRICAL: outResearchTechName = "research_electrical"; break; case RESEARCH_ARMOR_ONE: outResearchTechName = "research_armorl1"; break; case RESEARCH_ARMOR_TWO: outResearchTechName = "research_armorl2"; break; case RESEARCH_ARMOR_THREE: outResearchTechName = "research_armorl3"; break; case RESEARCH_WEAPONS_ONE: outResearchTechName = "research_weaponsl1"; break; case RESEARCH_WEAPONS_TWO: outResearchTechName = "research_weaponsl2"; break; case RESEARCH_WEAPONS_THREE: outResearchTechName = "research_weaponsl3"; break; case ARMORY_UPGRADE: outResearchTechName = "research_advarmory"; break; case TURRET_FACTORY_UPGRADE: outResearchTechName = "research_advturretfactory"; break; case RESEARCH_JETPACKS: outResearchTechName = "research_jetpacks"; break; case RESEARCH_HEAVYARMOR: outResearchTechName = "research_heavyarmor"; break; case RESEARCH_DISTRESSBEACON: outResearchTechName = "research_distressbeacon"; break; case RESEARCH_HEALTH: outResearchTechName = "research_health"; break; case RESEARCH_CATALYSTS: outResearchTechName = "research_catalysts"; break; case MESSAGE_CANCEL: outResearchTechName = "research_cancel"; break; case RESEARCH_MOTIONTRACK: outResearchTechName = "research_motiontracking"; break; case RESEARCH_PHASETECH: outResearchTechName = "research_phasetech"; break; case RESEARCH_GRENADES: outResearchTechName = "research_grenades"; break; default: theSuccess = false; break; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetCenterPositionForGroup(int inGroupNumber, float* inPlayerOrigin, float* outCenterPosition) { bool theSuccess = false; vec3_t thePosition; float theX, theY; #ifdef AVH_CLIENT theSuccess = gHUD.GetCenterPositionForGroup(inGroupNumber, thePosition); theX = thePosition[0]; theY = thePosition[1]; #endif #ifdef AVH_SERVER // Loop through players, find the closest player to inPlayerOrigin, to see which player is being predicted. Is there a better way? AvHPlayer* theClosestPlayer = NULL; float theClosestDistance = 10000; FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*) float theDistance = VectorDistance(theEntity->pev->origin, inPlayerOrigin); if(theDistance < theClosestDistance) { theClosestPlayer = theEntity; theClosestDistance = theDistance; } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName) if(theClosestPlayer) { theSuccess = theClosestPlayer->GetCenterPositionForGroup(inGroupNumber, theX, theY); } #endif if(theSuccess) { outCenterPosition[0] = theX; outCenterPosition[1] = theY; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetIsBuilding(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theIsBuilding = false; switch(inMessageID) { // Buildings case BUILD_RESOURCES: case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: case BUILD_ARMSLAB: case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: case BUILD_ARMORY: case BUILD_NUKE_PLANT: case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: case BUILD_PHASEGATE: case BUILD_TURRET: case BUILD_SIEGE: // Alien buildings case ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: theIsBuilding = true; break; } return theIsBuilding; } bool AvHSHUGetIsBuildTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theIsBuildTech = false; switch(inMessageID) { // Buildings case BUILD_RESOURCES: case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: case BUILD_ARMSLAB: case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: case BUILD_ARMORY: //case UPGRADE_ADVANCED_WEAPON_FACTORY: case BUILD_NUKE_PLANT: case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: case BUILD_SCAN: case BUILD_PHASEGATE: case BUILD_TURRET: case BUILD_SIEGE: case BUILD_HEAVY: case BUILD_JETPACK: // Equipment case BUILD_AMMO: case BUILD_HEALTH: case BUILD_CAT: case BUILD_WELDER: case BUILD_MINES: case BUILD_SHOTGUN: case BUILD_HMG: case BUILD_NUKE: case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: //case BUILD_MEDKIT: //case BUILD_STIMPACK: // Alien buildings case ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: theIsBuildTech = true; break; } return theIsBuildTech; } bool AvHSHUGetIsWeaponFocusable(AvHWeaponID inWeaponID) { bool theIsFocusable = false; switch(inWeaponID) { case AVH_WEAPON_BITE: case AVH_WEAPON_SPIT: case AVH_WEAPON_BITE2: case AVH_WEAPON_SWIPE: case AVH_WEAPON_CLAWS: theIsFocusable = true; break; } return theIsFocusable; } bool AvHSHUGetDoesTechCostEnergy(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theTechCostsEnergy = false; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_SCAN: theTechCostsEnergy = true; break; } return theTechCostsEnergy; } bool AvHSHUGetIsCombatModeTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theIsCombatModeTech = false; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_SHOTGUN: case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: case BUILD_HMG: case BUILD_WELDER: case BUILD_MINES: case BUILD_JETPACK: case BUILD_HEAVY: case BUILD_SCAN: theIsCombatModeTech = true; break; } return theIsCombatModeTech; } bool AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theIsResearchTech = false; switch(inMessageID) { case RESEARCH_ELECTRICAL: case RESEARCH_ARMOR_ONE: case RESEARCH_ARMOR_TWO: case RESEARCH_ARMOR_THREE: case RESEARCH_WEAPONS_ONE: case RESEARCH_WEAPONS_TWO: case RESEARCH_WEAPONS_THREE: case TURRET_FACTORY_UPGRADE: case RESEARCH_JETPACKS: case RESEARCH_HEAVYARMOR: case RESEARCH_DISTRESSBEACON: case RESEARCH_HEALTH: case RESEARCH_CATALYSTS: case MESSAGE_CANCEL: case RESEARCH_MOTIONTRACK: case RESEARCH_PHASETECH: case RESEARCH_GRENADES: case RESOURCE_UPGRADE: case ARMORY_UPGRADE: theIsResearchTech = true; break; } return theIsResearchTech; } //Here's TFC's code that checks whether a player's allowed to build a sentry //or not. //I can't remember if there was any good reason why we used //UTIL_FindEntitiesInSphere() //instead of UTIL_EntitiesInBox(). // ////========================================================================= //// Returns 0 if the area around obj is safe to build in //int CBaseEntity::CheckArea( CBaseEntity *pIgnore ) //{ // TraceResult tr; // Vector vecOrg = pev->origin; // // // Check the origin // int iContents = UTIL_PointContents(vecOrg); // if ( iContents != CONTENT_EMPTY && iContents != CONTENT_WATER ) // return CAREA_BLOCKED; // // Vector vecIgnoreOrg = pIgnore->pev->origin; // // Get the player's origin irrelevant of crouching // if ( pIgnore->pev->flags & FL_DUCKING ) // { // vecIgnoreOrg = vecIgnoreOrg + (VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN - // VEC_HULL_MIN); // } // // Trace a hull // UTIL_TraceHull( vecIgnoreOrg, pev->origin, ignore_monsters, // large_hull, edict(), &tr ); // CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); // if (tr.flFraction != 1 || tr.fAllSolid == 1) // return CAREA_BLOCKED; // // // Check for solid entities in the area // CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL; // while ( (pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pEnt, pev->origin, 48 )) != // NULL ) // { // // If it's not the engineer, and its a solid entity, fail // if (pEnt != pIgnore && pEnt != this && pEnt->pev->solid > // SOLID_TRIGGER) // return CAREA_BLOCKED; // } // // // Cycle through all the Nobuild zones in the map and make sure this // isn't in one of them // CBaseEntity *pNoBuild = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( NULL, // "func_nobuild" ); // while ( pNoBuild ) // { // // Check to see if we're building in this zone // if ( vecOrg.x >= pNoBuild->pev->mins.x && vecOrg.y >= // pNoBuild->pev->mins.y && vecOrg.z >= pNoBuild->pev->mins.z && // vecOrg.x <= pNoBuild->pev->maxs.x && // vecOrg.y <= pNoBuild->pev->maxs.y && vecOrg.z <= pNoBuild->pev->maxs.z ) // return CAREA_NOBUILD; // // pNoBuild = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pNoBuild, // "func_nobuild" ); // } // // // Check below // UTIL_TraceLine( vecOrg, vecOrg + Vector(0,0,-64), // dont_ignore_monsters, edict(), &tr ); // if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 ) // return CAREA_BLOCKED; // // return CAREA_CLEAR; //} //bool AvHSHUGetIsEnoughRoom(const vec3_t& inCenter, const vec3_t& inMin, const vec3_t& inMax) //{ // bool theEnoughRoom = false; // // // Do a traceline from center to center + min // // Hit nothing? // // Do a traceline from center to center + max // // Hit