o Changed b_infportal.mdl and b_infportalt.mdl to reflect the new IP
o Added animation references to correctly reflect the new IP
o Made the health circle around the new IP smaller than the previous one
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@67 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Moved left side help text a bit up to prevent overlapping by help text and the chat panel
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@66 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Moved alien resource label down
o Moved the text panel down so long lines of text won't conceal the crosshair
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@63 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Changed the popupmenu to better reflect the new teammate orders
o Moved vox-sounds around to match the new menu
o Added entries for teammate orders popup in titles.txt
o Teammate order popups now fetches text from titles.txt
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@59 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Teammate popup now uses the second set of sprites, with the brackets on the side
o Added LOS check for order targets
o Fixed bug where it would not select the correct target for the teammate orders
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@58 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Implemented teammate orders/query icons
o Added sprites/query.spr
o Added new sprites/voiceicon.spr
Mantis 0000992:
o Implemented teammate order popups
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@53 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1