- fixed issues with piemenu cursor code being enabled when spectating
- the cursor is now enabled when in an observer mode that locks the view.
- fixed bugs/exploits where dead players could first person spectate the enemy team or travel around in freelook if all spectatable players on the team are dead.
* Added server cvar (mp_freespectatormode) which controls when a player can enter a free spectator mode (orbit cam, or free roaming). 0 = never, 1 = only when spectator, 2 = Always
* Free roaming will now be part of the cycle when pressing the jump key
* The overlay is now toggled with the crouch button
* Strafing in free roaming no longer snaps to different players
* Fixed bug that would break spectating completely if returning to the ready room while in free roam
* You can no longer enter free roaming using the "specmode" and "spec_mode" console commands if it's disabled by the server
- Scale HUD with a modified version of @Toodles2You 's triapi HUD scaling
- Add commands for position, scale, and minimum alpha of heath and ammo
- Fixes sprite blurring
- Fixed nearby pixels bleeding in to the drawn sprites
- Fixed the health cross art being cut off at the edges
* Fixed bug where aliens wouldn't properly defend their hive if the marines weren't sieging it
* Fixed some stuck issues with skulks
* Added a proper debug printout for bots on-screen
* Fixed bots getting stuck on top of railings sometimes. Also hopefully fixed issues with bots aborting wall climbs for no reason.
* Fixed issue with duplicate base structures being dropped
* Fixed an issue where marines would become listless if the aliens had 3 hives up and they didn't have phase tech researched. They should continue to attack regardless
* Fixed issue where gorges would go nuts when trying to build defensive structures in an empty hive
* Aliens should be much more focused on evolving into fade/onos, including ignoring a hive under attack to first evolve so they can defend more effectively
* Reworked how bot hearing and sight combine
* Reworked target prioritisation
* Reworked when a bot should ignore a nearby enemy and engage
* Overall result is bots should have a better balance of engaging enemies and getting on with their tasks
* Bots no longer get perma-stuck when standing on the drill in Ragnarok (or similar situations in other maps)
* Fixed fades getting glued to the ceiling when trying to blink into a vent
* Fixed bots getting stuck on top of railings sometimes
* Fixed bots sometimes deciding to evolve in the ready room on certain maps
* Updated nav mesh for eclipse
* Improved hearing logic
* Improved marine combat decision making (they don't all cluster around the CC for no reason anymore)
* Bots can now hear regen sounds
- Fixed animation issues with pistol binary trigger and moved the binary triggering to client code
- Fixed reload animation not always playing
- Fixed numerous incorrect or broken alien weapon animations on every class
- Added transitional animation out of gorge building
* Fixed bots getting into a clusterfuck when multiple try to use a lift at the same time.
* Improved nav meshes for various maps
* Added new console commands for debugging to force bots to evolve
* If there is no CC, infantry portal or hives in NS mode, bots will revert to deathmatch behaviour to finish the game
* Fixed bots flying off target when leaping/blinking sometimes
* If there is no armoury to retreat to, marines won't back off and will attack (stops clustering around the CC for no reason).
* Improved the bot guard behaviour
* Improved randomisation of bot names and chamber sequences
* Fixed bug where bots would drop hives within range of siege bases
* Fixed bug where requesting turret factories and sentry turrets from the AI commander would place a phase gate instead
Bots will no longer see cloaked players, and have a chance based on cloak level, movement and size of the players. Bots will also sneak when approaching enemies while cloaked.
* Improved the bot guard behaviour
* Improved randomisation of bot names and chamber sequences
* Fixed bug where bots would drop hives within range of siege bases
* Fixed bug where requesting turret factories and sentry turrets from the AI commander would place a phase gate instead
Bots will no longer see cloaked players, and have a chance based on cloak level, movement and size of the players. Bots will also sneak when approaching enemies while cloaked.
* Improved lerk movement when it is not flying (i.e. being cautious)
* Users can now optionally add botnames.txt to the NS folder to define custom bot names
* Improved jump and blink movement
* Hopefully fixed bug with bots trying to walk between phase gates
* Fixed issue with bots constantly switching weapons when trying to reload
* Added a max AI time for a match, with bots throwing the game if there are no humans and it goes on too long (configurable in nsbots.ini, default is 90 minutes)