nothing? // // Success // theEnoughRoom = true; // // return theEnoughRoom; //} bool AvHSHUGetIsGroupMessage(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theIsGroupMessage = false; switch(inMessageID) { case GROUP_CREATE_1: case GROUP_CREATE_2: case GROUP_CREATE_3: case GROUP_CREATE_4: case GROUP_CREATE_5: case GROUP_SELECT_1: case GROUP_SELECT_2: case GROUP_SELECT_3: case GROUP_SELECT_4: case GROUP_SELECT_5: theIsGroupMessage = true; } return theIsGroupMessage; } bool AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID, Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize, bool inGetSizeToPlace) { bool theSuccess = false; // Onos-sized //const int theOnosHeightNeededToSpawn = HULL3_MAXZ - HULL3_MINZ + kRespawnFudgeFactorHeight; //const int theOnosWidthNeededToSpawn = HULL3_MAXY - HULL3_MINY + kRespawnFudgeFactorHeight; // Marine-sized const int theMarineHeightNeededToSpawn = HULL0_MAXZ - HULL0_MINZ + kRespawnFudgeFactorHeight; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 14.49); // Make sure there is room above it for players to spawn if(inGetSizeToPlace) { outMaxSize.z += theMarineHeightNeededToSpawn; } theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_PHASEGATE: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 14.49); // Make sure there is remove above it for players to spawn if(inGetSizeToPlace) { //outMinSize.x = outMinSize.y = -theOnosWidthNeededToSpawn; //outMaxSize.x = outMaxSize.y = theOnosWidthNeededToSpawn; //outMaxSize.z += theOnosHeightNeededToSpawn; outMaxSize.z += theMarineHeightNeededToSpawn; } theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_RESOURCES: outMinSize = kResourceMinSize; outMaxSize = kResourceMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: outMinSize = kAlienResourceMinSize; outMaxSize = kAlienResourceMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; default: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 66.9486); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_ARMSLAB: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 72.0 /*66.9486*/); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_TURRET: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 42.0); theSuccess = true; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER: case ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 44.0); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 73.0 /*70.34*/); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); //outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 55.68); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 73.0 /*62.1931*/); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_ARMORY: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 73.0 /*62.1931*/); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 73.0 /*67.7443*/); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 80.7443); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_SIEGE: outMinSize = Vector(-16, -16, 0); outMaxSize = Vector(16.0, 16.0, 73.0 /*62.1931*/ /*50.6678*/); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_HEALTH: outMinSize = kHealthMinSize; outMaxSize = kHealthMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_CAT: outMinSize = kCatalystMinSize; outMaxSize = kCatalystMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_HEAVY: outMinSize = kHeavyMinSize; outMaxSize = kHeavyMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_JETPACK: outMinSize = kJetpackMinSize; outMaxSize = kJetpackMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_AMMO: outMinSize = kAmmoMinSize; outMaxSize = kAmmoMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_MINES: outMinSize = kWeaponMinSize; outMaxSize = Vector(16, 16, 40); theSuccess = true; break; case BUILD_SHOTGUN: case BUILD_HMG: case BUILD_WELDER: case BUILD_NUKE: case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: outMinSize = kWeaponMinSize; outMaxSize = kWeaponMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: outMinSize = kHiveMinSize; outMaxSize = kHiveMaxSize; theSuccess = true; break; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetSizeForPlayerUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize, bool inDucking) { bool theSuccess = false; // Now set size switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_NONE: case AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER: case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: // Get simple case working first if(inDucking) { outMinSize = HULL1_MIN; outMaxSize = HULL1_MAX; } else { outMinSize = HULL0_MIN; outMaxSize = HULL0_MAX; } theSuccess = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO: outMinSize = HULL1_MIN; outMaxSize = HULL1_MAX; theSuccess = true; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: if(inDucking) { outMinSize = HULL0_MIN; outMaxSize = HULL0_MAX; } else { outMinSize = HULL3_MIN; outMaxSize = HULL3_MAX; } theSuccess = true; break; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUGetSizeForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize) { bool theSuccess = false; // If it's a player, get max size he can be (assuming he's not ducking) theSuccess = AvHSHUGetSizeForPlayerUser3(inUser3, outMinSize, outMaxSize, false); if(!theSuccess) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = MESSAGE_NULL; // Convert it to a AvHMessageID if possible if(AvHSHUUser3ToMessageID(inUser3, theMessageID)) { theSuccess = AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(theMessageID, outMinSize, outMaxSize); } } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUUser3ToMessageID(AvHUser3 inUser3, AvHMessageID& outMessageID) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = MESSAGE_NULL; bool theSuccess = false; switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE: case AVH_USER3_RESTOWER: theMessageID = BUILD_RESOURCES; break; case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION: theMessageID = BUILD_COMMANDSTATION; break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY: theMessageID = BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY; break; case AVH_USER3_ARMORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY: theMessageID = BUILD_ARMORY; break; case AVH_USER3_ARMSLAB: theMessageID = BUILD_ARMSLAB; break; case AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB: theMessageID = BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB; break; case AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY: theMessageID = BUILD_OBSERVATORY; break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET: theMessageID = BUILD_TURRET; break; case AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET: theMessageID = BUILD_SIEGE; break; case AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL: theMessageID = BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL; break; case AVH_USER3_PHASEGATE: theMessageID = BUILD_PHASEGATE; break; case AVH_USER3_HEAVY: theMessageID = BUILD_HEAVY; break; case AVH_USER3_JETPACK: theMessageID = BUILD_JETPACK; break; case AVH_USER3_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: theMessageID = ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER; break; case AVH_USER3_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: theMessageID = ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER; break; case AVH_USER3_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: theMessageID = ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER; break; case AVH_USER3_SENSORY_CHAMBER: theMessageID = ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIENRESTOWER: theMessageID = ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES; break; case AVH_USER3_HIVE: theMessageID = ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: theMessageID = ALIEN_LIFEFORM_ONE; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: theMessageID = ALIEN_LIFEFORM_TWO; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: theMessageID = ALIEN_LIFEFORM_THREE; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: theMessageID = ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FOUR; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: theMessageID = ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FIVE; break; } if(theMessageID != MESSAGE_NULL) { outMessageID = theMessageID; theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUMessageIDToUser3(AvHMessageID inMessageID, AvHUser3& outUser3) { bool theSuccess = false; AvHUser3 theUser3 = AVH_USER3_NONE; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_RESOURCES: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_RESTOWER; break; case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION; break; case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY; break; case TURRET_FACTORY_UPGRADE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY; break; case BUILD_ARMORY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ARMORY; break; case ARMORY_UPGRADE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY; break; case BUILD_ARMSLAB: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ARMSLAB; break; case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB; break; case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY; break; case BUILD_TURRET: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_TURRET; break; case BUILD_SIEGE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET; break; case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL; break; case BUILD_PHASEGATE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_PHASEGATE; break; case BUILD_HEAVY: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_HEAVY; break; case BUILD_JETPACK: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_JETPACK; break; // Menus case MENU_BUILD: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD; break; case MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_MENU_BUILD_ADVANCED; break; case MENU_ASSIST: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_MENU_ASSIST; break; case MENU_EQUIP: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_MENU_EQUIP; break; // Weapons case BUILD_MINES: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_MINE; break; // Lifeforms case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_ONE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1; break; case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_TWO: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2; break; case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_THREE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3; break; case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FOUR: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4; break; case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FIVE: theUser3 = AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5; break; } if(theUser3 != AVH_USER3_NONE) { outUser3 = theUser3; theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } float AvHSHUGetTime() { float theTime = 0; #ifdef AVH_SERVER theTime = gpGlobals->time; #else theTime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); #endif return theTime; } // Note, all these models must be precached already char* AvHSHUGetBuildTechModelName(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { char* theModelName = NULL; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_RESOURCES: theModelName = kResourceTowerModel; break; //case BUILD_REINFORCEMENTS: // theModelName = kInfantryPortalModel; // break; case BUILD_INFANTRYPORTAL: theModelName = kInfantryPortalModel; break; case BUILD_COMMANDSTATION: theModelName = kCommandStationModel; break; case BUILD_TURRET_FACTORY: theModelName = kTurretFactoryModel; break; case BUILD_ARMSLAB: theModelName = kArmsLabModel; break; case BUILD_PROTOTYPE_LAB: theModelName = kPrototypeLabModel; break; case BUILD_ARMORY: theModelName = kArmoryModel; break; case ARMORY_UPGRADE: theModelName = kAdvancedWeaponFactoryModel; break; case BUILD_OBSERVATORY: theModelName = kObservatoryModel; break; case BUILD_SCAN: theModelName = kScanModel; break; case BUILD_PHASEGATE: theModelName = kPhaseGateModel; break; case BUILD_TURRET: theModelName = kDeployedTurretModel; break; case BUILD_NUKE: theModelName = kNukeModel; break; case BUILD_SIEGE: theModelName = kSiegeTurretModel; //theModelName = kDeployedTurretModel; break; case BUILD_CAT: theModelName = kCatalystModel; break; case BUILD_HEALTH: theModelName = kHealthModel; break; case BUILD_HEAVY: theModelName = kHeavyModel; break; case BUILD_JETPACK: theModelName = kJetpackModel; break; case BUILD_AMMO: theModelName = kAmmoModel; break; case BUILD_WELDER: theModelName = kWelderWModel; break; case BUILD_MINES: theModelName = kTripmineW2Model; break; case BUILD_SHOTGUN: theModelName = kSGWModel; break; case BUILD_HMG: theModelName = kHMGWModel; break; case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: theModelName = kGGWModel; break; // Alien buildings case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: theModelName = kHiveModel; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: theModelName = kAlienResourceTowerModel; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: theModelName = kOffenseChamberModel; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: theModelName = kDefenseChamberModel; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER: theModelName = kSensoryChamberModel; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: theModelName = kMovementChamberModel; break; } return theModelName; } bool AvHSHUGetBuildTechRange(AvHMessageID inMessageID, float& outRange) { bool theSuccess = false; // switch(inMessageID) // { // case BUILD_CAMERA: // outRange = kResourceTowerSightRange; // theSuccess = true; // break; // case BUILD_PHASEGATE: // break; // case BUILD_TURRET: // outRange = TURRET_RANGE; // theSuccess = true; // break; // case BUILD_SIEGE: // outRange = kSiegeTurretMaxRange; // theSuccess = true; // break; // } return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUTraceLineIsAreaFree(Vector& inStart, Vector& inEnd, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity, bool inIgnorePlayers) { bool theAreaIsFree = true; #ifdef AVH_SERVER TraceResult theTR; bool theIsDone = false; // Do tracelines between the corners, to make sure there's no geometry inside the box int theNumIters = 0; IGNORE_MONSTERS theIgnoreMonsters = dont_ignore_monsters; if (inIgnorePlayers) { theIgnoreMonsters = ignore_monsters; } while(!theIsDone) { UTIL_TraceLine(inStart, inEnd, theIgnoreMonsters, inIgnoreEntity, &theTR); if(theTR.flFraction != 1.0f) { CBaseEntity* theEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(ENT(theTR.pHit)); if(theEntity && (theEntity->pev->solid != SOLID_BBOX) && (theEntity->pev->solid != SOLID_SLIDEBOX) && (theEntity->pev->solid != SOLID_BSP) && (inIgnorePlayers != !!theEntity->IsPlayer()) ) { VectorCopy(theTR.vecEndPos, inStart); } else { theIsDone = true; theAreaIsFree = false; } } else { theIsDone = true; } if(theNumIters++ > 50) { theIsDone = true; theAreaIsFree = false; } } #endif // int theIndex; // vec3_t theEndLocation; // AvHTeamNumber theTeam; // bool thePlayerHit; // int theUserThree; // int theUserFour; // // if(AvHSHUTraceTangible(inStart, inEnd, theIndex, theEndLocation, theTeam, thePlayerHit, theUserThree, theUserFour)) // { // if(theIndex >= 0) // { // theAreaIsFree = false; // } // } return theAreaIsFree; } float AvHTraceLineAgainstWorld(Vector& vecStart, Vector& vecEnd) { #ifdef AVH_SERVER TraceResult tr; UTIL_TraceLine(vecStart, vecEnd, ignore_monsters, dont_ignore_glass, NULL, &tr); return tr.flFraction; #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT // This may not be the most efficient way, but it seems to get the job done. float theFraction = 1; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxEntities && theFraction > 0; ++i) { cl_entity_t* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(i); if (theEntity != NULL && theEntity->model != NULL && theEntity->model->type == mod_brush) { vec3_t localStart; vec3_t localEnd; // Translate the start and end into the model's frame of reference. VectorSubtract(vecStart, theEntity->origin, localStart); VectorSubtract(vecEnd, theEntity->origin, localEnd); // Rotate the start and end into the model's frame of reference. if (theEntity->angles[0] || theEntity->angles[1] || theEntity->angles[2]) { vec3_t forward; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; AngleVectors(theEntity->angles, forward, right, up); vec3_t temp; VectorCopy(localStart, temp); localStart[0] = DotProduct(temp, forward); localStart[1] = -DotProduct(temp, right); localStart[2] = DotProduct(temp, up); VectorCopy(localEnd, temp); localEnd[0] = DotProduct(temp, forward); localEnd[1] = -DotProduct(temp, right); localEnd[2] = DotProduct(temp, up); } trace_t tr; NS_TraceLine(&theEntity->model->hulls[0], localStart, localEnd, &tr); if (tr.fraction < theFraction) { theFraction = tr.fraction; } } } return theFraction; #endif } bool AvHSHUGetCanBeBuiltOnPlayers(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { bool theCanBeBuiltOnPlayers = false; switch(inMessageID) { case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: case BUILD_SCAN: case BUILD_AMMO: case BUILD_HEALTH: case BUILD_CAT: case BUILD_MINES: case BUILD_WELDER: case BUILD_SHOTGUN: case BUILD_HMG: case BUILD_GRENADE_GUN: case BUILD_HEAVY: case BUILD_JETPACK: theCanBeBuiltOnPlayers = true; break; } return theCanBeBuiltOnPlayers; } bool AvHSHUGetIsSiteValidForBuild(AvHMessageID inMessageID, Vector* inLocation, int inIgnoredEntityIndex) { //TODO: - check entity returned by client side commander trace for drop validity before we ever get this far bool theSuccess = false; // Check that there's enough room for building vec3_t theMinSize, theMaxSize; if(AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(inMessageID, theMinSize, theMaxSize, true)) { // If it's a build with special placement requirements, check that here (this could modify the location also) if(AvHSHUGetAreSpecialBuildingRequirementsMet(inMessageID, *inLocation)) { // Assume mappers place hives correctly (it's such a showstopper if aliens can't create a hive because it's too close to a wall) // KGP 4/28/04 - add res towers to hives for the same reason -- if a mapper didn't give room, it's a showstopper. bool theIgnorePlayers = AvHSHUGetCanBeBuiltOnPlayers(inMessageID); float theSlopeTangent = theIgnorePlayers ? kMaxEquipmentDropSlope : kMaxBuildingDropSlope; bool theSkipDropCheck = false; switch(inMessageID) { case BUILD_RESOURCES: theSkipDropCheck = true; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES: theSkipDropCheck = true; break; case ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE: theSkipDropCheck = true; break; } if(theSkipDropCheck || AvHSHUGetCanDropItem(*inLocation, theMinSize, theMaxSize, theSlopeTangent, inIgnoredEntityIndex, theIgnorePlayers)) { //TODO: - better check for entity below drop, since it's often off center. // Check to make sure building isn't being created on top of another building vec3_t thePositionBelowBuild = *inLocation; thePositionBelowBuild.z = -kMaxMapDimension; int theIndex; vec3_t theEndLocation; AvHTeamNumber theTeam; bool thePlayerHit; int theUserThree; int theUserFour; // Don't allow building on any entities, except allow resource towers on top of func_resources //TODO : use full list instead of physents, which isn't accounting for items the commander can't see bool theHitSomething = AvHSHUTraceTangible(*inLocation, thePositionBelowBuild, theIndex, theEndLocation, theTeam, thePlayerHit, theUserThree, theUserFour); //res building case if(inMessageID == BUILD_RESOURCES || inMessageID == ALIEN_BUILD_RESOURCES) { #ifdef AVH_SERVER //on server, return false if occupied FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kesFuncResource,AvHFuncResource*) if(!theEntity->GetIsOccupied()) // open for use { if(VectorDistance(theEntity->pev->origin,*inLocation) < 20) //small enough that we don't check the wrong nozzle { theSuccess = (!theHitSomething || theIndex <= 0 || theUserThree == AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE); break; } } END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kesFuncResource) #else //on client the occupied function isn't available theSuccess = (!theHitSomething || theIndex <= 0 || theUserThree == AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE); #endif } else if ( inMessageID == ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE ) { theSuccess = true; //theSuccess = ( !theHitSomething || ( *inLocation[2] - theEndLocation[2] > 40.0f ) ); //#ifdef AVH_SERVER // ALERT(at_console, "theHitSomething=%d theSuccess=%d\n", theHitSomething, theSuccess); // ALERT(at_console, "%f\n", *inLocation[2] - theEndLocation[2]); // ALERT(at_console, "{%f, %f, %f} : { %f, %f, %f }\n", // inLocation[0], inLocation[1], inLocation[2], // theEndLocation[0], theEndLocation[1], theEndLocation[2]); //#endif } else if(!theHitSomething || (theIgnorePlayers && thePlayerHit) || theIndex <= 0) { // THEN it's a legal build spot and the building shows up green. theSuccess = true; } } } } return theSuccess; } int AvHSHUGetPointContents(vec3_t inPoint) { int thePointContents = 0; #ifdef AVH_SERVER thePointContents = UTIL_PointContents(inPoint); #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers(-1); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull(2); thePointContents = gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents(inPoint, NULL); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); #endif return thePointContents; } /* * Check to see if the build or item is overlapping the world. */ bool AvHSHUGetIsVolumeContentNonsolid(vec3_t inCenter, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity, bool inIgnorePlayers) { float theMins[3], theMaxs[3]; VectorAdd(inCenter,inMinSize,theMins); VectorAdd(inCenter,inMaxSize,theMaxs); bool theIsNonsolid = true; //innocent until proven guilty extern playermove_t *pmove; if (pmove != NULL && pmove->physents[0].model != NULL) { const hull_t* theHull = &pmove->physents[0].model->hulls[NS_GetValveHull(2)]; int theContents = NS_BoxContents(theHull,theHull->firstclipnode,theMins,theMaxs); theIsNonsolid = (theContents != CONTENT_SOLID); } else //fallback if we're just starting a round { int theContents = AvHSHUGetPointContents(inCenter); if(theContents != CONTENT_SOLID) { //trace between each corner pair once looking for obstructions - 28 total comparisons const static int MIN = 0; const static int MAX = 1; const static int NUM_CORNERS = 8; int theIndex; Vector theCorners[NUM_CORNERS]; for(int XPos = MIN; XPos <= MAX; ++XPos) { for(int YPos = MIN; YPos <= MAX; ++YPos) { for(int ZPos = MIN; ZPos <= MAX; ++ZPos) { theIndex = XPos+YPos*2+ZPos*4; theCorners[theIndex].x = inCenter.x + ((XPos == MIN) ? inMinSize.x : inMaxSize.x); theCorners[theIndex].y = inCenter.y + ((YPos == MIN) ? inMinSize.y : inMaxSize.y); theCorners[theIndex].z = inCenter.z + ((ZPos == MIN) ? inMinSize.z : inMaxSize.z); } } } for(int startCorner = 0; startCorner < NUM_CORNERS; ++startCorner) { for(int endCorner = startCorner+1; endCorner < NUM_CORNERS; ++endCorner) { if(!AvHSHUTraceLineIsAreaFree(theCorners[startCorner],theCorners[endCorner],inIgnoreEntity,inIgnorePlayers)) { theIsNonsolid = false; break; } } if(!theIsNonsolid) { break; } } } else { theIsNonsolid = false; } } return theIsNonsolid; } bool AvHSHUGetIsAreaFree(vec3_t inCenter, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity, bool inIgnorePlayers) { bool theAreaIsFree = AvHSHUGetIsVolumeContentNonsolid(inCenter,inMinSize,inMaxSize,inIgnoreEntity,inIgnorePlayers); if(theAreaIsFree) { theAreaIsFree = !AvHSHUGetEntitiesBlocking(inCenter, inMinSize, inMaxSize, inIgnoreEntity, inIgnorePlayers); } return theAreaIsFree; } bool AvHSHUGetEntitiesBlocking(Vector& inOrigin, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity, bool inIgnorePlayers) { bool theEntBlocking = false; typedef vector< pair > PhysEntListType; PhysEntListType theEntList; const int kSearchRadius = 800; // Populate phys ent list #ifdef AVH_SERVER CBaseEntity* theEntity = NULL; while ((theEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere(theEntity, inOrigin, kSearchRadius)) != NULL) { // If entity is visible non-world object, add it if((theEntity->pev->team != TEAM_IND) && (theEntity->pev->solid != SOLID_NOT && theEntity->pev->solid != SOLID_TRIGGER)) { AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast(theEntity); if(theEntity->edict() != inIgnoreEntity && !(thePlayer != NULL && inIgnorePlayers)) { theEntList.push_back(make_pair(theEntity->pev->iuser3, theEntity->pev->origin)); } } } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT // Haven't implemented this, so depend on it not being passed in ASSERT(inIgnoreEntity == NULL); for(int i = 0; i < pmove->numphysent; i++) { physent_t* thePhysEnt = pmove->physents + i; if((thePhysEnt->team != TEAM_IND) && (thePhysEnt->solid != SOLID_NOT && thePhysEnt->solid != SOLID_TRIGGER)) { theEntList.push_back(make_pair(thePhysEnt->iuser3, thePhysEnt->origin)); } } #endif Vector theAbsMax; VectorAdd(inOrigin, inMaxSize, theAbsMax); Vector theAbsMin; VectorAdd(inOrigin, inMinSize, theAbsMin); Vector theOrigin1; VectorAdd(theAbsMax, theAbsMin, theOrigin1); theOrigin1 = theOrigin1*.5f; Vector theSize1; VectorSubtract(theAbsMax, theAbsMin, theSize1); theSize1 = theSize1*.5f; // Do collision on list, making sure none are too close to inOrigin for(PhysEntListType::iterator theIter = theEntList.begin(); theIter != theEntList.end(); theIter++) { // Get size for tech Vector theMinSize, theMaxSize; if(AvHSHUGetSizeForUser3(AvHUser3(theIter->first), theMinSize, theMaxSize)) { Vector theEntOrigin = theIter->second; Vector theAbsMax; VectorAdd(theEntOrigin, theMaxSize, theAbsMax); Vector theAbsMin; VectorAdd(theEntOrigin, inMinSize, theAbsMin); Vector theOrigin2; VectorAdd(theAbsMax, theAbsMin, theOrigin2); theOrigin2 = theOrigin2*.5f; Vector theSize2; VectorSubtract(theAbsMax, theAbsMin, theSize2); theSize2 = theSize2*.5f; // Do simple box collision here if(NS_BoxesOverlap((float*)theOrigin1, (float*)theSize1, (float*)theOrigin2, (float*)theSize2)) { theEntBlocking = true; break; } } } return theEntBlocking; } void AvHSHUMakeViewFriendlyKillerName(string& ioKillerName) { string theOutputName = ioKillerName; int theStrLen = (int)ioKillerName.length(); if(!strncmp(ioKillerName.c_str(), "weapon_", 7)) { theOutputName = ioKillerName.substr(7); } else if(!strncmp(ioKillerName.c_str(), "monster_", 8)) { theOutputName = ioKillerName.substr(8); } else if(!strncmp(ioKillerName.c_str(), "func_", 5)) { theOutputName = ioKillerName.substr(5); } ioKillerName = theOutputName; } bool AvHSHUGetCanDropItem(vec3_t& ioCenter, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, float inMaxSlopeTangent, int inIgnoreIndex, bool inIgnorePlayers) { float theMaxXWidth = max(-inMinSize[0],inMaxSize[0]); float theMaxYWidth = max(-inMinSize[1],inMaxSize[1]); float theRadius = sqrt(theMaxXWidth*theMaxXWidth + theMaxYWidth * theMaxYWidth); float theHeight = inMaxSize[2] - inMinSize[2]; //adjust origin to be base float theOrigin[3] = { ioCenter[0], ioCenter[1], ioCenter[2] + inMinSize[2] }; CollisionChecker Checker(pmove,kHLPointHullIndex,CollisionChecker::HULL_TYPE_ALL,inIgnorePlayers,CollisionChecker::IGNORE_NONE,inIgnoreIndex); bool theCanDropItem = (Checker.GetContentsInCylinder(theOrigin,theRadius,theHeight) != CONTENTS_SOLID); if(!theCanDropItem) //can't place it -- can we drop it? { float theMaxDropHeight = theRadius * inMaxSlopeTangent; float theDropOrigin[3] = { theOrigin[0], theOrigin[1], theOrigin[2] + theMaxDropHeight }; theCanDropItem = (Checker.GetContentsInCylinder(theDropOrigin,theRadius,theHeight) != CONTENTS_SOLID); if(theCanDropItem) //can drop it -- get as low to ground as possible for drop { float theBestDropHeight = theMaxDropHeight; float theShiftFraction = 1.0f; for(float theShiftAdjust = 0.5f; theShiftAdjust > 0.05f; theShiftAdjust /= 2) { theShiftFraction += theShiftAdjust * (theCanDropItem ? -1 : 1); //try lower if last was a success theDropOrigin[2] = theMaxDropHeight; theDropOrigin[2] *= theShiftFraction; theDropOrigin[2] += theOrigin[2]; theCanDropItem = (Checker.GetContentsInCylinder(theDropOrigin,theRadius,theHeight) != CONTENTS_SOLID); if(theCanDropItem) { theBestDropHeight = theShiftFraction; theBestDropHeight *= theMaxDropHeight; } } //adjust center to best position ioCenter[2] += theBestDropHeight; theCanDropItem = true; } } return theCanDropItem; } bool AvHSHUTraceAndGetIsSiteValidForBuild(AvHMessageID inMessageID, const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, Vector* outLocation) { bool theSuccess = false; // TODO: Check if area is within the mapextents int theUser3; bool theTraceSuccess = AvHSHUTraceTangible(inPointOfView, inNormRay, &theUser3, outLocation); // tankefugl: 0000291 // ignore trace for scans (removed due to cost being paid when drop failed) //if (inMessageID == BUILD_SCAN) //{ // theSuccess = true; //} //else // :tankefugl if(theTraceSuccess) { // tankefugl: 0000291 if((inMessageID == BUILD_SCAN) || (AvHSHUGetIsSiteValidForBuild(inMessageID, outLocation))) // :tankefugl { theSuccess = true; } } return theSuccess; } #ifdef AVH_CLIENT bool AvHSHUGetEntityAtRay(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, int& outEntIndex) { bool theSuccess = false; // Offset starting position a little so we don't select ourselves Vector theStartPosition; VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionStartRange, inNormRay, theStartPosition); Vector theEndPos; VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionEndRange, inNormRay, theEndPos); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); // Store off the old count gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. int theNumPlayers = gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients(); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers ( -1 ); bool theDone = false; int theEntityIndex = -1; vec3_t theNewStartPos; AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPosition, theEndPos, theNewStartPos); VectorCopy(theNewStartPos, theStartPosition); do { pmtrace_t tr; gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 ); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( theStartPosition, theEndPos, PM_NORMAL, theEntityIndex, &tr ); physent_t *pEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent( tr.ent ); theEntityIndex = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_IndexFromTrace( &tr ); if(pEntity) { int theUser3 = pEntity->iuser3; if(theEntityIndex > 0) { outEntIndex = theEntityIndex; theSuccess = true; theDone = true; } } if((tr.fraction >= (1.0f - kFloatTolerance)) || (tr.fraction < kFloatTolerance)) { theDone = true; } else { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, theStartPosition); } } while(!theDone); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); return theSuccess; } #endif #ifdef AVH_SERVER bool AvHSHUGetEntityAtRay(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, int& outEntIndex) { TraceResult tr; Vector theStartPos; Vector theEndPos; bool theSuccess = false; bool theDone = false; VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionStartRange, inNormRay, theStartPos); VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionEndRange, inNormRay, theEndPos); CBaseEntity* theEntityHit = NULL; edict_t* theEdictToIgnore = NULL; vec3_t theNewStartPos; AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPos, theEndPos, theNewStartPos); VectorCopy(theNewStartPos, theStartPos); do { UTIL_TraceLine(theStartPos, theEndPos, dont_ignore_monsters, ignore_glass, theEdictToIgnore, &tr); theEntityHit = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); if(theEntityHit) { if(theEntityHit->entindex() > 0) { outEntIndex = theEntityHit->entindex(); theSuccess = true; theDone = true; } } if((tr.flFraction > (1.0f - kFloatTolerance)) || (tr.flFraction < kFloatTolerance)) { theDone = true; } else { if(theEntityHit) { theEdictToIgnore = ENT(theEntityHit->pev); } VectorCopy(tr.vecEndPos, theStartPos); } } while(!theDone); return theSuccess; } #endif const AvHMapExtents& AvHSHUGetMapExtents() { #ifdef AVH_CLIENT const AvHMapExtents& theMapExtents = gHUD.GetMapExtents(); #endif #ifdef AVH_SERVER const AvHMapExtents& theMapExtents = GetGameRules()->GetMapExtents(); #endif return theMapExtents; } #ifdef AVH_CLIENT bool AvHSUClientTraceTangible(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, int& outIndex, vec3_t& outLocation, AvHTeamNumber& outTeamNumber, bool& outPlayerWasHit, int& outUserThree, int& outUserFour) { physent_t* theEntity = NULL; vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; int theFoundEntity = -1; bool theSuccess = false; bool theDone = false; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); vec3_t theNormal; VectorSubtract(inEndPos, inStartPos, theNormal); VectorNormalize(theNormal); outIndex = -1; gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); // Store off the old count gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. int theNumPlayers = gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients(); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers ( -1 ); vec3_t theNewStartPos; AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPos, theEndPos, theNewStartPos); VectorCopy(theNewStartPos, theStartPos); do { pmtrace_t tr; gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 ); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( theStartPos, theEndPos, PM_NORMAL/*PM_GLASS_IGNORE*/, theFoundEntity, &tr ); physent_t *pEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent( tr.ent ); theFoundEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_IndexFromTrace( &tr ); if(pEntity) { if(pEntity->iuser3 != AVH_USER3_NONE) { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, outLocation); outIndex = theFoundEntity; theEntity = pEntity; outUserThree = pEntity->iuser3; outUserFour = pEntity->iuser4; outTeamNumber = (AvHTeamNumber)(pEntity->team); if(pEntity->player) { outPlayerWasHit = true; } theSuccess = true; theDone = true; } } if(tr.fraction >= (1.0f - kFloatTolerance)) { theDone = true; } else { vec3_t theDiff = theNormal*kHitOffsetAmount; float theLength = sqrt(theDiff.x*theDiff.x + theDiff.y*theDiff.y + theDiff.z*theDiff.z); if(theLength > kFloatTolerance) { VectorAdd(tr.endpos, theDiff, theStartPos); } else { theDone = true; } // Offset a bit so we don't hit again //VectorMA(tr.endpos, kHitOffsetAmount, theNormal, theStartPos); } } while(!theDone); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); // If we didn't hit any special targets, see if it's a valid area to build or be ordered to if(!theSuccess) { WaypointReturnCode theReturnCode = WAYPOINT_SUCCESS; theSuccess = AvHSHUClientTraceWaypoint(inStartPos, inEndPos, &outLocation, &theReturnCode); bool theWaypointTooSteep = (theReturnCode == WAYPOINT_TOOSTEEP); if(theSuccess || theWaypointTooSteep) { outUserThree = AVH_USER3_WAYPOINT; outPlayerWasHit = false; outIndex = -1; outTeamNumber = TEAM_IND; theSuccess = true; } // Treat too steep as success, but mark it as nobuild if(theWaypointTooSteep) { outUserThree = AVH_USER3_NOBUILD; } } return theSuccess; } #endif #ifdef AVH_SERVER bool AvHSUServerTraceTangible(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, int& outIndex, vec3_t& outLocation, AvHTeamNumber& outTeamNumber, bool& outPlayerWasHit, int& outUserThree, int& outUserFour) { bool theSuccess = false; bool theDone = false; edict_t* theEdictToIgnore = NULL; vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); vec3_t theNormal; VectorSubtract(inEndPos, inStartPos, theNormal); VectorNormalize(theNormal); // vec3_t theNewStartPos; // AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPos, theEndPos, theNewStartPos); // VectorCopy(theNewStartPos, theStartPos); do { TraceResult tr; UTIL_TraceLine(theStartPos, theEndPos, dont_ignore_monsters, theEdictToIgnore, &tr); CBaseEntity* theEntityHit = NULL; // Return the entity in special way if(tr.flFraction < 1 && tr.pHit) { theEntityHit = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast(theEntityHit); AvHWeldable* theWeldable = dynamic_cast(theEntityHit); AvHBasePlayerWeapon* theWeapon = dynamic_cast(theEntityHit); if(AvHSUGetIsDebugging()) { // Create an entity where the trace hit Vector theAngles(0, 0, 0); CBaseEntity* pEnt = CBaseEntity::Create(kwsDebugEntity, tr.vecEndPos, theAngles); ASSERT(pEnt); pEnt->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; pEnt->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; } if(theEntityHit && (theEntityHit->pev->iuser3 != AVH_USER3_NONE)) { // Don't hit seethroughs if(theEntityHit->pev->iuser3 != AVH_USER3_ALPHA) { outIndex = ENTINDEX(tr.pHit); VectorCopy(tr.vecEndPos, outLocation); outTeamNumber = (AvHTeamNumber)theEntityHit->pev->team; outUserThree = theEntityHit->pev->iuser3; outUserFour = theEntityHit->pev->iuser4; if(thePlayer) { outPlayerWasHit = true; } theSuccess = true; theDone = true; } } theEdictToIgnore = theEntityHit->edict(); } if((tr.flFraction >= (1.0f - kFloatTolerance)) || (tr.flFraction < kFloatTolerance)) { theDone = true; } else { vec3_t theDiff = theNormal*kHitOffsetAmount; float theLength = sqrt(theDiff.x*theDiff.x + theDiff.y*theDiff.y + theDiff.z*theDiff.z); if(theLength > kFloatTolerance) { VectorAdd(theStartPos, theDiff, theStartPos); } else { theDone = true; } // Offset a bit so we don't hit again //VectorMA(tr.vecEndPos, kHitOffsetAmount, theNormal, theStartPos); } } while(!theDone); if(!theSuccess) { WaypointReturnCode theReturnCode = WAYPOINT_SUCCESS; theSuccess = AvHSHUServerTraceWaypoint(inStartPos, inEndPos, &outLocation, &theReturnCode); bool theWaypointTooSteep = (theReturnCode == WAYPOINT_TOOSTEEP); if(theSuccess || theWaypointTooSteep) { outUserThree = AVH_USER3_WAYPOINT; outPlayerWasHit = false; outIndex = -1; outTeamNumber = TEAM_IND; theSuccess = true; } // Treat too steep as success, but mark it as nobuild if(theWaypointTooSteep) { outUserThree = AVH_USER3_NOBUILD; } } return theSuccess; } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT bool AvHSHUClientTraceWaypoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t* outLocation, WaypointReturnCode* outReturnCode) { vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; int theFoundEntity = -1; int theEntityToIgnore = -1; bool theDone = false; bool theLegalToBuild = false; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); vec3_t theNormal; VectorSubtract(inEndPos, inStartPos, theNormal); VectorNormalize(theNormal); int theNumPlayers = gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients(); pmtrace_t tr; //DebugPoint theDebugPoint(theStartPos[0], theStartPos[1], theStartPos[2]); //gSquareDebugLocations.push_back(theDebugPoint); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true ); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers(-1); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull(2); vec3_t theNewStartPos; AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPos, theEndPos, theNewStartPos); VectorCopy(theNewStartPos, theStartPos); do { gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( theStartPos, theEndPos, PM_NORMAL/*PM_GLASS_IGNORE*/, theEntityToIgnore, &tr ); physent_t* pEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent( tr.ent ); theFoundEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_IndexFromTrace( &tr ); // Trace until we hit a worldbrush or non-seethrough if(!pEntity || (pEntity->iuser3 != AVH_USER3_ALPHA)) { // If entity is a "no waypoint" entity we can't build here and we're done if(pEntity && (pEntity->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_NOBUILD)) { if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_NOBUILD; } theDone = true; } else { // else if texture is NOBUILD, we're done const char* theTextureHitCStr = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_TraceTexture(theFoundEntity, tr.endpos, theEndPos); if(theTextureHitCStr && (LowercaseString(theTextureHitCStr) == LowercaseString(kNoBuildTexture))) { if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_NOBUILD; } theDone = true; } else if(theTextureHitCStr && (LowercaseString(theTextureHitCStr) == LowercaseString(kSeeThroughTexture))) { // Not valid, but allow it to pass through if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_SEETHROUGH; } } else { // Trace texture sometimes seems to miss entities that the start point lies within. Don't count // the trace texture if it found the texture of the next entity below it // else if surface is more flat than vertical if(tr.plane.normal[2] >= 0.7f) { // and if surface isn't under water, lava, in the sky, etc. int thePointContents = gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents(tr.endpos, NULL); if(thePointContents == CONTENTS_EMPTY) { // and if there's enough room to build // we can build here, and we're done theLegalToBuild = true; theDone = true; if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_SUCCESS; } } else { if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_CONTENTSFULL; theDone = true; } } } else { if(outReturnCode) { if(theTextureHitCStr) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_TOOSTEEP; } else { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_ENTITYHIT; } theDone = true; } } } } } if(theFoundEntity != 0) { theEntityToIgnore = theFoundEntity; } if(((tr.fraction >= (1.0f - kFloatTolerance)) || (tr.fraction == 0.0f)) /*&& !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid*/) { theDone = true; } else { vec3_t theDiff = theNormal*kHitOffsetAmount; float theLength = sqrt(theDiff.x*theDiff.x + theDiff.y*theDiff.y + theDiff.z*theDiff.z); if(theLength > kFloatTolerance) { VectorAdd(tr.endpos, theDiff, theStartPos); } else { theDone = true; } // Offset a bit so we don't hit again //VectorMA(tr.endpos, kHitOffsetAmount, theNormal, theStartPos); } } while(!theDone); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); // Always set end location to show where invalid position is *outLocation = tr.endpos; return theLegalToBuild; } #endif #ifdef AVH_CLIENT void AvHSHUClientGetFirstNonSolidPoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t& outNonSolidPoint) { vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inStartPos, outNonSolidPoint); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); pmtrace_t tr; gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( theStartPos, theEndPos, PM_NORMAL, -1, &tr ); // Put this workaround in because a bug in EV_PlayerTrace means that when it starts solid, tr.fraction isn't returned (but it is in UTIL_TraceLine) if((tr.startsolid) && (tr.fraction == 0.0f)) { int theFoundEntity = -1; bool theDone = false; vec3_t theStartToEnd; VectorSubtract(inEndPos, inStartPos, theStartToEnd); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull(2); float theIncrement = 10.0f/theStartToEnd.Length(); float theT = 0.0f; int theNumIterations = 0; do { theStartPos = inStartPos + theT*theStartToEnd; gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( theStartPos, theEndPos, PM_WORLD_ONLY, -1, &tr ); theNumIterations++; // If start point is solid, bisect area and move start point 1/2 between current start and current end if(tr.startsolid) { theT += theIncrement; } // else if start point isn't solid, bisect area and move start point back towards original start point else { theDone = true; } } while(!theDone && (theNumIterations < 200)); // Always set end location to show where invalid position is if(!theDone) { outNonSolidPoint = inStartPos; } else { outNonSolidPoint = theStartPos; } } } #endif #ifdef AVH_SERVER void AvHSHUServerGetFirstNonSolidPoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t& outNonSolidPoint) { vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inStartPos, outNonSolidPoint); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); TraceResult tr; UTIL_TraceLine(theStartPos, theEndPos, ignore_monsters, NULL, &tr); bool theDone = false; // Put this workaround in because a bug in EV_PlayerTrace means that when it starts solid, tr.fraction isn't returned (but it is in UTIL_TraceLine) if((tr.fStartSolid) || (tr.flFraction == 0.0f)) { int theFoundEntity = -1; vec3_t theStartToEnd; VectorSubtract(inEndPos, inStartPos, theStartToEnd); float theIncrement = 10.0f/theStartToEnd.Length(); float theT = 0.0f; int theNumIterations = 0; int thePointContents = 0; do { theStartPos = inStartPos + theT*theStartToEnd; thePointContents = UTIL_PointContents(theStartPos); theNumIterations++; // If start point is solid, bisect area and move start point 1/2 between current start and current end if((thePointContents == CONTENTS_SOLID) || (thePointContents == CONTENTS_SKY)) { theT += theIncrement; } // else if start point isn't solid, bisect area and move start point back towards original start point else { theDone = true; } } while(!theDone && (theNumIterations < 200)); // Always set end location to show where invalid position is outNonSolidPoint = theStartPos; } else { VectorCopy(tr.vecEndPos, outNonSolidPoint); theDone = true; } if(!theDone) { // When we don't hit anything, return start point VectorCopy(inStartPos, outNonSolidPoint); } VectorCopy(outNonSolidPoint, gPMDebugPoint); } #endif void AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(float* inStartPos, float* inEndPos, float* outNonSolidPoint) { vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); vec3_t theNonSolidPoint; AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPos, theEndPos, theNonSolidPoint); VectorCopy(theNonSolidPoint, outNonSolidPoint); } void AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t& outNonSolidPoint) { #ifdef AVH_CLIENT AvHSHUClientGetFirstNonSolidPoint(inStartPos, inEndPos, outNonSolidPoint); //extern DebugPointListType gSquareDebugLocations; //DebugPoint theDebugPoint(outNonSolidPoint[0], outNonSolidPoint[1], outNonSolidPoint[2]); //gSquareDebugLocations.push_back(theDebugPoint); #endif #ifdef AVH_SERVER AvHSHUServerGetFirstNonSolidPoint(inStartPos, inEndPos, outNonSolidPoint); #endif } #ifdef AVH_SERVER bool AvHSHUServerTraceWaypoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t* outLocation, WaypointReturnCode* outReturnCode) { bool theLegalToBuild = false; bool theDone = false; edict_t* theEdictToIgnore = NULL; TraceResult tr; vec3_t theStartPos; vec3_t theEndPos; VectorCopy(inStartPos, theStartPos); VectorCopy(inEndPos, theEndPos); vec3_t theNormal; VectorSubtract(inEndPos, inStartPos, theNormal); VectorNormalize(theNormal); vec3_t theNewStartPos; AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(theStartPos, theEndPos, theNewStartPos); VectorCopy(theNewStartPos, theStartPos); do { UTIL_TraceLine(theStartPos, theEndPos, dont_ignore_monsters, theEdictToIgnore, &tr); // Trace until we hit a worldbrush or non-seethrough CBaseEntity* theEntityHit = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); CWorld* theWorld = dynamic_cast(theEntityHit); bool theHitSeethrough = (theEntityHit->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALPHA); if(!theHitSeethrough) { // If entity is a "no waypoint" entity we can't build here and we're done if(theEntityHit && (theEntityHit->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_NOBUILD)) { if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_NOBUILD; } theDone = true; } else { edict_t* theEdict = ENT(theEntityHit->pev); const char* theTextureHitCStr = TRACE_TEXTURE(theEdict, tr.vecEndPos, theEndPos); if(theTextureHitCStr && (LowercaseString(theTextureHitCStr) == LowercaseString(kNoBuildTexture))) { if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_NOBUILD; } theDone = true; } else if(theTextureHitCStr && (LowercaseString(theTextureHitCStr) == LowercaseString(kSeeThroughTexture))) { // Do nothing, but allow it to pass through if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_SEETHROUGH; } } else { // else if surface is more flat than vertical if(tr.vecPlaneNormal.z >= .7f) { // and if surface isn't under water, lava, sky int thePointContents = UTIL_PointContents(tr.vecEndPos); if(thePointContents == CONTENTS_EMPTY) { // and if there's enough room to build if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_SUCCESS; } // we can build here, and we're done theLegalToBuild = true; theDone = true; } else { if(outReturnCode) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_CONTENTSFULL; } } } else { if(theTextureHitCStr) { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_TOOSTEEP; } else { *outReturnCode = WAYPOINT_ENTITYHIT; } theDone = true; } } } if(!theWorld) { theEdictToIgnore = theEntityHit->edict(); } if(((tr.flFraction >= (1.0f - kFloatTolerance)) || (tr.flFraction < kFloatTolerance)) /*&& !tr.fStartSolid && !tr.fAllSolid*/) { theDone = true; } else { vec3_t theDiff = theNormal*kHitOffsetAmount; float theLength = sqrt(theDiff.x*theDiff.x + theDiff.y*theDiff.y + theDiff.z*theDiff.z); if(theLength > kFloatTolerance) { //VectorAdd(tr.vecEndPos, theDiff, theStartPos); VectorAdd(theStartPos, theDiff, theStartPos); } else { theDone = true; } // Offset a bit so we don't hit again //VectorMA(tr.vecEndPos, kHitOffsetAmount, theNormal, theStartPos); } } else { theEdictToIgnore = theEntityHit->edict(); if(tr.vecEndPos == theStartPos) { vec3_t theDiff = theNormal*kHitOffsetAmount; float theLength = sqrt(theDiff.x*theDiff.x + theDiff.y*theDiff.y + theDiff.z*theDiff.z); if(theLength > kFloatTolerance) { //VectorAdd(tr.vecEndPos, theDiff, theStartPos); VectorAdd(theStartPos, theDiff, theStartPos); } } else { VectorCopy(tr.vecEndPos, theStartPos); } // vec3_t theEntityPosition = AvHSHUGetRealLocation(theEntityHit->pev->origin, theEntityHit->pev->mins, theEntityHit->pev->maxs); // //VectorCopy(theEntityPosition, theStartPos); // theStartPos[2] = theEntityPosition[2]; } } while(!theDone); // Always set end location to show where invalid position is *outLocation = tr.vecEndPos; return theLegalToBuild; } #endif bool AvHSHUTraceTangible(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, int& outIndex, vec3_t& outLocation, AvHTeamNumber& outTeamNumber, bool& outPlayerWasHit, int& outUserThree, int& outUserFour) { bool theSuccess = false; outPlayerWasHit = false; outUserThree = 0; outUserFour = 0; // On client, set up players for prediction and do a PM_TraceLine #ifdef AVH_CLIENT theSuccess = AvHSUClientTraceTangible(inStartPos, inEndPos, outIndex, outLocation, outTeamNumber, outPlayerWasHit, outUserThree, outUserFour); #endif // On the server, do a UTIL_TraceLine #ifdef AVH_SERVER theSuccess = AvHSUServerTraceTangible(inStartPos, inEndPos, outIndex, outLocation, outTeamNumber, outPlayerWasHit, outUserThree, outUserFour); #endif return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUTraceTangible(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, int* outUserThree, vec3_t* outLocation, AvHTeamNumber* outTeamNumber, bool* outPlayerWasHit) { bool theSuccess = false; vec3_t theTraceStart; vec3_t theTraceEnd; vec3_t theFoundLocation; int theFoundIndex = -1; int theUserThree = 0; int theUserFour = 0; AvHTeamNumber theTeamOfThingHit; bool thePlayerHit = false; // Offset a little so we don't hit the commander VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionStartRange, inNormRay, theTraceStart); VectorMA(inPointOfView, kSelectionEndRange, inNormRay, theTraceEnd); if(!outUserThree) outUserThree = &theUserThree; if(!outLocation) outLocation = &theFoundLocation; if(!outTeamNumber) outTeamNumber = &theTeamOfThingHit; if(!outPlayerWasHit) outPlayerWasHit = &thePlayerHit; theSuccess = AvHSHUTraceTangible(theTraceStart, theTraceEnd, theFoundIndex, *outLocation, *outTeamNumber, *outPlayerWasHit, *outUserThree, theUserFour); return theSuccess; } bool AvHSHUTraceVerticalTangible(float inX, float inY, float inZ, int& outUserThree, float& outHeight) { bool theSuccess = false; // Create a start pos above vec3_t theStartPos(inX, inY, inZ - 100.0f); //vec3_t theEndPos(inX, inY, inZ - 800.0f/*-4096.0f*/); vec3_t theEndPos(inX, inY, (float)kWorldMinimumZ); // #ifdef AVH_CLIENT // extern DebugPointListType gTriDebugLocations; // bool theDrawDebug = true;//(rand() % 100 == 0); // // if(theDrawDebug) // { // DebugPoint thePoint; // thePoint.x = theStartPos.x; // thePoint.y = theStartPos.y; // thePoint.z = theStartPos.z; // gTriDebugLocations.push_back(thePoint); // // thePoint.z = theEndPos.z; // gTriDebugLocations.push_back(thePoint); // } // // #endif int theIndex; vec3_t theEndLocation; AvHTeamNumber theTeam; bool thePlayerHit; int theUserFour; theSuccess = AvHSHUTraceTangible(theStartPos, theEndPos, theIndex, theEndLocation, theTeam, thePlayerHit, outUserThree, theUserFour); if(theSuccess) { outHeight = theEndLocation.z; ASSERT(outHeight <= inZ); } return theSuccess; } const char* AvHSHUGetCommonSoundName(bool inIsAlien, WeaponHUDSound inHUDSound) { const char* theSoundName = NULL; switch(inHUDSound) { case WEAPON_SOUND_HUD_ON: theSoundName = inIsAlien ? "common/wpn_hudon-a.wav" : "common/wpn_hudon.wav"; break; case WEAPON_SOUND_HUD_OFF: theSoundName = inIsAlien ? "common/wpn_hudoff-a.wav" : "common/wpn_hudoff.wav"; break; case WEAPON_SOUND_MOVE_SELECT: theSoundName = inIsAlien ? "common/wpn_moveselect-a.wav" : "common/wpn_moveselect.wav"; break; case WEAPON_SOUND_SELECT: theSoundName = inIsAlien ? "common/wpn_select-a.wav" : "common/wpn_select.wav"; break; case WEAPON_SOUND_DENYSELECT: theSoundName = inIsAlien ? "common/wpn_denyselect-a.wav" : "common/wpn_denyselect.wav"; break; } return theSoundName; } // Values for fuser1: 0-1 means it's building. 2-3 means it's researching (see kResearchFuser1Base), 3-4 is "energy" (returns both building and researching) const float kResearchFuser1Base = 2.0f; const float kEnergyFuser1Base = 3.0f; void AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(int inUser3, int inUser4, float inFuser1, bool& outIsBuilding, bool& outIsResearching, float& outNormalizedPercentage) { outIsBuilding = outIsResearching = false; float theStatus = (inFuser1/kNormalizationNetworkFactor); if((GetHasUpgrade(inUser4, MASK_BUILDABLE) || (inUser3 == AVH_USER3_WELD)) && !GetHasUpgrade(inUser4, MASK_RECYCLING)) { if((theStatus >= 0.0f) && (theStatus <= 1.0f)) { outNormalizedPercentage = theStatus; outIsBuilding = true; } if(inUser3 == AVH_USER3_WELD) { if(outNormalizedPercentage == -1) { outIsBuilding = outIsResearching = false; } } } else { if((theStatus > kResearchFuser1Base) && (theStatus <= (1.0f + kResearchFuser1Base))) { outNormalizedPercentage = theStatus - kResearchFuser1Base; outIsResearching = true; } else if((theStatus > kEnergyFuser1Base) && (theStatus <= (1.0f + kEnergyFuser1Base))) { // Set "energy" outNormalizedPercentage = theStatus - kEnergyFuser1Base; outIsBuilding = outIsResearching = true; } else { outNormalizedPercentage = 1.0f; } } } void AvHSHUSetEnergyState(int inUser3, float &outFuser1, float inNormalizedPercentage) { outFuser1 = (kEnergyFuser1Base + inNormalizedPercentage)*kNormalizationNetworkFactor; } void AvHSHUSetBuildResearchState(int inUser3, int inUser4, float &outFuser1, bool inTrueBuildOrFalseResearch, float inNormalizedPercentage) { //ASSERT(GetHasUpgrade(inUser4, MASK_BUILDABLE) /*|| GetHasUpgrade(inUser4, MASK_SELECTABLE)*/ || (inUser3 == AVH_USER3_WELD)); if(inNormalizedPercentage != -1) { inNormalizedPercentage = min(inNormalizedPercentage, 1.0f); inNormalizedPercentage = max(inNormalizedPercentage, 0.0f); } // Build if(inTrueBuildOrFalseResearch) { //ASSERT(GetHasUpgrade(inUser4, MASK_BUILDABLE) || (inUser3 == AVH_USER3_WELD)); outFuser1 = inNormalizedPercentage*kNormalizationNetworkFactor; } // Research else { outFuser1 = (kResearchFuser1Base + inNormalizedPercentage)*kNormalizationNetworkFactor; } } string AvHSHUBuildExecutableScriptName(const string& inScriptName, const string& inCurrentMapName) { string theExecutableScriptName = string(getModDirectory()) + string("/") + kScriptsDirectory + string("/") + inCurrentMapName + string("/") + inScriptName; return theExecutableScriptName; } string AvHSHUGetTimeDateString() { string theTimeDateString(""); time_t theTimeThingie = time ((time_t *) NULL); struct tm* theTime = localtime(&theTimeThingie); if(theTime) { // 04/22/03, 16:59:12 char theBuffer[512]; sprintf(theBuffer, "%.2d/%.2d/%.2d, %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", (theTime->tm_mon + 1), theTime->tm_mday, (theTime->tm_year - 100), theTime->tm_hour, theTime->tm_min, theTime->tm_sec); theTimeDateString = theBuffer; } return theTimeDateString; } bool AvHSHUGetNameOfLocation(const AvHBaseInfoLocationListType& inLocations, vec3_t inLocation, string& outLocation) { bool theSuccess = false; // Look at our current position, and see if we lie within of the map locations for(AvHBaseInfoLocationListType::const_iterator theIter = inLocations.begin(); theIter != inLocations.end(); theIter++) { if(theIter->GetIsPointInRegion(inLocation)) { outLocation = theIter->GetLocationName(); theSuccess = true; break; } } return theSuccess; } // Also check AvHSUGetAlwaysPlayAlert to make sure some alerts are always triggered bool AvHSHUGetForceHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inHUDSound) { bool theForceSound = false; switch(inHUDSound) { case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_HIVE_COMPLETE: case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_HIVE_DYING: case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_HIVE_ATTACK: case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_ENEMY_APPROACHES: case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_CCUNDERATTACK: case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD1: case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD2: case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD3: case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD4: case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD5: theForceSound = true; break; } return theForceSound; }